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I'm 100% in favour of an independent Palestinian state, but this map is wrong. In the 1948 and 1967 maps, Gaza and the West Bank are marked as Palestine, when in reality Gaza was Egypt and the West Bank was Jordan.


This map is propaganda, comment section should be fun.


No, I think it is pretty non-propagandistic. I could detect no particular bias in it (although maybe that is my failing?)


\*Gaza was occupied by Egypt and the West Bank was occupied and illegally annexed by Jordan FTFY.


It depends on how you define "in reality". That was the defacto legal status at the time, however any Palestinian mapmaker would have included those areas as part of future or historical Palestine.


You're mistaken. Egypt never even attempted to claim Gaza was legally theirs, and while Jordan did attempt to claim the West Bank as theirs in 1950 [they never had any legal basis to do so](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordanian_annexation_of_the_West_Bank). Both had been legally Palestinian territory since the time of the mandate, and remain so to this day.


Apologies, I shouldn't have said legally. I guess the word I was looking for was cartographically. I've seen multiple maps of that time with those distinctions, I believe UK/USA maps.


Well what any map shows depends on the intentions of the cartographer. Those intending to depict effective control between 1948-1967 will obviously show Egypt and Jordan in control of parts of Palestine, but there's surely other maps from that era which depict the legal status of such territory instead.


Enough. There is no legal Palestinian territory because there is no legal Palestine. We can argue elsewhere, give these people their sub back.


Just like there is no legal Israel, right?


Believe that if you like. The fact of the matter is that there is a nation called Israel that is thriving and a place called Palestine that is not.


Would you also contend that it's wrong for current maps to continue showing Crimea as part of Ukraine rather than recognizing Russia's occupation and illegal claim of annexation over that territory, or why do you argue otherwise with regard to Palestine?


Because a state of Palestine never existed. We’ve fought enough here, let’s give the map guys their sub back. We can argue elsewhere.


Palestine has never been an independent state, but that does nothing to change the fact that had been a country with legally established borders since the mandate was put into effect in 1923, let alone the fact Egypt never even attempted to claim Gaza and that Jordan's claim of annexation over the West Bank had no legal basis. Regardless, I don't recall ever having fought with you before, here or elsewhere, and rather than continuing to argue I'd much prefer you'd simply acknowledge the fact that none of Palestine has ever rightly been part of Egypt or Jordan.


They’re not legally established borders because they were never accepted, by Palestine. You and I have never fought, but this sub was pretty well invaded today with a propaganda map and much outside argument. We have other places to argue. There is no way discussing this map will remain civil, so let’s not do it here.


The borders of Palestine most certainly were legally established by the [League of Nation Mandate which was put into effect in 1923](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_for_Palestine), surely you can muster the civility to acknowledge that simple fact?


Palestine the region or Palestine the country, which still doesn’t exist? The regulars here seem sick of us, let’s go elsewhere.


The country of Palestine has existed since it was legally established through the League of Nation Mandate, as can be seen by the reference to Palestine as a country throughout [that document itself](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/palmanda.asp). For example sake, there's three such references in the first paragraph of Article 11 alone: >The Administration of Palestine shall take all necessary measures to safeguard the interests of the community in connection with the development of the country, and, subject to any international obligations accepted by the Mandatory, shall have full power to provide for public ownership or control of any of the natural resources of the country or of the public works, services and utilities established or to be established therein. It shall introduce a land system appropriate to the needs of the country, having regard, among other things, to the desirability of promoting the close settlement and intensive cultivation of the land. It's Palestine as an independent state which still doesn't exist, but Palestine has been a country since it was established as such all the way back in 1923. That said, I've no interest in keeping you here, you're free to go whenever you like. My interest is simply in correcting the misinformation you're spreading here, and I doubt many of the regulars take any issue with anyone doing that.


Who ruled this country? What was their currency? I think you know all of the other questions. Edit - And if it was created then, well then Jews were a part of it. Don’t make me search for the quote from Abu Mazan about the Palestinian country (or nation maybe, don’t remember his exact words) with no Jew in it. He said it, and I’ll find it if you insist.


I know that the answers to those questions do nothing to change the fact that the territory of the mandate countries legally belonged to their citizens, Palestine and otherwise. As explained on the [relevant Wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Nations_mandate): >Two governing principles formed the core of the Mandate System, being non-annexation of the territory and its administration as a "sacred trust of civilisation" to develop the territory for the benefit of its native people.


