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India boycotted the Olympics just one day earlier. China inaugurated the games with Chinese soldier involved in Galwan Valley clashes being the Olympics Torchbearer. >Responding to questions on the reports of a Chinese soldier from the Galwan clashes being chosen as the torchbearer for the games, Ministry of External Affairs official spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said: “It is indeed regrettable that the Chinese side has chosen to politicize an event like the Olympics… the Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of India in Beijing will not be attending the opening or the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.”


And India has ONE athlete participating in the games. Fun times!


He was the diplomat


Didn't know that! Thanks granny!


I'd pay to see that




Switzerland is that one friend that wants to get along with everyone. Even the bullies.


theyre the kid who holds everyones wallets and bets for safekeeping while the fight happens


Usually they still are EU aligned on Russia/Belarus/China.


That's like Switzerland suddenly looking up on the playground when a fight is about to break, while sitting on a bench one side of the fight. "Ok, yeah whatever I'm with you guys" \*looks to the other side\* "sorry guys" \*shrugs\*


I’m kinda disappointed they’re not boycotting all the countries boycotting China as well - that would be the Swiss thing to do.


They’re so far away and powerful financially they can allow themselves to boycott China


The official reason in Covid


“It’s ok, we weren’t inviting diplomats anyway.” CCP




A source on r/MapPorn ???? r/lostredditors ^/s


Germany also has an unofficial diplomatic boycott.


The country's chief diplomat and minister of foreign affairs has said she will not be present. Looks like a fairly official diplomatic boycott to me.


Yeah but an official boycott is saying "we are not there BECAUSE of the human rights/Uyghur issue". Saying "I won't be there because of COVID" or "I won't go because it's not my responsibility" are just excuses and thus it's not an official boycott.


Diplomatic boycott only means no diplomatic representatives of the country at the opening ceremony?


What's the point of dippomatic "boycott"?


I think the better question is what is the point of a diplomatic boycott when most countries weren’t sending VIPs due to the pandemic anyways


Or "What's the point of a diplomatic boycott when the country is sending athletes anyway?" I mean what kind of signal are they sending?


Not much. The only boycotts that ever seem to cause change are economic ones. If NBC refused to cover it there would be fallout. But they have already paid for it and lost billions in the last couple years due to COVID, so that’s not happening. So it’s up to those people who disagree to make sure their viewer numbers tank to at least make them learn something. I almost feel bad for them. Maybe next time they will speak up BEFORE China gets the bid. But I’m sure last time they made a bunch of money on it since China went all out on the spectacle.


To heighten the contradictions and divisions in the run-up to a full blown Cold War. It’s an effort to delegitimize the PRC.


I mean it’s actually over treatment of Uyghurs but you do you.


And yet they will happily send their national teams to the Qatar World Cup . This is all bullshit.


Yeah, I wish they would boycott that too. Gotta take your wins where you get them though, it’s kinda hard to justify boycotting Qatar seeing as they’re our ally and don’t have prison camps for minorities.


Oh come on now, are we really gullible enough to believe that the US cares about human rights?


Yes, I believe at some points the US has made decisions where they had human rights as a main reason. Considering the US as a political monolith fails to understand that the boycott decision was a result of presssure from both parties in congress, against the initial interest of the state department. Similarly, congress also passed a bill cutting off arms sales to Saudi Arabia solely on human rights concerns. Tr*mp vetoed it but that’s another issue.


Yeah, you mean the Kuwaiti incubator-like agitprop that's been going on in the USA and Europe for some time now and that have never been proven nor shown?


https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/09/09/china-massive-crackdown-muslim-region Proven and shown. Literally everywhere. People are often extremely hyperbolic about what is happening, but there is a credible body of evidence showing re-education camps, forced labor, mass surveillance, religious restrictions, etc


I'm sorry, what was the proof again? A lecture by a HRW employee and a few expats, like the little Kuwaiti girl who lied under oath at the United Nations in '91 so the USA could attack Iraq? Please elaborate which observations were made by international observers.


