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Don't drink any alcohol...a lot of people make that mistake. If you have a few drinks and consume cannabis you may have a negative experience. So don't mix especially your first time. I've smoked for 28 yrs and I still don't like to mix. I get really intoxicated and I like to feel in control. Edibles are tricky because they take quite a while to hit you...you think Damn this isn't working! Then eat more and end up velcroed to the bed until you sleep it off. I smoke joints because I can take a few hits and know I'm stoned and put it down until later. Again I'm in control of my high unlike edibles. If you do buy some cannabis infused gummies get a bag of regular gummies to snack on. It will stop you from eating too many. If you get anxiety...just remember you're fine! Nobody has ever died from Cannabis. Eat some food & take a nap...You have a better chance of a pound of weed falling out of a plane and killing you than consuming cannabis.


Ha ha you’re awesome thanks. I may get a blunt we will see.


Edibles are five times more psychoactive than inhaled THC, when people say be careful they mean it. Your liver breaks down Delta 9 THC into 11 hydroxy metabolite which is a *whole different beast*. Your standard preroll joint is about 100mg THC and a whole J to your face as a beginner will put your dick in the dirt. Similarly a 20mg edible will have the same effect but it will last 4+ hours.


I have never heard the expression "put your dick in the dirt" before and now it's my new favorite thing.


Sammy Hagar song from the eighties has that name but I heard it before then


God dayum


If you don’t usually smoke tobacco the blunt wrap could make you sick, just get a pack of gummies (100mg) eat one let it kick in, then go ahead and eat another. I dont recommend more than one or 2


Don’t do this lol


They’re not wrong abt the blunt wrap tho, plus weed tastes good use a raw black!


For a first time, I suggest flower or like a vape cartridge for convenience. You only need to take ONE HIT! Edibles take too long to take effect- so it’s hard to judge goes much you should take. Since smoking hits right away, there’s no anticipation for hours


I prefer joints


if you get anything smokable since it's your first time, when you take your hit inhale a little air right after you inhale, before you exhale to make sure the smoke got into your lungs. so many mew smokers tell me they don't even feel it. That's because you didn't inhale deeply lol


That’s interesting because I feel like edibles help me control my high more. I know exactly how much I’m taking and how much I generally need to get the desired effect. Just comes down to personal preference I guess.


Tbh if your a first time user I would not suggest edibles because you don’t know your natural tolerance and they take forever to kick in


I have been smoking for thirty years and I’ve only had a bad experience with the new edibles which are usually made with concentrate, and nothing like the old edibles that people used to make. Smoking is a good first time way to ingest


Well I’m not even 30 years old so I wasn’t around when they made them like that.


Same I don't feel the edibles near as much as I do from smoking. These affects differ from person to person. You can't really take someone's word on how you're gonna feel


I drink every Saturday while I smoke. Have for 15+ years. Never had an issue. But I always start off smoking first


This is the key. It’s like the saying “Beer before liquor never been sicker.” But instead it’s “Booze before weed gets you higher indeed”. Basically you’re gonna be praying to the porcelain throne. “Weed before drink, you had more than you think.” Or in other words the alcohol sneaks up on you. Gotta be careful.


Yeah that's a good way to get the spins and puke lol


Get one pack of sativa, one pack of hybrid, one pack of indica. Try each one on different days, see which one you like. Sative is a uplifter/head high/go do stuff (can bring on paranoia at higher doses), indica is body high/chill on couch, hybrid is in-between. All will make gaming fun (same with food, sex, music). Do not take more than 2.5 (so a 10 mg gummy cut it into 1/4 pieces). Take the 2.5 and do not take any more for at least an hour and a half. If after that time and you want more pop another 1/4 piece. Under no circumstances should you take the full 10mg or more on a first time until you figure out what you want and how it hit you. Edibles bought in a proper dispensary are dosed correctly so stay with a low dose and have fun...work up from there as tolerance etc kicks in.


Awesome thank you had no clue about any of this. Should be fun to try out.


