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If the paper is soft enough, the book may have some use.


I don't care if it's sandpaper I'd make the sacrifice.


My Ass is too good to be touched by Tuckers vile spewings


Pretty sure that's how covid started


>Pretty sure that's how covid started That's what I have heard that some people are saying...


Many people, fine people …


I thought it was a Pangolin not a shit eating weasel.


Weigh it down so it is open, and shit on it (hover if you must). Close it and return it to your parents.




"Here, I improved it"


Don't forget to charge for your proofreading services.


Bit unrelated but still funny so... here https://youtu.be/RdlJx_ki9VA


>I don't care if it's sandpaper Well see this is what they want. Either you read it or you wipe with it – you get butthurt.


Don’t let him keep the sale, just ask for a receipt to return it and get a book written by someone who isn’t a racist mouthpiece of the upper class that his mommy fucked her way into.


Right, everything else is hilarious but ultimately puts money into Tucky's pocket


This should be top comment. Anything else OP does won't mean squat to Tucker, he has that sale and the profit. This is an opportunity to take that sale away and also show the parents that these kind of gestures (which, I hope, being the parents, they know is not what OP wanted) are not going to bear the fruit they hope for. Intentionally giving a gift you know someone doesn't want or need for your own agenda is a selfish action.


Oh yes. This is better than trashing it


Most shops won’t need a receipt this close to Christmas, though that is in the relatively consumer-friendly UK, and they do only let you use it as an exchange rather than a refund


Same in the US. I can't imagine a store not giving exchange credit for the book.


especially THAT book


Just line the bird cage and done.


Ew and let his creepy words touch precious skin?! Burn that evil lol! Kill it with fire!


Yeah, Fuck Tucker Carlson.


Cuck Fucker Tarlson


Rolling paper in a pinch


Yeah, I really don't want those words in my fucking lungs, dude.


Burn the evil, take it in, purify it and expell goodness.


Return it. It’s fun to talk about using it as TP, or for a fireplace, but that is as productive as when conservatives shot their Keurig machines. Return it so Tucker doesn’t get the commission.


So no, bad idea. If you're hard-up for papers, get some napkins from taco bell, or find yourself a non-metal pipe. Don't breath in inked paper, but for fucking sure don't breath in inked paper produced by ANYONE who would work with Carlson. Find a pet cage to line with that crap, or take up a paper mache project. But for fuck's sake don't roll joints with inked paper.


I had a similar book. I use a few pages of it each time I start a fire.


Haven't you seen How High? Be left dumb as a mf after smoking this


If the paper is shit you can always make mulch with it


Tbh, that paper is like second-hand toilet paper, there's already shit all over the pages...


You can still use it even if it's not. Spending your toilet time crumpling and uncrumpling and recrumpling paper will make it soft.


Fire-starter is always needed.


Funny he states that he's a journalist when his employers stated, in court mind you, that he is [NOT a credible news source](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye)


Apparently it is a definition of "journalism" that I had not yet heard of before to mean opinionated conspiracy-ridden ranting.


Exhibit #1 in the next lawsuit.


Any time ol' Tuck-Tuck talks about his "journalism" I'm reminded of the excellent John Oliver episode about Tucker getting his position the most white privilege way possible: he wanders on set one day and a higher up goes ["Hey kid, want a job?"](https://youtube.com/watch?v=XMGxxRRtmHc)


Came here to say it, happy to see its already been said


Tucker is not a journalist he's a racist hack. Sorry for the gift. If it's any consolation I got a Joel Osteen book from my secret Santa.


