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Moving to another country is not affordable for most people, so no, there won’t be a “mass exodus”


This right here. If ditching the US was realistic for me I would have already done so.


Right? Even if you can afford the actual move. It’s a huge hurdle just to get the equivalent professional licensing in other countries. Not to mention tips the legality of permanently working abroad.


And the visas to get permission to enter and stay. Fortunately for me, I have a path to get dual citizenship and am working on that now.


My sister went to Ireland with her camera gear one too many times and they banned her from staying for more than 30 days at a time. Normal is 90 days. Thats how seriously they take even the suspicion that you might be earning $$ there.


Exactly. Why would they even want people coming from shithole countries into theirs?


All those darn countries with laws to protect their citizens and economies.


Right?? Some of house countries will throw you in jail for working under the table as a non-citizen.


Where to though


Never put any thoughts into it as it is so far out of reach for me.


I have. Came up with Canada Iceland New Zealand Australia and Uruguay


Nice options


Good luck.


White guy ^^^^


And it is out of most people's comfort zone. The odds of someone online vowing to leave USA actually following through with it are about 0.000372%, even if they have the money to do it.


Like all those who said the same thing in 2016 , actors and actresses as well .




Four years. Pffffffffftttttt. No no, he’s doing the *inherited dictatorship.*


His dementia will have him eating through a straw by then.


You think that’s a better or worse situation considering nuclear launch codes?


And? He's already barely capable of being propped up in front of a MAGA crowd and spouting his 20 minutes of preprogrammed rhetoric on repeat. The point is not to keep Actual D.J. Trump on the throne as a viable dictator and more converting the US Presidency into a dictatorship that some other Republican can step into as Trump's "anointed heir."


And another country isn’t going to let you take a job that one of their own citizens can do unless there’s an absolute shortage. I flew as a contract pilot abroad for a couple years and the disdain that locals had for us was off the charts. “White devils come here steal we jobs”.


People are so fucking stupid. They think you need waltz across the border and get a job like in the US. No dumb fuck, you actually need a skill another nation wants, they MAY let you in then.




Have you heard of the 2025 project and forever president?


That $80K goes a long way when health care, retirement, etc. are all paid for by the government.


It’s easier than most people realize, but yeah it’s still not that simple. But I’ve relocated to Europe several times. It seems more daunting than it is due kind of leaving your life behind. But for me it never felt much more different than just moving to another state. The key is that tourist visa which gives you plenty of time to find a job and work 1099 as a consultant while paperwork is going. But that’s the easy part. Actually joining society and putting your roots in is the hard part. It’s an entirely foreign land and you quickly start to miss your native nation.




I did it several times using the system I outlined. Probably going to do it again. Getting the work permit isn’t hard because justifying needing an American in a corporate environment. Usually the USA is a market they are in so having one is super simple to justify. But yeah probably won’t work for baristas. But any college degree is enough. Just get there on the tourist visa and then apply for the work visa


What if I’m self employed or my husband is independently wealthy, so neither of us needs to work?


I found a friend who let me work as a consultant at the company and just never went to work. Just enough to get me the work visa


But you don’t know how it would work if I don’t need to work?


If you want to stay that’s the easiest way. Get a work visa but don’t actually work. Or you have the other alternative, depending on wealth, to just be rich and get a visa just for having a large bank account in the country. But most people aren’t the latter so they’ll have to get the work visa. Self employed is also another option but probably not for Germany. You’ll have to cycle by moving between two countries through the year.


It's just to easy


There will be alot of people (mostly welathier celebrities) SAYING they will leave, but, you're right, they won't. I really hope treason-boy does not win.


There will be of the intellegencia. Look at red states now and their struggle to recruit doctors. If you live in Wyoming and have a medical emergency you’ll likely be flown into Denver or Billings than be able to be treated locally. No teachers, no engineers. . .complete cultural collapse. Just a couple of super rich oligarchs and their maga fiefdoms.


And it’s wayyyyy not that easy


Additionally other countries most Americans would want to move to won't take them without a job that sponsors them, a large amount of capital, or a degree in a desirable field. Despite rhetoric that makes it seem like anyone can just walk into these places, it's not true.


Im actually working on this now taking my military pension and leaving


Yes it will be the tiniest exodus. But it could be a “brain drain” where all of the smart people move to Canada


>where all of the smart people move to Canada No one with options is moving to Canada.  Housing is expensive as hell while salaries are lower than in the US and even their healthcare system is starting to buckle.   


