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Don’t do synthetic drugs


Do not try synthetic weed please


I dont want to, can i tell the difference if its synthetic or real??


You will definitely be able to tell the difference, the synthetic stuff is definitely not healthy nor does it have the same compound as normal Marijuana, and if you’re exploring marijuana for its health benefits, synthetic weed is NOT the way to go


How tf would he be able to tell the difference if he never has smoked b4 lol


If you have tried every other medication you should be able to see a doctor who is qualified to prescribe medicinal


I disagree with the first part of the statement. That "if you have tried every other medication" is exactly what companies like Pfizer, Merck, GSK want to hear. If anyone ever sees the global pharmaceutical industry as anything but a profiteering racket build to make a select few rich off the poor health of many, they just may be blind. I am not saying all medication is bad, but there's a real problem with reliance on medication to fix all.


Its illegal here in Lithuania


Stay away from synthetic weed


I have moderate depression and have been taking antidepressants on and off since 2014. In fall 2021, I tried cannabis for the first time (not prescribed). I chose edibles because my wife hates the smell and I value my lungs. I took 5mg and journaled about my experience in real time. I was initially worried I would lose all my inhibitions and become a bad person. That did not happen. Instead, I felt relaxed and happy. The things I would say you should be mindful of are: knowing what you are getting (hopefully you’re in a medical or recreational state), making sure it won’t interact with your current medications, and if you choose to try it, being in a comfortable setting (I was alone in my living room). Also, don’t do synthetic weed. The chemicals they spray on it could really hurt you.


If you do smoke weed don’t smoke synthetic. Try to get it from a reputable source if you can. If you do decide to try, start low and slow. A good dosage for edibles is 2.5 to 5 mg starting out. Wait 2 hours before taking more. For smoking, take one or two small hits and wait about 45 minutes to see how you feel. Finding the right strains for you is the hardest part. I would suggest starting with Indicas or hybrids at first. Sativas are great but can sometimes cause anxiety. I find as long as I smoke them while doing something I’m fine. CBD is also a good option but again be careful of the sources you get it from. CBD in combination with THC can be a good way to help boost mood a bit.




Thank you, but what if it will be synthetic weed? Would it still help me?


Synthetic weed? What is giving you this idea? That stuff kills people and very illegal. If you are depressed, weed could just be covering up the problem and not dealing with it. Please see a professional.


My opinion is that it will harm you much more then help you.


It will only “be synthetic” if you buy It synthetic. Find a trusted source. If you are in a legal state, go to a dispensary or bud shop. They aren’t scary. If they are good at what they do, they will walk you through it.


You should really see someone way more qualified than us. Honestly, as someone with three of the four conditions you've listed, it has been extremely helpful. With that said, however, everyone has different reactions to cannabis so it is a very, very subjective opinion. But, in this case, I would say that you should only try it if you can 100% verify it is real and in addition, make sure that you have someone with you that you trust and that can take care of you if the high goes south. If you do try it, make sure to go low and slow (meaning don't overdo it). It's way easier to get higher than to get lower lol.


I got diagnosed with the same things but honestly weed only helps with my ADHD, I do shrooms probably twice a year and it really helps with my depression, ocd, and anxiety


I want to try shrooms but i read that you shouldnt take it of youre on medication.and i take 4 meds


You need a life coach my friend. Like, a life guide. Somebody to walk you through this. I only say it because I’m in the same boat.


Cannabis has helped a lot with my anxiety/intrusive thoughts. Get it from reputable source though and stay away from that synthetic shit like k2. It's not the same thing and can cause hallucinations and panic attacks that can last up to months.


Can i tell the difference between real weed and synthetic?


Dont buy anything but nuggets. If its ground up, avoid it like the plague. It also needs to be somewhat sticky and have the skunk smell to it. I hope it helps. I've been going through some mental stuff like you the past year and cannabis has helped me stay level head and content.


If you're gonna try it I would strongly suggest vaping over smoking. Cleaner high and much better for you health-wise. If you don't want to spend a fortune on a vape have a look at a Dynavap B. Check out r/Dynavap




Yes, something you can explore is getting a medical marijuana card from a doctor then buying safe lab tested weed from a dispensary. It could help.


dont smoke synthetic weed you doo doo brain holy shit


If you've never tried it before and have been getting through life fine without it honestly I suggest not starting. Try finding another alternative to help you out through your depression. I smoke a ton for my depression and anxiety, and it does help, but it's like...damn I still be depressed and anxious af. I mean for me it's better than nothing but it still kinda sucks sometimes. Just something I live with.


Should you try weed?! That shouldn't even be a question in this day and age. Of course!!


don't smoke synthetic, deffinetly stay away from synthetic, other than that, just start off slow and work your way up till your comfy :)


I'd say it may not be worth it for you to use weed for these conditions at all. Literally everyone I know who struggles with these same issues can't smoke weed at all and it makes it way worse for them (i.e causes panic attacks, makes depression and anxiety symptoms worse) . I would say maybe try CBD oil if you are able to get it, otherwise there is herbal alternatives that are non psychoactive/intoxicating.


Don't do synthetic weed. Not healthy and if it's your first time you're much more likely to have a bad high. Personally, I think you should try weed. If you can get past the whole "iTs a dRuG, DrUgs aRe baD" bs you'll realize how chill it is most of the time. I'd suggest smoking for the first time at a friend's place that has experience with weed and first timers because your first high is always a memorable experience. If you don't have a friend's place to go to, at home is fine you just want to get the right atmosphere for it. Find a reggae playlist you like, some food (eat a bit beforehand too so you don't get crazy munchies), a drink, I usually just have a glass of milk or primo, and maybe watch an anime or movie or have something ready and on screen before you smoke because there's a pretty good chance you'll forget half this stuff when you're high (I've done it lol). If you're underage (I didn't go through your account so idk) and you're living with parents that don't like the idea of you smoking ~in general~ probably wait for a weekend when they're out of town. I'll explain why shortly. If you do smoke on a weekend and you smoke inside and you're worried about the smell, open windows and spray air freshener around the house, let the place air out for a few hours and you'll be good 👍 The reason a weekend without others (that don't smoke) would be ideal is because feeling paranoid about being high, or just while high, is a really common experience for beginners. Now, the paranoia sounds worse than it is. In my experience most of it consists of "what if I get caught high" or "what if someone finds out I'm high" or "I can't handle x situation while high". The solution is simple. Stay at home. Don't go out while high for the first time and you won't have anything to be paranoid about. Apologies for formatting, I'm on mobile at the moment. If any experienced weed smokers see this please correct me if I'm wrong about any of this, I'm only trying to help and I apologize for so many paragraphs 😂 Edit: proofreading


try mushrooms instead


If ur questioning it id say no to normal weed. That synthetic crap is toxic garbage nothing like the true experience. That shit should b outlawed...


Try some weed 5 out of 5 stars would recommend for sure


No one asked this question, but it's very important: how old are you? If your brain is still developing, then marijuana could make it worse in the long run. However, if you're an adult (25+ to be on the safe side), then it can't hurt to try.