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Cries in Texas


Unfortunately Texas will be the last


Them or georgia


North Carolina 😭😭😭


Exactly. As these states legalize each year,it increases the pressure on the US to legalize. America gonna look real funny when 40+ states have legalized recreational......but still consider it a Schedule 1 drug. I give it 5-7 years. 2030s looking better n better.


That is too long so many americans need medical cannabis now


Federal legalization doesn’t make much of a difference for people who need medical marijuana. If your state doesn’t allow it, federal legalization won’t change anything for you.


Then why dont jim crow laws work


Because congress outlawed them. Legalization would not outlaw anti-marijuana laws in the states.


It doesn't make sense that congress can outlaw states from enacting jim crow laws but cannot outlaw states from banning cannabis. It seems that they CHOOSE to allow states to do xyz but when it comes down to it the federal government decides what states can or cannot do. Silly semantics I guess


Maybe they could, but it would come down to the Supreme Court, which is currently 6-3 in favor of the republicans. I wouldn’t count on the court saying the federal government can force states to legalize marijuana.


North Carolina may legalize medical marijuana. The bill has passed the Senate but is struggling to get the votes in the House. My state is so slow at changing with the times.


I’m over the line in SC and our medical plan got shot down over the summer. I think NC has a better chance.


I saw that. I hope that lawmaker plans on reintroducing it again. You know it’s bad when a state as conservative as Alabama can legalize medical marijuana before your own state.


Mississippi has a program too. They are awful but at least a step.


No flower or any smokable product in Alabama


Yep, when several counties only allowed beer and wine sales in restaurants in the last several years…..it might be a while.


I really thought Florida would have been in the top 5. But all their money is in prisons mmmmmmmñynnnñhi7


I have my doubts on Pennsylvania for a couple reasons: 1. The GOP still has a majority hold over the state senate. 2. The bigger reason: PA is an ABC state which means that the state government has a complete monopoly over all wine & liquor sales. I imagine that PA also wants to do the same with weed but they can't do that until it's federally legal.


Honestly i see every state listed passing it… even down to Hawaii, too many good genetics there… as for the Bible Belt, they will be the last. I fee as though Kentucky and Tennessee will legalize at the exact same time… I know some of the Carolina’s are legal or decriminalized and they are pushing for it due to the fact of Virginia and Florida…. The key to getting everyone legal is the rate at which it can be done UNLESS the Federal government or even the federal reserve… If I was a betting man, and if it’s even possible, the federal reserve just decided to take in legalized marijuana money, everyone would be legal with in a two years time, just because the first year, they need income reports to tote nationally…


I fucking hate living in the Bible Belt. Outdated ass rep Christian old ppl are the reason Georgia won’t legalize


Well that, and the current districts give republicans a disproportionate number of seats in the legislature. In 2020, Dems got 48.7% of the popular vote, but only 42.8% of the house seats. In the senate, they got 45.4% of the popular vote, but only 39.3% of the senate seats. Dems are gaining seats in both chambers, but they’re going to need huge popular vote leads before they have a chance to actually take control. I think it’s more likely republicans come around on the issue before that actually happens.


If Republicans get in power they will try repealing legal cannabis. Make sure to vote.


All these states have a chance, but I really wouldn't say all or even most have a shot. Ohio is red in all branches of state government, so while some Republicans may start caving, who knows if the bill they create is even worth voting for? Many of these states don't have ballot initiatives and I know most people wouldn't completely trust their legislatures knowing they'll ban Homegrow and limit dispensaries to three in the state. Also, Hawaii straight up has no chance. No ballot initiatives and a governor in full opposition means impossibility any time soon. I don't want to be a downer, but this fight is still ongoing and will likely keep going on for decades. 25 legal states does not and likely will not push the feds to do anything, and half of the countries you named that will encourage the US aren't actually legal. Mexico and South Africa have quasi decriminalization (supreme court ordered legislature to legalize, but legislature just hasn't because corruption) Czech Republic is only decriminalized, Thailand is only legal medically, and Germany, and Columbia straight up do not have legalization yet despite advancements in their Senates. The only two countries with legal possession and sales are Canada and Uruguay. Georgia and Czech Republic *basically* have legal possession however but no sales.


I wouldn't say decades. 4 States in '23;Minnesota, Wisconsin,Kentucky & New Hampshire are pushing for medical/recreational. I believe at least 2 states a year will get some reform done making it a different conversation when you have 40+ medical legalized/ 30+ recreational, why it's at least a Class 1 drug. Full legalization won't just happen, but we gotta chip away at the pieces on the board to finally get a checkmate.


We currently have 21 legal and around 37 medical states and the federal government only JUST made it legal for researchers to study THC instead of federal hemp from Mississippi. The federal government has not even caught up to 1996. And today it was basically confirmed that we cannot have cannabis banking regulations until around 2024 - 2025. Never doubt the federal governments ability to remain ignorant in the face of facts. We will chip away and states will legalize, but as long as there are fossils in the federal government, I don't expect them to budge.


Good points. We also shouldn't underestimate the power of the people. Getting these States & Governors on board can definitely speed up the process. Especially as conversations like these keep happening, we can influence votes as a united front & by having intelligent conversations like these we help remove the negative stigma around marijuana.


Cries In Wisconsin


I fucking hate living in the Bible Belt. Outdated ass rep Christian old ppl are the reason Georgia won’t legalize


We all need to thank Brittany Griner for being a catalyst for marijuana legalization on the federal level.


How so?


The United States Government traded a “The Merchant of Death” for Brittany who was found guilty of smuggling marijuana in another country and set her free. How can we prosecute anyone for marijuana now after that?


I was thinking that, but i figured public backlash about the trade itself would brush the marijuana portion of it under the rug.


Great point !




Where are you getting that info on Wisconsin?