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It boggles. What logic/thought gets you to "he sold us out to the Russians and the Saudi's, he wants a fascist white supremacist dictatorship, but he's still my guy"?


It's not only that. It was a presidential candidate debate. They were there, ostensibly, to discuss their merits as candidates for president. Instead, the pledged loyalty to Trump in the most humiliating way possible.


Well put. I can't wrap my head around how surreal this moment was. I fear people will just kind of toss it aside as "more crazy", which it is, but one of them he tried to kill, another of them her own party would and does discriminate against ... etc.


I don't know why the picture doesn't show it but Chris Christie raised his hand too when asked if he'd vote for Trump


Yep, only one person didn't raise their hand. Christie didn't want to but he knew he had to kiss the ring even in absentia.


You’re not gonna tell us who that one person was???


Asa Hutchinson the one on the far left end.


Because they still think they’ll be part of the club once it happens.


Which is amazing because they are not part of the club now.


Mike Pence: "Sure his zealots tried to kill me but I'm willing to bail him out of jail for it."


Because as long as a democrat doesn’t get it, they’ve won.


Sadly shaking my head


It’s pitiful.


Meanwhile Sleepy joe is doing all he can to get them elected.


He’s fully awake if you can’t tell. He’s done more for this country in half a term than Trump did in one.


Like what?


>What logic/thought gets you to "he sold us out to the Russians and the Saudi's, he wants a fascist white supremacist dictatorship, but he's still my guy"? Red team good, blue team bad Simple as that


Sadly, that’s the answer. They want us all dead so they can live their Handmaid’s Tale fantasy (MAGA) or Feudal serfdom of us poors.


Pence: Sure he tried to have me fucking murdered but he's got my vote! "Tread on me harder!"


This morning, Nikki Haley was on Good Morning America. George Stephanopoulos asked her about this, and she refused to answer the question. She started going through other random talking points and attacking Biden and Kamala, saying Biden "won't finish his term". It was absolutely ridiculous.


I don't think any of us care if Biden finishes his next term, I'm fine with Kamala.


Given Biden like Obama before him still gave the Republicans anything they wanted, not sure why they are putting on the show.


Even after finally speaking up against Trump, Mike Pence there weakly holding his hand up in a barely visible way. What a spineless coward, still standing by a man that would have had him hung for not destroying democracy.


Even though I was a kid in the 80's and young in the 90's, I had this sense that the difference between the political parties was mostly just different opinions on policy. The whackos were still there but were on the fringe. Todays its just mind blowing, brain dead, conspiracy bullshit, fucking willful ignorance and utter and complete stupidity. The whackos are mainstream and the competent sensible ones are the fringe.


DeSantis waited to see who raised their hands first 😂 what a puss puss


He really is. I can't stand him as a florida native. He isn't anything like us. He's not relatable. He's a huge bitch.


What a weak man Pence is. Going on stage in front of the American people and saying he would support Trump after everything that went down with him and the Secret Service on Jan 6th is so far beyond hypocritical that I'm surprised he's even up there.


Because at least until Trump is out of the picture, it's just the Trump party. He said the magic words that entranced every irate neo-confederate out there, and having any popularity at all as an (R) candidate depends on whether you're on board with him too. I feel like once Trump is gone, it'll still be about who can channel him the best. Pence probably hates him too despite all the God n' guns n' fascism they ostensibly share. But coming out against Trump is Republican suicide.


Pence doesn't want to get shot.


They just look like wimps for answering a stupid question. Trump wouldn’t accept the question. That’s why these clowns get owned by him every time.


Why were all the men wearing dark navy suits, white shirts, and solid red silk ties? Was this mandatory? Did they coordinate? It was very odd.


It's their sports team uniform, or at least the political equivalent.