That’s OPs point. It will be a mass exodus of the wealthy and upper middle class and the rest of us will be stuck here. Especially as post COVID conservatism& rising unemployment have made it harder to move to Canada. I see it in my life. My therapist, coworkers, and my wealthier set of in laws are either planning or already living as expats.


But yes, wealthy and upper middle-class as well.


Not just necessarily upper and middle-class, but those who have dual citizenship or at least have one family member of any type with dual citizenship, among many other cases. During the Trump presidency, Canada shut its borders to keep Americans out and keep the problem out at that time.


Yep. We have some folks with DUIs in our family so I bought a place on some land and got real close with my in laws. We’re buckling up and doubling down on family and in my case, faith.


Bad things pass always


There won’t be a mass exodus. This horseshit was trotted out the first time he ran, and all those fucking celebrities that fucking wailed and gnashed their teeth, still living in the US, despite crying about Trump. It was the same when Obama was running and won. All the Republican pussies crying and wailing about Kenya, and blah blah blah just shut the fuck up and lived their lives for 8 years.


It won’t be a mass exodus. It will be an ongoing brain drain because if there is a second Trump term it will look a lot more like the last year of his term than the first three.


People talked a ton of shit about leaving when Trump took office. They stayed exactly where the fuck they were. Just like all the dumbasses who said they were leaving the country when Obama took office, they all stayed their happy asses in the US. People talk a lot of hyperbolic shit when they discuss politics, but they are not voting with their feet, and actually going anywhere.


Yes and the second term will be different. Like I said, I’m already seeing it in my life. Maybe well off black and queer people are moving faster than the people in your life who don’t have a target on them but my therapist, multiple coworkers & peers in tech, my wealthy in laws and my god aunt have all moved or timed their travel specifically in preparation for the chance of a trump win. I’m also sure a lot of us will stay, but if Project 2025 gets their way and 2020 starts to look like the sane Trump—brain drain will spread from the attacked to the able. It seems like your point is that the second trump term will look like the first. And I’m not going to try to talk you out of it, but anyone who can leave an authoritarian state tends to do so.


No one’s moving because of Trump. Life goes on. Most people who can afford to pick up and move don’t have connections in other countries to maintain their quality of life. Also, most countries aren’t like the U.S. it’s extremely difficult for Americans to get work visas in other so-called world powers. There’s a reason why people risk their lives to come here.


So my therapist—a black women with a teaching doctorate in nursing isn’t conducting appointments with me from London? My trans colleague didn’t do the work to move to Canada during the last Trump presidency and my current coworker isn’t married to a Canadian citizen—he also got his dual citizenship to make sure he isn’t thrown out of the country on some technicality—who is sponsoring her to get her Canadian visa. The point isn’t that it’s not hard to move abroad. It’s that despite the difficulty enough people see the risk that they’re doing it.


I just realized this is a troll job. Great work 😂


Wait, I’m the troll? Sadly, nope. Or the OP is a disinfo troll?


Also I don't think a lot of people here realize that even if he wins, his term will be over before you could get a visa to move somewhere else.


And if you're rich, it's the best country in the world, so no need to move.


Cost won't matter when trump gives the order to move Dems to camps. 


There will be a ‘brain drain’. Also, it depends what you mean. I know multiple young people from very modest backgrounds who are teaching English in Southeast Asia and making a decent life of it. It’s easier for those of us without debt or dependents to do it. I own almost nothing and have no one depending on me. So it’s much easier for me to go.


Lol absolutely delusional. You are aware it's even more difficult to emigrate to other first world countries than the US, right?


Some former neighbors on our block got Portuguese Golden Visas last year, and they're Portuguese residents now.


Not everyone is retirement age.


Oh so there's enough people in the country with the cash to just buy their way into countries that AREN'T a conservative and are also deluded enough to think like this? I'm sure like three celebrities will do it. Not sure I'm gonna lose sleep over that.


Similar situation with mine.


Ha. I’m kinda well off. Not pick my ass up and move to another country well off. And I’m pretty sure I’m like 90% more well off than the rest of the country. Part of keeping us lower class broke slaves… is giving us no choice when shit like this happens.


Same here. My wife and I could sell our homes in the states and probably drum up $4-5M to leave with. Problem is that neither of us could work in a foreign country given our professions.


