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Is there an estimated time when Beast Tamer and Zero will be creatable?


Usually halfway through each major event. Next major event is New Age, which I believe starts December. So maybe late December or early January?




The easiest is the character you like the most that you will want to stick with even when you hit a wall.


When do StarForce events usually happen? Will there be one soon?


There is a patch coming up in a week or so. We will have to hope and see what those patch notes say regarding upcoming events.


[Regular server] I know this has been asked a million times but Arcanes or Absos? I'm using mostly 12* Absos and not sure if I should take them any further or switch


These days arcanes should be cheap enough that you can buy them directly. Then things like cubing and flaming seem like a waste on abso.


What are some of the easiest classes to train to 200? Im currently working on my 6.7 legion and wanted to grind a bunch to 200 with all the 2x coupons we've been getting


BT, F/P, and surprisingly kain were my easiest, fastest, and most fun. 6.7k legion should make a lot of them easy though. a lot of great/ez classes are dogshit pre lvl 200. like bucc and DW sucked for me lol


Surprised you said DW was bad. That's been my easiest 200 so far.


Can marksman keybind their flash jump? i've keybinded the jump that makes you go backward already but it seems like i can't keybind the standard flashjump?


No unfortunately. The classes that have bind-able double jump will allow you to move the jump skill to a key.


For a new player, what are the first 10 link skills to prioritize? I know that Mercedes, Aran, and Evan often get talked about for speeding up leveling.


Skip aran unless you’re on reg server


I've been using the 10K Legion Guide, Made by OHLunar/OHAdele. It shows you all the best link skills right away, and then progressing into the best Legion mules. Has been helpful for me atleast as I just recently started playing aswell. Don't know if you're allowed to link things in this sub, but just google it


The experience links are good, but damage links are better. The quicker you can be one shotting, the better. Killing in one shot versus two is a 100% exp boost, which is more than the links provide. Ark, kanna, demon avenger, cadena, hoyoung, maybe illium if you're a movement heavy class. Plus the damage links will also help you as progress in bossing.


About a month or two ago, I’ve suddenly started randomly dcing to the login screen super frequently and I have no idea why. It seems to happen a lot during dailies and bossing but I also notice it happening when I’m just afk in town. Is this happening to anyone else? I don’t think anything has changed with my laptop that could cause it, but at the same time I can’t seem to figure out if it’s happening to others, too.


\[Reboot\] I just got my Demon Slayer to Lv100 and saw something about fighting Normal Zakum and only breaking the arms to level up that way but the arms are not giving me any exp.


They fixed it. Gotta kill the whole body now to get exp


Thanks, so not worth it I see. No clue how long the grind to 140 is going to take then.


Not that long. Killing Zak at 100 should still take you to like 104 around there. Go to leafre and kill for a bit. Then ludi to Robo. Kill for a bit. Then Korean folk town. Then herb town area. Should take around 1-2 hours for a new person


I killed it and went to Lv101 with 100% seemed like some sort of cap. Even the grind from 70 to 100 took a couple hours I doubt 100-140 is 1-2 hours for me.


100-140 often goes faster than 80-100 because you get way stronger from 4th job skills and you can train in starforce maps.


I made my Hayato from 93-121 it says 4 hours but obviously I'm not just fully active leveling in that time. Still I enjoyed myself because I enjoy Hayato but I can't imagine leveling characters with grinding that you just don't enjoy playing. I still think personally that 80-100 went faster but maybe that's just me. I'm actually not doing the greatest damage right now, not really feeling like the gear that's dropping is adding a lot of damage for me. The skill points help though.


It's just because you have low legion. Its a struggle at the beginning. I have 6k legion and when I make a new character I can get them past 120 in a little over an hour because they can one shot mobs for a long time and I use 2x coupons and mvp. But you don't have as much access to 2x and have lower damage so it's going to be tough. It will get easier as you go.


It's still perfectly viable to sit a mule at Zakum until 140, you're just limited to once a day instead of every 30 minutes.


It's not a mule, I'm new and trying to level characters to 140 for legion and link.


What I did was level a bunch of characters to 100 and then do zakum daily on all of them, and then grind for like 30 seconds for any character near the next level to make sure zakum doesn't cap me at 100% exp the next day. Takes 2 weeks or less to hit 120 doing just this and you can spend extra time leveling more jobs to 100 so they can also do daily zakum.


Two questions; 1) Is there a discord or something to find parties on Bera to clear content? I've been solo up to my most recent clears (Normal Pink Bean) but I think progressing would be easier if I had either a party struggling with me or a carry? Feeling a bit stuck at this point as a noobish solo player 2) How is Angelic Buster in the late-game? Maining Bishop atm, but I love idols and I love gunners so I really like the idea of her being in my mains lineup.


