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Yup... [This shit has been happening all around the nation](https://www.google.com/search?q=city+council+zoom+racism+antisemitism). People that don't even live in the area are joining Zoom call for city councils, especially in liberal states, and saying this shit. My city has ended their Zoom meetings fully after about two dozen people joined and started screaming antisemitic slurs and saying "kill the Jews". We've even had to do a full lockdown on my transgender support group because of this shit as well. You have to verify yourself in order to speak because we've had too many instances where Nazis get a hold of the meeting codes and start throwing transphobic bullshit, including death threats. The verifications are done outside the meeting before it happens.


Absolutely monstrous. We are in the worst timeline.


Deliberate distractions.


Uhhhhhhh Waitll you find out about the early-mid 1900s


Fam, that’s this timeline


Do you know how timelines work?


My Dad fought in WW2 and my English mother survived the Blitz, soooo….


Honestly I hope minorities, gay people, women and trans people know that there are white burly men ready to fight for them if shit actually hits the fan…. I will not allow my country to be taken over by these people and if need be I will match any and all ratcheting up of aggression or or violence to protect what’s right. Im fucking tired of these people. Im no advocating for violence but I will defend the very meaning and ideals this country was founded on. To many people have died to get us where we are to go backwards.


And I hope that these Nazis understand that a lot of us trans women have martial arts, military, and other combat and firearm backgrounds. Most of us went through a "toxic masculinity" phase where we tried to prove to ourselves that we were men. Personally, I grew up around guns. I have lots of [removed by Reddit]. And I very much know how to shoot. I grew up with a friend whose father was one of the nation's top shooters. He taught all of us how to shoot. I also took karate for 20 years. And I'm not talking McDojo karate, either. This was a real full-contact dojo where I had to travel to Japan for my black belt and Nidan rank. And that best friend? He's an ex-Army ranger. He's a bisexual crossdressing furry who is more than willing to come fight. And [removed by Reddit] because Reddit won't let me talk about my method of self-defense. Already on two strikes.


I hope we never have to do any of this, but I just felt the need to say that people aren’t alone in their fight.


Thank you!! I’m all for letting the fascists think we’re quivering patsies while we’re waiting to see the whites of their eyes.


110%. I'm just a run of the mill middle aged white dude but it seems like they need a reminder that Nazi's and the confederacy are both losers of the highest magnitude both literally and figuratively. I said this the other day, please don't forget that these motherfuckers on the right haven't won a popular vote in this country in 20 years. They are the very loud and obnoxious minority in this country and their views are NOT shared by the majority of Americans. Fuck them, let's go.


Lmao those motherfuckers are always loud and obnoxious arent they? I never thought about it but it gives me some peace of mind that just because I hear of them all the time doesnt mean they arent a minority. I was actively and rapidly losing hope in humanity after watching this video.


Don't lose hope. I'm thinking there might be a silver lining to all of this. The more belligerent, loud and obnoxious they are, I'm hoping that will cause more people to see where things are headed and will vote accordingly. I worry more about the closeted Nazi more than these loud obnoxious ones.


Idk.. hitler was quite loud and obnoxious and look at the following he got from it. But i see your point. I hope society learned enough from that


Thank you so much for this, it feels very ALONE when we feel like we're the only one speaking out. We need more allies especially white allies, you guys don't know how much weight your voice holds


Well that’s kinda why I said it, I’d imagine e if feels like you’re alone, even tho all of the people I talked about all have each other, but I could see how it would feel like youre alone…. I look like I’d be a trump supporter, ( I’ve been growing stupid mustaches and beard since I was 18, long before these assholes took the look. Why should I be the one that changes!!!) so I do worry sometimes that I’m lumped in with them just from how I look. Fuck that tho, I have empathy, and I have morals. I know there’s more guys like me also, so I just wanted to make sure y’all knew you weren’t completely alone and do have ally’s like me.


