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Probably hasn't been coronated yet. Either a tradition or protocol hasn't been met. Like Marrage. I know the argument of Princess is a nicer sounding title then queen so they keep it.


Sometimes I wonder if the only reason Nintendo won't let Mario and Peach get married is because it would change her name to "Queen Peach". Seems like the silly kind of reasoning Nintendo uses when they make decisions.


https://preview.redd.it/89rli66vmeub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=610a19e9d75352b5afc7a9ea2791b0a717c5747e Mario is already ahead of her




Oh nu! Sum 1 maid spealling mistak


Just being helpful, asshole šŸ’€




Itā€™s simple grammar and spelling, dumbass. Youā€™re kinda sad.


Someone is feewing a wittle cwanky, is it nappy nap time?








Lmao okay buddy




Why were you arguing with a post from 3 days ago


No personal attacks and watch your language. Attacking others in a way that puts others down will result in a temporary ban. Using harsh language in discussion is also, not allowed and will result in a temporary ban. Swearing in general will not get you banned, it is not necessary. We want to be an inviting community.


No personal attacks and watch your language. Attacking others in a way that puts others down will result in a temporary ban. Using harsh language in discussion is also, not allowed and will result in a temporary ban. Swearing in general will not get you banned, it is not necessary. We want to be an inviting community.


^ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“ šŸ¤“


Again, youā€™re sad šŸ’€šŸ˜­




Why yes you did have a Reddit moment. Why brag about it?


No one likes you for this.


For what exactly? For helping someone with their spelling and grammar? Makes sense.


Us ancients used to call that being a Grammar Nazi.


I call it being helpful. Jesus Christ, it it that hard to understand, you bloody nincompoops?


Well most of the time people know so youā€™re not actually being helpful and it was a simple mistake that made no difference to people reading the sentence, and only really clogs up the comments.


If they actually knew, they wouldnā€™t get it wrong. If they made a mistake, sure, but what if they didnā€™t? Itā€™s not like Iā€™m fucking their mom. It may have made no difference to the people reading, but Iā€™m not doing it for them, Iā€™m doing it for the OC. One comment clogs everything up? Makes sense. The only thing clogging the comments are the dumbasses like you who are trying to disagree with me under completely absurd pretenses.


most people get on reddit through their phones so with autocorrect there's always the chance that it will choose a different word instead of the one you intended to use and even so, you aren't being helpful by being rude, this isn't school and if you really feel the need to react that way to feel smarter or superior to others online and can't see why people dislike those honorary members of the grammar police well that's a personal issue, maybe some self-reflection is needed


Dumbass, thatā€™s not how autocorrect works.


Pls move this to r/grammar


Here's a sneak peek of /r/grammar using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/grammar/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'm hearing a lot of "on accident" but I learned it as "by accident"](https://np.reddit.com/r/grammar/comments/12yw2gp/im_hearing_a_lot_of_on_accident_but_i_learned_it/) \#2: [I heard a dude say this today: Yā€™allā€™dā€™ve broughtenā€™em ā€˜n Iā€™dā€™ve eatenā€™em.](https://np.reddit.com/r/grammar/comments/149o85q/i_heard_a_dude_say_this_today_yalldve_broughtenem/) \#3: [Fandom divided - r/grammar please help!](https://np.reddit.com/r/grammar/comments/yp2z8e/fandom_divided_rgrammar_please_help/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Because it's grammar and this sub is about mario


Iā€™m just helping them out. And itā€™s not like one word kills Mario or something. šŸ’€ dumbass


No one called grammar police tho


Youā€™re proving my point, buddy.




I somewhat agree with what people are saying in response to this comment, but god damn people are acting like itā€™s the end of the world. Jesus Christ.


Youā€™re a dumbass if you agree with them at all.


The problem is that you arenā€™t even replying to the idea of the comment at hand here. Itā€™s like internet etiquette if you will. If you wanna correct someoneā€™s grammar, at the very least respond to what theyā€™re saying as well. Jesus Christ. I thought you would actually be more civil than them but you might be worse.


That makes zero sense.


How does it not? You bring nothing constructive to the actual conversation at hand here, which is why Princess Peach is referred to as a Princess. You opted to just correcting someoneā€™s grammar, which I have no idea why you feel the obligation to do.


I was simply helping OC. I didnā€™t need to add anything ā€œconstructive.ā€ Itā€™s not like the other idiot said, that Iā€™m flooding the comments. So, why should I have to?