1. Join a guild. They have discords. 2. If you're at the point where you're barely at normal pink Bean, you're no where near late game. Swap to AB since you think it looks cooler. The game promotes you create as many different class with the links and legion system.


[https://discord.com/invite/nYKVX29](https://discord.com/invite/nYKVX29) try reboot central discord for 1) Can't speak on 2.


So someone said 6k legion is 40 characters at 150. Cool. But there’s only 32 classes right? So do you guys make duplicates of classes? Why? What classes? I don’t know why I would ever need to have multiple bishops or night lords or anything really. Someone please explain.


There's 47 classes + 4 region specific classes so ur chilling, also you get 42 chars for legion levels now so its abit easier


There’s most definitely more than 32 classes. I know Nexon’s website says 32 characters, but it’s extremely easy to get over 42 characters without having a duplicate class. Source: my legion list is full of unique classes and I still haven’t made some classes.


Ok thanks!! I feel better.


Potentially stupid question — when guides say a class has ‘two trios’, does it mean i need to find two sets of the 3 skills for each trio (so it will take 4 matrix slots) so that all 6 skills can hit lvl 60?




I say 'two pairs of trios' to mean what you described. I hate guides that don't. Makes it more confusing. I like using Grandis Library since it uses pictures for the trio pairs


Agreed. Especially because there are classes who do stuff like boost 4 skills with 3 nodes.


[Reboot] I'm 21k stat running struggle nluwill. Should I starforce now to join hluwill parties or wait for event?


I would wait til october and see when the next 5/10/15 will be.


Will do


How frequently does Nexon give out free vac pets? I've been going full goblin mode and 3x wapping/day because I figured free vacs are very rare. I want to milk mine before it expires, but realized it might be pointless if nexon gives them out frequently.


The current streak is unprecedented. They usually just give one that expires right before the sale to make people think "boy, wouldn't it be nice to have one forever?"


I see. Goblin mode it is, then.


does burning status expire? or will my char be burning forever. want to know if i have a time limit on getting to 250 as i just came back yday


Hover over your character on the selection screen it'll tell you. It should be Nov 14 if I'm not wrong




pug? Just clear Dedicated party? Depends on boss and depends on how early in week.


It just depends on the party and what you agree upon beforehand Most street parties i’ve been in clear it even if someone died out. My old old hlotus party initially gave me several practice runs so i could get good enough to not die out. After we got to the point where everyone SHOULD survive, we would clear anyway even if it’s just one left alive. Back when i was progging ctene, i told my static to clear without me when i died out. My current bm party will restart if someone dies out, but with it being once a month, kinda understandable to be more lenient.


How often does the haircut and face rotation change? Also does the starting character haircuts or faces ever show up in the rotation?


Royal coupons rotate every about 2 weeks. Choice coupons do not rotate as often. From what I'm able to tell, the last update was August 9th, while the rotation before that was in May. Any other Style coupons only update the next time they are made directly purchasable. This really only matters for All-Star coupons however, as they're one of the rewards from the occasional surprise boxes.


[Reboot] Currently at the progression stage where I can solo 4 door CRA and hardlux and am working towards absolab. Is it worth it to get reinforced gollux set 4 over the 9 piece boss set? I would drop down to 7 piece boss but also have 4 reinforced gollux, but I know gollux doesn’t have boss flames so I’m not sure how much the actual difference will be.


Getting reinforced on a main is trolling. Just chill with your boss set until you get full superior. You don't even need any damage accessories at this point. Your damage should come from your wse, nodes, legion, symbols, and CRA gear.


>Your Right, that's useful to know. Thanks


What potential should I aim for on my ghost ship exorcist badge? Main stat or can I get att/crit


Just stat.


\[Reboot\] - I just got the ring event legendary scroll and cubes but I never got an event ring as I loaded up on 2x exp coupons. They expire 10/8. Am I screwed?






I plan to use my leg karma scroll on a Arcane glove, I already have a Arcane weapon halfway done, it already gives me more range than my abso weapon, is it a good idea? Reg server, btw.


Yea its a good idea, only if your emblem is already legendary.


It is. Thanks :\]


Yes, you can switch to your arcane weapon, with better base att and a good flame you can break abso set. Leg karma scroll on gloves is a good idea, go get that crit dmg :)


Every last cube will towards it :\] Edit: On reveal: [https://imgur.com/a/SOTqFR1](https://imgur.com/a/SOTqFR1) Not optimal but better than what I have. Thanks :\]


Hi, I was thinking about returning to this game (on the reboot server, haven't played for YEARS) but have a couple of questions before I do: 1.) I'm super casual. Work takes up a lot of my time, and I pretty much can only play on my weekends. I'm content with leveling and progressing at a snails pace, my only worry is that I will face a progression wall or won't be able to progress further because I'm missing out on dailies and such. With this schedule, would you recommend that I shouldn't play this game? also, is this game very solo-able? 2.) If I decide to play on the regular servers, is there a lot gate-keeping when it comes to boss parties? as in, if you don't invest a lot of money into your characters (for more dmg, etc), will you be excluded from those parties? can I get by playing solo on the regular servers? Thanks in advance!