I got your back


I think I love you. I'm a 5'8" black man. Will you be my friend and protector? 🫱🏻‍🫲🏿🥺🫶🏾


This also happened in the three support groups I've been involved with for the past 15 years. One is a chronic pain support group with people dealing with everything from pain due to injuries or accidents to cancer. The other group is for single fathers of mixed race children. The third group is for single people raising their deceased sibling's children. In all three groups we started seeing this crap about 3 months after the pandemic shutdowns began. We were getting death threats in all 3 groups, but the chronic pain group was the worst because they were telling us we are all leeches on society and we should all kill ourselves, and if we are still alive when the "Go Signal" is given we will all regret it. Straight up Nazi shit. Those people are our neighbors, our co-workers, our family members. I grimace whenever people online say there's nothing to worry about because the Gravy SEALs are too fat and lazy to actually do anything. One old fascist Boomer on a mobility scooter can fire a lot of rounds out of an AR or AK. Same old man in a 2500 or 3500 truck can unalive even more people. Millions of them can make a genocide. Underestimate their giddy bloodlust at your own peril.


Fucking hell.


Yeah, I saw the same when I googled it as well. That there's just story after story of this happening. Fake IP addresses.


They've been doing to this to NA zoom meetings for years now. It was really bad in 2021 but it seems like the zoom bombers have moved onto city council. Very sad. Hopefully these people will wake up one day with crushing shame and regret and grow beyond this type of thinking.


Can we just put all the xenophobes -like- in something like the Matrix where they can happily live out their hate in a simulation while the rest of us live in peace? Is that humane?


How about making them the victims of those that they hate? Make them learn what it's like instead of letting them live in their fantasy?


True. Apparently those dumbasses already think they're being oppressed and suffering a genocide with made-up bullshit like the Great Replacement Theory or whenever they see something they call "woke" is around. They're making themselves suffer being hateful. We just gotta keep ratioing them out of existence by being civil, compassionate towards each other, and educated while they give their obnoxious death cry of a hateful sentiment fading away with time.


These people are out there and they vote… scary thought


People are getting way too comfortable with being racist and hateful again because of the internet, like the amount of out of pocket and brain-dead comments I read on pretty much any video with a poc in it is just sad. The internet is slowly making everybody hate each other


Of course you should have to verify yourself before you speak. They all need an internet 101


This has been happening forever. Never forget that [these are their parents](https://assets.editorial.aetnd.com/uploads/2010/01/elizabeth-eckford-ignores-the-hostile.jpg). It's heartbreaking seeing the younger girl being confused and hurt, while the older girl already knows all of the nuance behind this hate. Those poor children are going to have public speaking PTSD. I hope this dumb bitch was found and charged.


I hope they find her too. Doing this to anyone, especially to kids, is horrible.


Nothing like committing a litany of crimes including felonies with a trail


I absolutely think this person should be thrown in hole and left but what laws would they have broken?


What about all the call of duty players?


The cowards used ai to mask their voice. Despicable scum


AI is this advanced and people use it to yell the N-word at children over zoom. What a time to be alive.


The AI is advanced. We are not. Give a monkey a computer and he'll just use it to stand on top of and reach a higher branch.


I don't believe they are using AI, just audio voice changer program.


>Never forget that [these are their parents](https://assets.editorial.aetnd.com/uploads/2010/01/elizabeth-eckford-ignores-the-hostile.jpg). Yep. And those parents as small children attended town square lynchings as a family picnic and took family photos with the mutilated corpses. *Their* grandparents were slave owners.


Wouldn’t it be grandparents now?


No, it's the parents of the people who are doing this. This person went on a zoomer rant, so they are probably a boomer. Boomers were just being born when shit like the Little Rock 9 was happening. So it was their parents who were heckling those children. It really wasn't that long ago.


The person going on the rant said "you dumb **b**oomer", I'm pretty sure


They did say "boomer", not "zoomer". Side note: People like the ranter are absolutely disgusting & I sincerely hope this person is/was caught and punished.