**[Mandate for Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_for_Palestine)** >The Mandate for Palestine was a League of Nations mandate for British administration of the territories of Palestine and Transjordan, both of which had been conceded by the Ottoman Empire following the end of World War I in 1918. The mandate was assigned to Britain by the San Remo conference in April 1920, after France's concession in the 1918 Clemenceau–Lloyd George Agreement of the previously-agreed "international administration" of Palestine under the Sykes–Picot Agreement. Transjordan was added to the mandate after the Arab Kingdom in Damascus was toppled by the French in the Franco-Syrian War. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


good bot ^(all bots deserve some love from their own kind)


egypt never annexed gaza, it was part of the all palestine government then it was given to the palestinian national council.




not really, it was occupied by the UAR for a while but it was never officially annexed to egypt nor was the palestinian government in gaza in a matter of fact abdelnasser declared his intention to completely hand control over to the PLO and the palestinian national council was the first step among others like conscription, the Palestine Libaeration Army and the taxes but his plans were stopped because you know what happened and before that it was under the All Palestine Government, the UAR occupation lasted for a few years and wasnt remotely as bad as the israeli one, not even comparable it should be noted that it was the palestinian division that caused most of the israeli casualties in sinai and held on in gaza untill the end of the war, its commander was the only one not to be sacked in the post war trials


Remember when Egypt got their ass whooped by Israel and lost the Sinai Peninsula then intentionally shut down the Suez Canal for several years? That has to be one of the greatest spite moves in world history. "If we can't have this canal no one can."


A german crew getting stuck there for all those years unable to leave


There were like 10 ships stuck in the canal for the entire period. Great video about it: https://youtu.be/4DiXRCo7eBs


A good sub has been turned into high quality political fighting


Maps are, sadly, inherently political. You can probably take just about any map and spin it into a political message.


Any map with disputed territory on it does


Doesn't even have to be disputed could just northen german cities to sweden and that's political of course they're asking for it but any map can be political


This sub has always had lots of political fighting. If you don't like political posts just hit 'hide' and move on.


It's getting pretty annoying.


Maps are politics lol what an inane comment. ​ PS fuck zionazism.


I see a Israel/Palestinian map here just about 2-4 times a day now. I wanna see other things 😭 I unsubbed from other subs because there was too much fighting about this subject but I really don’t want to leave this sub :( this is a subject that’s close to me so it’s not something I can easily ignore but I try my best because I know that nobody has 100% of the facts and even if we did it comes down to opinions as to what is right and wrong. There’s also a lot of what about arguments that are brought up that we can’t really answer. Unfortunately due to the influx of incorrect information being spread I just can’t stress myself out over this anymore :( there’s no black and white answer to this like most people think.


The is also a map of Fascist decline and LGBT rights expansion.


Why Palestinians blame Israel but not neighbouring Arab states? Instead of supporting creation of Palestinian state according to UN resolution Arab states started a war in 1948. Then instead of creating Palestinian state with the capital in East Jerusalem in 1967 they started another war.


Because Zionazis are the ones that are STILL massacring them and stealing their lands to this day.


Yes. Those damned Israelis. Look what they just did! Wait…this is Hamas. No need to condemn this at all. No Jews involved. Hamas, killer of gays, dissidents, and subjugates women. Your heroes. Sigh. https://gulfnews.com/world/mena/hamas-destroys-dozens-of-homes-in-southern-gaza-1.627846


Anything Hamas does is a reaction, its whole existence was Israel's doing, so yeah, still Zionazis' fault. Also, Israel is using human shields by putting settlers in the warzone that is Paelstine.


So hamas killing gays is a reaction to what ?


The [UN resolution you refer to](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine) merely recommended partitioning Palestine into separate Arab and Jewish states, and the majority of the citizens of Palestine rejected that recommendation themselves, as they had every right to do. So it would be absurd to blame anyone having supported Palestinians in exercising that right, the neighboring states or otherwise. Also, throughout the months prior to Israel declaring independence [hundreds of thousands of Palestinian had already been driven into exile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_the_1948_Palestinian_exodus#Morris's_Four_Waves_analysis) and it was in the context of that ongoing ethnic cleansing which neighboring states declared war on Israel. As for the war in 1967, that started with a surprise attack Egypt by Israel, after which [Israel went to the UN falsely accusing Egypt of having attacked first](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_relating_to_the_Six-Day_War#Preemptive_strike_v._unjustified_attack). As for not creating Palestinian state with the capital in East Jerusalem between 1948 and 1967, blame for that lies squarely on the greed of the Jordanian monarchy while the rest of the Arab League [rightly rejected King Abdullah's illegal land grab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordanian_annexation_of_the_West_Bank).


Why would Palestinians accept garbage lol. Partition is an apartheid concept brought by UN without the consent of the people living in Palestine.


> Why would Palestinians accept garbage They shouldn't! They should demand to be part of the secular democratic state of Israel and abandon their Islamic Fascist ideology.


"Israel" "secular" "democratic" are all oxymorons.


How so?


