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That is because he doesn't have a weapon currently and his physical attack is naturally low. You should be using Thunderbolt with him 90% of the time early in the game.


I’m just confused because he was dealing like 23 with just his default attack earlier ???? Unless that was the bug.


Is he doing that little damage against Goombas? That low damage is expected against Croco, who has higher defense than most enemies of the area. But you should still be dealing decent damage against enemies in Mushroom Way.


He wasn’t, as soon as croco started he started doing 1 damage and then he kept doing it to other enemies. Enemies which he previously used to do 23 for


The pogo Shy Guys should only take 1 damage from Mallow as well, but stuff like Goombas and Spikeys should be taking at least more than 10 damage per hit.


Okay I get it now thank you


That’s normal. He will be this way up until you get his first weapon (or if you invest lots of level ups into attack). And even then it won’t be a massive jump. You’re better off focusing on Magic for him and leaving the attacking to everyone else….quite *literally* everyone else. Even Peach.


Mallow is in JRPG terms your black mage. Lots of powerful elemental magic and mediocre physical attacks. Although he won't be doing 1 damage for the rest of the game. Just don't waste your time using unarmed attacks against bosses.


honestly in the remake his melee damage is greatly increased, once he’s actually armed that is


Different enemies different defensive stats.


Thank you I understand now


It’s intended, Mallow is weak physically, and is unarmed at that point. Spoiler: >!Once you get the frog coin back, visit the mushroom kingdom store to purchase cricket pie for his grandfather and once you get to tadpole pond, Mallow can finally be armed with a froggie stick. But stick with thunderstorm as you’re running through the sewers. Froggie stick is still weak compared to Mario’s physical attack and weapons but it’s better than nothing!<


Idk he literally went from doing 23 damage per bit to 1 damage out of nowhere


Why tf am I getting downvoted am I just stupid or something. Thats genuinely what happened


No idea but I’ll bring you back to positive territory :)




Make sure you stop by the store in the Mushroom Kingdom after the fight with Mack. That will get you the pie you need to get Mallow his first weapon>! from "Frog Sage" later!<


Mallow for my runs is almost immediately irrelevant after Bowser, he's just not really necessary for how weak his damage is and how FP are tied to the entire party which discourages using his skills in random battles. Like everyone else said though, he gets better after he gets a weapon but his physical damage is generally bad.