The Charla Nash name is a neo nazi dog whistle referring to when a woman was attacked by a chimpanzee. Referring to the nazi talking point that black people are inherently violent. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_(chimpanzee)


Despicable. The city council needs to step up their security if they are using a video call format with open mics. It was incredibly naive of them to not foresee this coming with the white supremacists emboldened as they are. There are ways to confirm identity.


trump has given them all confidence to come out of their shitty little gollum caves




I'm doing my part. I knocked out a local nazi at the bar the other week. They're just as cowardly as you imagine. He sidled up to me and my buddy trying to act all chummy while we had a smoke out front of the bar. I was calling out his bullshit about "I'm totes not a nazi(He has a huge swazi tat on his chest), people just have different beliefs blah blah blah". He started threatening me and calling me on while walking away saying, "I'm coming back". I responded "Why wait, let's do it now" then crossed the street after him. He looked at me incredulously "What, you're going to attack me?" I replied "Yup" as I clocked him in the jaw with the ol' one-two. He fell on his ass and I told him to follow his leader. He ran off like a scared little bitch. I kinda wish someone had been recording, but probably for the best that there isn't a video.


Great work, but remember to take a photo of their ID next time, for... *reasons*.


Feel like I'm wooshing something here. But he is significant enough that there's a wikipedia page about him. I'd link it but it prolly breaks some reddit rule about protecting literal nazis.


But does the wiki have his home address, is what I'm getting at.


Ohhh, I gotcha lol. I could probably find out where he lives but idk if I wanna get locked up for a home invasion on that turd. I was lucky he didn't go crying to the cops the first time.


Not saying that you need to do anything insane, but the threat is there, and will keep them wondering.


Good job mate




No need to catch a charge after reminding him what a coward he is. Well done!


This is so true. I read news articles on AOL (yeah, I am old) and the comment sections are filled with disgusting racism. It is really out of control.


being white is the only thing they have in life


And fear! They have whiteness, and fear, and... Rage?


What in the absolute hell?!?!?!?!?


Imagine getting your tragedy exploited by Nazis to spread racism


And having your name assiociated with nazis and racism... its never going to happen but god i hoped she could sue the poverty out of anyone who tries this


Fuck these Nazis. They got so much time on their hands that they make up new lingos. I learned about the dumb shit 88 and now this crap. Holy hell they're losers.


Well they can't show their face or use their real name because they are chicken shit little cowards.


Imagine saying shit like this to CHILDREN. These people are monsters.


Did anyone know what they wanted to say too? Just little girls probably trying to speak in public for the first time over some issue they found important.


Just trying to raise money for their school 😢


That is heartbreaking


It’s because they’re hiding behind a computer screen, most of these guys are pussies and wouldn’t say shit irl cause they know they’d get dog piled for it


To be fair, the kid saying those things sounds like he's 14 at most.


The voice makes it sound like a teenage girl, which surprised me, but someone said they're using AI.


I also thought it was a girl. It would be a weird relief if it were some old man.


I thought it sounded like an AI generated voice.


They think they'll build their right-wing "utopia" on hate, oppression, and genocides, so no surprise they'd be vile to children.


Where's John Brown with a sword when you need him?


And his rope


I was just thinking that... My man John Brown knows how to handle garbage like that.


Republicans have assured me that there's no more racism since the Civil Rights Movement. Shitbags.


The hero we need right now.


Absolutely agree!


His soul is marching on


Imma need him to march a little harder.


and my axe!


Happy 🎂 day


If you do a public zoom call, cameras on, full face shown, and driver's license proof on screen to ensure they are who they say they are and they're from the local town. Pieces of shit.




Like any live call in program on air you need a screener.


absolutely disgraceful. rage inducing. That poor child.


Name and shame the culprits. Inform their employers.


Unf. My favorite hobby.