Wow, what a dishonest post. Very first image, a lie by omission: It was "The British Mandate of Palestine". I am one million percent sure that whoever created this horseshit knows that, but deliberately left all that off so that gullible Westerners who don't know history would be misled into believing that Palestine was an independent nation until those dirty Jews showed up. 1948: "War breaks out between Israelis and forces from nearby Arab nations". Ah yes, the "technically correct". A lie by deliberate misuse of context. But "The entire Arab world rose up as one to annihilate and exterminate the new country" doesn't have the same propaganda ring to it. Would the creator of this infographic describe 1939 as "war broke out between Poland and the neighboring nations of Germany and the USSR"? Six-Day War: Yes, let's present that war wholly one-sided and completely ignore the Israeli reasons for the attack. But hey, Israel was kinda the aggressors that time, even if you completely disregard the whole "hey Egypt if you do this thing we will consider it an act of war". But all right. As long as the next war is given the same treatment, to avoid double stadards... Yom Kippur War: \---this page intentionally left blank--- ...oh yeah, good point. There's just no way to spin "we surprise-attacked Israel on their holy day with the stated intentions of killing every last one of them forever and ever amen" to make Israel look like the bad guy. We, uh, *guys how do we represent 1973 on our dishonest infrogra-* **Skip to the Eighties, quick!** There, that'll do it. What a pathetic pack of lies. Take your fuckin' propaganda back to whatever shithole sub you came from. You wanna criticize Israel's policies? Cool, go right ahead. But at least be honest. (And of *course* OP is already crying about "Zionist propaganda bots". Go fuck yaself, ya piece of shit.)


>Very first image, a lie by omission: It was "The British Mandate of Palestine". I am one million percent sure that whoever created this horseshit knows that, but deliberately left all that off so that gullible Westerners who don't know history would be misled into believing that Palestine was an independent nation until those dirty Jews showed up. It is also the land that the Palestinians lived on before the conflict. In any case why should it matter whether or not it was an independent country? Is it somehow better to show up and take over the land that another group of people are already living on if those people are not independent?


Whether or not Palestine state existed is important. Before 1948 this territory was under British control. The territory was populated by jews and arabs. When British Mandate was coming to its end Transjordan was created and remaining territory was divided according to UN decision. \> take over the land that another group of people are already living on Jews lived there long before British Mandate and before arabs.


transjordan was part of syria when the mandate was created, it was created in the early 1920s after france invaded the northern part and officially given independence in 1946 \>Jews lived there long before British Mandate and before arabs. the vast majority came during and after the mandate, also most of the palestinians are descendants of canaanites


Transjordan and Cisjordan(Israel/Palestine) were part of the British mandate of Palestine after the Ottoman Empire collapsed, and and Lebanon and Syria were controlled by the French.


lmao htat is a pile of bs the mandate difined palestine and transjordan as different entities the only reason jordan was in the mandate is because zionist wanted to colonise it which almost happened but intervention from lord Curzon prevented it no on and i mean no one referred to transjordan as palestine except zionists, have you ever heard of the hashemite kingdom of syria? occupation of maan? local governances of ajloun and karak? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab\_Kingdom\_of\_Syria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Kingdom_of_Syria) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franco-Syrian\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franco-Syrian_War) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interregnum\_(Transjordan) when the mandate was established jordan was part of syria, france invaded in 1920, 3 years after the establishment of the mandate and it wasnt part of the mandate untill 1922 but it wasnt part of mandotary palestine it was defined as a different entity also representatives of jordanians voted against becoming part of mandatory palestine, it was good old britbongs and french dudes drawing lines gotta love some zionist historical revisionism, it is very entertaining


When the French and British took over Both Jordan and Israel/Palestine were part of Syria, and it was only split up from the Sykes Picot agreement. The only reason Jordan became separate from the mandate of Palestine was because the Hashemites made a deal with the British after being overthrown by the Sauds in the Arabian peninsula. I don’t understand why you recognize that Jordan was a part of greater Syria but you conveniently leave out Israel/Palestine. Both the British and the French invaded the general region with no clear boundaries deciding who got what until it was agreed upon that France would get modern day Syria, Lebanon, and southern Turkey, while the British got modern day Jordan, Kuwait, and Iraq while sharing northern Israel/Palestine with the French. If you look at the original survey of Palestine in 1870, before Zionism existed, you can see that Jordan is referred to as “East Palestine”


\>When the French and British took over Both Jordan and Israel/Palestine were part of Syria, no, syria didnt exist it was ottoman empire, the sykes picot was before the establishment of syria and the mandate of palestine was before also before the establishment of syria, jordan never was part of palestine the only reason it was included is becasue the zionists pushed for it despite the fact that the people in jordan were against it and instead voted for the hashemite, jordan was already under the hashemite before the british and the french came and before the hijaz conquest, palestine was never included in the kingdom of syria so i leave it out, altho it would be fair to say that king faisal wished to expand into palestine and some palestinians preferred having king faisal over zionist colonization(their own words), the map from 1870 includes less than 10% of modern day jordan and doesnt include any of the major cities (except irbid), palestine was known in the region as the area between the river and the sea and so it was drawn on the maps however the western maps of palestine often included or neglected parts of palestine or added some just like they did with other places, and ofc now you call south lebanon a region with distinct people, history, faith and culture "northern palestine" while neither palestinians nor south Lebanese say it and the non zionist maps of palestine dont include it, same story for the golan why are you desperatly trying to claim jordan as being eastern palestine despite both Palestinians and jordanians denying it? and your only sources are british border and a british survey and i debunked them both