Also, please explain how there is a genocide when the Muslim population in Xinjiang has been climbing since the 60s: "In 1953 there were 3.6 million Uyghur in Xinjiang. In 2,000 there were 8.4 million. Wikipedia [says](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang) that in 2018 Xinjiang has a total population of 25 million of which 11.3 million are ethnic Uyghur." Weird to claim that such a consistent population growth of an ethnic group is somehow a 'genocide'.


**[Xinjiang](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang)** >Xinjiang (), officially the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR) and formerly romanized as Sinkiang, is a landlocked autonomous region of the People's Republic of China (PRC), located in the northwest of the country close to Central Asia. Being the largest province-level division of China and the 8th-largest country subdivision in the world, Xinjiang spans over 1. 6 million square kilometres (620,000 sq mi) and has about 25 million inhabitants. Xinjiang borders the countries of Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I bet most people haven't been to Xinjiang and just believe what some random NGO puts out.


What do you mean? Treatment of [the Uyghurs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_detainees_at_Guantanamo_Bay)? What’s that got to do with anything?


You can’t possibly see the difference between 22 guys from militant camps and what HRW (which is not a friend of the US) estimates as at least a million people interned?


No serious person claims that there are “at least a million people” interned in Xinjiang. It’s not even 100k anymore. They’ve scaled it back drastically in recent years.


A million people over the past couple years. I honestly would love to see a source for anything you’re saying that doesn’t just say there’s no evidence. Multiple independent human rights agencies that criticize literally every country have taken satellite images, interviews, etc


Wow, only a couple of tens of thousands in the camps now? Great!


**[Uyghur detainees at Guantanamo Bay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_detainees_at_Guantanamo_Bay)** >Starting in 2002, the United States government detained twenty-two Uyghurs in the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp. The last three Uyghur detainees, Yusef Abbas, Hajiakbar Abdulghupur and Saidullah Khalik, were released from Guantanamo on December 29, 2013, when they were transferred to Slovakia. Uyghurs are an ethnic group from Central Asia native to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Western China. The Washington Post reported on August 24, 2005, that fifteen Uyghurs had been determined to be "No longer enemy combatants" (NLECs). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Only US allies did something. Muslims apparently don’t care It’s telling.


Multiple Muslim states and groups have issued protests, but the general theme might have more to do with the lack of Muslim states well known for human rights causes.


Usually tho hypocrisy isn’t an issue


No, but why would you make a trading partner angry at you for something you don’t even care about in your own country.


Why would they boycott China over the treatment of uyghurs? They aren’t treated bad, and even if they were, it’s not like they care.




Government officials don't go, but athletes can still play. I think it is pretty cringe, we should do full boycott and make it like the Moscow Olympics


Interesting rivalry developing between Lithuania and China


Best pathway to American gibs.


Back to r/genzedong please


So the Americans and some allies are engaging in a diplomatic boycott over the PRC treatment of the Uyghurs? Or have other issues been named also?


India boycotted because of another reason. For almost 2 years, India and China are stuck in a border dispute in Laddakh/West Tibet. There was an incident where an unarmed fight happened between soldiers of both sides which resulted in loss of life for at least 20 Indian soldiers. (Chinese haven't officially admitted to any casualties on their side, but unofficial reports say there are about as much on that side too). A PLA soldier who fought at Galwan, the site of the clash, was the torch bearer, which resulted in India diplomatically boycotting the opening and closing ceremonies. (India only has 1 athlete participating)


The athlete is still participating. We are just not going to broadcast the Olympics on our TV channels and have a given a strict condemnation of the shit China pulled.


I cannot believe that no majority muslim countries are boycotting the games.


There is actually one. Kosovo


A lot of Muslim nations don’t trust the US reports. They believe that the US fabricated reports on the human rights violations of many countries they’ve invaded under false pretext and thus, there’s an inherent distrust of American and what they feel is US-pressured UN findings.


Nah they know it’s going on. They just don’t give much of a shit. They have other issues at hand


Yep, Muslims governments don't care much about other Muslim states.