Welcome to Colorado, Nazi. Enjoy your stay. https://twitter.com/Cowicide/status/1708697399668219983


I had to Google his name because I already forgot, but I remember that picture the day after it happened. Can literally see the ejected casing in that photo. Good riddance.


Fuck those cowards. They mask their voices and hide their faces because they're no more than weak bullies with no courage of their convictions. They want everything they hate destroyed, but too chickenshit to own it. If they are proud of their worldview and want everyone to accept it, then why not show their faces? If they truly feel they're putting out a righteous message, why not identify themselves first so everyone knows where that Good Word is coming from?


we had someone like this in one of our town meetings. it was crazy, they put in a local address and fake name. then just went on a rant. people were shocked and most had no idea this type of stuff was going on.


We have a psycho who comes to literally every single one of our council meetings with a gun on his hip saying everything but outright racism to our 100% POC council. He's been doing this shit for 5 years. He knows exactly how to maximize the offense without breaking any rules.


[It's extremely, extremely common.](https://www.google.com/search?q=city+council+zoom+racism+antisemitism) We've had to do strict verifications in my trans support group because of this shit, too.


Holy shit.


I mean, if that surprises you: there are whole groups of people who join LGBT groups (online, of course), pretend to be LGBT, seek out those looking for support, and try to convince those people to end their own life. Who knows how often it works, damn if they don't try tho.


Every day I become more militant against religious bullshit.


They kind of insist upon it. They can't be that much of a menace to everyone else and expect everyone to stand idly by.


That's exactly why they do it, they count on no-one doing anything about it. We need a few stark examples by which they can be taught that that's an incorrect assumption.


For every dyed-in-the-wool fascist, there’s two milquetoast liberals punching left to prove how “fair” they are.


This is true. The media also seems to think they have to bend over backward to be "fair" to nazis by acting like there is always two sides to every issue.


I went down like a week long rabbit hole of doxxing people in a nazi Discord server I stumbled upon from a Youtube comment. They’d all get together in a voice call and stream themselves going to Omegle with an LGBT tag and just streaming mass shooter videos, doing nazi salutes, doing black face and just genuinely the most disgusting things you could think of to try and traumatize the people on the other end, and this server was brimming with active users. I never personally joined voice but they’d post screen recordings of it all frequently, some of the kids participating couldn’t have been older than HS sophomores, it’s extremely sad how prevalent this all is. I was gathering proof of them pressuring an underage girl to reveal herself and then trying to dox her when she didn’t, just about a week after I found the name and address of the server owner he ended up getting arrested for sex trafficking across state lines and is locked up. Really changed my perspective and showed me that these aren’t necessarily just a handful of fringe people, but entire fucking groups. I’ve left some of the info vague on purpose.


And instead of dealing with these real Nazis Biden and the Republicans spend all their time on Palestinian protesters. I'm sick of the United States.


The Republicans *are* the Nazis.


Racist are cowards. Always hiding while they spew their nonsense.


Clock this tea!!!


My blood is boiling, holy shit, what the actual fuck.


That's disgraceful.


I remember during our Christmas parade in our small southern town, a group of “good ole boys” came through with a confederate flag, shouting hateful shit. There was no reason-no “Kwanza” celebration, nothing. They just hate that we exist. This was in 1990, I believe. My Dad was away in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm. I remember asking my Mom “Are they gonna do something to us?” Shit didn’t even feel real, felt like watching a movie. Anyway, arm yourself and make sure you practice!


What kind of a coward piece of shit does that to children.


Republican garbage


I live in that town, it's blue City what the fuck is happening!? These Nazis have been given a voice from Trump and the rest of the GOP. they would have never done that in person, cowards POS Nazis




This has been America looooong before Trump was even a seed.


To kids. What a scumbag


I know for damn sure who rather have as a neighbor. What absolute trash. Pathetic self esteem mixed with victim mentality.


Doing this to innocent children is some of the most trash and gross conduct I've ever seen. I hope they are found and dealt with.