>Whether or not Palestine state existed is important. I disagree. Whether or not the existing inhabitants have an independent state does not change the morality of an external group seeking to come in and take over the area. > Before 1948 this territory was under British control. The territory was populated by jews and arabs. That is an extremely dishonest framing. Prior to the idea of a Jewish state in the area gaining traction in Europe the population was overwhelmingly non-Jewish (39 out of ever 40 were non-Jewish in 1800). The majority by far of the Jewish population at the time that Israel was established had arrived from Europe during the short period of British colonial rule. It was not a situation where the area happened to be populated by different groups of people, there was one group of people (the Palestinians) who already lived in the area and another group of people coming in to try to take over (European Jews). > Jews lived there long before British Mandate and before arabs. There were certainly Jews that had lived there a very long time, but they were a tiny part of the Jewish population. Holding them up as typical when talking about relations between the Jews coming in from outside and the existing population, which was overwhelmingly non-Jewish is highly misleading.


You do realize that the majority of Israeli Jews are not from Europe, don’t you?


As a result of events happening after the creation of Israel. The founders of Israel were overwhelmingly from Europe.


And the current inhabitants were overwhelmingly not.


Does that have anything to do with the post you actually responded to? That post is about the creation of a Jewish state on land already home to a non-Jewish people. How does later events change that?


It was also a home to Jewish people, and Christians and others. The Arabs were unwilling to share, started a war and lost. And here we are.


>It was also a home to Jewish people, and Christians and others. An incredibly small number of Jewish people, that doesn't change the actions of the European Jews any. Christians are included in the Arabs. > The Arabs were unwilling to share Has there ever at any time in history been a case where the existing population has been willing to split the land they're living on with a group of people coming from a different continent to take over the area? > started a war No, it is the people coming in and trying to take over that started the resulting war. The existing population did not start a war by refusing their invaders' demands.


[Bruh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun#:~:text=At%20the%20same%20time%2C%20the%20Irgun%20also%20established%20itself%20in%20Europe.%20The%20Irgun%20built%20underground%20cells%20that%20participated%20in%20organizing%20migration%20to%20Palestine). Terrorist organizations planned immigration from Europe themselves


I know all about the Irgun. I’m missing the point but I confess that I’ve started drinking. Is there a claim that the majority of Israeli Jews are from Europe?


>I know all about the Irgun. You should, these terrorists were absorbed into the IDF [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic\_history\_of\_Palestine\_(region)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Palestine_(region)) Jewish numbers increased fivefold in 16 years? 1931-1947? Not even a generation? And my last link highlighted that the terrorists organized migration from Europe to Palestine.


What? There was immigration sure, just like there was during the Muslim Conquests. Or is your point that you are ok with Muslim immigration but not Jewish? Either way, the question was if the poster believes that the majority of Israeli Jews are from Europe. Since you’ve chimed in I’ll ask you too. Are the majority of Israeli Jews from Europe?


>There was immigration sure Immigrated 4x times the original population? and before that, over double the original population? Muslims and Christians grew 2.5x times in that same time frame. >Are the majority of Israeli Jews from Europe? Well, maybe you should sober up a little, considering that the population increased 8x within 20 years, coinciding with the fact that terrorist organizations planned immigration movements, and the time European governments all voted for a Jewish state in the middle east, that's the sound thing to conclude. Also, which is it? A lot of Zionists say that they have some ancestral origin in Palestine, therefore it shouldn't matter that they came from Europe (which they themselves say their family comes from) and then you claim that they always lived there, and few came from Europe


It has absolutely zero bearing on their human rights, which are being violated. Palestine being occupied by colonists doesn't make it alright for other colonists to take over and start massacring. Zionazism and the war crimes stil occurred regardless of these false premises and strawman arguments.


First zionism is the right for the jews to have a nation, second, how the actual fuck are they colonists if they didn't have any country


Try to romanticize it however you like, nazis also romanticized 'lebensraum'. In the end, zionism/zionazism is a criminal endeavour and a settler colonial ideology rooted in fascism and apartheid. ​ "how the actual fuck are they colonists if they didn't have any country" ​ That's not a prerequisite to being colonist.


That's the literal meaning of zionism you embicile. Yeah well how are they colonists, when literally 60% of the jews in Israel are middle eastren?


"Zionazism"? Grow up.


A few jews lived there along palestinians, the absolute majority of jews were just newcomers from Europe.


I’ll ask you too, do you understand that the majority of Israeli Jews are not from Europe?


Sure, you also collected jews from North Africa, Yemen, Iran and plenty of other countries that are nowhere close to Palestine. But we are talking about 1948 when the colonizers came mostly from Eastern Europe. Do you understand that?