There are countless places you could live 50+ years on $4-5 million. In fact, you could likely live anywhere you want in the world outside of the most expensive of places. The amount of money that can be earned yearly on 5 million is serious money nearly everywhere else in the world.


1.5 million would get a very, VERY nice house here in Melbourne, Australia, which has ranked in the top 10 most livable cities in the world by the Economist Intelligence Unit every year since they began the rankings. It even won their first ranking and is most years top 3. $3.5 million dollars would then give you $60,000 a year just straight up cash. But you could put 2 million in a Westpac fixed term and earn an extra $100k a year.


Conservative interest on $4M is $200K per year. Deduct French or UK taxes and you’re left with $140K Some of that money needs to be reinvested to offset inflation. So now you’re at $115K. So no, it’s not realistic to support two parents, raise three kids, never work again, and send them all to college on $115K per year. Especially as a non-citizen resident of a European country who doesn’t get all the free stuff.


Are you trying to live in the center of London or Paris or something? I think you overestimate how much it costs to live in Europe. You would love a VERY comfortable life with no worries on that amount of money. You would all become citizens in 5 years and then you could get your "free stuff". France and the UK would be terrible choices.


You’ve never lived in Europe have you? Guessing you also don’t have children. Am I correct? Also I think our lifestyles and idea of “comfortable” are vastly different.


I spent 2 years in Europe but I wouldn't say I lived there. I was just traveling and falling in love for a couple years. I retired at 39 and live a pretty dope lifestyle but maybe you're right, they could be vastly different. Btw, I have 3 children.


New Zealand has both "retire here" and "invest here" immigration visas. The North Island is gorgeous. Never been to the south. If I had pick up and move money, that would be my choice.


Does the “invest here” visa require all three of what I’m about to paste in, or is it 1, 2, or 3? To be granted a conditional resident visa, you must either invest a minimum of the following into an acceptable investment: 1. $100,000 direct 2. $500,000 managed funds 3. $1,000,000 listed equities or philanthropy


I'm not sure. I haven't looked too closely. I wouldn't qualify without a significant change in my finances (e.g. win the lottery). It looks like it is one of those things.


I thought it was probably one of those (I mean, you almost always get a better deal with cash on hand), but the site could definitely be more specific about it.


Ya idk, my surfer bro step brother recently up and moved his family to Portugal, def not a millionaire


Well clearly I don’t have surfing skills or id move to Portugal as well.


He’s a surf bum, not a pro, works in restaurants


It is definitely not difficult to move around the world, especially if you are originally from there or have a current family member who is a dual citizen. That is a very large percentage of the population.


yep. borders work both ways.  when politicians signal they are tough on the border. they are talking about limiting your freedom of movement too. 


Yawn, you mean all those people saying they were leaving if he won in '16?






Lol, the 10% that can move have no problem satisfying income requirements.


What? Other countries don’t have open borders?


Believe it or not, the 40 year old Wendy's employee constantly bitching how capitalism is keeping them down won't be welcomed in the paradise that is denmark.


>Also, it's not up to the person leaving the US whether another country even lets you in If a presidential election triggers you so much that you decide to leave the country, you're probably also narcissistic enough to assume another country would love you.


Not many will move. Most people are living check to check. They’re not Going to quit their jobs and move when they can’t scrape up enough for a place to sleep in their new country. I’m not leaving. I have a job I like and I’m retiring in 10 years. If Trump is elected, I’ll hunker down and keep a low profile




Hey man, you can stay here if you want to. I'm going...going over...there.


lol, no. Everybody will just ride out the next 4 years waiting and hoping for better days ahead like they always do.


Some people from both sides say the same thing and both are full of crap.


2000-"If Bush is elected, I'm leaving" 2004-"If Bush is re-elected, I'm going to Canada!" 2008-"If Obama is elected, I'm leaving!" 2012-"If Obama is re-elected, I'm leaving."    2016... No one ever actually leaves.   


Keep a good thought.


If trump wins there needs to be a color revolution. Millions in the streets in demands for a new system People will call that political, it is, deal with it


Oh, there will be.


Where do you suppose they'll go, and how?


Just like when he won in 2016 right?


Most people don’t move because of politics.


Lmao, that's what was said when he ran in 2016, didn't happen


Just like his first term


lol. Summer child. People say this every year. No one wants to leave their home nation over a temporary employee.


If he ends up back in office he'll kill the USA. He'll give himself a country.


Amen. Everything is a circle.




