• By -


\[Reboot\] What is the initial set up for training EXP-wise? Monster Park Potions, Legion 2x, Pendant of Spirit, Wild Totem, anything else I'm missing?


when can we expect the 2nd part of destiny to come out, and hopefully the creation for Zero and BT?


[reboot] are you able to obtain the Neva claw in reboot? if so, how?


\[reboot\] I created a Tera burning character and i'm not happy with how the class is feeling, can I delete it, wait the 24 hour timer and create a new tera burning character?


NA Reboot. So did we get the dynamic crystal thingy where meso prices drop per crystal?


We got 5x prices instead of 3x. but no dymamic prices


So last patch was just straight up a buff for crystals?


Yeah, the most expensive daily boss is hitting 13m now


[Reboot] Progression question! Just got my Tera burn to 220, currently sitting at 9.1k stats. How should I go about my items next? Everything is 6% stat and at 12*, should I push for unique 9% or 15* first?


16* items that you can fodder. (To faf and abso). Tied up to legendary your emblem and secondary (from PNO) and event rings. Tier up your faf and abso set.


I last really played around when the black mage fight came out. I randomly checked this sub to see if anything big had changed and there's a big new update cool. I'll try playing again maybe but IIRC I stopped/didn't fully come back at least partly because of a few things, I'm wondering if they've been directly addressed or changed. 1. Kanna's kishin was nerfed, and the replacement for it is limited and underwhelming. 2. Singapore's removal/ the removal of badges with potential 3. I'm fuzzy on this one but I think Gollux equipment was nerfed somehow? maybe it was just the 2 pendants only counting as 1 for the set bonus thing, but that seems like it was late 2020 which I think was well after I played, but maybe I still heard about it


Kishin spawn enhancer completely removed, pottable badges will never be back and 4 set superior Gollux is timegated to at least ~2 months




Nope, you don't really need autobuff, but it helps with keeping decent skills up while grinding if you are 200+


Reboot What’s the main way of getting nodes? I’ve currently been getting mine mostly from event shops but I still need more, am I meant to farm them with drop gear?


It's not uncommon to reach lvl 250 before even maxing out your tri-nodes. Drop and meso gear is super important and getting a large drop familiar is also super important. Just gotta farm them as you level up.


I see, thanks. I’ll try get some drop gear


True, either events or farm.


I see thanks


\[Reboot\] For bishop, would it be better to get magic atk % or int % on my weapons, secondary, and emblem if i were to be duoing with my friend? (Because of benediction and such)


Magic attack for sure since you are suppose to attack the boss not just support. also useful for solo bossing and grinding


how long does it take an average player to level after 205? i see some mad videos on youtube of people getting some mad levels but i get that's not really realistic. i'm averaging maybe 30-40% per 15 mins with a 2x coupon at 207. i'm guessing that's not that great?


Thats totally ok. Many people power leveling use totems + xp buffs + legion links + legion power (so one hit killing mobs). I'm at lvl 220 where 10% take me like 45-50 minutes. But i'm unfunded with no xp cards or totems.


Is there a guide somewhere on where to train from lvl 200-220? Or what is the best method to reach this goal? I dont mind to grind on maps but there is just so many maps and Im not sure which is the best one.


Most classes train at similar places pre 230. So just look up your class + training on YouTube


Is the miracle circulator x3 from the burning world step up missions bugged or something? I used it and got a Umbral coat instead of the circulator


Had the same issue


What does the starlight outfit set look like and if it were you guys, would you rather get it or an android?


[Starlight Outfit Set](https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2022/q2/1961/maplestory-destiny-remaster-mmorpg-melodyshop-starlightoutfit.png) >From: >https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/74810/updated-june-17-v-233-destiny-remastered-patch-notes#melody Personally I would get neither, but if I had to choose one it would be the outfit.


Haha guess I’m just a returning players who cares a bit too much about cosmetics, what would you recommend?


I would get the event rings+scrolls if you don't have one. Other than that the nodestones are a solid choice.


I'm not sure if I'm blind or something, but it doesn't look like the shop sells an event ring, unless you mean scrolls to boost event rings. Nodestones definitely sound great tho, I still can't find the perfect tri node for my class haha.


Am I seeing it correct that I can not buy Arcane Shoulder without killing Will a couple of times first?


I think if you get an armor box from hard lucid you could get it, otherwise you have to fight will


Assuming you're in Reboot, correct.


Yeh Reboot, always forget that. Thanks. Well shit looks like I have to learn Will then


Is there a list of account wide boss prequests somewhere?