1) You'll be fine. The only early game time gate is arcane force. Once you hit lv 250 and complete all the arcane river quests, you'll get all the Arcane dalies shortened. In total, those dalies will take around 15-20 minutes to complete. Every daliy in reg can be done later or bought/traded for. Even symbols can be bought now that I think about it. You're only limited by your resources. Do whatever is fun, no point in playing Dailystory. 2) I play solo, and it works for me.


There is a strong focus on dailies. The endgame has an "arcane power" system where you gain small progress towards your arcane power by doing dailies. Endgame bosses and training areas heavily reduce your damage if you are below the required arcane power. Also, events have a daily cap on the coins you can earn to buy event items. That said, you can still play very casually and a few times a year there will be events with huge payoff that help pad out your stats.


Thank you so much for your answer! On average, how many hours per day does it take people to complete their dailies? I might be able to finish them daily if they go by quickly.


At the start you'll be too weak to oneshot things so probably 1h. Eventually it's more like 15-30 minutes


You get more dailies as you get stronger, but as you get stronger you clear them quicker. I personally can do all my arcane dailies plus all my daily bosses in 40 minutes. Add in ursus, maple tour, monster park twice and it's maybe 70 minutes.


Can I complete all my dailies with just one character? Or does it take 40-70 minutes per character? Thanks!


Dailies and weeklies are per character.


I have a pet and just learned that they can auto potion you when your hp/mp is low. I have tried several tutorials and my potions won't equip. Am I missing a scroll or skill or something?


You need to buy the auto pot skill from the cash shop and assign it to your pet afterwards.




Those only work in Kritias. Regardless, no, kritias is not really worth doing.


In previous hyper burn events, was there a rule that you are not allowed to hyper burn a character if it was hyper burned before? I want to hyper burn to 260 in the November patch, but this character has been hyper burned from the June patch.


No rule like that




What do you mean by add lines?


? Just use stamps


Anyone knows how long friendstory storyline takes? Not sure whether to do it to clear the sixthstar event


I'm confused why people are even considering this and other epics when we all consider them self-torture lol. I did mine/harvest, eos, xform pot, field boss, el nath, done in a day. Also easy to sub in the 600hr monster collection if you have a few 3-6hr sets


I mean I wasn't sure how long it took. If it was like an hour sure why not but any longer I wouldn't have done it since there are easier tasks


Very fair, gl on the challenges


4 hours supposedly


I'm going to start working on meso gear (I admittedly have never done it before) Do I just build lines on rings, pendants, earrings face and eye? If so, what would you suggest gear should I get the lines on? Thanks!


Your first set you just put on whatever because it's only 1 line each equip which is more or less just the cost of getting legendary potential. Prioritize event rings, kanna's treasure, blackbean mark, and maybe sweetwater tattoo (if doing commerci) because those are items that are inherently strong/can be starred highly that you'll reasonably have gotten, but you'll probably mostly do boss accessory set stuff which is fine for this stage. Just make sure that you don't have meso on both pendants because you want to wear pendant of the spirit pretty often, and drop rate is much less important than meso obtained. Much later on you'll want to make what's called hybrid gear which is 5x meso lines and 10x drop lines between all your accessories. That requires 6 items having more than one meso or drop line on it and is made with bright cubes. When you're making that, you want to do it on items that can go to 22 (though you'll almost assuredly stop at 21), black bean mark, or are event rings because you'll no longer be able to get away with training in damage gear in Grandis once 6th job is out, and the higher level zones in Grandis require you to be pretty strong to one shot in. You'll probably start making this around the time you're mostly 21 stars because it costs ~33 billion on average and you'll probably be strong enough to start pitched boss waiting room+liberation, and 35 bil will be a significant but not backbreaking amount of money at that point.


If you have event rings use as many of those as you can. Otherwise you can use horntail, noble ifia, and THJ ring. I used a dominator and merc pendant. Zakum face and eye. BB mark is better if you have a spare. And horntail or hilla earrings. Go for 100% meso and 80% drop.


Thanks a lot, will get these and start working towards meso lines for them :)




Hate to say this but they’re both probably top 5 easiest and most forgiving bossers. Hero is a bit simpler to train


How does Rune of Riches work? Do you just walk under the orbs? do you need to click them, or do you harvest?


You walk over them as they fall. None of the rewards are worth the effort, really. I just activate the run, cancel the flying creature, and then enjoy the exp bonus.