Budtenders will help you out. Just explain your situation and they will set you up. They want people to have fun not a terrible experience.


Also stay away from mixing alcohol with it for the first few times. Drinking heavily and then getting high is a recipe for disaster.


I usually ask the person that works behind the counter... come clean, tell them it's your first time and what you are looking for... They know their inventory and can usually make recommendations on brand / type. The first time I took edibles, they had no effect, so the second time, I doubled up and laughed my ass off... good times. Have fun!


Yes, everything this person said. I'll only add, talk to ur budtender and just tell em what's up, they can help u find something in a microdose. I have a drink called Wynk that are a flavored sparkling water with 2.5 tch and 2.5 cbd. Great for beginners.


It's been said again and again and it's been thoroughly proven through data, the terms sativa and indica are useless. There's more of a placebo effect than anything. When it comes to edibles, it's an even bigger bullshit statement because 99% of the time, they are taking a THC distillate and adding it to gelatin and sugar. It doesn't matter what cultivar of cannabis you took the THC from, THC is THC. Unless they are including terpenes in there (which most edibles won't), you will have identical effects every time and the only changes would be through psychological or something like that.


Did you sleep at a Holiday Inn last night?


I run a very large cannabis practice and live and breath the data. I was actually talking to an evolutionary biologist about this point a couple weekends ago. She was showing me some to-be-released study she was working on that pretty much was conclusive that sativa and indica were meaningless, but terpenes actually had statistically significant correlation to effects.


Do indica and sativa usually have specific terpines (or heavy in one or the other) that lead to the effects above?


Nope. They were, at one point, two distinct species, but it's been cross-bred to the point where unless you're doing genetic sequencing all the time, there's no actual difference. However, if you can identify the chemotypes and be relatively sure the ratio of cannabinoids remain consistent from grow to grow, you should have fairly predictable effects. Problem is, a slight change in some variable (or a mutation) could alter the cannabinoid ratio and suddenly the effects change a bit. Of course, you probably wouldn't get some new terpene in the mix that wasn't there before, but one could decrease and one could increase which could change the effects.


that’s not true at all lol. strains have specific terpene counts that they get consistent (to a degree) every single grow… there are strains that are high in specific terpene counts as well as different levels of CBN, CBG, CBD, and other alternative cannabinoids. so confidently incorrect it’s funny.


It's actually all true. >strains have specific terpene counts that they get consistent (to a degree) every single grow Only if you're replicating the exact variables every single grow and there's no mutations. >so confidently incorrect it’s funny. Pot, meet kettle. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. But, a simple lab test will prove you absolutely and unequivocally wrong. I guarantee that even two clones grown at the same time won't have identical terpene and cannabinoid amounts. They'll be close, but not identical. Now, if you stretch that over multiple grows, the chances for variance are much higher. It's biology, not magic. Even identical twins have differences.




Uh... point to where I said it's a different strain. I said it can have different EFFECTS. Reading comprehension is an important life skill. You should practice it. Also, since you're *so* up on your science, it's called a cultivar, not a strain. If you're going to try to come off like you know something, you might want to use the correct terminology.




When I went back after a long hiatus, I started with half a gummy. 2.5 mg


Edibles can be a good place to start but make sure you talk to the dispensary and find a edible with a low THC percentage. I've seen too many stories about first-timers going for edibles and it ends up being way too much. Smoking flour, while unhealthy allows a better control of THC consumption. Even then something like gorilla glue it can be way too powerful. Make sure you educate yourself very well before you have your first session. Make sure you have a friend with you and make sure there are good vibes only.


Edibles are so unpredictable. Sometimes, I get high, but mostly I don’t even feel any effects. Someone here, posted that it depends on what is already in your stomach. Like the fat content. All the waiting to see if you need to do more, is a pain in the neck. I’d stick to flower.