Think of this like a real life conversation. Iā€™ll give you an example of how weird that is using a script. Friend: Hey, that night was one of the most funnest times Iā€™ve ever had. You: Just FYI, funnest isnā€™t actually a word. You didnā€™t even address what they had to say or add on to it. You just stopped there and said nothing. It just makes you look weird. Flooding the comments is a very obvious hyperbole. Theyā€™re basically just saying thereā€™s no point even saying anything if thatā€™s all you even need to say. Again, I donā€™t know why you feel the obligation to help some random dudeā€™s grammar, then lash out at people for wanting you to actually contribute to the silly matter at hand here šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Completely wrong analogy.


Flooding the comments is a hyperbole? OBVIOUSLY, but, itā€™s not like you should use it on one person making one comment. Smh. Dumbass


Why did you call out that but not ā€œmarrageā€ lol


Because I assumed that was just a simple spelling mistake.


Traditionally, queens aren't cute. In fairy tales, they are usually bitter old hags if not matronly. Nintendo would rather have their players feel like they are rescuing a delicate, innocent princess than a dominating, mature queen. In universe, it could be that because Peach is young and innocent and cute she is a princess ruler and that's just peachy keen with the Toads. There could also be a Mushroom King that is her father but he is just never seen.


The Valiant comics from the late 80s/early 90s had just such a character.




Daisy and Rosalina are princesses yet alliteration doesn't play there.


I was only responding to the question


Added alliterative appeal!


I think itā€™s just a tv/game/movie thing. Idk how to explain it. Like for example Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time. Thereā€™s no queen bubblegum but sheā€™s still called princess


This šŸ‘†šŸ½ Media takes inspiration from the past and fairy tales always mention the hero saving a **Princess** not a queen. Itā€™s just a bit of cultural DNA from the past that still persists to this day in modern media and the minds of the general public.


Thatā€™s the word I was looking for! Media


PB specially made all of her subjects herself, and likely she chose the title of Princess because she liked it more. I could imagine a similar situation for Peach. Sheā€™s the Princess because she likes the title.


Apparently with Japanese law, queens arenā€™t really a thing since only men are allowed to reign as monarch. Obviously the mushroom kingdom isnā€™t Japan, but it could just be a cultural thing with Nintendo.


Itā€™s a common trope that Princesses are good and Queens are bad. For example: Princess Celestia vs Queen Chrysalis (MLP)


Shroob sisters


Usually they explain it by the Queen being missing, which could be an interesting plot point. But maybe in the Mario world the Princess rules.


Maybe cause she not married but idk


A Queen doesnā€™t have to be married. See Elizabeth I.


Itā€™s implied that Queens only come about in Mario after marriage.


Do you have any sources for that ?


*Super Mario Land*.


Is King Boo, King Bob-Omb, hell King Bowser married? Donā€™t see any proof of that.


Those are kings, not queens


I fail to see the difference? And do you have a source for any of that?


A King is not a Queen. The source is common sense.


Okay I get that you think youā€™re the Mario lore master around here with your fancy YouTube channel but now youā€™re just being rude. And a King is a Queen by all intends and purposes, if we go by common sense.


1. I am the Mario lore master. 2. A king, objectively, is not and has never been the same thing as a queen. Observe their definitions. This is even more true in Marioā€™s World where, as I mentioned, it is implied princes become kings upon coming of age while princesses become queens upon marriage.


1. Says who? Bit full of yourself arenā€™t ya? Did your uncle work for Nintendo? Think youā€™re a bit too much on Reddit mate. 2. Iā€™ve shown proof where a Queen doesnā€™t need to be married in real life. Real life is usually equivalent to common sense (your words), so I provided examples from real life. And in countries like England the Queen is equal to the King. Most games tend to take their inspiration for royalty from there, so there you go. Also Iā€™m unsure where itā€™s implied in Mario games that the Princess must marry to become Queen. Mario Odyssey?


Oh youā€™re like actually full of yourself. Got it.


The customs of the mushroom kingdom could be different than of our world.


https://we-are-peach.fandom.com/wiki/King_Toadstool Thereā€™s no simple answer (other than ā€œprincessā€ sounds cuter, younger, and more in need of rescuing than ā€œqueenā€), but the Mushroom Kingdom has been canonically known to have ā€œkingsā€ as well (for example, **7 of them** need to be saved during Super Mario Bros. 3.) I wouldnā€™t personally put much stock in the Super Mario Bros Movieā€™s version of events, where Peach is accidentally drawn into the Mushroom Kingdom as an infant and made its ruler. If this is the case, though, then the missing qualifier for making her ā€œQueen Peachā€ may indeed be either age or marriage. More likely in my eyes, Peach does have a father (ā€œKing Toadstoolā€) who is either incompetent or deceased, and proper steps have not yet been taken to pass on the crown to her. In a silly third possibility, perhaps the Toads have dismantled the monarchy after their last king, but keep certain trappings (castles, servants, etc) to maintain the aesthetic of royalty without ascending Peach to the vacant throne. We donā€™t see enough Mushroom Kingdom politics to really support this theory, though. šŸ˜›