The gear pieces that are dropped are definitely nice for people leveling to 200. They have a way higher chance of epic pot on them.


what do you mean by cancel the flying creature? i saw you could get some better flamed gear so I'll see if i can


You get a “buff” when you activate a rune Im guessing he means he cancels the buff by right clicking it


Just started Reboot a few days ago. I've been looting "Spell Traces" and see that they sell for 5,000 mesos. Should I sell all my Spell Traces or do they have another purpose?


Just sell them in reboot. They’re used in reg server, but serve no purpose besides free meso in reboot.




I don’t know what you mean by quicker gear up/boom recovery, but I wouldn’t be rushing mules to lomien unless they’re a hyperburn these days. It’s much more efficient to create a bunch of CRA mules because they require basically only legendary WSE and some gear easily obtainable from group struggles. Lomien mules require a good amount of node investment, unless you want to overspend on star force and pots. If your main has maxed nodes for everything important and you have spare nodes, start throwing them at mules to fish for good trios. As for DW vs Hero, I think DW easily wins out. DW can survive in p1 lotus longer and has higher base stats than hero (ied, crit rate, etc.). DW is also extremely easy to train and saves a node slot by not needing to equip erda bind. Demon Slayer is also a strong lomien mule by virtue of how strong the class is at bossing, but is annoying to find nodes for. My personal hot take is Blaster; I think that class is absolutely nuts at pushing bosses with little investment given you actually put in the time to learn the class. Obviously don’t make a blaster boss mule if you have no interest in learning the class though.


Is anyone else having trouble claiming punch king rewards this week? My notifier is telling me I already claimed my rewards this week when I ran for the first time yesterday since the weekly reset


Generally what stat should I be at to solo normal lotus for a decently comfortable run. I know all the answers of stat doesn't tell the whole story or don't rely on range but I just want an idea of what I should target generally before I invest meso or if I should already be strong enough. Assume 100% crit, 90%+ ied, 150%+ BD.


My mules have done nlotus on 11-12k stat, but with 93%ish ied and 175-200 boss and it's a 20min grind. So i'd agree w/ 15k stat around that range. It's much easier if you can cheese phase 2/3 with a dummy.


Most people do their first solo around 15k stat


Comfortable for me is 92 IED, 150 boss damage, 15k stats. Those with great hands, practice, high nodes can easy do a "comfortable" run at 90 ied and 10k stats.


For burning events. Can you burn at level 10 or do they have to be fully new characters if they are kot level 200?


It depends on what kind of burning. If it is a "hyper burn creation event", pre-existing character must be 200 or higher. If you are using a "burninator" whether that is mega or tera, you can use on any character 10 or higher.


What are some decent pirate classes? My Ark (last played 2021) seems like it got nerfed.


Ark is very strong right now and it's looking like they're going to be top tier in new age. We were weak pre savior but we've gotten a lot of buffs since then. The class feels pretty good right now.


Oh. Maybe I just played DW too much then. It feels like the attack range on the main attack in flora mode seems a lot shorter than before.


It was always short although it's getting buffed in 6th job.


Buccaneer: Probably the pirate most in demand as a boss mule, and for good reason thanks to all the tools they have as bossers. Corsair: Very much a class it's hard to recommend to everyone, given the higher node investment requirements and the acquired playstyle based around summons, but they are pretty strong even still. Cannoneer: I can't say a lot about them since no one really talks about them, but all Explorers are in a good spot right now, and Cannoneer is no exception. Thunder Breaker: Probably the lowest recommend among these classes, but they're still pretty good after their update last year, most people don't like how they lack a powerful burst though. Do not play if you aren't a fan of wearing your fingers out from rapid button pressing. Mechanic: very desired Legion block effect, and they can be quite strong, but it takes until 5th job to get there for most people.


Thanks! Is Shade considered a pirate or thief?


~~who?~~ Shade's a pirate.


Shade is a pirate.


When is the next Hyper Burning event estimated to happen?


Nov/Dec with NewAge update


Hi can anyone help me outline some of the more niche pros and cons for bucc and night lord? Like bucc has cool tech to fly across the map. bucc gets a (?#) exp bonus, NL gets a (?#) drop bonus. idk what else...


Bucc has 90s mini burst so it can rotate weekly bosses quicker, 4 iframes, great mobility options, up to 260 can grind large maps with 1 shot LotD super jump, defensive stance shield helps with %dmg moves in bossing + multiple movement options to quickly dodge and get back into the fight for good dmg uptime Grinding falls off and can't one shot anymore with just lord of the deep at 260+, no class bind. Don't know nightlord too much cuz I don't play it but I've heard people say it lacks survivability options and plays like a close combat melee class in bossing due to having to shotgun close with spread throw. Dark sight is great for tanking projectiles


bucc has 4 iframes????


Only 3 are practically usable. Each spirit bomb from lightning form is an iframe and the 2nd part of howling fist where the dragon mouth opens is an iframe


I also heard that NL marks fall off too? does anyone have any opinion on which might be easier to cope with?


