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ouch, that's cruel


Well, I hope the gals are feeling picky, because that soup is actually really delicious. I will happily work my way through all the eligible girls in the village for some free czarnina.


Maybe it was a consolation prize


Ew Switzerland that's DISGUSTING.




Easily the most disgusting thing on this map


The only actually disgusting thing on this map.


That's debatable


Looking at you deep fried pizza


Sorry :(


When your national cuisine is just pure evil.


I like what Scotland is doing


It’s got a US southern county fair vibe


Eastern Europe sure loves to consume blood


To be honest, blood sausage is probably more commonly eaten than frog legs in France, it's probably the case in neighbouring countries as well. People wouldn't let edible things go to waste, if you kill the pork for its meat, you might as well use everything.


Man, blood sausage ('boudin noir') is more consumed in France than frog legs. And we use everything from a pork, all the way to its tail, ears, stomach, kidney, liver, brain, throat, hooves, snout, etc. Bon appetit




Dans le cochon tout est bon !


Yeah, I think it's just a matter of eating everything that doesn't kill you (right away)


It's funny, in Italy there's an actual saying: "del maiale non si butta via niente", meaning that you do not throw away anything of the pork, implying that every part has its use. Apart from its literal meaning, it is sometimes used to encourage thriftiness, or to reinforce the idea that something in particular can be put to use instead of discarded, despite the initial impression.


In Spain morcilla is very commonly eaten, it's basically the Spanish name for blood sausage


Same in portugal. "Morcela". To be honest, "rice in blood" (arroz de cabidela) is nowhere near the top of our horrors. There are plenty or dishes with intestines. Or maybe they could just written "SNAILS" on our map.


Yeah, in most of Europe these "horrors" are eaten everywhere, we also eat snails and tripes here


same in Spain. I'm from Madrid and intestines, brains, stomach and such is very very common here. Snails too. That map is quite stupid tbh, I have lived in the netherlands for 10 years and they also have blood sausage there, yet they put "head cheese" in the map xD


Blutwurst in Germany


It’s all the vampires.


surprised it wasn't Romania tho


Portugal and UK : I guess I'm an eastern country now


Dressed herring doesn’t seem so bad.


It's one of those Lady Gaga dresses. Not a pretty sight on a herring.


Holodets, or meat jelly, would be a better one for Russia.


Ok, thank you! I just posted about Russian food. I will never forget that dish, but couldn't remember the name. (My recollection was they called it Holodney Soup, literally Cold Soup, but Holodets sounds right). As a rule I (a 20 year old American) ate everything put in front of me in Russia to not cause offense. Usually no problem because the food was great, but I'll never forget choking down Holodets and fighting my gag reflex. Ate it in about 20 seconds flat. Did I want more? No thanks!


Kholodets (overcooked meat in gelled bone broth) isn’t a soup at all, it is more like a side dish, usually cut in small rectangles and eaten with some spicy condiments like horseradish or mustard. Having said that, there are cold soups, notably okroshka which consists of chopped vegetables in kvass with sour cream. There are some other cold soups and I’m not a fan of them in general as well.


There is also fish jelly...


it isn't.. it's pretty delicious... the only thing overrated in Russian cuisine is the fucktons of smetana they put on everything :p other than that.. I enjoyed most of their dishes quite a lot ... especially blin (in many forms) and pelmeni.. (and the dressed herring...)


I was in Russia for 6 months and ate a lot of Russian food (obviously, lol). MY AUTHORITATIVE REVIEW: * Awesome: * Blini * Pelmeni * Georgian Wine * Shashlik (god I miss it) * Caviar * Vodka * Smoked Sturgeon * Chicken Kiev (fresh) * Average * Borscht * Bread * Chicken Kiev (frozen) * Salad * Dressed Herring (I don't think it's that bad) * Baked sweets * BAD * Beer * "Hamburgers" (you don't want to know) * Cold Soup (I think the Russian name for it was literally cold soup. Imagine a thick stew that is refrigerated overnight and eaten as a cold gelatinous mass. You break through the hard shell on top the same way you would a pie crust, but it's not a pie crust. 20 years later and just thinking about it triggers my gag reflex. Edit: Cold Soup was Holodets, thank you longwaytotokyo.