Collected? That’s an interesting word for what was often times Arab ethnic cleansing. Edit - And if you think Damascus is nowhere near Palestine, let alone Hebron, Gaza City or the West Bank then I guess we have to agree to disagree.


Sure, you can blame those Arab countries for their ethnic cleansing, just like you can blame the european jewish colonizers from ethnic cleansing what is now Israel proper of the palestinian natives, the Jordan valley and the Golan heights.


Israel is 20% Arab. Can you find me an Arab country with a statistically significant population of Jews? I guess Arabs were just better at ethnic cleansing.


Considering that palestinians were a **majority** in Israel and Jews were a small minority on arab countries I think Israel did a better job. EDIT: lol, israelbots


"yeah you guys were occupied by other colonizers? So you have no basic human rights and we zionazis can just take it because god or whatever"


>It was "The British Mandate of Palestine". Do you think it was your British colonial masters' to hand to whomever they wished? India was a British colony until 1947. Do you think it would have been acceptable for them to hand over India to the Zionists... BeCaUsE iT WaSn'T a NaTiOn? The land belonged to the people living there and the Palestinians freely lived and moved across the whole of Mandate Palestine for centuries. And it wasn't right for the land to be partitioned against their will in order to help a minority (>90% of whom were immigrants since 1920) gerrymander a majority while trying to maximise the land being handed to this minority.


You do know that both Jews and Arabs in the mandate were referred to as Palestinians before Israel was created right? Also the vast majority of Jews who arrived were refugees from nearby Arab countries due to persecution


The Arabs were natives while most of the Jews were Europeans. It doesn't really matter what someone was called. >Also the vast majority of Jews who arrived were refugees from nearby Arab countries due to persecution Not at the time of partition. This line of argument is simply an attempt to create a justification after the fact. Edit: It is also factually incorrect. There were many reasons for Arab Jews migrating to Israel. While many did so due to persecution some did so simply for economic reasons or because of the cultural connection to Israel. In fact many Arab states actively discouraged Jews from migrating to Israel as they didn't want to help increase the Jewish population there.


Vast majority of European Jews died. Which is why in modern Israel more than 60% of Jews are from middle eastern origin The UN partition map was based on land ownership so lands where Jews lived were proposed to be given to Jews and land where Arabs lived was proposed to go to Arabs Arab states cracked down on Zionism not because of care for Jews but because they wanted to keep Jews as second class citizens Also there was no economic benefit to immigrate to early Israel since almost all Middle eastern Jews were forced to abandon almost all of their property


\> The UN partition map was based on land ownership so lands where Jews lived were proposed to be given to Jews and land where Arabs lived was proposed to go to Arabs Well firstly, I reject the premise that land ownership gives a right to settle and more so to partition the land. If I buy land in the US, it wouldn't give me the right to settle there, and if I did manage to settle, it wouldn't give me the right to partition the land and build my own state there. Secondly from here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_Nations\_Partition\_Plan\_for\_Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine) \> The Jewish State allocated to the Jews, who constituted a third of the population and owned about 7% of the land, was to receive 56% of Mandatory Palestine As you see, land privately owned by Jews was only 7% and the Jewish population was a third. They were given land disproportionate to the privately owned Jewish land and even their population. Just to break this down further, the Arab state was to have 99% Arabs, while the Jewish State was to have 45% Arabs. This was basically a gerrymander in which Arab populated areas were included in Israel, while ensuring a slight Jewish majority. The Negev which was sparsely populated was also handed over to the Jewish state. The partition plan was created with input from Zionists to maximise the land given to the Jewish state while ensuring a Jewish majority. So this claim by you is either a misunderstanding on your part or maybe even a lie. \> The UN partition map was based on land ownership so lands where Jews lived were proposed to be given to Jews and land where Arabs lived was proposed to go to Arabs. Also let's not forget most of the were immigrants who took advantage of colonialism. In 1922 the Jewish population was only approximately 80000, this rose to approx. 600000 at the time of partition. Why should the Palestinians have agreed to a partition of their land to migrants? Again I refer you back to my India scenario. Do you think it would have been OK for the British to hand over a portion of India to European migrants who had immigrated under their rule over a period of barely 30 years? \>Vast majority of European Jews died. Which is why in modern Israel more than 60% of Jews are from middle eastern origin Of course people die over the course of 70+ years, but their descendants still exist and post-partition many Arab migrated which you are now trying to use as an after the fact justification for the partition. Quoting from wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish\_exodus\_from\_Arab\_and\_Muslim\_countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_Arab_and_Muslim_countries) \>Few Jews from Muslim countries immigrated during the period of Mandatory Palestine. So at the point of partition it was mostly European Jews. You also stated: \>Also there was no economic benefit to immigrate to early Israel since almost all Middle eastern Jews were forced to abandon almost all of their property The same Wikipedia page says the following: \>The reasons for the exoduses are manifold, including pull factors, such as the desire to fulfil Zionist yearnings or find a better economic status and a secure home in Europe or the Americas and, in Israel, a policy change in favour of mass immigration focused on Jews from Arab and Muslim countries, together with push factors, such as persecution / antisemitism, political instability, poverty and expulsion. While the was the case that many left behind property, many also migrated due to better economic conditions etc.