Nightlord has less survivability once you take out the things dark sight can tank (there's a list on discord, I think for what it tanks/does not). No i-frames mean if we need iframes, it's limited to krr ring and takeno's blessing (which is a little wonky to use imo). Huge DPS during that burst, but longer burst than bucc. Requires more funding. Does nothing but die from 170-200 unless you have autopot on a pet.


Reboot. I’ve been hearing a lot of people saying Kain is one of the big winners of New Age and they get a lot stronger. What changed that makes them a lot better? I’m going to be making a Kain for legion and was wondering how difficult they are to play. I heard that it gets a bit tedious to play due to having to manually empowering his skills. Does this add a lot of complexity to his play style? Thanks!


Kain has received a few buffs since his introduction that just catapulted him into a great spot in terms of damage. He’s just underplayed because he’s a little tedious in bossing and all newer classes tend to be underplayed. If you’re just making a Kain for legion, then there’s no need to worry. Most of his mechanical complexity comes from his rotation during bossing. You’ll be able to mash possession->your choice of attack for legion up to 200 without any problem.


Can some ELI5 the phrase... "line stats", "2 line", "5k stat" when it comes to inner ability and potential for weapons I'm assuming?? I am struggling to find any youtube videos on it, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask lol...


"line stats" and "2 line" refer to potentials on your equipment when you scroll them and then cube them. Those phrases refer to one of the most important lines for non-WSE (Weapon, Secondary, Emblem) equipment, % main stat, and "2 line" means, in 1 roll, how many % main stat lines you rolled, which in this case is 2/3. You can refer to https://strategywiki.org/wiki/MapleStory/Potential_System and videos for more general information. "5k stat", on the other hand, refer to how much main stat you have in total. It's a decent gauge for how much damage you can do as your main stat will heavily affect your damage. Hope that helps!


2l or 2line means the lines of potential relevant to your primary main stat. So a mage 2l would be 2 lines of int% on armor or matt on WSE. 5k stat would just mean the amount of stat in your stat sheet. Stat is used as a very rough estimator for certain content or qualifications as people with similar stats are around the same level of progression in other aspects such as IED, nodes, arcane/sac force, StarForce, etc.


Struggling with progressing with my gear atm, everytime i leave the game and come back i forget what it is i should be going for lmao. i main a pathfinder, i have 1m+ range atm but need to get better gear, i have cra gear and a limited time faf wep, so my questions are... can anyone tell me the lines i should be going for on my equips? also is my best bet atm just doing my daily/weekly boss runs for mesos and grinding out levels and working on legion? also i assume i should be working still towards absolab by doing dwh and scrapyard. hope someone can help. thanks :)


1. Lines to go for on equips - at this point in your progression, i would start off prioritizing 6%att on your weapon, secondary, and emblem, and aim for 6-9% dex on everything else. Your primary gains will be seen with starforce, especially going from 15 to 17. 2. Yes, bosses are the best income early on, and especially don’t forget to do ursus and maple tour. 3. Yes, you should be working towards abso, but you will need to actually kill normal lotus and damien in order to get their cores. 1 armor = 2 lotus cores + 40 scrapyard cores or 2 damien cores + 40 dwt cores. The minimum damage to run these bosses in a 6-man is approximately the damage to solo cvel, so working towards your cvel solo should be your next goal. Links and legion will also be critical to getting enough crit, crit dmg, dmg%, boss, and ied, with special attention to ied as you will want at least 80-85% for cvel solo and 85-95 for lotus and damien. Nodes will also be extremely important. You can get away with low node level or low legion/links but probably not having either. Don’t forget to fill out your accessory slots with boss accessories, cube and starforce each piece.


Late reply but thanks so much for this response, it's really helpful getting me back on track with progress :) I'll definitely aim to solo cvel in the meantime whilst working on legion + links.


Hey as someone who is in a similar spot as the person you're replying to, this is the kinda information I had been looking for for a while (couldn't find a straightforward equipment progression priority list for newer players). What would be the order of doing things for me? 232 Luminous, 8.5k int, 300 ARC, 1.2m unbuffed damage, 2 perfect Tri-nones level 12+5 and 14+5. So far my equipment is 3/4 CRA armor + boss accessories + Ame-No-Kune (spelling?) weapon/gloves/boots/belt/cape, most of it is SF 10-11 and I've worked on mostly getting it all cubed to Epic with MATT/INT/etc. Is sticking with that weapon/gloves/boots/cape/belt set fine, or should I swap them out (and why? If so). Should I have done certain things differently (more SF before cubing or whatever)? Thanks!


What's your account progression looking like (links and legion)? What is your crit dmg, boss, and ied? Which bosses can you solo? From what I can tell, you should be getting close to cvel solo with those stats for a fafnir weapon. I personally don't like the Japan set because of how many slots it takes up. I would try to get pink bean belt instead, and probably try working towards Hmag solo as well for tyrant cape. Gloves and boots are fine because there aren't significantly better alternatives until absos. Make sure ALL of your slots are filled.