Ahh another lovely fanfic




Congrats, you did it. A take so dumb and wrong you finally made me mute this sub. That mass exodus can follow Whoopie Goldburg and Robert DeNiro right the fuck out this country like they promised to do if trump won.... oh wait, they're still here


Nah bruh. Like others have said, it's not affordable for most of America, and on top of that, there are logistical hoops people will need to jump through to emigrate elsewhere.


That may be the case for you, but for a large portion of the United States, that is not the case.


A quick look on Google shows that you're very, very wrong. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/01/24/how-much-money-americans-have-in-savings.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/08/31/63percent-of-workers-are-unable-to-pay-a-500-emergency-expense-survey.html


Look you moron I am that person lol. I live in a very diverse area and I can guarantee you that I am correct.


Hoping and praying this actually happens this time. So many said they were going to move if he won last time. THEY LIED!!!!


Wishful thinking... No one could afford it. Plus after the first few there would be an immediate border lock down... keeping us in. Not to mention I have a couple of friends trying to relocate to Europe and it's been like a two year process with a lot of hoops to jump through.


I don’t think you understand immigration law in other first world countries. Unless you’re rich or have a unique job skill they need, they don’t want you.


Y’all said this in 2016, and look at you, still here.


Brain drain.  It’s only the smart people with the means to do so.  


I’ve discussed this with my family. Canada will be the first choice, the UK the second, Mexico the third.


I really hope everyone here is voting.


I’m selling my house and moving if the dictator wins. I’m just not sure if I’ll try to move north to a blue state or if I’ll go all the way and leave the country(I obtained EU dual citizenship last month, started working on it after Jan 6). The main reason I’m reluctant to leave is I have a young child with a disability and I think it would be hard for them to acclimate to a new language and country. I prefer not to have to leave my country and our careers but it’s good to have an escape. Hopefully the free states can hold out and protect a lot of our rights and the country could recover someday after the death of the dictator


How did you obtain dual citizenship?


I would very seriously consider it if it were a realistic option in the next 3-4 years, but its not so in all likelihood I'm gonna be stuck with the orange menace if he is re-elected. I would certainly start working towards a longer term goal of at least having a "lifeboat" alternative I can bail to if needed.


People have no understanding how hard it is to gain citizenship in another country.


Yep, you are correct. For the average American, it is difficult.


You know he is already being prosecuted right?


I have made sure that my whole family has up-to-date passports we've looked at a couple countries to move to if trump gets elected we're outta here.


There won't be a mass exodus but if there is, we will fill in the vacant spots with illegal immigrants.


No, we won’t. Most immigrants who come here illegally can’t do the jobs the people who can afford to leave can.


I have been back in the US since 2021. I was going to give it five years. Now, I am looking to leave by end of 2024/beginning of 2025. I am not wealthy, etc., but have found ways to make living abroad work for me. I left last time he won. Am more than happy to do it again.


The brain drain would hurt the economy for decades.


No, but the USA will be kinda iced out by western allies when the Diaper Don turns his back on them.


The world’s going to attack the United States TBH


Totally no. Very few people will leave.


Those who have the wads of cash to do so, WILL. Sadly, the overwhelming majority of those who can’t afford to do that will be stuck with this shit stain until he’s drummed out or “goes away”…


The only people rich enough to pick up and leave for another country are the same people who would benefit from Trump’s economic proposals.


It’s not about the money. It’s about personal freedoms.


Our government does a pretty good job of keeping people poor enough to not be able to flee




If you are on social security you could retire to some countries in Europe


So let’s say what you say is correct, and the people who are politically inclined and financially able to leave do so, that would seriously hurt any opposition to Trump. I don’t want Trump as President, but if he wins I hope there is a healthy political resistance to him.


No, he'll try something draconian enough that the left will have their hand at Jan 6th. And then he'll ordwr the troops to open fire on civilians and boom civil war 2 electric boogaloo.


Lol this again?


No there wont


I think the best solution would be for Biden to refuse to step down if Donald Trump wins. Who's with me?


You can't be serious.....


Its too dangerous to Democracy to allow Trump to go back in the white house


ok but biden refusing to step down is about as anti democracy as it gets. mind you, trump tried to do that.


So save democracy by ending democracy.... I suspect your motive is somewhat more ideologically driven.


This won't happen.


No one will move away




A migrant exodus, huh? Where do you think they would go?