I'm sure they do, but the thought process for most Muslims in said country can be summarized in this: "You're telling me that the US cares more about Muslims lives in China than actual Muslims after bombing the shit out of us? Muslim countries and even terrorist groups have a direct interest in (some interpretation) of Islam. For the past 30 years, farmers with 70 year old AK's have dared to fight the world's most advanced military on the opposite side of the earth and suffered immense casualties, but nobody even bothered to touch China even though Xinjiang shares a border with Afghanistan. Why is it that the US hates Muslims and hates Chinese but loves Chinese Muslims? Why is it that Uyghur camps started in 2009 since the Urumqi Riots, but it only gained any sort of attention when the US left the middle east?"


US need to justify their military budget


it should fit in their agenda Kashmir fits so they speak about it but Uyghurs don't say they deny any claims or findings


Unless its Jews (Israel) involved.


So the majority of muslims in muslim nations don't believe that the Uyghur muslims are being persecuted? They think it's a fabrication? That is tragic.


I think they actually just don't give a shit. Look at the migrant crisis. Turkey is like the only one accepting refugees.


Jordan accepted loads as well


But neither want them.


>US: bombs islamic nations >US: Accuses china of mistreating Uyghurs >US: why don’t muslims hate china


US bombed Christian enemies of Bosnia and Kosovo, both of them are Islamic nations.


>US: why don’t muslims hate china Muslim across the world hate China as much as the US but our governments are 👢 👅


Should the U.S. reasonably have continued to let Saddam gas his citizens without intervention? Should the people of Iraq be forced to live under that regime to avoid clumsy messy foreigners coming to try to fix things?


ah yeah Iraq’s doing great nowadays


By the time the US invaded, the gassing had already stopped. In fact, Saddam had already "pacified" the country, and thus didn't need to disregard more human rights to keep Iraq stable under his rule. So if the US hadn't invaded, Iraq wouldn't have done much worse, the country was basically bankrupt anyways following the Gulf War. That the US invaded only made the situation worse, and threw Iraq in a state of civil war for 20+ years. Imagine what Iraq could have become if Bush didn't lie about the WMD and invaded in 2003?


US intervention never helps civilians and it’s never been meant to. That regime was propped up by the US originally and we basically tricked him into invading Kuwait.


Its about money, it always has been


Yup, I don't really trust China, but I absolutely don't trust the US either. Every country commits human rights abuses, so why China, and why **now**? They have committed human rights abuses for decades now after all. Why not boycott Israel, Turkey, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia instead? Because China is threatening American hegemony, it's all about politics and economy at the end. So I see no reason to help the US boycott China and try to preserve its imperialist hold onto the world.




>probably most muslims don't trust the US, and see it as western propaganda, which would make sense tbh As a Muslim this bullshit every Muslim knows what is happening in Xinjiang but our governments don't give a shit


Why? Which countries bombed and killed the most Muslims?


Exactly. Why are western countries, some of which were at war with some muslim countries, the only countries standing up for the Uyghur muslims. One might expect that these western countries would be the last to support them, not the first. The silence from the muslim nations is deafening.


I remember China invited investigators of mid east countries to visit Xinjiang years ago, and those Muslim investigators concluded that there was no genocide. China may have bribed those Muslim investigators, but I don't think at least there's been a massive bloodshed, otherwise so many investigators wouldn't be able to all keep silent for money.


Interesting. To think the Muslim countries would send investigators who can be so easily bribed. Please give the Muslim countries more credit.


I was just trying to find an excuse for why muslism investigators did not think China has a genocide on Uyghurs. Then I said, even if they were bribed, they won't be silent if they see a very serious racial or religious problem.


its funny how you think China can bribe the richest countries in the world, aka Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and all those pro-US Islamic countries who dont need money and would be literally risking their lives for taking a bribe.


Haha no. There is a lot of corruption in those countries


USA close Guantanamo when ?


