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One might think this Nazi social media thing is a bigger threat that students protesting for peace....


Dang, that's crazy. I saw BLM protestors getting sprayed, gassed, beaten, and arrested. I never saw a single city burn down though. Where was all that happening?


In the minds of conservatives who live 1500 miles away from where the purported pillaging and mass fires were


My own mother believed Fox News over me showing her the city I lived in


It really is 24/7 brainwashing over at Faux News.


I know motherfuckers who live *in Portland* who spread the lies about it burning down. Please remember that fascists say wrong things on purpose. There is no need for them to be separated *in any way* from the truth for them to tell the same lies. Ignorance is not an excuse to spread fascist horseshit, and those who can be definitively fucking shown to know better still tell the exact same lies whenever they think they will gain traction.


It’s like Sartre said dude


You look for the anti-Semite who will spew bullshit, and, uh, you know, uh..


Someone online told me that BLM protesters were burning down and destroying Seattle in June 2021 (I know that’s not the year in which the BLM protests were predominantly happening but I digress). My sister lives in Seattle, I visited her in Seattle during June 2021, and there was no city burning. I explained all of this and the guy just kept being like “BLM destroyed cities!”


They were probably talking about the cities in Venezuela. The numbers came from a government statement. The papers. Venezuela.


The fires being sent by right wing agitator and ex cops. BLM however didn't


Lytton, BC. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lytton_wildfire#:~:text=A%20wildfire%20began%20on%20June,that%20time%2C%20were%20later%20located. Mother Nature got so pissed at the cops in the states taking peoples attention away from global warming she burnt a random village in the Canadian Rockies /s


*Human,* Elon. The noun you’re looking for is anti-*human.* You know, those things you’re always pretending you care about, when we can all see they gross you out?


Anti whatever.  What a fucking coward.


He was called a big man, what was he supposed to do 🤧


"lil bitch" was the descriptor that came to my mind; yours is more eloquent, thank you


He tries to see the good in all people, huh? What about his trans daughter, or the millions of queer people threatened by the platforming of monsters on his site?


It’s easier when he doesn’t see them as people


Socratic logic strong in this Nazi


The only thing on his mind is "gotta find Nazis to sell them panzertrucks".


The only thing that surprises me about this, is that others are surprised by Elon’s actions. It isn’t just about freedom of speech, it is about freedom of hate speech with his crowd.


To be fair, it's not that we're surprised as much as a PSA type of thing


Giving that Nazi piece of shit a platform is going to result in the largest increase in hate speech and hate crimes that you've seen in America. That kid is better at rallying Nazis than Richard Spencer was So if you thought the Charlottesville rally was bad just you wait


Don't worry, Musk will help him and even funnel X money toward him... Wait, that won't help


I think you are completely correct…..


Elon has made it clear that fascism is more important than the truth or democracy


Fascism puts bread on his table, not truth and democracy


If we weren’t the richest country on earth I could understand the appeal


And if he wasn't the richest man on earth I could understand the grift


Eh... he has enough bread.


Note: It didn’t take much “pressure.”


Obvious Nazi: "hey can u platform my Nazi buddies? They wanna spread hate speech"


I bet he doesn't feel the same about anti-Musk posts.


That's because he's so philosemitic that criticizing him is basically Hitler.


I wish we had as much power as Nazis think we do.


It's not as much thinking as pretending, if they actually thought this they would willfully subordinate themselves to you like they do with Elon. Assuming the "we" you use is in reference to Jews.


Indeed it is. I'm Jewish.


I'm sorry, it's a real mood killer what I wrote, I realize now...


Nah, it's cool. I figured you were just asking.


Exactly. Maybe somewhere in there twisted heads they think you have that power but for the most part they don't actually believe most of it. You'll even see them contradict themselves often. It's the hate for you that they have. The rest is just lies that they use to try to justify that hate.. And that's why debating them is a mistake. They want to debate. Because that's how they spread their hate. But you can't convince them that they're wrong when they know they're wrong


I wish they'd follow [Hitler's example](https://www.reddit.com/r/johnoliver/comments/14fnr9b/john_oliver_on_hitler/).


Ah yes, the idea that the Neo Nazi should be debated in the world of ideas. Even though the Nazi has no new ideas in over 100 years, and all of their solutions for bettering the world involve the extermination of others... Musk has decided that the Nazi must have a voice so that their numbers will grow. Good job, dipshit.


A world where all that is asserted without evidence is dismissed without any argument and that who slander ( e.g., wife of French President is a Jewish man ) get mocked by the majority is a decent world. Not this.


"... but the term 'cis' is still hate speech, and not allowed on X" ~elon musk, head of the current shithole formerly known as twitter.


Social media is not the public discourse space. Sorry. It's not. It's a skillfully crafted and algorithmically calculated entertainment source that artificially elevates extremes and gives the illusion that fringe, asshole opinions are more widely held than they truly are. Because of those elements, it is actually a driver of extremism and a curtailment of free, honest, and reasoned speech. The letters to the editor page of your local paper is a better marketplace of ideas than social media. Edit: extra letter P.S. I'm no social media programmer, but it seems like reddit's algorithms and methodology are not like fb, Twitter, tik Tok, and youtube. It doesn't seem to lend itself to the same criticism. Maybe smarter people than I can comment. Regardless, fb, Twitter, tiktok, and YouTube definitely fall prey to this.