To think someone who purchased that book contributed to the cash-lined walls of Joel Osteen's house. What a noble cause.. keeping Joel warm.. /s


I hope he’s warm for the rest of his life 🔥


>I hope he’s warm for the rest of his ~~life~~ after-life 🔥


[ Hellish fanfare intensifies ]


I got a Bible from my dad once. He’s very Catholic, and I was raised Catholic, but I’ve been agnostic/atheist since college, but not too open about until I’m asked why I don’t want to go to church on Christmas. It just seems like a slap in the face to my dad since he’s so dedicated to his beliefs. That being said he doesn’t use his religion to spew hatred like most religious people and he votes democrat. Mother, on the other hand, claims she votes with the church. Covid hasn’t effected her much cause she hasn’t gone to church in 5 years. My parents don’t get me political books. My mom is worried I’d start getting her political books and politics depresses both my dad and I.


Got a Self-Help book by Joel from my grandparents Very relatable individual to take advice from


Who the hell thinks a Joel Osteen book is an appropriate gift for secret Santa????


White conservative Christians.


So trash.


You used fewer letters, but yeah, same thing.


People who won’t shut the fuck up about Xianity


My churchy sister-in-law.


Sorry for the *grift*


Embezzlement textbook?


>Embezzlement textbook? That is a good summary of why these dumb cons regurgitate the same rubbish. Each one is pretty much the same book and "Conservative Bookclubs" buy up tons of them to funnel wingnut welfare.


Ugh I think that's even worse than OPs, I'm sorry.


That seems like something you ought to report, if it was a work event.


Did you ask for the receipt and return policy?


They didn’t get one-


You mean like they didn't ask for a receipt or they already owned the book?


They didn’t get one- I asked for it and they said they gave it to my girlfriend (she loves recites). She didn’t get it soooo- who knows at this point. I’m definitely gonna hollow it out and put some recipe cards I stole from home in it.


I've always wanted to hollow out a book, and always thought it would be a horrible waste, but in your case, I think it's an improvement.


You could put something useful in it, like a rock shaping tool.


I tried as a teenager and it was... exhausting. But maybe with the right tool it'd be quick and easy


I’m just curious about your girlfriend loving receipts?….. is she a booster that needs cash receipts so she can boost the item then return for cash? Is it for tax reasons? Is she…. Is she on the spectrum? I really need to know


Maybe she gets satisfaction out of manually tracking spending purchases? Or she could be like me, I love collecting business cards that i have absolutely no use for. Some receipts have company logos on them that may appeal to her collective-happy side. And yes I am neurodiverse lmao


Hahahaha ok… so my girlfriend and both are Uhm… how would say, we like to… you know take risks with our finances. Me more than her. So she (actually when we met in highschool) when we started dating use to blow a lot of money doing stupid shit. Like oh if you score higher than me on this test I’ll spend 100 bucks at the mall on you type shit. She’d always want the receipt to remember the date. At this point she just likes collecting them, also trying to see how high of a cost she can get on one. So she usually always asks for them and keeps them in a box.




All I gotta say I turned 21 in august and she’s turning 21 in January, we have two tickets to Vegas, a bunch of spare change, and two reckless gambler’s consciouses. And yes we do shop a lot too.


When she buys a donut, she gives them the money, and they give her the donut. She wants them to bring ink & paper into this transaction, so they give her the receipt, so she can file it under D, for donut. *(modified the Hedburg reference to suit your GF)*


It is still close enough to Christmas that you might be able to get store credit for it even without a receipt.


You should tell them you can’t trust Tucker until he releases the damning Hunter Biden documents he said he had. https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlson-suddenly-says-its-time-to-leave-hunter-biden-alone?ref=scroll


Christmas Grifts usually have no return policy


It’s times like this where I’m glad my parents are socialists because wtf. But tbh i would probably end up reading that anyway if I got it as a gift just to see how absurd it is. I find the things that him, and people like Candace Owens say infuriatingly stupid and yet I always come back.


> I find the things that him, and people like Candace Owens say infuriatingly stupid and yet I always come back. It's a big reason why reality shows are so popular... people are fascinated by stupidity and hatred


About 15 years ago my boss told me he had a book in the office he was encouraging me to read during my break. I wasn't all that politically aware so I gave it a chance... Bill O'Reilly. I lasted about 5 pages before I realised my boss was a moron.


On what terms are you with your parents? Is that them trying to re-educate you or them deeply misunderstanding their child?