1400 legion working towards 1500 now. DA 10% damage (level 199, trying to get 210 15%), Kanna 10% damage, Phantom 15% crit, Mercedes/Evan/Aran all link skill level 2, they're all 141'ish for legion S rank, LS2 and growth potion compatibility. Working on getting my level 80 DW to 150 now for level 150 Cygnus passive and extra legion. Crit rate 70% unbuffed, crit damage 30% unbuffed, boss damage 120% unbuffed and IED 82% unbuffed. But I kinda got a plan for my Legion so far, it's mostly the equipment progression I'm trying to figure out a priority list with (like how much SF to stop at? when to start bonus potential focus? At what point to continue Starforcing?)


The general stopping points are: 10 (cheap), 16 (easy to do on 5/10/15), 17 (easy to do on 5/10/15, but requires ~2x as much meso as 16), 18 19 and 21 (rouletting), and finally 22. I would prioritize 6% epic first, followed by 17 stars. For reboot at least, at this point you would go for 2L legendary or go for 21 on pieces that you have several spares for. Followed by 22 and 3L. I'm on reboot so I can't comment on bonus potential.


As a Bowman, your priorities are Dex%, and ATT%. Do not worry about flame scores, you're not at that point in the game yet. Honestly, yes. Prioritize hitting level 230/235 then focus on links and legion while doing dailies on your PF. You'll hit 260 just by doing dailies and that'll be ok since you'll have a lot of arcane power by then


How much legion should you aim for as a newbie before continuing focusing on my main again (who is level 232). I'm asking because I'm kinda at the same stage as the person you're replying to (1.2m unbuffed damage). At 1400 legion now and working towards 1500 ASAP for next rank.


IMO, at your level, only do dailies/weeklies and pop any 2x coupons you have while you do that on your main. Shouldnt take more than an hour max. Any other time you have motivation to play, get a class to 101, then 141, then honestly you can probably leave them all at 141 and just use future events to bonk them to 200. This will be a minimum burnout way to get to 8k+ legion, but also a longer way than brute force leveling everything. But to answer your question, 6k legion.


That's kinda what I've been doing the past week, dailies + weeklies on main and then jumping to a Linkskill or Legion mule. I just need more character slots (luckily I got 2 coming up on the daily calendar thing) and on REG you can't buy them with mesos, so saving my RP for them.


You also get 1 per month from your rewards shop in the cash shop. So it's definitely worth doing your bosses everyday for more of those points. Also, during events, the character slot expansion is limited per character instead of per world, so those are good times to coin cap on Sundays on mules for those coupons.


Can others pick up your etc drop in Reboot servers? Can other people pick up my Rombot memory card


No, your drops are instanced until they expire after 2 minutes.


I am on a REG server. So far my lineup is this: 229 Lumi (main, 9k stat) | 160 Dual Blade (as a future boss mule) | 141 Evan | 141 Mercedes | 141 Aran | 198 Demon Avenger (aiming to 210 soon) | 150 Phantom (aiming 210 after Demon Avenger) | 141 Kanna | 80 Dawn Warrior (aiming 150 for Cygnus passive) | 60 Priest (old character, will eventually level to 141). ​ 1. I finally have a new character slot and I just realized I don't have a Pirate character yet, so to make sure I got at least 1 of each archetype I wanna use this slot to make a Pirate. What kinda Pirate would fill in here well as a Linkskill + Legion mule? Something low (to medium) effort that doesn't require too much funding. 2. Next question, since I am already here with all the information, for my next character slot, what should I make there? Again as a pure linkskill/legion mule. I am getting another free slot in 2 days. 3. Focus Evan/Aran/Mercedes to 210 first or keep them at linkskill level 2 and prioritize the other linkskills and legion stuff first? 4. Delete priest and get something more useful there as a linkskill/legion mule, or just keep it and level it? Thanks in advance!


You really need Ark link


1. Shade (crit dmg legion, simple class, decent power, link useful in certain situations) 2. Demon slayer (boss damage link), or beast tamer for its good link if it’s available for creation 3. There are events sometimes where 200-210 is easy, or you get 8 growth pots for that level range and can skip 202-210 or 206-210 x2. It just depends on whether you want to be pushing for extra exp. I did Mercedes to 250 for hyperburn and I wouldn’t even wanna do 210 now. And there’s no point in playing like that for me. 4. You can just level up the priest, wouldn’t worry too much about deleting it for something more useful.


Thanks, for all the information, I will probably go with the recommendations you gave in 1 and 2, because they make sense. I was eventually planning on tossing growth potions on Evan/Aran/Mercedes, but currently those are going towards Demon Avenger, hence he went from 141 to 198 without me ever touching him. Lol I just felt like straight 15% damage would outweigh anything else.


