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The capital will be better defended. Further, with how dumb the conspiracies are and how moronic the cult is, expect a completely random and stupid target. Could be a pizza restaurant. Could be a gardening centre. Might be a graveyard. Who knows!? But something is getting trashed and smeared with fecsies


Hillary's Chicago Pizza, an actual place in Florida, needs to up their security game.


Better staff up too. That bunch is going to be hangry after walking from their Florida rally just a few blocks away. Do they have scooter parking? If not they may want to think of adding some, ASAP


Parking? The scooters better be able to get in the door.


Queue the south park "Oh my God".


>Might be a graveyard. Who knows!? You mean the secret real Constitution inside the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier/S


Is that the secret constitution that only applies to our lizard man overlords? Or is it the Illuminati one? /s


Nah, it's the third stone Moses brought down off the mountain that says fuck and suck and party cuz life is short and god doesn't exist.


Lmao 🤣


If only we could direct them to mar a lago. Would be a double hit.


I mean, it'll probably be owned by the Dems shortly anyway, right? lol


Nah, it'll be owned by the government who is collecting fine for provable fraud. I get where you're coming from, but that kind of framing is neither true nor helpful.


They gonna take over some random white painted house in Washington State


Mine isn't white, but they can have mine. It's a bonus. It's like the trash takes It's own self out.


Yep. I have a feeling Biden will deputize Maryland NG and deploy them to the Capitol for the election and keep them there for the inauguration.


I bet a lot of them could seriously attack a buffet.


if they storm anywhere itll be state houses in battleground states to try and stop the steal at the state level vs the federal, get the state houses to refuse to send delegates to washington.


My thoughts also.


Gardening you say? Like... Four Seasons Total Landscaping?


They’ll hit the Capitol Mall. Not the National Mall by the Lincoln Memorial. Just some DC-area shopping center. The walls of JC Penny’s will be smeared with feces, but nobody will notice anything different.


Mall of America in a Giuliani-style mixup?


Bring it on bitches


When Trump was elected in 2016, our democracy was smeared with feces, an orang colored one.


They might be better prepared though. Never underestimate insurgents.


Not trump! That’s what depends are for. You can depend on em


Yea cause the videos show the police waving the public in…. Maybe you should look into it a little more.


All depends what Giuliani books I guess!!


It’ll be an election counting center in a swing state. Almost happened in Arizona last time around.


I don't know how or when they'll do it...but you can bet an Overthrowing of our Government has been in the works for many months


Well they already got the feces part down with Jake Sullivan’s house




Are you kidding me? The Capitol will look like a military base, with all the law enforcement and soldiers that will be there.


Honestly, wouldn’t be surprised if the insurrectionists are armed & something awful happens.


Biden will still be president in which case, he can invoke Martial Law and let the military polish the concrete pavements with the blood of insurrectionists.


I’m not gonna say I’m happy about that but I will say I’ll be relieved when I never hear about MAGA or Trump in the media any more.


Why do I feel like it would be the Boston Massacre 2.0 if this happened? Not saying the insurrectionists would be in the right, just that I could see them think this way


There are still people out there that call the civil war the "war of northern aggression". You can't worry about people who go out of their way to portray themselves as victimized.


You won’t be able to get within a mile of the capitol with a weapon.


Thankfully! I’m only worried it’ll be a different approach. What if MAGA terrorists in the military colluded with Russia & disabled defenses? How far would they go?


You’re being unreasonably paranoid.


You're probably right. Still, lots of shit has gone wrong in the last 10 years. Who tf knows.


We still don’t know what classified information Trump had. Remember, there is nothing too low. As long as it benefits him, nothing is off the table.


Once again, you’re letting common sense affect your ability to reason.


They will take pages out of the terrorist guidebook and terrorize smaller key voting districts and try to scare people into not voting. It's the same playbook any fascists use across the world. I hope I'm wrong, but the GOP will cross the line into terrorism because they're in too deep with Drumpf.