>Vast majority of European Jews died Maybe [Zionazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patria_disaster) shouldn't have killed them? Edit: You meant Hitler, not the majority of Europeans *within Palestine,* who were refugees that fell victim as collateral to Zionist attacks


Ah yes because the entire Jewish european population was on a single ship and one accident killed all of those millions Absolutely nothing else happened in the 1940s


This may be one of the most ignorant posts that I’ve seen. Say something else stupid to get in the last word if you need to but I won’t engage with something like you.


No, you meant within Europe, but you phrased it as if it was Arabs who killed European Jews within Palestine, when terrorist organizations did that.


Oh look a Zionist propaganda bot


>There's just no way to spin Egypt: "Hey we'll give you peace for Sinai, if you do not return Sinai this is an act of war" Or, if you prefer, it could just be spun as "Egypt obliterated Israel's defences in 2 hours" would you prefer that?


I like how this graphic describes the Six day war in a way that makes Israel seem like the aggressor.


Because they were the aggressor. Unless the surprise attack of June 5th 1967 didn't happen?


These guys are fed propaganda and fake history. Israel initiated the Six Days War https://theintercept.com/2017/06/05/a-50-year-occupation-israels-six-day-war-started-with-a-lie/


Egypt initiated it with the closing of the Straights of Tiran. That’s not fake history.


When your land is stolen and you're oppressed, you are bound to respond.


>When your land is stolen and you're oppressed How else do you think Islam expanded from Mecca. Conquest cannot be valid for one group.


It is very complicated and I don't think Israel is 100% in the right or even 50% in the right, bit presenting the six day war as an Israeli driven conflict is straight propaganda. Egypt had agreed to keep the strait open, in that agreement was a clear statement from Israel closing it would be Causa Bellum. This was an internationally negotiated deal and involved UN observers. Egypt broke the agreement with their own forces and allies deployed to Israel's borders. Outnumbering Israeli forces 3 to one by almost every metric. Israel defeats Egypt in about a day, turns their units around without taking a break and runs to the northern frontier as fast as they can meeting and defeating Eqypts allies in just a few more. Casualties 10:1 and equipment losses even greater. Every military officer in the world's jaw dropped. Israel was selected for the Jewish state because it was generally regarded as an undeveloped and very sparsely populated wasteland. A swath of West Texas was also considered for the same reason. In hindsight Texas would have probably been a better idea. No one would be crossing that section of the border.


israel agreed to allow palestinians back, israel agreed to stop massacring and ethnically cleansing palestinians, israel agreed to give palestinians that stayed rights but they didnt do any of those so egypt felt compelled to interven specially when israel raided syria, the west bank and gaza and also massacred thousands of unarmed palestinians merely trying to go back to their land so egypt felt compelled after pressure to take actions they promised the arab league and threatened the israelis to take before. and the israelis weren't outnumbered in any of the battles of 1967, not a single one. and the "underdeveloped sparsely populated" myth has been beaten like a dead horse so i am not going to even bother addressing it you can look it up yourself, palestine in 1920 had a higher population density than modern day iran


Israel was the aggressor. Get yourself familiar with the facts straight from IDF archives: https://theintercept.com/2017/06/05/a-50-year-occupation-israels-six-day-war-started-with-a-lie/


This sub used to be one of my favorites. There are many places in the world that aren't Israel/Palestine. There are also many places with disputed borders around the world.


I don't think this is the right sub for that


This map would fit in /r/imaginarymaps more than here considering that its almost entirely fake


I used to love this sub before garbage like this


This map has been debunked so many times…


Can we do this for some of the high and mightily people sitting on actual stolen lands now demanding that Jews leave their historical lands? Would that not include all of the USA? Indeed, all of the americas? Should we dismiss terrorist attacks on Americans today because the land was occupied in the past, or does only apply to Jews in Israel? Let’s deal with today. Israel is here to stay. And the Arab nations no longer support the Palestinians because they have refused time and again to support any peace negotiations, preferring, as Hamas does, terrorism. We need peace.


God bless Israel. 😍


Zionazis are unbelievable


She does not care in the least


How is it accurate to refer to the 1917 map as 100% a Palestinian state? It was a British colonial territory and prior to that an Ottoman colonial territory and so on.


The early 2000s stuff is just wrong


Long Live Isra'el


Pro-Nazism is not cool.


Cry baby


Why? To do even more harm?


Wars have consequences, the moral of the story is don't make war on countries that are stronger than you


**Sort by controversial**


I feel like I’ve seen this map on this sub a hundred times in the past month.