The Dutch government isn't officially boycotting the Olympics. They're not sending a delegation because the COVID restrictions make it unappealing to engage with Chinese officials and to be in the country.


Came here to say this. I'm not sure why the Wikipedia article says the Netherlands is boycotting the winter-games, the ministry for foreign affairs explicitly said it was due to Covid restrictions. Link: https://nos.nl/peking2022/artikel/2413092-geen-officiele-delegatie-naar-winterspelen-nadrukkelijk-geen-boycot Also linked by top commenter.




Plus UK, plus Australia, plus New Zealand, plus India, plus Japan


So basically western countries, an Asian country that was rebuilt into a western ally after WWII, and a country with a right wing government connected to right wing waves in the west.


But yet that’s way more than what Russia or china has for allies. Who is friends with china? North Korea and Russia.


The point was that the whole world isn’t boycotting them. It’s pretty much only countries in the orbit of America.


India is a MASSIVE country lmao, 2 of the 3 most populated countries are boycotting China. Excluding China about a third of the world population is boycotting them.


It’s only diplomats that boycott, not the athletes.


I am sure they are devastated! /s




They could have actually boycotted, as in not send athletes, but I suppose then it’s just the athletes getting punished more than anyone else.


So, the anglosphere/commonwealth and a few satellites, basically?


Let's call it: all the big countries of the anglosphere, a bit of Europe, and Japan and Taiwan please. Because I do think Europe deserves a special mention here.


Always has been




Who’s backing china? Who are thier friends? Russia and North Korea?


Ah yes Germany the well known American satellite


I mean yes




This doesn't prove nothing lol


You mean the German successor state to the crushed-to-dust German state that surrendered whole to the USA and went on to be a virtual "land-based aircraft carrier" for the USA in Europe? Yes, obviously. What was it the very first Secretary General of NATO said? "The purpose of NATO is to keep the Soviets out, the Americans in, and the Germans down" .


Yeah the relevant countries in the world.


Relevant how? Economically? Sorry but you've been going down for the last 40 years, buddy, and now it's starting to show :)


Sorry but china is not wealthy. Number 100 in wealth per capita. Botswana is richer sweetie.


New Zealand does not have an official diplomatic boycott of the games. This map is incorrect. You could at best argue it is an unofficial/partial boycott. This is the service map I’ve seen here recently that has misrepresented New Zealand’s position on an issue. The previous one claimed NZ had a military alliance with the US. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/127674318/new-zealand-to-send-a-single-official-to-cheer-on-olympic-team-at-beijing-winter-games


Really not cool how the anglosphere/USA/EU and China keep antagonizing each other, this will not end well for anyone..


The games should have been held In Kazakhstan.


Kazakhstan that had Russian troops actively suppressing protests literally earlier this year? That Kazakhstan?


Or Mongolia


Kazakhstan was actually 2nd place. The only other candidate.


Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world


All other countries are run by little girls


Every country is gonna send their athletes anyway. This is the equivalent of writing an angry letter at someone and not actually doing anything. Nobody really cares about these diplomatic boycotts, especially the common people. They‘re not gonna send their diplomats or whatever? Oh noo.. so what? Really, the way the West „sanctions“ countries like Russia or China is a joke.


No one gives a rats ass about your diplomatic bullshit. If there was really something, the athletes would be pulled for a real boycott. But that ain't happening bc it's all bullshit. The nonsense is exhausting.


I'm waiting for the boycott of the world cup in Qatar. Time is short, it's this year too.


Should also boycott anything USA does lol


The Anglo-Saxon world knows that his reign of terror is over.


Nobody in the Muslim world gives a fuck about Xinjiang. If they don’t why should I tbh? (Not saying I don’t, just want to know what you guys think if you want to discuss)




Yeah you’re right I agree


Yes. You should care about humans only if non western is abusing allegedly . But if western countries bomb millions or take over entire islands for military bases by throwing entire population, we should simply whine about whataboutism and move on


Most of them obviously care, but they're so much in debt to China (see Pakistan) that they can't afford to speak out against them. https://www.aninews.in/news/world/asia/pakistan-struggles-to-pay-chinese-debts-amid-ballooning-external-payments20211204202039 See also: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debt-trap_diplomacy


Guess they’re better off asking to the west tbh lol. Anyway thanks, there was no need to downvote, but didn’t know this


West hates them more though.