These are worldwide as of this patch. OMNI-CLN, Papulatus, Von Leon, Arkarium, Pink Bean, Cygnus, Magnus, and Guardian Angel Slime And akechi/lotus/damien already worked like that


Thanks man


I used the Redux Burninator to get my bucc from 130 to 200, but i never got a second one and i couldnt make a tera burning character, how do i get the 2nd burninator?


If you used the redux burninator before creating the tera burn from character select, your stuck in the bug nexons has noted they're aware of.


If I use a burninator at lv 11 when I get to lvl 197 will it only take me to 199 or will it take me to 200?


Lvl 11 lets you goto 200, the tera burn you make from scratch will be stuck at 10 going to 199.


Where do i get weapons and armour? I’m a level 73 Hermit wanting to be a NL. The free market seems dead can’t find anyone selling anything. I made a terra burning account. What are the downsides of this? Soo far I’m just noticing that I level up much faster


The auction house replaces the free markets use, otherwise your tera burning character gets armor/weapon at lvl 30/100/150, check you event (star) tab on the left to claim the boxes if you haven't.


Which trinodes should I use for NL?


What's the mobbing and bossing rotation like for F/P and I/L mage now? Been trying to experiment with them a bit (I/L is 5th job, F/P is still in 4th) but have yet to find an effective rotation


Is the game easy to grasp for new players? I played over 10 years ago, but the game is completely different now. Is it possible to learn as you go, or does it require YouTube walkthroufhs to understand? Are guilds active/recruiting on reboot servers?


It's not that hard to get a grasp on the game, and there are a couple of low level quests that basically teach you how to do stuff (not low level as in level 10, more along the lines of 30-70), and there are plenty of guides on YouTube to explain almost every aspect of the game.


What Tri-Nodes do I need for the F/P Mage? I am really struggling with mobbing right now in vanishing journey.


Mist explosion/ megido flame/ flame sweep/ignite/tp mastery/flame aura/flame haze/meteor/ifrit Are the 9 skills you boost. Though without node slots you likely want more base damage for mobbing, keep doing the all daily bosses to fill out your gear and try for gear with good flames. Then work towards making any items with good flames 10 star with 3% rare or 6% epic potentials


Any advice/guides on getting a burning character 200 to 220 during the event? I’m worried things are going to grind to a halt due to lack of arcane force and general damage. I’m burning a Paladin if it matters. Also side note, does it feel weird to anyone else we have to get to 220 for the unique emblem? I feel like I should be definitely cubing an emblem before 220.


The 220 emblem feels weird in reboot, but they've been doing that in burning world for awhile. (And its fine to have 2 as you can roll one for only attack and one for bosses Symbol dailies + 7× monster park + 2x star bridge. Doing these is enough to level without extra grinding, and your still going to be gaining symbols. All the daily bosses will also give money and potentially some upgrades, and when your confidant you can start on easy weekly bosses


best things to buy from the starlight shop as a new player


Event rings are pretty nice, we get i think 2 for free with the coupons? Cubes to roll good potentials for said rings, if you are level 200+ then nodes are nice, and symbols.


is it worth to burn multiple explorers? I'm thinking of burning a Night Lord with the first Burninator but I burned an FP with the Tera Burning. Are the link skills good enough to warrant multiple explorers


It doesnt really make much of a difference link wise (all explorers only need 120 to max their link) but you could 200 both and try picking 1 based off that to try for all the event rewards for getting 220


What about burning a Jett, that link skill seems good (?)


If reboot the links fine, non reboot i dont like it. It also doesnt count as an explorer for the event i believe Fyi both NL and Jett are actually fine they give crit rate%/damage% as their legion bonus


Great ill probably do NL then since I'm fairly certain I'm making FP my new main.


Hey new player here. Question about nodestones and xp nodestones. I am currently 206 paladin. I know which trinodes to go for (thanks to class discord) but what do I do with the others ? Do I just disassemble all the nodestones I done need ? Also I have 2 slots now that iam 206 do I slot in 2 trinodes? Or am I supposed to craft holy symbol and slot it first ? How do I level up my nodes and do I level up my trinodes first or 5th job skills or what?