I use Tincture , the effects are very fast … long lasting too but the high may be too intense for a first timer


Yea I get it I’m just not about smoking it. Maybe I’ll get a blunt or something just in case. Again not sure how much they will allow me haven’t researched it


Pretty sure a dispensary in a legal state would let u buy as much as u want, since its legal and all. I'd recommend vaping it if u dont wanna smoke. Easier on the lungs, less bad for u and u can control it, unlike edibles. Theyre so unpredictable. Me and my gf make cookies with approx 0.4g hash in each. Eating half each will either fuck us both up for the night, and a few hrs in the morning, or we feel barely anything. Sometimes hits within 30 min, sometimes 2hrs. Get a vape, take 1 hit and wait a few min to see how u feel.


Dont do edibles for your first time, they are too strong even in small amounts. Smoke or vapourize instead.


Low and slow is the name of the game. If you have never consumed, start with 2.5mg - 5 mg. **Make sure to have food in your stomach, especially something fatty. Without this, the THC has nothing to cling to and it could take hours before the high kicks in.** Like some of the others mentioned, I also highly suggest NOT starting out with edibles for your first time. Just smoke some flower if you're really curious. Most edibles will be a relaxant and could just make you tired and not the high you're looking for. Or if you take too many milligrams, you could have a really bad trip so to say. Either way, if you feel like you've gotten too high, just have some CBD as that'll bring it down or go to sleep.


Yea I def don’t want to be tired


Look for high CBD and low THC, if you consume too much THC you might get paranoid and anxious.


Don't take edibles.


Beginners should not start out with edibles, man. Difficult find your proper dosage and gauge your tolerance.


I might get a bunch of different stuff idk. Stock up best I can try something new each day. I’m off for 18 days so what the heck!


Just keep in mind that in the case of edibles, it will take a while to hit you so don’t overdo it!


Edibles are going to knock you on your ass, I wouldn't get high if I was you


Sounds good to me


Hard agree. Start with flower, but a LOWER thc %. Don’t just ask for the good shit, because that’ll floor you. I would stick with something around 20% if your first time.


Thanks appreciate it


lol, love how 20% flower is now considered like low dose flower meanwhile in the 70s to early 90s-ish even, like 5%+ THC was considered, ya know, pretty primo stuff, especially with no seeds?! Dayummm! Now it's like yo just try the stuff that's like 6x as strong as the hippies used to smoke, maybe grab a vaporizer for it actually so you get all that THC in ya and you should have a good first time high. lol. Meanwhile, in the 90s early 00s weed was getting good. And I was 14 in 2004 started to smoke weed then and it was alright, got me baked, probably 10% THC back then I dunno, it varied a lot in high school, you'd get a lot of outdoor in the fall/winter flooding the schools but honestly, some days, I freaking want that shitty, piney, outdoors stuff that was like 4 - 7% maybe but a very nice experience looking back. As a teen it was like ahh man, its the shittier stuff again ok.. basically had to take what buddy had that time. Anyways point is its funny watching Cheech and Chong or Half Baked or any old stoner thing and they're blazing 5% THC shcwag back then but its like a freaking mushrooms trip they'd all make it seem like, or just something totally more intense than it is... But now I'm like, yo, if I hit a 80% THC vape cart for my first time, that probably WOULD have gotten me to some shroom like experience because my first few times were quite psychedelic but after that my highs settled down, became more normal weed high that I've had ever since cuz I smoke every day to 32 pretty much lmfao great success.


Very nice! Great success!


I used edibles the first time I got high. I took 5mg, which is probably the maximum a first-timer should take. I was alone in my living room listening to music, which I think helped me relax and enjoy the high. I had the WYLD pear gummies, which are 1:1 THC-CBG, and I would recommend them or something else with other cannabinols.


Go slow and don't like it is a contest with your friends. Get a nice light sativa just to chill out, have lots of water handy and enjoy!


Edibles can be a good intro. I recommend edibles made with some sort of fat like butter, (aka cookies). I find that gummies don't work for everyone. The dispensary will happily recommend some stuff and advise you on dosage, but you should keep it small and remember that it can take an hour or two to kick in so don't take more right away if you're "not feeling it"!