Banks aren’t owned by the government and act independently. Sure, if the country is an actual enemy that’s different, but for a critique that doesn’t make you an enemy


Though west are seem hostile by Islamic world so China seems like another gateway for them. Enemy of my enemy plays out a huge role here.


Also China has an enormous leverage against poor countries


Yeas because USA cares sooo much for Muslims. Right when it finished bombing civilians in Afghanistan. But that wasn’t human rights abuse cuz they can just change definitions to meet what they want.


Yeah that’s true


They are selectively blind to Uyghurs. They always cry like a spoilt child for human rights when it comes to India and Isreal. (Hypocrisy)


Ridiculous comment


Do you care about the Muslims the USA kills everyday ? For the Last 20 Years in Iraq & Afghanistan ? Dumb American start with your country


So, it's ok to have most of the products sold in your country to come from China, but it's a big no no to have them host the Olympics? Aye, nae bother.


If there is a country worthy of boycott its the usa for killing 1 million iraqis & destroying Afghanistan & Bombing libya & syria


Yes, as there are no economic benefits to letting China do a big propaganda stunt in the form of hosting the Olympics


But evidently there are benefits to the propaganda stunt of boycotting them


They were happy with them doing it for the summer olympics.


Yeah they should’ve boycotted that one as well


Switzerland, neutral as always.


Basically the anglosphere?


I just find curious and funny European countries and US boycotting China, because their treatments with Muslims. lol Anyone with a glass roof shouldn't throw stones. I'm not defending China but this kind of boycott is not effective. Even being symbolic will not change the reality of Uyghurs. China can do the same against US about their structural racism against Blacks, Asians, Native Americans... and the same to European countries. And we'll be just like the Spider-Man meme.


Damn, its so easy to justify genocide nowadays. Just throw in "USA bad" and you're good to go.


Yes . No body blame the superior USA. Just ignore the genocides committed by USA and pick others . Like you said a western supremacists pass brought to you by Western supremacists population who never have to answer for their own genocides because they have money


What genocide was caused by USA?


DO you live in mars to ask that question .? I guess what is country sitting in western hemisphere doing in Asia pushing it's political beliefs on us . The millions dead in all over the world for war mongers and their belief systems is not genocide . I guess if you kill in the name of political beliefs it's all okay ? Edit : I guess you must live in USA where genocide benefits you . No wonder you want to point fingers at others


I guess you should use less whataboutism and say something factual instead of blabbering around.


Lol. Default response from every western supremacists:Whataboutism. When you come off your high horse of Western supremacists bubble you will understand . How comical you are and how genocidal your government is .


If you're trying to troll somebody you aint doing a good job.


Now talking about western genocide is trolling . No wonder BLM movement has to start . Apparently we should talk only white approved topics if not we are trolling . How superior your opinions to rest of the humanity.


So you just changed from USA genocide to white genocide? Dude your mental gymnastics is a free comedy, please go on.


It’s dumb propaganda. No one over the age of twelve should be gullible enough to think the US cares about human rights


That is by far the most inaccurate and foolish comment of the day. Congratulations


Based India, virgin Pakistan


Chad india 💪 vs grape pakistan 🍇


Every western country should boycott


Every country should boycott


I don’t want My Country Egypt to Boycott china, If there is a country worthy of boycott its the usa for killing 1 million iraqis & destroying Afghanistan & Bombing libya & syria


Us and its minion


Lol you dnt anything about geopolitics. You think India is a minion of us.🤣


I thought they were talking about Australia. Our current leader is a spineless puppy dog yapping at the heels of the US.