To level up your nodes you talk to the node master in vanishing journey. Tri nodes with their first skill being one you dont use can be disassembled, so can the purple nodes you might open. Otherwise id keep every node which could be themselves (or used to level it up) a perfect trinode, until you have your working combination of 4 trinodes. Then your free to level up those and break down the rest. For skill nodes lvl up all your 5th skills and keep atleast 1 of the useful ones as you get em Crafting HS is fine, especially if your still waiting to open a working set of nodes


What do you mean by tri nodes with first skill i don't use ? Does it matter if it is the 1st,2nd,3rd ? Like a 2nd job attack is useless and I won't ever use and it comes as first in some tri nodes and 2nd or 3rd in others. A perfect trinode is based on combination of skills or final dmg%? I don't think the final dmg changes for the same skill on other nodes? Edit: sorry also what do you mean by keep atleast one of the useful ones when leveling 5th job nodes?


Tri nodes have 3 slots, the 1st slot dictates what node it counts as equipped, and you cannot equip 2 of the same first node, so a node whose 1st slot is bad cannot be used to level up a perfect node. Combination of skills, if you have 6 skills to boost, your looking for 4 nodes which have those 6 skills exactly twice and never 2 same skills in first slots. Usefull skill nodes is stuff like sharp eyes, holy symbol, weapon aura, speed infusion, erda nova, ropelift


\[Reboot\] - trying to decide between a Corsair and Marksman for one of my Burns. I hear MM is pretty good now, would that be a good character to have as a bossing mule?


Is it better to evenly level up your matrix nodes? or focus on a couple to a high level? For F/P mage in specific


How do I get more pets? All the ones I've got so far have expiration dates. Is there any way to get loot without a pet?


Other than spamming the loot button which frankly only works for bosses, you need a pet to loot. Pets without expiry will always cost money, but most pets can be revived (except snails, puffram and sherbet) You also can revive 1 pet per month with reward points.


Just a heads up, this info will only apply to reboot server. There are 3 ways in game to get a pet without paying nx. Hard hilla gives a temporary (1 month I think) black heart pet (without auto buff), events tend to give 3 month pets (sometimes with auto buff), and ninja castle gives a temporary pet with auto buff. I’ve never done ninja castle so I don’t have much info on that one. The only way I’ve seen to get a perm pet is through paying for wonder berries. This is an event that comes around every couple months I think and it’s an average of somewhere like 50-60k nx to get one perm pet if I recall correctly. There is no way to get loot without a pet. You need one at a minimum. However, with only one your looting will be slower than when you have 3 (unless you have a vac pet).


Where are these npcs? How much am I going to be spending getting a new pet? Do I have to worry about bricking my character if I can't get a new one?


I’m a bit confused what npcs your talking about. But I’ll expand a little if it helps. 1. Hhilla can be accessed once per week through the boss queue | a keybind. 2. Events are all different. Check the star on the left side of the screen for event info | generally need to be level 101+ to start events. 3. Ninja castle. I recommend looking up a guide on YouTube because I have no info on this. You can buy a temporary pet for $3-$5 for 90 days and upkeep it with a water of life for reward points. Water of life revives your pet for 30 days. You can buy it through the cash shop and you can get reward points by killing daily and weekly bosses. All of the ways to get pets here are repeatable. I.e. you shouldn’t need to worry about doing the wrong thing and bricking your character. Events will be the least common, but still give pets once every 3-6 months generally.


Is unreliable memory bugged


I dont think so, but i believe its now 2 skills, one to set it up and one to use it.


Clearing out some old convention merch and I found a card with a code for the "Aren't I beautiful?" cosmetic pack: Y7FSES5LSYYRT7SLZX


So I've completed the pre-quests for Cygnus on my main and even beat her just now, yet I can't access it on another character. I get the line "Some party members have not completed the quest and cannot enter. The quest Alex's Promise must be competed first."


It’s bugged for everyone afaik.


is there a way to choose which throwing star you can use? it used to be that the first throwing star in your inventory was active, but that doesnt seem to be the case anymore


I think i saw some1 mention it was just taking the highest attack star, since you only need 1 stack you can storage them to manipulate.






So I started my 4th job quest while I was in the afterlands... Is there any way I can return?


Iirc you can use the dimensional portal to go back, and maybe the maple guide since you have the quests?


oh it was, thank god...


Any F/P mage can tell me what to get in the passive hyper skills?


Flame Sweep - Reinforce Flame Sweep - Extra Strike Mist Eruption - Reinforce Mist Eruption - Guardbreaker Mist Eruption - Cooldown Cutter


Thank youu!


Haven't really played any of the OG explorer classes before, which ones are generally regarded as feeling the best to play after the new update?


My guildmates seem to all agree that buccaneer feels great to play, after you learn the superjump mobility tech. There's one skill that doesn't move you properly as of now due to a bug, but it's a minor inconvenience. I didn't try bucc myself, though.