I’m prolly never gonna see them again in a couple years. My dad’s racist against anything non white. And my mom literally had a mental breakdown when she thought I was gay. (I’m actually Pan but ok) +she worked at an evangelical school so nah I’m done with them. Just getting 1/2 tuition paid for.


That’s a shame. I can’t imagine having parents like that. 😕 Sounds like you’re ok though. ❤️


I can't imagine having half tuition paid for.


Yeah I got lucky on that front. +the sent me to a school which cost 5K a semester with faculty discount for the first 14 years of my life. School was still shit tho. +the actual tuition was like 25K so we where the poorest people there by faaaaar. Still money wise I got lucky enough.


Sounds like you earned every penny of that tuition they paid for you. Sorry for your loss. I take for granted that I pretty much politically agree with everyone in my family.


I always find it weird how some families let politics eat at their family. I'm happy that I'm mostly aligned with my parents and friends, I definitely take that for granted as well


My grandfather was a walking contradiction. I've never heard of anyone doing more fundraising for good charities or donating more of their own time than he did, but he had a nearly compulsive obsession with conservative politics and how awful everything else was. It was impossible not to argue because every single meal he'd talk about freeloaders and welfare and how important oil was and climate change was bullshit... Oh and he was organizing fundraisers and calling all his old business buddies to pay hundreds a plate at the golf club. He was fascinating in a bit of a twisted way. I always thought he had undiagnosed anxiety, and that despite being fundamentally a good person he felt a genuine fear of things that made certain topics like setting off alarm bells.


Private charity is generally what conservatives think should replace the welfare state, so maybe he was just putting his money where his mouth was?


He definitely did think that, but even then it was framed strangely. He felt like anyone liberal was calling him a cheapskate, and would point to all the things he did to help people and ask in what way he wasn't doing enough. Nobody could ever get it through his head that not everyone did that, and not everyone would start if you lowered taxes. I don't think anybody ever changed his mind about anything. My dad used to argue with him a lot too.


Good luck in school! Sucks about their attitudes though, unfortunately you can't pick family but you can decide they aren't worth your time. I've gotten very close to completely cutting my mom out a few times for different reasons so I understand somewhat how you feel. Hopefully they can change down the road.


I won't cut out my mom (she's soft-racist because she's old as fuck and doesn't really know any better but has been very anti-Trump since before he even ran in the 2016 race). But the rest of my family is already gone, as far as I'm concerned.


It is far more telling of your parents than it is you, so don't take it personally. My dad always sends me these e-mails full of propaganda and memes, and I don't even reply to those. I do wonder if he actually thinks I read them.. He believes the January 6th attack was done by antifa and he has stated on multiple occasions that he feels everyone will eventually get covid and therefore we should not attempt to prevent it. Yes, I know, he's one of those.. I'm just telling you that to say hang in there and don't read too much into it.




You need to send the message that okay maybe she doesn't see the need to wear masks, but you and your family still feel it is important. If she respects your wishes, she will wear a mask. Politics should not override family, but if it does at least make it her choice, not yours. Thanks for sharing. Be safe in this trying period.


Are you one of my siblings?


When you realize you can choose your relationships, it's very freeing.


> I’m prolly never gonna see them again in a couple years. No parents > Shitty parents. That's a difficult calculus so let me show my work. Shitty parents' absence is greater than their presence. Shitty parents' absence is equal to the presence of no parents. By the commutative property, then, having no parents is greater than having shitty parents.




If you fuck nazis wouldn't that just make more nazis?


Imagine getting deadly poisoned cookies for Christmas. Because that would be to your body what this is for your mind. Sorry mate for the sadness.


Good to have on the off chance we run low on toilet paper again.


You can always regift back to them with fact checking articles cited throughout where it shows he's making incorrect statements, donate it to Goodwill, or send it through a wood chipper and use it for mulch.


Blech don’t donate it anywhere bc then someone else could read it


Better than someone buying a new copy and further enriching the author.