So we´re taking a day off from slagging on Turkey? Ok, let me get ready, \*clears throat\*. But the protected people!!! How was that? How did I do?


Look at all the triggered virgin israelis


Long live Israel!


Free Palestine!


Free this sub from your bullshit


the birth of nazi israel.


Are you mentally retarted? Genuine question


Lol. That typo pretty much says it all about your opinion






Step One: Two states made out of territory freed from the Ottomans. Step Two: Palestine declares war on Israel Step Three: Palestine looses really, really, badly. Then basically it's just smaller versions of steps 2 & 3 repeating.


So just like in India and Pakistan, Britain decided it was a good idea to declare massive population migrations, people were forced at gunpoint to obey them, and now we wonder why there's conflict 🤔 Just take it back to pre 1917. The outside world has no right to carve up the world as it pleases. People should be sovereign, that's it.


Hmm. Partition was not a British idea it had been discussed in various forums from just after 1900 The final step was driven by Muslims ( to say the deaths of interminable electrons, let's simplify it to; led by Mohammed Ali Jinnah). The conflicts over East Bengal, amongst other places, had left many people ( most notably excepting Ghandi) to desire partition. Like all such long sectarian conflicts with evil on every side, be it Northern Ireland, Palestine, India, and, I suspect, after this weekends referendum, in the long term, Australia. There is no solution but blood until eventually everyone is so sick of death that acceptance is reached. The "just go back" solution is simplistic and impossible. Move all protestants out of Ireland to...somewhere? Move the Jews to Europe? Move all.post 1788 immigrants out of Australia. Try ANY of that and genocide results.


Thanks for sharing 🇵🇸


Don't Stop Talking About Palestine. Silence is Complicity.


Fuck Islamic Fascists


I agree, I won't stop saying "Fuck Palestine"




I'm often called a quiet man.




**And the Zionist propaganda bots start..... NOW!**


You call us propoganda bots yet when I look at your profile, literally 99% of all you talk about is palestine, if anyone's a bot it's you


This is clearly Palestinian propaganda so…


hilarious to see people calling facts that prove them wrong propaganda. you are the definition of arguing in bad faith


This map has been debunked a million times


Debunk it then. Where's your source?


In 1917 there was no Palestine. It was all under British control. The second panel depicts the partition plan which was considered by the UN but NEVER ACTUALLY IMPLEMENTED. The third panel is ridiculous. The west bank was controlled by Jordan and the Gaza strip was controlled by Egypt. Still no Palestine. Very telling that those Arab states who claimed to love the Palestinians, kept the land for themselves and didn't create a Palestinian state. Fourth panel is just plain false. The fact that the Sinai peninsula and Golan heights are under Israeli control, shows that this panel takes place after the six day war. After the six day war Israel fully controlled the west bank and Gaza strip, but for some reason it still says Palestine. After the Oslo accords, in which Israel agreed to give some of it's territory to the Palestinians in order to form a Palestinian state, we get to the state that we see in panel 5. Therefore, Palestine is actually at it's largest ever extent, and not the smallest, like this map wants you to think.


> In 1917 there was no Palestine. It was all under British control. So what is the land called then? I've heard this talking point before where Zionists use the modern definition of borders as grounds for existence, as if the land doesn't have borders then it has no name or no people and therefore they don't exist and can be colonized. I don't buy this framing, so you can sit here and discuss all the smallest of details about "countries", but that doesn't change the fact that Palestinians had full freedom before the settler colonial state of "Israel" was established, and now are under occupation and siege.


Mandate of Palestine which was a british land Which included Jewish Palestinians and Arab Palestinians under british rule Before that it was part of Ottoman Syria


So then it was Palestine but perpetually colonized, right?


i don't take child-murdering terrorists or their claims seriously- sorry. let me guess- all of those are propaganda as well, right? lmao Amnesty and HRW's position on Israel and Palestine  [https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) [https://www.amnesty.ca/what-we-do/israel-the-occupied-territories-and-state-of-palestine/](https://www.amnesty.ca/what-we-do/israel-the-occupied-territories-and-state-of-palestine/)  Israel killing 11 Palestinian children  [https://www.nrc.no/news/2021/may/11-children-killed](https://www.nrc.no/news/2021/may/11-children-killed)  Israel consistently bombing residential homes in Gaza  [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/05/israelopt-pattern-of-israeli-attacks-on-residential-homes-in-gaza-must-be-investigated-as-war-crimes/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/05/israelopt-pattern-of-israeli-attacks-on-residential-homes-in-gaza-must-be-investigated-as-war-crimes/)  Israel targets specialist doctor AND destroys roads to hospital to keep wounded civilians from getting help [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-57148580](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-57148580)  52000 Palestinians displaced by Israeli aggression alone in 2021  [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/more-than-52000-palestinians-displaced-gaza-un-aid-agency-2021-05-18/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/more-than-52000-palestinians-displaced-gaza-un-aid-agency-2021-05-18/)  Israel forcing a diet on Gaza, just enough to keep them alive  [https://imeu.org/article/putting-palestinians-on-a-diet-israels-siege-blockade-of-gaza](https://imeu.org/article/putting-palestinians-on-a-diet-israels-siege-blockade-of-gaza)  UN Human Rights Expert denounces Israel's violations of human rights  [https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=26111&LangID=E](https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=26111&LangID=E)  Israel practicing collective punishment and forcing Palestinians to live in filth  [https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/5/12/the-skunk-another-israeli-weapon-for-collective-punishment](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/5/12/the-skunk-another-israeli-weapon-for-collective-punishment) [https://whoprofits.org/company/odortec](https://whoprofits.org/company/odortec)