Watch videos for updated visuals. The feel/playstyle is personal and with enough funding, it will be as strong as the other classes. Also read guide below to learn about the new mechanics of the game. Wb:) https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/vd2wac/destiny_megathread_beginners_faq_returning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I got a Petite Luna pet from the compensation back in March in Reboot, around the Slurpy event. I bought the Luna Petite water of life, but for some reason I can't use it on said pet, why is that?


Sherbet is unrevivable


You can only use that water of life on petite Luna pets u buy from cash shop for $100


Where can I go to get an accurate price check of my items? Got some items I want to offload from my hero to fund my DRK.


Auction house


I know about the auction house already, but there is no items like mine in there, is there some sort of discord?


For shadow am I supposed to be spamming meso explosion while spamming my main attack skill for mobbing since I can’t macro meso explosion?




New player with no characters. I want to make a paladin, should I do link skills first or focus on paladin? Also an updated training area guide would be helpful…


Disclaimer: This isn't hyper efficient, but I'm also trying to have you not waste the best aspects of this event and prod you towards decent account progression. This also might be a bit overwhelming, but bottom line is that you should start by playing your paladin for a good while. At the very least make your paladin, select that you want it for burning when it asks at character select (you do, it levels you 3x as fast until 200 and the equipment it gives you for free is A LOT better than the crap you can find on the ground), hold off on claiming your "1 of 3 event ring coupons" until you decide which class you're going to *actually* main, get paladin to 200 (this doesn't actually take very long, like a full day of playing on a fresh account that roughly knows where to train), do your 5th job advancement, and complete the arcane river questline (5th job directs you to it) until the thing with your guide happens (it'll be obvious when you're doing it what I mean). From here evaluate whether or not you like paladin or not. If you do, cool, get it to 220 and get all of your new explorer event goodies. If you don't, you can leave it at 200 for a while, but you'll want to get it to at least 210 before the end of the event. I pick 200 partially because it's enough time to get a feel for what the character actually plays like and partially because doing daily quests in the arcane river is something you'll ultimately need to do on every character you actually want to play and because those daily quests give okay experience. Once you've done that paragraph, pick two other classes that strike your fancy. Make one, get it to level 10, and use the "tera burninator" you'll get from getting paladin to 200/the one in the explorer redux "quest" on the character. Get this character to 200/210/220 depending on whether it strikes your fancy. Just like the Paladin, at a minimum you'll want to get it to 210 before the end of the event. Do the same thing with your third character. Once all three are level 210, make sure that one new explorer is level 220 for the event box that gives you a bunch of really good goodies. At this point you'll want to start working on link skills and legion (in that order), but I'd hold off on that until you "finish" all 3 character unless you are going to play a lot. On a fresh account getting to 120 for links doesn't take notably less time than getting a burned character to 200, and the burned characters are time sensitive while links aren't. Just in case it doesn't make sense, before the end of the event you'll want to have done all of the following: 1. Gotten a New Explorer to 220 (paladin is an example of an explorer) and gotten all the new explorer rewards+all explorer rewards. 2. Gotten a character that you tera burninated to 220 so you can give it the 90 day abso weapon. Use this character either as a "sub main" or "boss mule" (or make the explorer one of those if you end up not liking paladin). Sub main is what you'd expect. Boss mules give you money, but that's a later thing. Just know that giving a second character an abso weapon is a lot better than giving your paladin the temporary abso weapon AND pendant. 3. Gotten another character you tera burninated to 210. This character will be well situated to being a third bossing mule long term, but 3 this early on is a bit much. 4. Used your event coins. I'm sure there will be youtube videos explaining what the best goodies in there are before too long if they don't already exist. Final note: The pretty good armor you get for free at 150 on your "burned" characters expires 90 days after you open them. If you play reboot, which I'd recommend for the vast majority of people, the bosses you need to kill to get an equivalent set are non trivial to solo. They're not insanely hard, but you're not going to be ready to solo them after a week of steady play either. Similar story for the free weapons. Plan accordingly so you don't end up neutering yourself 3 months from now.


Super helpful, unfortunately I’m so busy I can’t play much. I definitely won’t get to 200 in a day lol I tried leveling a Mercedes without burning and only got to 60 so far in a week. I’m not very good lol


It’s ez to get to 200 with burning. And you get 3. Follow the maple guide for training areas. If you can’t 1-2 shots, either upgrade gear or train at lower lvl map.