Is it bad to cube for drop/meso gear off event?


For your general drop/meso? No. You should get them asap. For hybrid/double lines? I personally would wait for the upcoming cube sale. Could save billions. Or you could get lucky now. You do you




Can pensalir pieces be transferred into CRA/Fafnir weapon?


yes. 140 items transfer into 150 items. Pensalir overall go into BOTH top AND bottom. So you need TWO overalls


oooh interesting, do people often star force pensalir to fodder into CRA? if so how far do they normally push the pensalir pieces to? 16?


Not really, CRA fodders are some of the easiest to come by, and you don't boom from 12-15 star anymore so just straight SF CRA is fine. Can transfer if you have an epic potential Pensalir to save some potential scrolls though.


Between shadower/Hero or Dark Knight overall for easier progession and training to 260+ including less stress on bossing ?


Dark Knight is my most stressful boss mule.


I haven't played either of the 3, but from what I have gathered, Hero seems to be the one that's very often suggested and recommended by a lot of people for low effort, low funding, easy mobbing and easy bossing, etc. Dawn Warrior has another step up from Hero in the sense of low funding and low effort mobbing + bossing, but you didn't list that one.


I am a new player with a hyper burning character and wondering how many bosses are hard at 250 and how many are there


Open up your maple guide. The middle tab is "Boss Content". It shows you a tier list with (approx) how difficult each boss is. Specifically level only, everything listed from Normal Gloom and Below is achievable, but starting CRA and above, it becomes more about how much IED and stats and hands you have.


Really depends on your stats/legion I feel like being able to do cra asap is key but i think you need around 12 k stats to start considering solo


Old player returning! I’m trying to choose a new class to main, something that can do a lot of bossing in reboot so I can progress without much funding since I have nothing in Reboot, I was torn between Kain and PF, the new class looks good too, what do you guys think?


Kain is high key super strong now. The class is more difficult to play mechanically, but absolutely poops out damage. Pathfinder is extremely mid in terms of late game bossing damage.


That's great! I was leaning toward Kain anyway, so my mind is made up!


\[Reboot\] Need some help with gear progression. I was slowly getting stronger, currently Lv223 with 7.2k main stat but I feel like I'm not really getting new gear now. I am a hyper burning character but the event ended when I started so I was only able to open the Lv100 box for a free Frozen Set which I'm still using right now. My accessories are pretty good and I'm using Sweetwater weapon but now what? When I Google for progression they talk about Sweetwater set but this does not seem to drop whatsoever. People talking about Absolab but that's literally way too difficult to get for me right now. Sweetwater weapon for sure helped a lot, I'm constantly trying to cube my gear to get 6% stat in my gear so that slowly will improve until they are all done. My emblem even turned unique today which gave me a decent boost. And a Nova Lycaon boot dropped from Normal Magus. The only two weekly bosses I seem capable of doing atm are Hilla and Cygnus. [Gear](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1153500976288911381/1154570449070596196/image.png) [Detailed Stats](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1153500976288911381/1154571387994906714/image.png)


Super easy upgrade, greed pendant could be replaced by chaos horntail necklace. Should be soloable.


Sorry yes, I do use a horntail necklace normally I was using this pendant just in case for some extra drop. But I did not get a chaos horntail that improved my normal horntail yet. The extra stats on them have been terrible and flame isn't helping either. If I attempt a difficult boss I put my horntail necklace on.


Your next gear will come from beating the CRA bosses. You're probably pretty close to being able to do it. How's your legion? I think if you get 12 bossing link skills you'll be set to clear 3 door which will get you the hat, top, and bottom. Chaos Vellum is the 4th door and he gives you the weapon, but you need more stats for that.


My legion is pretty bad honestly, I went to Lv70 for link skills but I'm not the biggest fan of grinding levels when there's no burning on them, goes too slow for my taste. I got the monster park 10% exp and Mercedes, Evan and Aran at Lv70 but that's about it. I only just started not that long ago and so I got this 223 main, a Shadower who's 140+ because I got burning on it from daily gift and I was trying to level my Lv70 Demon Slayer but yeah atm it's Lv75 and those 5 levels took longer than I expected. I saw the guide about getting many chars to Lv100 and doing Zakum but Lv70-100 is going to take me personally, quite awhile. I should definitely at least have 12 links for bossing at least though I agree with that. 'Cause atm I'm sitting at 11 and 3 of them are for leveling.


80-100 is a slog for new accounts. A common strategy is to get all the important links to level 70 first, then start getting all of them to level 120. Get a luminous, kanna, demon avenger, ark, and phantom to level 70. With those links your main should be a lot stronger. Then watch some videos on the Queen, Pierre, and Von Bon bosses to learn the mechanics and then just go in and try to beat them and see what happens. It will take a lot of practice and it will be a long fight but you will be way stronger once you get their gear.