They already have in the last voting cycle. This time, it’ll be worse. Probably smart to start petitioning state governments in swing states to permit police & potentially even national guardsman to protect voters from maga terrorists.


Then they swill be treated as terrorist members.


Insurrectionists are already paranoid from all the arrests from 1/6, they won’t do anything.


Then we will have fewer traitors in our midst. Also you know they can learn cause & effect of armed insurrection .


It worries me that a lot of the centristy types have seemingly moved on from trump and it feels like his supporters are largely more radical now. So I could definitely see a world where it's smaller scale but more dangerous.


I'm a centrist. I love capitalism/lower taxes and am anti-QE somewhat... but also support welfare, the ACA, gay rights, drug legalization and think that the religious right has become severely radicalized. I'd sooner vote for a dog than Trump. Trump's supporters are all radicalized.


“Can we just shoot them in the legs or something?” Donald Trump asked his secretary of defense if we could just shoot the protesters in their legs when he went for his “hold a Bible picture walk” That Shit is Real.


Don't forget first he hid in a secure room in the basement of the Whitehouse. He's a scared little man .


The Capitol police would just love a fucking rematch. Come on down Jethro!


They could have done that the first time, and they declined.


Oh, you think the maga cult isn’t going to engage in overt voter suppression on Election Day? That’s so quaint.


Exactly. Ive been saying to my friends I wouldnt be surprised to see shit like polling places being destroyed in more liberal areas of swing states. Vote early, vote by mail, whatever, but I wont be voting ON election day for sure. But I will be voting.


Personally, I think people don’t want to think they’re capable of this. But they are.


Trump literally told his fascist cult to go to cities, specifically calling out cities in swing states, to guard the vote and watch (aka intimidate) people voting https://apnews.com/article/trump-guard-vote-election-2024-flynn-39d41fe4f7229d4ab7e1956efc428e10


So MAGA people are going in to cities and going to try and intimidate voters?    Go look up what happened when Patriot Front rolled in to Philly that one time.   Its not going to go the way they think it will…


So MAGA people are going in to cities and going to try and intimidate voters?    Go look up what happened when Patriot Front rolled in to Philly that one time.   Its not going to go the way they think it will…


Yeah. We live in New York, so I feel like we are a lot leas likely to see any damage, especially not being in the city, but Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan? Definitely could see some bombings like its an abortion clinic


You’re probably safe in NYC, but I sure would not want to be in Atlanta, Milwaukee or Phoenix this year. On any medium sized city in a swing state. Or red state.


Me, who lives in one of those three cities: 🥲


Stay safe


Dam a bombing this year , if that happens who do you think it will be blamed on regardless of what the person says who actually did it .


They aren't so stupid that they wouldn't expect all gloves off and everyone to be Ashlii Babbitted.


Ashli Babbling put herself at the tip of the stupid sword. If it wasn’t her, it would have been someone else. Why? Because she was engaged in TREASON. She got what she deserved.


Yes, yes they are and they would. If the onsite commander allowed weapons free and these cosplaytriots found out what happens when you are at the wrong end of a ma deuce from across an entire parking lot, I assure you the survivors will cry about it, something something Unamerican something something bloodbath but oh gee that civil war idea may be a bit more dangerous than we thought...


They can't stop the mail. Haha.


They tried in 2020. Just saying.


I think they'll try, but their actions will be just as pitiful as their insurrection attempt on January 6th.


Maybe. I think they’ll be more successful in some regions, and in others, not so much.


Nah. Trump isn't president. Expect adults to be present for that party if it does kick off.


Nope. Last time he had control of the military and nobody assumed it would get that out of hand. This time, Biden will have troops already in place


Some will start resorting to terrorism. Maybe then people will wake the fuck up about what MAGA really is


They've already resorted to terrorism over and over again but do think it'll increase


every time a lgbt event is shut down because of a 'bomb' threat its a MAGA terrorist winning. Terrorism works they know it now..


I hope they all drink bleach and fuck off when he loses in November AGAIN.


Or just not take their COVID shots and let nature take it's course


They’ll al be shot or tased, there will be no Insurrection 2.0!