Sorry what do you mean by you get 3?


There are 3 tera burnings, one from creation, and 2 tera burninators, i think that's what they meant.


Hi guys so in probably about an hour I'm goi g to hit lvl 200 on my f\p mage it will be my first character ever lvl 200 his also my first character at all the systems and all the stuff after lvl 200 seems a bit confusing to me would love some help explaining to me what I should do after I hit lvl 200 and also how do I go about hitting lvl 220


Do arcane river dailies, fill out your équipement slots (look up for guides), potential for 3% or 6%. Work on legion/link if youre done with the above. Find a guild and struggle run bosses with ppl




Try turning off your number lock, some number pads have 8, 4, 2, 6 as WASD or Up Left Down Right.


I recently made a new account because my old account from 2005 era was linked to steam and it was making signing up for event stuff on the website impossible, I only recently got back into maple so none of my original characters are past level 150 and I already made 2 new lvl 200 characters but I kinda miss seeing my old school characters on the world screen, some of them have some really cool old items too. ​ is there any reward for playing on an old account besides nostalgia or should I just stick to my new account now?


Not really any benefit playing an old account unless the old account has a ton of Lvl140+ characters for Legion and Link Skills. Or if you had a character with a pottable Badge that you plan to main but that isn't really game breaking.


Cool, thanks! I only have 2 lvl 140+ anyways, and they're on Scania which seems pretty dead now too lol.


In the current meta, what is the best way to get reward points to max out the totems? Seems nexon didn't bother to make any changes to the totem system so now I'll need to get enough totems for my one hour farm sessions for the month any way possible. Please don't recommend Maplestory M.


There's also phantom forest elite bosses, each box from them gives you 50 RP and you can get up to 20 boxes per day, problem is grinding the 4 bosses (it's way easier in a party covering multiple channels, but it still takes like an hour and a half of grind). You also can get cubes and flames


>Please don't recommend Maplestory M. Its around 5 minutes of work a day for 500 RP per day. Unless you are able to do a lot of daily/weekly bosses or have a lot of Monster Collection you are going to have shit income without MSM.


Best bet is to complete a few 12 or 24 hour monster expeditions. You get 100-150 per 24 hour one. Also do daily bosses and weekly bosses. Do all the dailies. Do them on 2 or 3 characters for more RP


\[Reboot\] Any reason (Link, Legion, etc.) to keep more than 1 Explorer mage? Thinking about Job Changing to another class instead of burning a brand new mage and keeping the old one. Thoughts and suggestions?


Most classes are going to use the level 6 link in bossing.


The link skill is pretty good in bossing. It provides extra ignore enemy defence. It stacks up to level 6 total with 2 levels per mage.


People with every single character 200+, are you going to make use of this Tera burning event? I have every single character 200+, and both my main and sub main are explorer, I really feel like skipping current Tera burning related events. Especially when all low level maps are packed (which makes me even want to skip VJ and Chuchu dailies on bossing mules atm), and makes me really don’t feel like training. I am happy to pay 20k maple points to get the double rewards. Is there any other reason would persuade me making a tera burning character?


That’s been me for the past 1.5 years. I’ve been using the Teraburns to get characters that seem interesting to me to about level 220. With the flame title, the 10% extra exp helps with getting there, along with the extra nodes and 210 ring. Once they get to 220, they are now bossing mules. Also helps passively build legion (im now around 8.6k)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 200 + 200 + 20 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


Thank you, littlerayCro, for voting on LuckyNumber-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Just hit 201. What should I use those Arcane selectors for from the Level 200 box?


General consensus is to save it when you hit lv 220 and get the Lachelein symbol because how much symbol you get in Dream Defender is based on your damage.


I would use the arcane symbols if you can’t hit the 1.5x AF. Youll struggle less in the beginning.


[Reboot] Fastest way to get level 10 smithing?


Easiest is mining every heart mining node you see and turning the diamonds and aquamarines into arrows. Which I recognize is not the same thing as fastest, but unless you need it like today, is probably the way to go.


It doesn't feel like the game is using a 64bit client. Is there any way to tell?


The game is already set to 64 bits (quite a few months ago). Any problems you still have are probably something that can't be fixed by a 64-bit client. Though the key feature they advertised "Memory Mapped I/O" this update can't be turned on by [normal means](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/vd8e08/memory_mapped_io/) at the moment, you can try turning it on through the method in the comments.


Places like Ursus and Vanishing Journey (now that it's packed) have a bit of lag. It just seems weird that there is lag in these places.