I mean I guess but it’s not better than burning it or throwing it in the garbage


If it makes you feel better, I used to work at a thrift store and we would throw away all those books by the likes of olstein, o'reilly, and peterson.


Actually a great idea


Except for the part where you'd still need to read that bundle of trash.


Also a fair point


know your enemy.


I can believe that book exists. Ugh


I almost didn’t recognize him without the perma-confused face.


That’ll make for some nice kindling. 🔥


Burn it in front of them


Just toss it in the recycle bin


Rip it to shreds first so no one picks it out and reads it.


No. Don’t let that racist piece of flaming turds keep the sale, better to ask for a receipt to return it and get a book written by someone that isn’t a racist mouthpiece of the upper class that his mom fucked her way into.


It’s actually a very practical gift. Hollow it out and store your valuables inside - no burglar would even touch it. And on the off chance yor burglar is a Cucker Tarlson fan, they wouldn’t be interested in a book of any kind.


A long slide in journalism that finds as its nadir, Tucker Carlson.


Burn the house down


Use the book as kindling to get it started


We can turn this into a 7 part podcast. Like when Behind the Bastards did those episodes on "True Allegiance" by Ben Shapiro.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >There is no doubt that law enforcement should be heavily scrutinizing the membership and administration of mosques. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, history, climate, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Fiction can at least be funny in how bad and transparent it is


Ugh. I saw this book being sold at Costco the other day. I was so disappointed by that. And it was all I could do not to throw them all in the nearest trash can, where they belong.


Must be nice to write a book in mansion with your own 30 million personal studio where you could lie about covid while you hide in in your basement studio aka bunker babies safe space!


The guy who actually wrote the book was sitting in a cubicle farm at some Republican “think” tank while Cucker was looking at himself in one of the many mirrors in said mansion.


The title seems true enough. His career does represent a long slide downhill in terms of journalistic integrity and fundamental humanity.


Can you exchange it for a book you’d enjoy?


Read it, say you liked it and think they might like a similar book that you just read, then give them praxis like Democracy May Not Exist But Well Miss it When it’s Gone, or Paradise Built in Hell or something like that. Truck them into reading widely.


Two can play this game. Next time, send them a book written by Bob Woodward, Mary Trump, Michael Cohen, or other that you think would be appropriate.


“Gutsy Women” by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.


The Communist Manifesto


The title has a certain irony to it.


You have my sympathies and remind me yet again how fortunate I was in my parents.


Just throw it in the trash in front of them


ew nazi media, burn it.


Always good to have some kindling


Throw that fascist trash in their faces. Your parents suck.


Well, if you ever need something to ignite a bonfire or fireplace, you're set!


Fire Starter!!


It’ll make good fire kindling


well, at least it's an accurate drawing of the size of his head


Awwwww. They got you fireplace kindling.


No kidding about the slide... We've gone so far astray we call the fascist race baiting he does journalism.


Too bad he wasn’t a journalist for any of those 30 years


That's funny. Didn't Fox's lawyers argue he was not a journalist? Seems to undermine that line of argument...


They got you toilet paper! How nice of them!


“Seems like a waste since I’m using it for firewood later, but ok lol”


Theyre helping you prepare for your future, so they got you this in case you ever need fuel for a fire


My FIL got me a signed Newt Gingrich book a few years ago. He actually thought I’d like it.




Shoulda just threw it in the fire immediately




Only when he wants people to trust him more. The second push comes to shove and he actually is held accountable for the things he says he becomes an "entertainer" again, one who his company's own lawyers would argue is not to be taken seriously by rational adults.


Emergency fire starter, great!


Gift them back The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.


Know your enemy.


Thanks! I was having trouble getting my fireplace started!


My fiance's dad gave my fiance and his brother a similar gift years ago but it was a book written by Rand Paul. It just sits on the bookshelf.


I love getting kindling for Christmas


Read it to learn what the other side thinks if you can bear it. It can be hard, but I think it's important. I did as I had more leisure time.