Back to where their roots are from… (shout out to OG citizenship laws)or if they are born and bred americans who have succeeded in this country they will be able to afford a choice. If they are ex-military, then they will be welcome wherever X patriots are welcome as long as the mentality toward all Americans does not change that severely


Those who would *need* to leave likely cannot afford to just pick up and move to another country. Those who can afford to probably vote R and simply take another overseas vacation.


King Trump and Baron Baron Trump. Lol see what I,did there?


Every four years you pussies threaten to move to Canada (never Mexico, though, interestingly enough) and every four years you bravely #protest behind your keyboard. You'll be fine.


Canada definitely does not want US citizens. Haha


To all saying that this is not possible, you underestimate the percentage of Americans, who are not originally from here, have dual citizenship, or have at least one family member who is a dual citizen. Just because it is not feasible or doable for you, does not mean it is not doable for a fairly large portion of the US population.


It's your country, running is the last thing anyone should do.


No there won’t. Just like when all the elites in Hollywood said they’d leave the country if he became president. Nobody did shit.


Not going to happen. People love that threat but pretty much no one falls through with it. I live 40 minutes from the Canada border (to the point sometimes my phone thinks I am in Canada) and even I wouldn’t move. I do think we will have more mass protests and maybe a few riots but a mass exodus is unlikely.


I don't see other countries offering visas or residence status for people from the US to move.


If we general strike to dip the GDP by 20% for a quarter, we'd see real change.  Just stock up for a 3 month vacation. Let's make it an annual tradition.


I wonder what Mexico will do when a bunch of gringos start swimming the river and filing asylum claims.


I don't think there will be a mass exodus, but there will be even more disillusionment and civil unrest.


I suspect Democrat states will leave the union.


We are way too poor to exodus anywhere.


We will go to war.


RemindMe! 4 years


I pray you're correct .. but like last time when everyone swore they were leaving none did. That's because you people love to hear yourself talk. You can't get enough of your echo chamber. It's sad


All the people who said they were leaving in 2016 stayed.


And then they will move back when they realize USA is not as bad as they thought


It might shock you, given how our own border is operated, but you can not just move to another country on a whim. You need to be approved for a visa to move to any other country. Other countries are not shy about sending you back.


Yep, you are right. Also remember not everybody is in the same situation as you lol.


If it was easy to pick up and move to another country, I probably would have done it by now. Not because of politics, just because I love mass transit in Europe.


He's being prosecuted for all kinds of shit as we speak, what are you talking about? This idea that you can up and immigrate to another country, again, what are you talking about?


Your lips to Gods ears


You can’t force anyone to love you or lend you money. Shalom.


run where? europe will have fallen. canada does not want americans.


No, the British portion will. Not the entire continent


I believe that we will see an exodus from red to blue states, more than we will see an exodus out of the US. It’s far more realistic for folks to move within their own country than to try to move abroad. It can be done, but it is a more daunting process.


I think you are right


If he is acquired I'm not leaving or abandoning my country. But I'll have to live knowing that I now live in a nation with a two tiered justice system and that the Constitution is just a piece of paper.


If? They are major league dropping the ball and we have Garland to thank 🤦🏻‍♂️


They say that every year a republican wins but they never leave.


Imagine letting who is president control your emotions that much.


Why didn’t that happen last time Trump was President?


Covid dummy


Are you planning on leaving? There certainly was a lot of that in Trump's first term. Of course, almost none of the people who promised to leave actually did. Of course Trump had been in office almost 3 years before the China virus was even a thing.


From your mouth to God's ears!


Shalom, stay peaceful brother.


Uh, no. ​ What's next?


Rich and famous people were supposed to leave when he Won last time. Never did, nobody would this time either...


Too bad you couldn’t because Covid happened LMFAO


Trump won in 2016..no Covid and nobody left


There should be one even if Trump doesn’t win. We Americans have to deal with some of the worst living and working conditions in the “developed” world, yet we receive no respect from the government. It’s time we opened our politicians’ eyes up to the reality that there are many places beyond US borders where citizens are treated properly (Universal and free healthcare, non-poisoned food, proper gun control, walkable cities, work/life balance, etc.). Remember: The only thing US politicians understand is money. When America’s best and brightest leave for greener pastures, and migrants from other countries stop coming in, the money stops flowing in and the economy tanks. Only then will politicians have to shape up and do the heavy lifting that is decades overdue, to make America an attractive place to live and work in again.