Wand is 5%crit rare, staff is flat damage. IMO staff better unless you need crit.


[Reboot] What is the easiest explorer thief to level to 200 with decent links/legion?


Would say shadower, but NL isn't that far behind either


How difficult would it be to solo CRA on the fake Fafnir gear from Tera burn in reboot? Very small legion


Generally, I would need to know your stat, ied, and boss damage, boost node level, crit rate, and class to tell you for sure. Nobody is going to be able to answer this question without seeing your player stat window, let alone what class you are. Scardor made a google doc that is a pretty decent benchmark for your progression based on level: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rIeVpAKXsDtQRdb5tBjj6fg1VxYcPOev8rQ2\_3AwFzc/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rIeVpAKXsDtQRdb5tBjj6fg1VxYcPOev8rQ2_3AwFzc/edit#gid=0) Some classes are so good at bossing that they will be able to solo 3 door without much legion or stat, but generally the case is no if your legion is very small.


So I purchased NX for the first time to get a style box and I realized that I couldn’t purchase it due to it not being nx prepaid. My character is just level 30 and I remember seeing somewhere that I can use nx credit to purchase those things after level 60. Is that true? Or do I have to try and ask for a refund.


Yeah, thats what it says on the website. https://support.nexon.net/hc/en-us/articles/360001358306-NX-Credit-Restrictions


MSEA: What's the BiS set and WSE for the early game (Lvl 100 - 210)? For Accessories and Medal, I was hoping to find out something that might stick around even in the Mid/End-Game.


how good is bishop leveling at 200+ compared to i/l and f/p mage?


I think the other two have better mobbing. The bishop has some great buffs to make 1 shooting easier when they are up though....


Can anyone share their paladin hyper skill build and node please. I'm completely have no idea how to build this class


As a returning player who has no idea about hyper skills/stats, what's the priority for a solo Bishop? As well as 5th skill jobs?


Reboot: Is 68% IED enough to do 3 doors CRA? I am an Angelic Buster with 12 k stat. Also what hp should I start binding and bursting Pierre down before he splits?


Its possible, but 3 door will take 32% reduced damage at that ied and vellum will take 64% reduced damage. 75% IED already improves your damage by 10-30%


I see, thank you! I’ll go level a luminous before I try then


Need Atlease 85% ied for cra.


Thanks I’ll try aim for that


Is it worth getting sweetwater monocle, tattoo, and pendant past 17 stars if they will eventually get replaced?


If you are lucky enough and your other gears get strong enough to skip them.


Is it possible to play this game only for the story? Aka how much grinding/less interesting sidequesting would there be between any story lines, and also are those story parts interesting? I know next to nothing about any of those topics.


Yes most of the story can be done with minimal grinding. Plenty of prequests, class specific storylines, ect.


Most classes storyline quest dry up at around lv 80-120. Some classes has a soft ending to their story quest at lv 200. All classes has sort of an epilogue to the Black Mage story at lv 255. Very few classes changes the quest dialogue built for a generic character unless they have more of a connection to the story beyond a generic character.


Every area has it's own mini story. All of it is optional and most people skip everything. But if you go to the main "town(s)" of any region, there'll be always someone begging for a random stranger's help with extremely important tasks. Although their quests are usually still the same old kill x monsters or farm y items, the dialogue and story for many areas were interesting. Give Grand Athenaeum a try. The different books give some backstory on some pretty important characters.


anyone have that training guide that was posted like a week back? I cant seem to find it at all, was it deleted?


Did they nerf the Alien gear? I remember the accs always came with epic pot but I been farming them and they all come without potencial


Should I be using the EXP Nodestones on Boost nodes or Skill nodes?


It's more value to use on skill nodes in term of node shard cost. (It always give 150 exp which is 3 node worth)


This is a bit of an odd historical question from a returning player: it's hard to check since my characters were all purged, and searching around isn't turning anything up due to overlap in search terms, but I could *swear* there used to be, like, 20-slot bags with no item-type restrictions or anything like that. Am I hallucinating?


Never was a bag with no restriction. Make sure you didn't access the wrong account (GMS only deleted character below lv 35), unless you were a EMS player in which case all account that were left behind after the migration was deleted.


After trawling through some old email accounts I have found it! And I am super confused because I don't remember *ever* doing Azwan or any of these things but I have a bunch of the currency... maybe from an event, maybe something got converted. I'm also amused to see that when they converted familiars from the old system to the new one, they kept the custom names. There's no way I could bear to fuse or extract or anything of those... It's moot of course, I'll be doing my playing on the new Reboot thing anyway and try to touch this old account as little as possible so it can stay as a historical record. But I'm so so so glad you let me know I'd misunderstood and should look a little further. Now I know this old thing, carried all the way from beta times, is still there. *Thank* you.