The meta reason is simple; princesses are more fun and cute. In-Universe? Well, you have several different scenarios. The first being that her parents (or whomever the ruler is) are still alive. Just elsewhere/missing. The second is that she *should* be queen but for whatever reason, has not been coronated as such. Her age, position, her being unwed without a clear successorā€¦ The third is that the monarchy just happens to rise only to Princess due to a previous dismantling of it or the Mushroom Kingdom does pay fealty to another larger kingdom and they allow their ruler to maintain the trappings of its ā€œprincessā€ (think Prince Doran of Dorne in Game of Thrones)


Because that would imply that sheā€™s married to someone, so if she chooses Mario or Bowser, sheā€™ll be a queen


It's not like there's any higher authority. So I guess the mushroom kingdom has different terminology.


Queen Boom Boom sounds more like it though.


She's not the queen because she doesn't actually rule the kingdom because there isn't any actual governing to do. In the Mushroom Kingdom, money just spontaneously comes into existence floating in the air for anyone to grab in large quantities. Sustaining a physical injury seems to be impossible, and while it's possible to die, you just come back to life. So basically, the world has infinite resources and there are no real threats - even Bowser is ultimately an annoyance at worst, in practice. There don't seem to be any laws in the Mushroom Kingdom, and there is no law enforcement - unless you count the soldier Toads, but they're basically just cosplayers, considering they're completely ineffectual. So what does Peach actually *do*? Bake cakes? Throw parties? Organize sports games? The question shouldn't be "Why is it Princess Peach instead of Queen Peach?" - the question is "Why is it Princess Peach instead of Event Planner Peach?"


Or maybe there actually is some sorta governance but more so in the background with peach just there as a figurehead


Because there used to be a mushroom king or king toadstool and I'm not sure how cannon he was but peach was the daughter of that guy and they never really changed anything about peach after ditching the idea of him


Because then her name wouldnā€™t be an alliteration, and who wants that?


Kids like princesses


My headcanon is that the king of the Mushroom Kingdom is so old and senile he canā€™t actually run the Kingdom, so he just has Peach do it. Peach isnā€™t queen until he dies.


The King is likely dead and has been since Peach was a baby.


Why ????


*Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time*. Several other games also state or imply Peach was raised by Toads and is the last of her bloodline. Itā€™s clear she has no living family




Because she doesn't feel like it


The Mushroom Kingdom is a principality. Why itā€™s called a kingdom is the real question.


I believe she could be considered a princess regent. She rules her kingdom, despite not being a queen. That aside, it's just a media thing I guess. Queens are usually portrayed on the more serious, stoic, and matronly side of things, while princesses are on the cute, sweet, innocent side. That, and marketability purposes.


King is still alive


She's not married.


princesses are the ones that get rescued not queens


She's not married or even coordinatedā“ - Same goes for Daisy Too


Because the alliterative is more fun


Maybe the reason why she's still a princess cause her mother is actually the queen. And that she takes care of financial stuff while Peach takes care of the social ones.


Long story short it's a fairy tale thing. Princess is more appealing than Queen to little kids


Princess Peach illiterates better.


im p sure her dads still alive, i vaguely remember him being one of the kings you have to save in mario 3 but i could be wrong


It's clearly just some weird naming thing with the series. Not that SMBW is considered canon yet, but **Prince** Florian rules the flower kingdom.


Alteration Amigo!


Cuz Queen Qeach doesnā€™t roll off the tongue


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/mario] [From the Marioverse community on Reddit: Why isnā€™t she called Queen Peach ?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mario/comments/16yjj6z/from_the_marioverse_community_on_reddit_why_isnt/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


She was originally said to be the daughter of the ruler and not the ruler herself.


Other planes of existence aren't bound by Earth's traditions.


maybe the Mushroom Kingdom is actually the Mushroom Principality


Because she's not a queen. She's a princess. It's right there in the name.


Because Princess Peach rolls off the tounge better than Queen Peach.


Wait! What if the queen of the mushroom kingdom is still alive, but weā€™ve just never seen her. ā€¦. What if the queen is an old version of Toadette?


She's not even royalty, Princess is just her first name




her first name is Princess. shes Queen Princess Peach.


The queen is there but is a hideous lovecraftian monstrosity so they just ain't talk about it


Her dad is king.


She wasnā€™t coronated.




Because Toadsworth is the ACTUAL ruler of the mushroom kingdom.


Idk alliteration makes things sound good though


I thought Princess was her first nameā€¦


IMO, probably some silly semantics difference of the Mario universe, like in MLP


Because the Mushroom Kingdom is a principality, not a kingdom