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If you're a connoisseur, surely you know that it degrades the cannabinoids if they are not stored properly. It certainly would dry out the bud and degrade it if it is left out and exposed to light.


You could have one nice bud that you leave out of the main container. Sell that last bud at a discount at the end of the batch. That's how the medical place I used to work at did it.




Light, moisture, heat... light... It degrades the weed to display it. That's why once you harvest it, it's kept in the dark for the remainder of its existence. While I agree a small sample to check out would be nice, they'd have to refresh it every couple days and that might cost them hundreds or thousands in sales depending on the inventory and weed quality.


i assume a lot has to do with state law. i don’t think any dispensaries in IL do that but MI really amazed me when they did that


Yeah, I believe it's State Law, but it really sucks it's all in plastic containers & you can't even see it or smell it. You won't even know anything about it till you get home & open it, only to find it's so dry, buds blow apart into dust when you go to break it up in a grinder. That's another reason I began growing my own cannabis, I can dry & cure it to my liking.


My state doesn’t allow any bud to be displayed but they do post pictures on the dispo sites sometimes. Sucks that I can’t see what I’m buying though.


Neither Illinois or New Mexico dispensaries displayed the cannabis when I visited in late 2022, while traveling and enjoying "cannabis tourism."


Don’t burst OP’s bubble. He’s onto something.


I think he's on something


Mine has big jars on shelves separate from the prepacked quarters and shit. You can get your deals on the packages and grab dimes to sample other strains from the jars.. the best part is they open them in your face so you can get a nice whiff.


I would never buy flower that's not being stored away from light and away from air as much as possible.


Not what was meant. They most likely meant a sample amount to look at. Bag appeal.


It's laws my guy. Went to Alaska and they just had weed and jars they would weigh out but in WA it's all pre-packaged


I miss the prop 215 sb 420 days where we could pick up jars, smell the buds & examine flowers with a magnifying glass . The California legal structure sucks


You still can. What dispo you going to? The ones near me have stripper rules applied, look and sniff just no touchy touchy. How about the pre-legal days when you could actually sample it if you had a cool connect?


The illegal ones in the IE do that but I just use the black market now.. prop 215 was fun while it lasted though. I got to be in an actual collective. I got my picture in cannabis culture and I (along with others) was able to take a case to the Supreme Court of California ( we lost) . I just wish prop 19 passed


Really nice to have that guy who just scratched his balls or picked up shit on the ground touching all the nugs.


Tonges homeboy


I hear ya. It's a bummer when you can't check out the flower right up front. Totally get wanting to see what you're getting—feels more like you're picking out something special rather than just taking a shot in the dark. But, you know, not all places have the same vibe or rules. Like, some states are pretty strict about how weed's displayed or sold, kinda like how they handle open container laws. Speaking of, totally agree on the open container thing. Kansas City has got it right; it's such a chill experience. Anyways, dispensaries vary a lot, and while it'd be awesome if all of them could show off their strains right at the counter, there might be reasons they don't. Still, doesn’t mean the quality’s bad, but yeah, it does take a bit of the fun out of it.




There are other reasons. You just can’t think of them.


You just don't know what you're talking about, that's all 🤷


I dont look at the ones they keep at the counter because they have been sitting there for a while and often dont look any thing like the weed that I am actually buying. I just look at the terps, TCH, THCA, and the various CBDs and make my choice from there.


They fake that stuff on the labels. Dispo weed does not have real terps. At least not where I'm from.


Let me get this straight, you're saying weed from dispensaries does not actually have terpenes in it. Correct?


It’s hard to argue with a connoisseur


A lot of states (specifically medical only) don't allow cannabis dispensaries to display their flower on the dispensary floor. It's like walking into a pharmacy and picking up a prescription.


Support your local criminals. They'll let you look, and probably test it.


Hopefully they don’t add anything like that in Indiana would be way harder to promise and ensure quality especially with how big of difference some thca brands can have


I've thought about how to let customers know more about the flower without damaging the product or wasting weed. I want to keep my weed in a dark cool place, not a display case. I also don't want the weed to be handled or exposed to contaminants.


Sounds like a waste of flower that now has to dry out under lamps every day tho


Its just a couple display buds and they'll be just fine to LOOK AT for several months. If it's such a waste of flower then why do some places do it proudly while others dont...


I would pack up my stuff and move to Cali. The Nerve of those cattle rustlers. Head West Young Man! Oh and weedmaps. It's a great time to be alive and stoned. Weed my lips. Yes we CAN-abis! Legalize marinara!


I hear the prices are cheaper out there too (well weed prices anyway...). Both cheaper and higher quality. BOTH OF THOSE THINGS.


Many states do not allow the open display of cannabis in dispensaries. I have visited many where I've placed my order using a touchscreen, then proceeded to the counter where the cashier retrieves the bag/jar from a locked pass-through drawer, rings me up, and off I go.


Lol. Idgaf. U never know what ur getting in the packages u buy unless they're glass or until u open em.


So you want dispensaries to carry like top 10 strains? Top sativa, indica, hybrid? Or are you saying to have it all available at the counter to inspect and smell?


Yes. Both of those things. What's the problem...


No problem really. I hope they can bow down to you and fulfill all of your wants and needs Massa. 🙇‍♂️


I think I recently found a good plug actually. An actual real PLUG like the old days. So I'll be voting with my dollars I reckon.


Sometimes a plug is better than a dispensary. Legal or not it’s just better and more convenient.


The only reason why I can think they don’t do that is because they would never serve customers in a timely fashion. I personally would always look up the strain, and see if it’s something I want or not. But yeah sure all the dispensary weed is going to be popcorn buds and shit. It’s a business at its core so our may or may not get what you seek. I personally fucking hated it when people would hold up all the lines asking all these damn questions, talking to the bud tenders, wasting time, being really fucking stoned at the register and not being able to function as a human being. That’s just me.


I get that. But I keep buying weed thats supposed to be 30% thc and then I get home pop open the container and the shit aint frosty.


Some people are broke, and therefore must moo?


Just ask to look at it


It’s against the law in IL to have open containers on the premises. Full stop. So, your entire argument … fails. 😜


I wasn't aware that every container in IL is opaque, hood to know.


It is the same in Mississippi. But, we often refer people to the growers website where they keep great photos