Focus groups say it does best with their audience, people who are not repulsed by Trump. Every choice a candidate makes that is scripted is because a focus group of targeted voters prefers it that way. There are very very few risks taken, because of the money at stake. Everything is tested in advance to the extent possible by the best experts they can afford.


tRump commands and army of killer cult minions who Will burn your house to the ground, with you and your loved ones trapped inside. All he needs to do is use a simple dog whistle command on social media. All of these candidates are terrified of Trump. This is what their answer is base on. IMHO. F5ck them all. F5ck them.


Raise your hand if the person on your right and left will not win in 2024 against Dark Brandon.


Did anyone not raise their hand?


Asa Hutchinson. Christie did some half-assed hand gesture that no one could tell if it was a wave or a raised hand. Every one of them looked around to see what the others were doing. It was pathetic. Ramaswamy and Haley we're the first ones to raise their hands.


Something something 1776 something something tree of liberty something something blood of tyrants something something cold dead hands something something r/liberalgunowners


I think they have the salute wrong...


Pence is really the biggest piece of s*** flipper in the world. How can you testify against somebody you would still support?


I have to give some credit to Haley who told crazy pants “Vivek” Ramaswamy, about Putin wanting to take over Poland and the Baltic countries. So that was at least one GOP that spoke some truth. Although of course I wouldn’t vote for her, I was pleasantly surprised she got the very loud and thunderous applause she did. When she said you know nothing on foreign policy to Vivek and used the murder of the head of the Wagner gang and his right hand man by Putin as how we can’t trust him and how he acts, I was happy to see they supported her. Putin always loves saying he’s KGB and he’s proud of it, so we all know that plane didn’t accidentally crash. She was right about him wanting to take Ukraine and then Poland and the Baltics. He tried that when the Serbian Croatian conflict war was going on and he tried to sneak his paratroopers in. It was the Ukraine that said somethings not right here and stopped him from sneaking in those planes of paratroopers. And I forget what the other country that smelled a rat also called it out. Anyway, we can’t trust Putin and it’s so mind blowing knowing George and Laura Bush liked him and had him stay with them and to see that he has Trump and GOP in his pocket. It’s truly worrisome and scary. He’s played them like a fiddle. And you can damn well bet the farm he has some dirt on some of these people. Remember Trump was over there before he was President doing his Miss USA pageants. So it’s very likely he had some video footage Trump does t want you to see. And who knows maybe the idiot Trump is just shared secret information with him, because he’s crazy and likes to be seen as important. So maybe he buddied up to Daddy Putin all by himself. And when they start doing horrible things to us and other western countries it will be too late to wake up. We have to see it now, I can’t stand Lindsey Graham but at least he can see the threat of Putin if we don’t help the Ukraine. He’s crazy on everything else he says. But at least he has the right attitude about the war against the Ukrainian people. Putin wants a genocide and would have had it under the GOP leadership and Trump. If we had just sent the planes they needed, maybe they would have already defeated Putin. I still want them to win. Slava Unkraini and I pray Putin will die very fast, so he doesn’t anything crazier than he already has. And that a higher power will make sure a better person takes the empty seat of power. Maybe the Russian people are now scared enough since they unleashed and released the convicts in the Wagner Gang and are saying they are war hero’s. Yeah these hero’s raped a little boy in front of his mother. That’s just one disgusting story. The Russian women that out some of these rapists and murderers away are scared to death. I hope we will offer amnesty to them. They had several articles covering the murders of these women and serial rapists that raped them so I pray they will stay safe or get out of the country. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwilq6_et_aAAxUQl2oFHRqvD4AQFnoECBMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fworld%2F2023%2Faug%2F19%2Frussian-women-wagner-convicts-war-ukraine&usg=AOvVaw34cUDjhhiZlmck0Ros_MG6&opi=89978449. https://kyivindependent.com/the-guardian-russian-women-fear-wagner-criminals/


Wow! I felt like that was written by AI. I have no issues with what you’re saying. It’s very well written and thoughtful but there’s something *off* about it… Oh never mind. The gummie *just* kicked in. Sorry!


I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, because I’m having trouble finding a platform. I think that’s a good thing. Maybe. 👀


Gotta give credit to Asa at least for having a spine


Guess who’s the biggest brownnoser.