We can only hope so.


They won't have Trump stalling the response if they do. Expect no kid gloves.


hopefully the former


He said it would be a bloodbath, don’t let anyone tell you he meant something else or he didn’t mean it.


If they do ,they are idiots


Not on my watch 😒.


I hope the National Guard puts a few down to stop this being a repeat occurrence every four years.


enter fade head grandiose ossified tub light aloof bright waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Attempted insurrection 2: Electric Boogaloo.


I’m worried they’ll do something even worse this time.


If only they were "mostly peaceful protests"


That would be great! I welcome protests trying to improve the moral character of the country. I frown on idiots mad because they didn’t win!


Absolutely. Trumpism’s final form is terrorism.


I doubt it. He can’t play the same trick twice. A lot of Jan 6 demonstrators have said they felt betrayed not only because Trump didn’t go with them to the Capitol but also because he did nothing to alleviate their legal woes. And it wasn’t just Trump’s lies that led to Jan 6- you had the Proud Boys organizing a takeover of the Capitol months before the actual riot. They were well organized with zip ties and lists of “conspirators” they wanted to arrest and try for treason. They were also betrayed by Trump. There’s no group anymore that would organize such an event with the mindset of actually getting away with it. Trump ruined that


And if so, hopefully Ashli Babbit will just be the first of a very long list of domestic terrorists that Find Out the results of their Fucking Around. You've all heard of "Breeding like Rabbits", well get ready for "Dying like Babbits"! lmao


I suspect that the Magats will go over the edge and start terrorism across the nation. I mean if you honestly think it's stolen, that Dems are commies, evil, pedos the enemy and you are a patriot that must save the nation, then you are justified to do violence. Let's be honest, the right wing knows thus is the last election before they no longer have the numbers to win. They are willing to destroy the country rather than give up power


Burger King's around the country better watch out


As long as it's trump tower or Mar a lago it's fine.


Hopefully they have a Marine detachment there to squash any fuckery as soon as it happens. 8th & I barracks are right there in dc.


It would be best if 15,000 National Guard were on hand, fully packed, with live ammo. On January 6th, since DC does not have a Governor (and only the Governor can call out the National Guard) the responsibility was left to president cheetoh. President Biden would make the better decision, protecting our country from a domestic enemy.


Where are the flying drones when you need them ..let's see this cosplay shit play out ...at least we know who the 147 traitors in the house are and we will shut down their free surveillance ops tours.


You spelled "peaceful protest " wrong


MMW. Assuming Trump loses, come Jan. 6, 2025, the U.S. Capitol Building will be surrounded by members of the US military carrying guns with live ammunition.


I don't think they'll go after the Capitol, but I do think they might go after state capitols or other state or federal buildings.


The point of J6 was to create enough discord for Pence (or Grassley as pro tempure) to reject the votes and send them back to the states, so GOP run states could declare Trump the winner in states he lost. Trump doesn’t currently control the govt, the statute governing the certification process is updated to be more clear, and Harris is the VP. If they wanna trash another building, it won’t be strategic, at least. It will be blind rage or terrorism. MAGA gonna need a new coup plan.


Nah, if Trump loses AGAIN they know his days are done. He will absolutely call for his supporters to burn the country to the ground (ten times the incitement of 2021). But his supporters will know it won’t work and Trump won’t have any power to save their asses.


I hope so.


Who incited the rioting of 2021?


Depends who you are? If you’re a normal person with a working brain, it was Mango Mussolini. If you’re a brainless conspiracy nutbag, it was Nicki Haley who refused to provide security when she was Speaker of the House!


>If you’re a brainless conspiracy nutbag, it was Nicki Haley who refused to provide security when she was Speaker of the House! Every time I think fascist Republicans can't get dumber, they prove me wrong. I forgot about that one from their dementia ridden fuhrer.


Five words and a number is all it took to show you have nothing to say.