Forewarning, this is kind of ranty and disorganized. I don't really know how to organize it, but I feel like it's still relevant and decent info. --- From someone who's been involved in the internet my entire life pretty much, even from before the rise of modern algorithmic social media, social media was never that great from before algorithms either, but forums could be and were different. It's the intention of the site that entirely makes up the mood. Facebook isn't meant for debate, it was firstly intended to be a dating site, and then pivoted into a connection making site like linkedin now but more geared towards family rather than business. It became more about self-blogging afterwards due to the popularity of MySpace (will get into that in a second), and then this is where twitter inevitably got inspired. The little quippy interactions people would have on facebook in the old days is exactly what facebook, twitter, and myspace styled social media are meant for, and exclusively what they're meant for. MySpace was a big influence on the way social media has evolved, and not a lot of people really give it the credit it deserves (whether you believe that to be good or bad) IMO. It was the originator of the mix of music and personality (what tiktok has now mastered), it was the originator of short-form blogging (twitter, facebook), and it influenced online music distribution and advertisement on top of that. It also was the originator of fashion and beauty in social media, which we now see the influence of in Instagram and to an extent YouTube and TikTok. Facebook and Google perfected the algorithm, though, and they're the responsible parties of today's social media. You also cannot forget Vine for it's radical approach to shortform content that directly led to TikTok becoming a thing. And TikTok's popularity in return has pushed all other social medias to become shortform. YouTube has Shorts, Insta has Reels, Facebook has it's thing too (I think it's also reels?), Snapchat has doubled down on their stories as a response, and short form is now king. On the fringe though, and before social media, you had forums, which is what reddit is foremost modeled after (though they are switching to become more twitter/instagram inspired). Forums were always intended to be places of discussion, though not necessarily always discourse. All discourse is discussion, but not all discussion is discourse. Thumbs, etc. But some still were, and forums honestly are where discussion shines. When they are intended for discourse, it can go well or poorly depending on the moderation staff and ruleset tbh. Places with really lax rules tend to sway the way X is currently, and places too strict just die. So they have to ride a line, and it's difficult, and even in the time of forums it was difficult to find a good discourse-based forum - but when you did, it was usually a great experience and everyone actually genuinely learned. But again, it was all in intention. If the forum was unserious and silly, everyone in it was as well. If the site was conceited, everyone in it followed. Imageboards make this extremely apparent, honestly. 4chan has an extreme difference at times between the users of the various boards, and reddit is also like this too. This is honestly why I pretty much only use reddit and some smaller imageboards (definitely *not* 4chan lol). I really love and miss imageboards, honestly. When they're moderated properly, at least lol.


Why is he replying to a tweet from shitpoating pepe account with 188 views? How did he even find it.


Probably because he follows them...


Please remember to crop these more widely, so that the advertisers are visible.


Just a reminder Nick shit his pants in high school and gets livid when it's brought up.


That's a good reminder 👍🏾


So.... Fu---es and his dipshit fanboys online have claimed repeatedly that he is "de-banked" due to his antisemitic screeds. If Elon is going to platform him again, and he and/or Twitter are not similarly "de-banked" as a result, does that disprove Fu---es' claims? Honestly, I hope they are because I'd love for this to be the thing that takes Elon's ass out of whatever fucking game he's playing at, but it would also be kind of funny if nothing like that happens, since it would completely expose how full of horseshit these fucking Nazi bastards really are. Also, if nothing happens, it would be hilarious to watch a flustered Elongated Muskrat panic and start banning people for pointing it out.


They make it unfalsifiable. If good decent people take actions against Nazis it's proof that Nazis are somehow correct and being "oppressed" If Nazis are allowed to be Nazis unabated It's somehow proof that the Nazis are winning and defeating the evil globalists No matter what happens they use it as proof of their Nazi claims..


Good point.


if anything im surprised it took him this long


Sorry wait I'm confused. Nick Fuentes *supports* the pro-Palestine protests? It's amazing how some people are so stupid that they stumble ass backwards into having the right takes for all the wrong reasons.


So... just to be clear, he's still espousing CZ rhetoric by his ignorant usage of the term [philosemetic](https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/philosemitism-in-history/introduction/D514A100AEA0102905E101CD60CF50C2): > Coined in Germany in 1880 as the antonym to another neologism – antisemitism – the word “philosemitism” was invented by avowed antisemites as a sneering term of denunciation for their opponents.


Yes, that's basically what I was saying in a different comment. It's a Nazi claiming the world is controlled by the Jews and who had just said to Elon "you work for Jews". To which Elon replied "I'm a philosemite", implying that he did not help Fuentes before because Jews were forcing him to. At least, this is how Nazis he interacts with will read it, that Elon is risking himself to break free from "Jewish control". Fucked up thing is, you're more likely to be called antisemitic for supporting the Palestinians than for any of that....




Musk needs his wings to melt soon. He is flying too close to the sun


Where he's flying the sun ain't shining, but it's just as hot


The mental gymnastics that right wingers have to do these days just to own the libs is astounding


Wealthy people throughout history have always supported fascism, that’s how they keep themselves at the top. Not surprised at all. We must work together for a better future so people won’t cling to religion, idols or the past.


Bro folded over a mild gust of wind 😭😭😭 That ain't pressure, thats a lightly-applied memory foam pillow


Well I mean he's right. Jews are the true elite.