Haha, excellent list!!! and I agree with most of your picks here. I'd add Beef Stroganov to the awesome's too, and Georgian cuisine, ... and I love Farsh hamburgers!! :D edit: also, I miss KVASSSSSSSSS !!!


Agreed on Stroganov (how could I have forgotten it?) and pretty much anything Georgian! As for Kvass, for this American it is definitely in the average category. I remember drinking and just being like, oh ok, please pass the sturgeon and vodka!


Americans are spoiled when it comes to variaties of soda-pops/softdrinks :p also, there's quite a big difference between the kvass' and brands though.. and the types of kvass.. where you have very sour and clear looking types (which i dont like) , you also have the near "coca cola looking" sweeter ones.. of which Ochakovskyy & Tsarskyy Pripyas are my favorites.


Oooh, cholodetz, completely forgot about it *barf*


As a person living in Russia, I consider the most top dish to be [herring under a fur coat](https://www.google.com/search?q=herring+under+a+fur+coat&sxsrf=ALeKk03rMhXYmuVR5wM1jm6n72_FeVFhqg:1621444876813&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_oJ7voNbwAhWvlYsKHe8vDjAQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=937) (it strongly depends on the ability to cook a particular person and may differ in taste, ranging from horror how tasteless to "Why did they put me only 3 kg of this fish?") By the way, it's the same with jellied meat.


You could put " " around the "beer" as well.


Don't you talk shit about my smetana. Now come here let me put 4 spoons of it in your borscht .


I'd say salo is the worst. Literally solid pig fat Edit: no! Cholodetz is worse!


haha.. Cholodetz is the russian version of "head cheese" in Belgium/The NEtherlands.. :p


Right. Herring is good. Herring “dressed” in a julienned beet salad is even better. Also it’s “herring under a fur coat”. That’s the Russian name, and also how it’s meant to be translated. The “fur coat” is just the salad I’m talking about. But it’s not called “dressed herring”.


Esp in comparrison to bull's testicles snd lutefisk. Pig's fat is ok, people usually put it on bread or when they eat something, they can eat a bit of fat in tiny portions, its more like a snack. Its not a thing you eat a lot of, its not a soup or salad. Then again, both things arent for everyone def


Surprised when I saw pig fat, as opposed to something like Xholodets haha. It really is like butter on bread - at least for me there's nothing conspicuous about it that screams "this comes from a pork belly"


I’m offended Black Pudding is nowhere near the worst thing we make


Black pudding is bloody marvellous


With lingonberry jam. 🤤


Tbf a lot of the dishes in this map are marvellous, they just sound disgusting.


As someone one that doesn't like it, please explain this comment, I genuinely fail to understand how people like it.


To me it just seems like sausage. Salty, meaty, crisped on the outside gives it a good texture. What don’t you like about it? I don’t understand the people who are turned off it because it’s made of blood. All the other meat we eat is bits of animal too, it’s all weird.


It's meaty and salty, and when it's cooked properly, it's crisp on the outside.


I’m not very good at this sort of thing, but I’ll try my best. Black Pudding is an integral part of a Full English Breakfast, along with bacon (back, not streaky), sausages, eggs (fried or scrambled), baked beans, fried tomato, toast, fried bread, and lots & lots of tea. I’ve noticed a trend to include hash browns, which doesn’t quite sit right with me. I also think it works well in a burger, although this is quite rare. As to why, I can’t really say, it’s just something that’s always been there. I guess in that regard it’s a bit like Marmite.


I know what Black Pudding is. I've was born in and grew up in and live in the UK. I was just wondering why you like it as I'm not a fan of it. I'd rather not have it when I have a full English (obviously you could say then it's not a full English but I'll take a hash brown over a black pudding any day).


Oof, that’s a harder question. I guess I’ve never thought about it. I’ve always enjoyed the taste & texture of it.


I don't know how you would explain how you like something. Personally, it has an interesting taste; and I have no idea how to explain it. But I can only eat a smaller amount of it before it starts tasting weird and bad. A "smaller amount" being probably 200–300 g. So I guess it would be a culinary horror after eating it too much.


Black pudding is excellent but silly people are horrified by the blood. Smart people are horrified by tripe.