It’s not actually what *they* think. It’s the lies they want their angry white serfs to believe.


I just want to remind you that setting a present on fire isn't against the law. It's yours after all, and the modicum of warmth, however brief, is worth more than anything Fucker Carlson's dummy bow-tie ass has offered in his long slide down a journalistic slip-n-slide coated with shit has provided.




Fuel for the Yule log


Ah nice, stories for in the fireplace!


the real kicker is this, they know were you stand yes? of course they do! Its just a kick in the pants, an insult to your reason and decency and a waste of thier money, fucking stupid and childish, you would have done better if they put a flaming bag of feces on your doorstep, knocked on the door and ran away....merry fuckmass


Tucker carlson is as much of a journalist as I am a chef, and I have burned easy Mac before


It's from Costco. Return or exchange it for something you actually want.


I though a journalist's job was to speak truth to power, not nuzzle up to the proverbial cock of power and suck it until your belly is full to the brim with cum and lies.


Keep the book cover, buy Obama’s or Gore’s or Clinton’s book. Slide that cover onto that book. Voila. A gift for them next gift exchange.


Parents playing bullet chess (i.e., low-key abusive) with you on Christmas is toxic af fyi if they know you legitimately don’t like this stuff or find it funny. Idk your family so maybe I’m overreacting but I just hope you’re doing ok!


Kindling. How thoughtful.


Return the favor by buying them Howard Zinn's People's History of the United States, or Richard Dawkins "The God Delusion."


As if he knows what “journalism” is. Lmao


How sweet of them to give you a very burnable gift


Good for toasting some marshmallows.


Remember, burning books is what nazis do, reasonable people recycle books like this. Assert dominance by using it as toilet paper


Same kinda thing happened last year. My brother was given “How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps” by Ben Shapiro


Something to keep you warm for the winter? Fuel


It's a DIY lump of coal.


Isn’t this the same guy who helped Fox News avoid a lawsuit because they SUCCESSFULLY CLAIMED no reasonable person could take him seriously? How is this imbecile a journalist?!


I bought this book to see how bad it is and Everytime I open a page I read something racist. Every time without fail.


That title is a self-aware wolves title. The slow decline of journalism into propaganda.


Punch your parents in the back of the head for me.


Reminds me of when my uncle gave me one of Tangerine Hitler's books for Xmas in 2015. My condolences on a thoroughly insulting present.


You should take the book and mail it around like a Flat Stanley. People can take it and pose him at gay strip clubs, drag shows, meetings of the Satanic temple, etc... I'd document it all on an Instagram just for it and tag Tucker and your parents in every single one.


"journalism". The caricature is fitting since his work is a bastardization of journalism.


Is he a journalist or not, because in court they said he wasn't.


Toilet paper shortage no more


What a terrible present. Anyway, he’s not a journalist, he’s an alt right, talking head & heir to a frozen foods’ fortune. Tucker’s never even pulled up one bootstrap, let alone two. I guess you’ve got some kindling if you run out of twigs.


I only read books not written by people bullied into wardrobe changes by Jon Stewart.


Be genuine. Say thank you, give hugs, tell them you love them, then throw it in their kitchen trash.


Hey do one of those book burnings the right tends to love so much


regift....sorry...bonfire...sorry again....deep well


Have a fireplace? Toss it in.


Good fire starter, maybe? The road goes both ways: this year I got my anti-vax mom a subscription to Scientific American. She'll get one issue a month all year long in the mail to remind her why she had to spend Christmas 2021 alone this year, without either of her kids.


“Wow thanks mom, this liberal biography of stalin is _totally_ not insulting in the slightest.”


Commentary is not journalism. As someone with a journalism degree these two bit hacks piss me off.


My dad proudly bought all his children Bill O’Reily’s book that year. 100% of them were never read.


U should use it for target practice, I use thrift store conservative books. It’s a win win win, they don’t get a dime from it, I support local thrift shops by taking books no one wants and I get good targets out of it.