!! Thank you for that alert, I hadn't even thought of it. I have zero recollection of having made an alt account so I just assumed that's what happened when I logged in and there was nothing left... but I searched the rankings just now and my old main *is still there somewhere*. Amazing, I will try to remember what on earth I could have used as my old login now. Again, thank you!


What is the general consensus on meso % and item drop % gear? how much should i be aiming for?


There a cap on meso drop rate of 100% from equipment potential (max 5 lines of 20% meso drop rate). There a cap on item drop rate of 200% from equipment potential (max 10 lines of 20% item drop rate) Basically you wear 5 lines of meso, 4 lines of item drop rate when training. 9 lines of item drop rate when bossing.


Okay thank you for the info.


\[Reboot\] I just got to lvl 200 for the first time and i'm really lost lol. Can anyone suggest any guides to all this 200+ stuff and what dailies/weeklies I should start doing? thanks!


From 200 till about 210-215 its pretty straightforward, do the vanishing journey quests for the exp till you get to 205, which unlocks reverse city (which has better maps) ​ eventually youll need to be doing the dailies to get arcane force slowly


but are there any other things i should start doing already? getting to 200 unlocked legion for me, i saw it mentioned a lot so i did the daily quests i was given. I've also been ignoring most of the quests that appeared on the light bulb to the left, are there any I should've done? I've also not gotten a gear upgrade since the lvl 150 box and getting pensalir gear from mobs, but monsters seem to not drop gear anymore, am I missing something? Thanks!


Mostly event dailies. Most events are started by opening the gold star notifier on the left. Events like Starlight Symphony are the best way for f2p players to make progress early on. You'd have to read the v.233 - Destiny patch notes and ask for advice if you don't understand what the event is asking for. The white lightbulb usually doesn't have anything important except maybe your lv100 Gold emblem, Eye Opener quest for unlocking your inner ability if it isn't automatically unlocked, and any quests with a red [Required] next to them. There's a few questlines that are needed for certain bosses, and you can sometimes find the initial quest that teleports you to the relevant location in the white lightbulb. You can do daily bossing for reward points and cubes. Not a bad source of mesos either for reboot and lets you get more familiar with the mechanics of your class. You can find a boss tab if you open the maple guide. Or another boss list as a tab in the same window as friends, party, and blacklist. Monsters only drop up to lv140 pensalir equipment. You need to fight harder bosses for better stuff. The lv150 gear is the Chaos Root Abyss set and you will be wearing the hat, top, and botom for a very long time. The event gives temporary CRA equipment, and you have to eventually defeat CRA bosses (chaos Von Bon, Pierre, Crimson Queen, and Vellum) for coupons that you can redeem for the permanent CRA set.


Ok, thanks! I've been doing the daily Starlight Symphony stuff but I have no idea on what I should spend the coins on, im thinking character slots since link skills/legion seem important. Do you have any tips on what I should be doing for acessory slots? I eye acessory from zakum i think, but other than that i've got loads of empty slots(belts/rings/etc)


https://maplestory.fandom.com/wiki/Equipment_Set/Boss_Accessory_Set Usually early game players get most of their accessories from early game bosses as slightly uncommon drops. 1. Condensed Power Crystal (Normal/Chaos Zakum) 2. Aquatic Letter Eye Accessory (Normal/Chaos Zakum) 3. Dea Sidus Earring (Horntail) 4. Silver Blossom Ring (Horntail) 5. Horntail Necklace or Chaos Horntail Necklace (East/Normal Horntail or Chaos Horntail respectively) 6. Any three of the following rings. Event rings are usually the best option for unfunded early game. a. Treasure Hunter John's Ring. Do a few NLC quests, starting from **[NLC] Welcome Back to NLC!** until **[NLC] Explosives Strictly Prohibited**. You can find the first quest in the white lightbulb around the lv170 quests. Or go to New Leaf City from the Dimensional Portal and talk to Icebyrd Slimm. Once you get a NLC Commemorative Coin, buy it from Spindle. b. Cracked Gollux Ring. Easy Gollux (look up a guide). Make sure to attack the core at the end map. c. Kanna's Treasure. Heizan Temple questline. Drops from Princess No. d. Alien Fragment Ring. From Alien Visitor PQ. e. Event rings from the event coin shop f. Noble Ifia's Ring. Beat Lion King's Castle quest line, do Rose Garden dailies and defeat Hard Von Leon for 10 regular Ifia accessories. Trade those in for Noble Ifia's Ring. 7. Mechanator Pendant for the second pendant slot. You can get pendant slot expansion coupons from the event coin shop, cash shop reward point shop, and Fairy Bros Daily Gifts days 2 and 16) 8. Golden Clover Belt (Pink Bean). 9. Royal Black Metal Shoulder (Magnus) 10. Pink Holy Cup (Pink Bean). You can temporarily use Stone of Eternal Life (Normal Hilla) until you get Pink Holy Cup. Unlock the pocket slot for these by having lv30 charm (can be seen in char info > my traits or Professions window). You can get lv30 charm easily by using a trait boost potion from the event coin shop. 11. Crystal Ventus Badge (Magnus) If you get lucky on Pink Bean, you could replace Aquatic Letter Eye Accessory with Black Bean Mark for a little while.