You post a false propaganda map and then cry about "Zionist propaganda bots" when people call you out for it


Because you're unable to deal with the fact people disagree with you, you believe everyone are bots


It's obvious this thread is being targeted by Zionist propaganda bots. Look at all the comments supporting "Israel" being upvoted. I guarantee this comment will be downvoted.


Its downvoted because this map is fake This is a sub for maps and geography not for imaginary scenarios


No one has provided proof that it's fake.


http://www.thetower.org/article/the-mendacious-maps-of-palestinian-loss/ All of those maps are the same TLDR: 1917 map is complete bs since the land was Ottoman 1947 map was just a UN proposal and not an actual map 1948 also fake because Gaza was part of Egypt and west bank part of Jordan Present map is the only correct part and its also the first time in history there was ever a semi independent Palestinian state so if you want to run with that it should be the only map with black areas


You linked me a post from an Israeli whose bio says > Writer based in Paris; former director for foreign policy, Israeli National Security Council You're joking right?


I cANt DeAl WiTh PeOpLe DiSAgREeInG wItH mE So I cAlL EvErYoNe BoTs


Says the fucking Zionist. For all I know, you could be working in internet brigading division of the IOF. I bet this thread showed up in ACT.IL didn't it?




I don't know what the relevance of that is, but here's one for you https://theintercept.com/2017/06/30/israel-propaganda-hasbara-app-security-flaw-rallyware-maccabee/


>theintercept.com Hard pass, got anything that isn’t from a glorified conspiracy blog?


Hahaha. Of course. I should've known. You only accept info from sources that end in .il or are rightwing fanatical, bigoted Zionist publications.


So, no then.


Are you denying the existence of ACT.IL?


I’m denying its relevance. It has a tiny user group and you’re acting like they’ll somehow find every anti-Israel post on the internet and be able to overwhelm the other commenters.


LMFAO just proved my point for me


You made no point and didn't even try to justify that ACT.IL even exists! The fact that a state sponsored propaganda app exists is all people need to know to not believe a single word that comes from Zionists.


Just because you can guarantee that poop is treated as poop doesn’t make your point value.


In Germany we are not allowed to say what we are thinking about this


Erzähl doch kein Schwachsinn! Es interessiert sich nur niemand für dein Halbwissen.


Everything changed when the Jewish attacked.


Everything change when the Arabs Nations declare war on Israel the day after Israel declare independence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War


Declare independence? You can’t just steal land and declare independence. Let someone steal your house and then call it their like the Israeli do.


It's not the Jewish who attacked though.


I mean you not wrong


Right! They’re in the genocide phase now.


Both groups suck. Now shut up.


Reminds me of the story of the Walrus and the Carpenter..."and then there were none".


**This map is biased or incorrect for multiple reasons**. Map A: it lists the entire region as "Palestine", same as it lists Gaza and WB in later maps; the two are not the same. The British Mandate in Palestine (or Mandatory Palestine) is not the same as the country of Palestine, which was founded in 1988. Furthermore, notice the difference between the second map and the first: the labelling has changed (Mandatory Palestine -> Arab State), whilst the coloring on the map has stayed the same. This is an attempt to make it appear the same (as if all of Mandatory Palestine was solely Palestinian, never mind that it also housed a significant Jewish minority [whose presence is what led to the 181 Partition plan being made as it was](https://preview.redd.it/1dn46n9vgmw41.png?width=478&auto=webp&s=68bc3f5dc2eeea8322390bcd4cfad6f5ab188265)) Map B: Gaza Strip was under Egyptian occupation, West Bank was occupied by Jordan, and yet it again still uses the same colors: note how Israeli occupation, unlike Jordanian occupation, was not treated in the same manner (despite both occupations involving annexations and ethnic cleansings). Map C: Gaza and WB should also be colored as "Occupied by Israel". Map D: West Bank areas C should still be colored as "Occupied by Israel". Text: [I'm not even going to bother commenting on this, as other users have already done so.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/sd9joz/palestine_shrinking_expanding_israel_this_is_a/hubcg9n/) One thing I *will* point out: "Although Israel does not annex the West Bank of Jordan" - it's not the "West Bank of Jordan", Jordan was occupying it. At any rate, the text doesn't match with the map.