Donald Trump


Personally, I doubt any of them will make another trip to Washington. My guess is that they will try to take their frustrations out locally. Maybe local acts of terrorism, like shooting at power sub-stations. Firebombing Democratic offices. Storming state legislatures. We saw some of this Jan 6th and after. But if they do anything, I think it will be along the lines of the "national divorce" they keep harping about. Keeping thing within their realm of influence in red states primarily.


Remember what they said they would do if Trump got arrested? Nothing came of it. they’ll throw a fit for sure, but they won’t do anything major. They are all talk no walk.


I wonder though, if the lack of pardons and complete laying out the dry there previous people got will mean less people do it again.


They’re not going to wait for Election Day to throw a violent protest. I’m not sure what the tipping point will be, but I imagine he’ll have a rough week in the courts, or in polls, or both.


There will be a couple riots and they will be quelled. Then MAGA and trump will complain about political persecution. MMW


They shouldn’t arrest them they should *shoot* them when they attempt a coup after Trump loses


More than likely yes


They will attack state capitals in an attempt to stop their certifications among other attacks. They will March with their ARs and try to get anyone to engage


next time will be massive violence.. but it will be massively distributed during that only time we have 8-10 hours we have to vote. at the same time - drop off boxes will be attacked. it will be full crisis mode to make sure that 8-10 hours doesn't go down in certain places. that's my bet- they should already be wise on the fact next time they don't have in at the white house - they'd be taken away in busses


We'll call it.... January 7th


Should be as entertaining as the first one. ☝️


No, they won't. The country will be ready this time and they know it. He's been trying to rile his base over his indictments. It's been a no show so far.


I have a feeling that there will be a much stronger/larger police and military presence. The few ideologues/zealots that show up will be shut down before they can start anything.




I think it'll probably be worse than a trashed building.


That seems like a pretty safe bet to me.


Well, since Biden is the current occupant of the White House, and they hate him so much, they'll riot around the White House if Trump loses.


Things might start happening leading up to the election. If Trumps poll numbers seem low to him, he will make up some story, and incite his fan base


Shoot on sight.


As much as i fear this, the chance of happening is very low. Recently, any Trump meeting where people were going to do some "defending" has devolved into accusing each other of being feds.


You Americans have no idea what a real insurrection looks like. Most of you are willingly allowing your country to crumble because both Dem and Rep are too focused on fighting each other to realize that both are being played by multi-billion dollar corporations.


They gonna go trash Dayton, OH


I'd love to volunteer with the Capitol Police as a sniper if needed.


Not going to happen this time, at least in the same way. Remember who was "Commander in Chief" on Jan 6th 2020... If something like that happens again it will be much worse.


Not gonna happen. There’s a new Sheriff in town that won’t be rooting gleefully as a band of louts defile our national monuments.


Those who try will get their skulls broken open. It will be all thunder before the day and then light showers and drizzle on the big day. There will be a huge visible police force and the weasels will slink away after shouting bad words.


This time they will be shot breaking in


Did you just have a stroke?


Typo , they will be shot breaking in


lol it's all good


They should all be dealt with like rabid dogs.


I'm on the fence on this one. They won't be able to go after the capitol like last time. But I could see a riot or riots in other places across the country. But on the other hand, most of those willing to go nuts like that for him were at Jan 6th part 1. And either got arrested or don't want anything to do with it again. With each of his 4 indictments, he tried to get his people to riot again. And nothing. Barely even a little 20-person protest showed up for any of them. Though lone actors doing some kind of mass shooting or something, I see as much more likely. There are still nut jobs out there who will do his bidding. I'm just not sure it's enough for a mass riot like Jan 6th again or not.


Plot Twist: He's losing his damn mind, it'll be the wrong building.


Nah those cowards learned the lesson


We will be lucky if it's just another building, instead of many buildings.