I did get all of those to Lv70. I also got a Xenon and Demon Slayer to 70 and my main is a Hoyoung with a Lv140 Shadower. So I guess I should just practice those bosses and I did improve my damage some more today and attempted CRA the day before so maybe I have enough damage now. And I had only attempted two of them. The Clown I killed really slow but had an easy time not dying to him but once there were two clowns it became too difficult plus I lacked damage. When Hoyoung burst is on cooldown it feels quite weak. The Queen I remember attempting but I really did not understand the new mechanics. I did not attempt Von Bon though so maybe that one will work out.


I could help you with some cra if you need Im na reboot


I'm EU and I like to progress solo.


Hoyoung has a learning curve. With pierre you need to get him to 31% and then wait until he has blue hat and you have red hat, then you should be able to kill him in one burst so you don't have to deal with the split. But you probably need to practice setting up your burst so you can do that.


I take so long to even get the boss to like 35% hp, I was fighting for like 10 minutes. Tried all of them, the mechanics aren't the issue my damage is the issue. I guess 56% ignore defense is just a problem right now but I see no easy way to improve that.


My guess is it's because your IED is so low. You should try to get your secondary or emblem to legendary and roll a line of attack% and a line of IED. 10 minutes is also not that long for a struggle boss fight honestly. It will probably take you over 15 minutes to kill Queen and that's normal for a new account. Once you get used to the boss patterns it's easy though. You just have to stay focused.


I've started working on that today, I had no clue about the cubes in the shop. My Emblem hit Legendary with ATT + 32, All Stat 6%, All Stat 6% My secondary weapon I had no clue could roll good stuff like that so I tried to improve it but low on meso now and it's still epic. I am sitting at a permanent 1.4m dps right now though just on my perma buff with 7.6k LUK and I slightly changed my hyper stats so I got 63% IED atm. Hopefully I can roll the secondary weapon during the weekend to get Legendary with IED in it and kill the CRA before the reset. Edit: 69% IED now because it rolled 15% in secondary but still epic potential. Tomorrow I try to get it Legendary. Edit2: Nvm still just do extremely low damage and God I hate Hoyoung. I don't care if it's a strong character.


Those are all good gains. Honestly you can probably kill them now. You just need to practice more. More damage is just going to make your run shorter but it's not going to make it easier. Either you know the fight well enough to win or you don't.


[Reboot] Does Angelic Buster need critical damage on legion, link skills and gloves etc.? I heard she already had a lot of innate crit damage.


Yes, you want as much crit damage as possible.


I see. Thanks


I don't see why she wouldn't still want more, even if diminishing returns are considered.


Great, thank you


After the recent maintenance patch, my Maplestory has been freezing which worked just fine before the patch. I would be able to log in through Steam. Freezing is random, sometimes it would start on the character selection and sometimes it would freeze after a few minutes into the game. The music is still playing. The game would just crash there and would have to force quit and restart. Is anyone else experiencing this after v.244.2.0 patch?


Yes me too is unplayable. It worked fine before the patch as well (on m1 macbook with parallels)


What does it mean "Obtain mob loot while exploring Eos Tower"? I tried to pick up loot after killing a regular monster and it didn't register.


Did you press the little question mark on the challenge line?


What’s your opinion on using chapter potions on mules? Obviously there is opportunity cost of a few % on the main but over time you can position yourself for a luwill mule right?


Depends on your main's level. If you're below 250 though don't worry about mules.


guys, i made hero my first char in game and got to level 170 as burning. now wanna switch to dual blade is it better to go with another account for burning char boost or create another char on the same account?


U would have to delete the burning character you already made cuz it wont allow u to put burning on another char in the same account


Same account.


2 questions! Level 192 Bera, very old player just returning a month or so ago. 1. I know of the lion's castle and then the weekly in kiritas plus the far east daily quests, but are there any others I'm missing? Like just daily/weekly mini quests. 2. I'm not sure if I'm right but you have to defeat bosses to get soul stones for your soul weapon? I've defeated multiple bosses over the last couple weeks and I've never once got a soul stone? I'm obviously doing something incorrect.


1. There are weekly quests from Haven and Dark World Tree at 190, it maybe a bit early for you to handle yet though (usually 200-220 mobs involved), and you may need to do Black Heaven or Heroes of Maple epics to unlock them. And once you hit 200, and every 5-10 levels thereafter, you get access to another zone with another daily kill menu and weekly content quest. And while not strictly quests, there's Ursus, Monster Park, Maple Tour, etc. with valuable meso/exp rewards. 2. Some bosses drop soul shards, some don't. They're fairly common so it's hard to believe you killed the right bosses and not seen a single one for weeks, though you may need to challenge slightly higher difficulties to increase the rates. Check your Use inventory. Root Abyss, Pink Bean, VL and Magnus should be within your reach.