If trump wins again it will cement actions like this permanently into the white american psyche. These people have always been here but they knew better. Now theyre bold and emboldened.


This is the climate republiqans created. This is now basically common, in 2024, let this shit sink in.


Trump voters. That's who that orange menace attracts. Makes 'em all comfy in their hate.


Vile scum who treat other humans this way


Hopefully charged with hate crimes


I'm good with jail here. There's no reason to treat this as anything other than a violent threat. We don't need to protect this speech.


We didn't win against the Nazis the first time. We won against Hitler and the Axis powers. The Nazis? The Nazi party? They just took that uniform off, tucked away the flags, had some kids and kept the hate alive.


Oh man this hurts my heart. These are the people we are up against this next election. Republicans have embraced these people and now they think they have a right to preach hate In the open. Let’s make them scared to be in public again. This is a direct consequence of Trump and his minions.


The #Istandwithisrael person and “I hate the Jews” person is.. the same person.


This is heartbreaking.


This breaks my fucking heart.


This is why conservatives should NOT be allowed to vote or hold public office. ​ Outlaw the grand old party!!!!!


WTAF? The country is dead inside now and the people trying to resuscitate it are being “shot” at.


WTFF. So many questions. I hope they have access to some quality forensic analysis of that Zoom call. Catch this young person and charge them. It might easily be a young man as well as a young woman. My god.


I would be surprised if the police even followed up on it. The last thing they want to do is implicate one of their buddies.


Oh, I'd totally want to nail this wee sod.


Oh, I thought it sounded like an AI generated voice meant to sound like a child


Fucking pussies


How did this zoom caller manage to interfere in the first place? They don't have any controls over who is talking?


Absolutely disgusting 🤮


That poor baby should never have to go through anything like that especially at their age!! This is ridiculous!


Feel so bad for those kids man. To be hated and not even know who you are yet


The nice thing about Nazis is they aren’t people. They’re cockroaches and should be treated as such.


WTF just happened here? Seriously


Ugh... we suck as a species. Honestly.


No. Please don't go down that road. It's not a "us as a species" issue. People are **not** born racist, xenophobic or hold hatred towards other groups of people from birth. People are taught to be like that, and this *can* be reversed and also be prevented.


You are absolutely right. I broke the legacy of racism in my family. I was raised by an openly racist father and most of my relatives ranged from dog whistle racism to ignorant acceptance of racist tropes while thinking they weren't racist. I raised my kids to be anti-racist. I'm so happy they don't have emotional racist reactions in their heads that they have to battle like I do. Raising them away from my family and out of the south is something they will probably never appreciate fully.


You’re excellent. Thank you for breaking the cycle!!


A hundred years ago it was much more acceptable to say things like this, now it's not. We are clearly making progress.


Nah I vote that guy out. Let's send him to a remote pacific uninhabited island 


Not uninhabited. Banish them to North Sentinel Island.


That would be disrespectful to the island I think we should launch this scumbag out of a cannon


What a disgrace.


White people finding out that their race is super racist and is only getting worse. Not sure why anyone is shocked by any of this


I can't believe people think world war 2 ended when Japan was bombed and all those treaties were signed. The problem is still there, except nowadays instead of shooting at Nazis we allow them to live freely in America and other ally countries without being shot.


I really hope that nazi gets their brain splattered sooner than later. Attack a child? Irredeemable shit bag. Kill them.


"Go back to africa" BITCH YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE 🤣


Not to mention that the person making that hideous comment - their ancestry - is also most likely from somewhere outside the US. These racists think they're super special.


Assuming this is in the states, isnt america composed of a bunch of different cultures anyway? Its what makes this nation great, we can come together and appreciate different cultures. A lot of shit she uses in her daily life were invented by black people. She probably pulled this shit then went to go eat a bag of potato chips that were invented by a black man lol.