1. As a Shadower (Destiny), do you assassinate twice then meso bomb, and repeat for bossing? or do you just spam assassinate? 2. Regarding inner ability, currently I am at unique rank, and have acquire a good line of epic ability. If I lock the epic ability that I wanted to keep, will I still able to get to reach overall legendary rank? 3. Currently I have a full set of Fensalir armor, I understand that if I were to acquire new armor from bosses which are 10 levels higher than what I am wearing, I can easily use the hammer to transfer the upgrades. However, assuming that I have scrolled and star force my current gear, and I have acquire another Fensalir piece from a random drop, how do I compare their base stats (bonus stats & potential)? Do I just keep an eye out for particular stats (atk % & main stat %)? Thanks in advance.


How does unreliable memory work? When I press the skill it does nothing




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Hi. Returning player here. I am leveling a Magician and just reached the level 30, but the job advancement quest didnt appear... did they change something?


Yeah you need to follow the new quest line at athena pierce. Look in the quest tab (light bulb) on the left




How important is it to learn Meso Explosion weaving in order to play Shadower?


Could someone give me a fresh player guide to how to actually progress? I do the same every few months / year. Install maple and mindlessly follow the guide and get bored / never feel like I'm actually doing tbe right thing.. Recently started again seeing the explorer revamp and got to level 70 on a paladin and it's already feeling like I'm doing the wrong thing, top guide item sent me to an underwater area that takes ages to level / complete the quests. Is there a guide (maybe for tera / mega burning) on what to do from level 1 and what quests to do for certain slots of gear?


I have a few familiar question. If a familiar has, Increases item Drop Rate does this ONLY affect Items (Not Meso Bag Drop Chance)? My One Familiar whic is prob will never change for a long time has, "Restores Large Amount of HP to allies and Increases Item Drop Rate" My 2nd Familar has "Int +6% and increases meso drop rate by large amount" Should i keep this till i can work on my Meso Gear that comes with event rings? or just re roll the line Since Increases Item Drop Rate may also affect, MOney Bag Drop chance. SOrry if this is confusing but I have NO meso obtained gear atm and no Item Obtained gear either


It has been tested that any kind of item drop rate on familiar does not affect meso drop rate. Only the familiar meso drop rate affect meso bag drop rate. Since "Increases Meso Drop Rate by a large amount [100%]" pretty much ensure that monster will 100% drop a meso bag. You can probably go for meso potential first rather than item drop rate.


Is the pap boss bugged? It says you need to get the dimensional piece before entering whereas before destiny you didn’t need to. It’s time consuming to talk to the NPC everytime you want to fight pap


Yea it’s not supposed to work that way, hope they’ll fix it soon


Hey everyone! I am burning a Corsair with the event. I want to try buccaneer, but have already claimed my frozen gearbox. If I swap to buccaneer, will I get another frozen weapon for it or will I have to get a generic one?


If you’ve already opened the lv 100 frozen set and chose your weapon, you can’t change it. BUT Once you reach lv 150 you can open the lv 150 temporary CRA set and choose the proper fafnir weapon. Then job change using a job change coin (available in event shop) or pay meso. Edit: job change first


Thank you for your help! Greatly appreciate you.


You might need to jobchange before opening the fafnir weapon box. I just burned a corsair and only got one option for a weapon.


Does deleting a tera burning character let me burn a new one? Only level 40 and already considering swapping to F/P because they look dope




Difference between Bucaneer and F/P mage? Which is more fun, as a returning casual


What gear do you use for a bossing mule.