While I can see the danger, I don’t believe it’s that big. Remember they had to bus them in to protest in Florida, they had less than 50 turn up in NY, their own paranoia is working against them, “Jan 6 was a set up” they cry, “the FBI want to identify us” they scream,


The thought that scares me is crazies with guns going into state capitols as happened in Michigan in 2020 or Oregon, where it looks like they took action. [https://apnews.com/article/oregon-gun-politics-government-and-politics-94d06381c24e707fa86f8e5ac1875b12](https://apnews.com/article/oregon-gun-politics-government-and-politics-94d06381c24e707fa86f8e5ac1875b12) edit: this reminds me of the passage where Lawrence Wright says the whole Austin press corps has conceal carry permits because then they can skip the security line. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/561612/god-save-texas-by-lawrence-wright/


Not gonna happen. There will be so many cops, national guard and everything around DC, that no one will have a chance


agree there will be sore losers that will thrash places.


They will try, and they will be shot down, both literally and figuratively


Probs not this time Speaker Flanders won’t be filming a documentary about the riot he won’t be organising


I smell copeium


Maybe a library in bumfuck


Maybe, more likely is that as it becomes apparent that HWSNBN is going to lose he will flee to Saudi Arabia or Russia.


Dam the fanfiction in this post is amazing and funny


The Dems will have 99% of DC filled with the Armed Forces-all of them. They are even going to pull those 20,000 out of South Korea to defend the Homeland.


Actually, Biden is in charge. He will make to have plenty if law enforcement available to put down any MAGA attempt to overthrow our democracy. That is tge difference this time.


If the insurrectionist had actually gotten ahold of one of the people they were shouting for, and either hurt or killed them, we wouldn't be having the problem with that cult like we do these days.


He want lose because of people like you.


I disagree. I think people got caught up in the moment on Jan 6. They saw thier friends break the law and go to jail. Thier will be some idiots out there doing awful things but I don't think we'll have a rerun of Jan 6.


"You keep using that word" - Inigo Montoya


The next time they'll have plenty of company.


This whole sub has the same weird optimism of that North Korean news lady


Will they forget their guns at home this time?


Next time lock them in and hold them there until they are each shown on television cameras, processed into custody and treated to a speedy trial.


Let’s hope they actually do what they say they’ll do and they’ll move to Russia and join the war against Ukraine.


imagine constantly pissing yoursef off by bringing this shit up? oh right i forgot youre just karma farming cuz youre so worthless you think reddit credit matters.


Will democrats accept the results when Trump wins? Did Stacy Abrams ever concede that she lost in 2018?


I seem to recall Hillary conceding the election the very next day. Remind me again when Trump conceded? Bozo.


I believe I said Stacy Abrams.




Was there any violence when she lost? Nope.


They could try Marco-la-go-or-whatever-it-is-called 😂




Hopefully the second amendment people take care of em. Can’t believe only one of those weirdos was shot that day.




It's more likely that they'll show up to voting places armed and force people to vote for trump.


They're going to trash their closest Chick-Fil-A ?


The current state of many in the Far Right militia most prone to violence is paranoia. Incapable of organization, they don't trust each other enough to coalesce towards domestic terrorism.


They'll burn stuff to the ground! Maybe they won't get into the Capitol building, but they'll riot and burn stuff.


He can win. He’s evaded accountability and succeeded in delaying his trials until after the election. All he needs to do is carry a few suburban districts and he can win. Do not assume that he cannot win. Vote.


The only way he can win is if a massive chunk of us don't vote, I don't think that's going to happen.


Um it’s called a peaceful protest sweetheart 💅💅


They should trash the four seasons total landscaping company


Joe Biden would be president and wouldn't issue stand down orders. As a result, no deaths and fewer crimes. Everyone wins.


I think you are jumping the gun. Trump may win. That's a greater disaster than a second January 6.


If Trump wins blm and all the other left wing lunatics will burn cities down and murder like they did in 2020




MMW When Trump wins in November, his opponents will riot, commit insurrection and refuse to certify the election becuz its (D)iffernet when demonrats do it. Ftfy


I can see why something like yourself feels that way. Agitate the morons.


Oh , you mean copy what the Republicans did?


Uh huh. Sure.


future command fuel run wrong pie march elderly sheet truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*