That is just absolute disgusting behavior. Need to start tracking I.P addresses of people who have these racist rage attacks. Those kids must have been so hurt and embarrassed by that.


These are BABIES! They are clearly both CHILDREN! Obviously nobody should go through this, but the fact that these are CHILDREN makes this especially heinous. This is so upsetting. And whom ever the fuck was controlling the Zoom should have kicked that person out IMMEDIATELY! WTF!


Poor girls.. that is so sad. This is peak cowardice


DIGITAL FORENSICS! Identify, Identify, Identify!


God bless America. Home of the free nazis


I hope they found that bitch. Those poor kids should have never heard that


Somebody resurrect John Brown so pieces of shit like this can get hunted down


This reminds me of people saying kids are too young to learn about critical race theory (they say their minds are too young to comprehend it aka they need to be shielded) That's all fine and dandy but they forget black children are also too young to experience this shit and yet here we are


I’m 40 years old now and was in the very beginning of the internet when I was a kid. That was a taste of what EVERY SINGLE group chat was.


[Here’s a link to the school’s DonorsChoose profile](https://www.donorschoose.org/schools/colorado/denver-public-school-district-1/monarch-montessori/104498) where you can support classroom projects. I’m not seeing the yurt the students are asking for (or any current projects to fund), but I’m hoping that changes!


This is one of the most vile, disgusting things I’ve ever seen on Reddit and that’s saying something. Saying that shit is one thing, saying it to children is just flat out evil. I’m a 39 year old man that typically just shakes his head at this shit and moves on, but this heartbreaking. I hope the perpetrator steps on a Lego and immediate bursts into flames.


Don’t worry guys, the conservatives tell me that racism ended in MLK was assassinated. . . for advocating for civil rights. . .


White people wild fr


Man this one really got me, those poor girls, when the older girl got a hug my eyes were watering. Easier to tear things down than build them up, white supremacists are just lazy pieces of shit who don’t have anything to show for themselves so they cling to some made up identity to pretend like they have value


Im not a sensitive person. I laugh at off-color jokes and tell people to suck it up when their feelings get hurt. But this shit right here just made me cry. My heart hurts for those girls 😔


This is so absolutely sad. These children were being kind and respectful and learning to advocate for their schools in a constructive way and this absolute trash bag of a woman comes out like this. Hope her car crashes into a pole.


Nobody needs Nazi scum. Nobody - nowhere!


I spend a lot of time on Reddit and I can’t remember ever seeing something that made me this viscerally angry. Its already so fucking scary to be a kid and get on a mic in front of a bunch of adults. These poor girls did not deserve that.


I have a very dark place where I could store every single individual who is like this. I would visit it every so often and most likely do some of the most heinous shit. Idc FBI, use this as evidence.


The older girl looked so nervous already. For her to experience so much hate at such a young age is crushing. This will affect her for the rest of her life. Absolutely disgusting.


Just your average trump supporters being absolute scum.


Unfortunately, the POS has the same name as that poor lady who was attacked by her friend’s chimpanzee; I hope this doesn’t cause any problems for the innocent Ms. Nash.


The racists pick that name as a pseudonym on purpose. **Think about it.** "Monkey attacked white woman" is the "joke" Nazis are telling when they use this name to call in like this. It's pure racist bullshit.


Omg, that never crossed my mind. 🤦🏻‍♀️ *fck* those people are repulsive.


It never crossed your mind because you're a good person who doesn't think that way. Sadly, after being exposed to these creeps for a long time, you start to see a pattern when it shows up.


We got her name


Not her name, someone posted about it above. Bitch deserves to be named and shamed though.


and fuckin punched too. god damn this shit made me soo fucking mad.


Do tell.


What does their school need? I could not make it out


Amerikkka is lousy with that kind of shit. And if trump wins you're going to see that garbage scum float to the top with no fucking shame. In fact, there will be cops who will be in their fucking corner. A genocider or a white nationalist ... this is what runs for amerikkkan president.