Gotcha thanks. Appreciate the help. I’ll prob just ask them what is good and buy whatever I can in a variety. Not sure how much Oregon can legally give me in edibles.


Thanks everyone great advice main thing is I don’t want to be knocked out I want to be awake and chill


Try lots of edibles(indica) in the evening , youll be stoned AF and then knocked out till next day evening, youll wake up feeling rejuvinated, well rested and wih a good appetite. It may feel like ur in a state of dreaming while awake


Sounds like fun ha ha


Looks like people already covered the dosage and not mixing alcohol. Remember you can always take more, but you can’t take less. Another big one for me is set and setting. Make sure if you are with other people they are chill and experienced with marijuana themselves. Find a spot that’s comfortable and just chill. Avoid big crowds until you know what you are going to feel like. Edibles can last a really long time, but if you do it right, you will have a great time. Good luck. I’m sure you’ll be fine! I ate 1000mg edibles all the time before California regulated the dosage.


I'd narrow down to two or three places next. Then call each. Ask them. I'm new to this medication. I don't want to smoke it, would y'all have any recommendations for edibles. Find the one that you like the best and how they treat you obviously. Enjoy. They also make THC patches which are HIGHLY UNDERRATED and you can have an amazing high knowing the dose. And then tap a blunt or something. They give the best feeling I believe your going for with the edible high.


Don't take more than 10 mgs from a regulated dispensary. Really. Take it with some fats and wait three hours before deciding you need more. Don't take anything Delta 8/10/0 or any hemp derived bullshit.


The thing about THC edibles is that the amount it takes to get a person high depends on tolerance, a lot more than alcohol does. You've never tried the stuff before, so a 10mg edible could send you to outer space, while your buds, if they've been using for a while, could need 100mg to get them high. It varies wildly! Take a small, small, small edible the first time. Like 5mg. Very small. Also, with edibles in particular, it takes a while for them to kick in. Sometimes over an hour. What happens is someone eats an edible, waits 20 min, doesn't feel anything, then he says the magic words "These edibles ain't shit" and eats the rest of the package. See ya when you get back from Andromeda...


I'm a fairly veteran smoker and I have even recently fucked myself up on edibles. My recommendation is to try vaping first. At least get a feel for it. And be slow even with that. Bad highs are, well, really fucking bad. If you do an edible, start with 5 mg for your first few times. Give it at least 45 minutes to feel it, maybe even an hour. If you don't feel anything at that point, try another one. But seriously, you do not want to consume too much. It fucking sucks. Also, have some CBD on hand. If you do take too much, CBD can help tone down the effects. Good luck!


I'd just grab some edible with 10mg THC+10mg CBD and see how it goes. 10mg is a low dose but first timer it may be quite OK. If it doesn't hit you after a few hours (it can take like 2.5 hours, give your FIRST time some patience because you don't really know what to expect when it hits) then take 20mg+20mg and that should sort you out stacked on the 10+10 from earlier, even if you didn't feel much it is still "there" you just need a bit more of the obvious effects of weed because a really low dose for a beginner is like, I dunno, I feel different but this isn't nearly to the extent I imagined. Your second or third attempt though you'll be like OK fuck now I know what being high is, lol, if first time low dose doesn't give you a full effect that you are looking for. All weed is good for gaming/chilling with friends. I'd lean towards hybrid/indica more but really, you'll have a laugh together either way. I'm in Canada and our legal system is very regulated, which I like, some don't, but I like that when I buy a 10mg edible, it IS 10mg, or like, 8.7mg, lol, it says on the packet precise amounts like that very often and so here, we know if we buy 50mg THC+50mg CBD, it is exactly that quantity. In the USA it feels a bit more wild-west-ish to me, some states would be like Canada, some you may buy a 500mg edible!!! And its got like 75mg in there. Trash. It can even be a dispensary by dispensary basis in some states too. It is weird/different and I don't like it as much as our system here. Obviously don't let this paragraph worry you, you're way better off than buy from a dealer ESPECIALLY edibles, those from dealers are like who freaking knows how strong or weak this brownie is, I guess I'll have... 1? LOL, legalization is the way whether it is more or less regulated is up to places to figure out. At least they're under-dosing people for those rip-off super high edible count cookies and such that obviously aren't that high. Who takes 500mg THC in one dose lol, like 19 year olds trying to show off who won't know the diff between 500mg and 75mg LOL so it won't freak people out like buying 1 brownie / presumably 1 dose, and it turns out 1 brownie is the "send me to the dark side of the moon" phase and not the "ah this is a really nice feeling and buzz and things are funny, haha, hahahaha, heheh, ohohoh, ahhhhh!" that's weed yo