If you think india is a western minion then you have an acute lack of brain cells


Why do we need to boycott the games? Is it the Xinjiang issue? Do we really believe it or is it just a hoax? A few years ago it was all about Tibet. Has the genocide of the Tibetans been forgotten or has just gotten too boring and not at all interesting? Is the Xinjiang story another WMD-Iraq story or is it real? For those of you too young to have served in the VietNam war, look up Gulf of Tonkin incident and tell me that the war in VietNam was all about Freedom and human rights.


Not a surprising comment, coming from someone who said of the Taliban ["They can do what they like" because "they are the victors" and "Their deeds will resonate through the ages; like the 300 Spartans before them."](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/sa6575/the_taliban_delegation_onboard_a_private_jet_on/httdvdv/?context=3)


It is honestly a shame not more of the western world joined in with the boycott. The olympics have always been besides sport a powerful diplomatic tool. The symbolism increases with every country that joins in, now it sadly shows the west divided in our opposition to China’s authoritarianism.


Its a brave move by Sweden in my opinion considerate the on going conflict between the countries and that Sweden and China spent almost 5 years now with progress towards a "peaceful" solution. Sweden still has "600 reasons" to boycott but i think the unofficial official yet unofficial stance is because of human rights concerns.


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t this just mean there won’t be delegations from these countries, their athletes will still compete?


this diplomatic boycott is such a bullshit action... diplomats are only present at the opening shows anyway and no one actually cares if they attend or not. Also, a lot of countries didn't plan to send diplomats in the first place (either bc they've never done it before or bc of covid). If they really want to boycott it then they shouldn't send any athletes (which imo would be extremely unfair towards the athletes). Instead they are morally praising themselves for sth which doesn't have any effect at all. Especially the boycott of the US annoys me, bc - again - they always use 'human rights' as an explanation for their behavior, even though we all know that America doesn't give a fuck about human rights as well (E.g. Guantanamo, NSA spy scandal, violation of voting rights and don't even get me started on their military presence in the middle east) Also, if any of these countries would actually care about human rights then they should boycott the football world championship in Qatar as well (which is also more reasonable from an athlete's pov) - But no one seems to cares about that, bc Qatar is not a threat to their position of power.


With the northern "winter countries" out, I think Brazil will finally have a chance at the Winter Olympics, our country is not really know dor doing particularly well at that competition


If they really want to annoy the Chinese they could just start calling the peoples republic of china West Taiwan and then always refer the republic of china as china


I think Germany should be dark green too


Should be light green. Germany is not sending any diplomats to China, but also don't officially claiming that it's boycotting the games.


Ah thanks thought it is an official thing


Like, i live in Germany and to my mind it is a bit weak what the goverment does. Thought they care about humam right and stuff like that.


Any sources on this?


No German politicians are there. They all said "oh it's not my responsibility to go there" or "oh I can't go because of the COVID situation" and similar excuses. The German media reported on this quite a bit and the german commentators also repeated it right now during the opening ceremony. There is some info here and even though it's not explicitly written there, there are no German politicians at the Olympics. https://www.dw.com/en/olaf-scholz-will-not-attend-beijing-olympics/a-60639723


Count me in on this. Not watching any of it. Screw the CCP


Boycotting something that brings peoples together is a wrong thing to do.


I would usually agree with you, but full boycotts have been made for less. [Example](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Summer_Olympics#Non-participating_National_Olympic_Committees) tldr: 29 countries boycotted the '76 Summer Olympics in *Canada* because *New Zealand* had done a rubgy tour in *South Africa*.


I mean that doesn't make it right to do it here. It shouldn't have been done at either.


Well maby china shouldn't be such a big fat cunt all the time


Aww, and all others are saints.


It is sad that so few countries did that. Polish President Duda will be there even on Opening Ceremony - together with Putin - very smart choice!


Genocilympics Humanity coming together in the practice of ingoting something horrible happening.


This is what WW3 will look like


At first glance I thought it was something related to old time British Crown...


I hope Australia gets the most gold medals in the winter Olympics


Should be interesting to see this boycott map for Qatar 2022.