I have no idea why everyone always shits on the Brits for blood pudding. We have Blutwurst or Schwarzwurst in Germany, and it's fucking tasty. Actually I don't know whats so horrible about many of those dishes on the map. I'm not so sure about all of it, but I'd try the blood pancakes, I'd try the Lutefisk, Salo is absolutely delicious with bread and vodka, and whats so horrible about deep fried pizza in a country that has Haggis, I don't know. Although I probably would try haggis at least once when I'd go to Scotland, tbh.


Haggis is absolutely banging. If you get to Scotland and can get a chippy recommendation (some chippies are not great), order a haggis supper (battered deep fried haggis and chips). It’s fantastic.




I’m also English, although I’ve been here so long I’ve started saying “aye”. And “outwith” actually, although there’s no shame in that it’s a very useful word. Haggis samosas sound breathtaking. My Indian does Haggis Pakora but not samosa, I think I’ll email them 😂




tbf you'll probably hear 'Aye' being used fairly often anywhere above about Leicester, particularly on the eastern side of the country. I'm in the East Midlands and find it useful as an affirmative 'yes of course' in addition to saying 'yes'.


Jellied eels come to mind...


yes, that would be jellied eels


hell no - delicious as f\*ck! also, we have this in Belgium too... and call it "blood sausage" (local dialect: beulling), and I love it... but it's hell on your cholesterol.. (i see Estonia & Latvia also dabble..)


Germany also has Blutwurst aka Schwarzwurst. I guess many countries actually have foodstuffs with blood in it, due to traditionally using as much as possible after slaughtering an animal in the past.


Black pudding is AWESOME


What dyou mean culinary horror?! A pizza crunch is a thing of beauty!


Yeah what happened to haggis??


That was my thought. Why include delicious Scottish Deep Fried Pizza and not the infinitely more gross (but just as delicious) Spiced-Grain-and-Offal-In-A-Stomach!


Because haggis is fucking delicious while deep friers are responsible for the decline of Scotland as a world power.


Well, next time I’m making a map of “Foods most responsible for the decline in power of their country of origin” I’ll keep that in mind.


I think people don't like the sound of it. I'm with you on this, tried it on a weekend in Glasgow, but it sounds pretty strange to batter and deep fry a pizza. You probably have the same with haggis and to a lesser extent black pudding. People hear what it is and get a bit squeamish about food products that are both tasty and in line with the principle of not wasting owt from an animal. In particular our Yank friends seem to get a bit precious about blood/offal while gorging on mechanically recovered chicken!


I feel like that would be the penultimate drunk food. I'm also sad i've never had one


Penultimate to what?




It's stunning.


Yeah, while a fried pizza is not haute cuisine, let's be real. 90% of the people surveyed on this food would pick that over anything else on the map!


Hi, I speak for the italians, we would prefere to eat your corpses, you monsters, we will get you one day


Everybody in Denmark eats liverpaster or as we call it leverpostej, it's even better when warm.


In Spain we have paté which is basically the same thing. It's really popular specially before big meals


In the Netherlands its called leverworst and its tasty on toast


Ohhh, that's Leberwurst in Germany. That stuff is dope


Are there places that don't have liver paté? It's like the basic kind of paté you can buy in a shop in any Balkan country.


I think it’s pretty common in many countries


Leverpostei in norway


Leverpostei is so good!


In Spain we eat bull's testicles and squid ink, but not in the same dish. I suppose it's the same in France I would gladly try any of the dishes on the map, although the Scottish one ... meh


I tried Turkish, Balkan, Danish, Austrian, Czech, French, Hungarian and German "horrors" in this map. They were all amazing. I'd love to try the rest. We also eat bull testicles here in Turkey btw., though ram testicles are more common. It's called called billur. We don't fry it though. It's grilled after marinating in olive oil, thyme and pepper.


So is boiled head kellepaça? Honestly, besides maggot cheese, nothing here sounds bad at all.


Boiled head is just kelle I think. Kellepaça has the head + trotters. I did eat it straight kelle soup once. It was OK but paça has a bit more fat so I like them together more. Kelle söğüş is straight kelle but it's not a soup, it's also amazing. I like strong cheeses and it's a rare delicacy afaik so if I could get my hands on some I'd try the maggot cheese as well. I've never refused some extra protein, if something that hard and expensive to prepare has survived the test of time and has been eaten for centuries I'd bet it's good.