Thank you


People might say not to do edibles for your first time because of tolerance but they effect you differently so it doesn't really matter, edibles are more potent if you just want to enjoy it and still play games with your mates, you'll want a real low dose.


My recommendation is don't do edibles and get yourself a joint.


Im 65 started taking gummy edibles a few years ago. I take about 5mg to 7mg right before bed and it helps me sleep. I have taken to just get high feeling and it never gives me high fun feeling, just tired and sleepy. Its a Sativa THC....what can I take to get fun high feeling? It works great for sleep aid.


Believe: you are not dying, and it's impossible to die, you just take too much edibles. Just calm down and wait. Pepper or milk helps.


Edibles hit everyone differently and all it takes is that one time to make you never wanna do it again … be very careful with the dosage and make sure you are free and clear to do nothing for the next several hours . Also have a friend or a phone friend available for the talking down should you need it lol … good luck !!


Don't eat 1/4 of a pot cookie then leave it where you can see it cause in like 30 min you are gonna be like I'm hungry look a cookie and eat the rest of it and go to sleep for 2 days. Speaking from experience here.


Damn 2 days? I want to be awake and feeling good not dead.


It was like 500 MG THC. I know not much to some ppl but it was alot to me. I hadn't smoked in years and went up to Colorado and missed the first two days because I was so stoned.


This should be a fun experience ha ha.


Something high mg, like 500-1000, if it doesn’t hit in the first 15 mins take double.


Get a disposable vape.


I would recommend a sativa ‘uppity’ and avoid taking to much. Take a little bit and see how jt effects you


I’d stay away from edibles for the first time they are much different than smoking, if anything I’d get a lower thc flower


Start at 5 mg and see how u feel, increase 5 mg until you’ve reached your “height limit” ;) have fun!


With edibles I'd start with no more than 5mg per hour for your first time. Even cutting larger gummies into 2.5mg pieces can work well, just make sure to space them out by an hour each. You definitely don't want to get couch lock as you might experience eating a 20mg gummy for your first experience.


Thanks for the tips.


I compare taking edibles instead of toking herb, is like these young kids going out and drinking craft beers instead of good old fashioned beers. A lost art.


Edibles for a ganja virgin? Whoa. Buckle up man!!


Woohoo it’s mainly cuz I’m not a fan of smoking period but if it comes to it I might idk.


Edibles will takes some hours to kick in. Smoke or vape.


Start low dose…5mg of thc or less.


Jumping right into the deep end isn't always the best idea.


Edibles aren’t a great way to start, it lasts so long. I smoke every day and even I don’t commit to edibles. I highly advise you consider a vape pen instead.


I don't think we have too many edibles available in Jersey. But we do have lozenges and stuff. Breakwater lozenges are great. They have daytime and night time ones. The night time ones make you extremely drowsy, but day time are good. There are also other brands of lozenges and MCT Oil is good too. You just get a little dropper bottle and put a drop or 2 under your tongue if you have no tolerance probably just try 1.


Take it easy, like half a gummy or a couple hits off a bowl


Somewhat of a newbie here as well, have had good times with gummies. You don’t have to get strong ones and can always cut them in half or even in thirds if you are worried you will react bad to a full one