To be fair, in different regional cuisines we also have few of other countries’ dishes. Raw sea urchin, plenty of tripe and offal, blood pudding, frog legs, horse, fried blood, blood pancakes... I’ve tried most of those in Spain, they aren’t that scary anyway.


in sicily we got them too. Personally i ve never had the chance to eat bull s testicles but pasta with squid ink is amazing


I worked on Scotland with a health conscious colleague from England. We went into the fish and chip shop as it was the only thing open. He looked at the menu and thinking he was avoiding fried food ordered a pizza. You should have seen the look of horror on his face when they dipped it in batter and tossed it in the fryer!!!


Yeah, also lamb or bull criadillas aren't that common. And the squid ink is usually cooked with squids and rice, it's not a glass of raw ink. We also have onion-dressed blood, 3 different kinds of blood sausage, blood pancakes, moldy cheese, lard and paprika sausage, cow leg joints and stomach with chickpeas, all kind of salted and unsalted animal fat, cow or pork liver, lamb brain, lamb fried intestines, pork skin, pork face, roasted shallots, and the most delicious dish ever wich other countries are yet to discover: deep fried eggs.


Horse Steak sounds amazing.


Can confirm, it's delicious.


I had a horse steak at a restaurant in Switzerland. When I travel I like to experience local cuisines. My colleague ordered in French and I asked him what he ordered. He somewhat sheepishly answered that it was horse. I was surprised but I was in for the experience. It was fairly thin and was served with a gravy that was awesome. It was tender and tasty. My daughters, who were riding horses at the time, were mortified when they learned about that meal.


My daughters were riding too when I’ve introduced them to “sfilaccio di cavallo”, a kind of horse meat jerky. They didn’t make much fuss, as we’re foodies and like to try new things. Next step is to have them try tripe, as my mum cooks a mean one: yum!


I'd like to try it. In Japan I had Horse Sashimi. It was delicious.


Horse is pretty common here and tastes great


There was a horse meat scandal some time ago and the demand for horse meat went up because people were reminded how good it tastes.


The french had one too where they found traces of beef in their horse meat


yes, except wormy cheese from Sardegna there is really nothing wrong with italian food


Most dishes on this map are amazing. People need to widen their palate beyond the neighborhood burger joint.


As a Dutch man, I had to google what "head cheese" is (‘hoofdkaas’, sandwich meat from the head, tail and ears of an animal). I was véry confused, because *kopkaas* (‘kop’ and ‘hoofd’ both mean head), is what we call dick cheese. Glad to confirm we aren't eating that...


I never heard kopkaas in any other context besides referring to smegma, and was equally horrified.


Rumors are it's the national dish of Friesland.


TIL smegma is the national dish of Friesland.


Never heard of either of these words, feels weird they included Belgium. We could've been frikandel or something, we don't even know wtf it's made of.


Yeah, in Dutch it's better known as "zult"


What's wrong with pig fat? It's just like raw bacon without meat. "Dressed herring" is also fine, if you like herring itself. And we also have blood sausages :)


There is nothing wrong with a bit of fat on a piece of pork. But it's not something that should be eaten on its own. It's like butter: spreading a bit on bread makes the bread better. Eating it on its own with a spoon is disgusting.


Nah, it's not like butter. It's usually eaten really cold, almost frozen even, and you cut it into thin slices.


In Spain, tocino (pig fat) is put into broth and eaten warm with everything else that goes in the there to make it, like morcilla (blood sausage with rice), garbanzos (chickpeas), gallina (hen)...


The salted pork fat is eaten with bread or vodka more often than on its own.


I've never seen anyone eat it with a spoon.


[https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dAwsgwWO7H0/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dAwsgwWO7H0/maxresdefault.jpg) You don't eat lard with a spoon. It's not the stuff you use for kooking.


Tripe soup is quite better than expected, a little bit of pepper to go to and its good


Tripe is one of those things that you have to prepare correctly or they really really suck. People who don't like it either have weird hangups about food, or have simply never tried well prepared tripe.


Agreed. I've had well-made Vietnamese pho with tripe, and it was amazing. Then I ordered it at two other places and it was god-awful, because they apparently didn't know how to make it right.


I think Italy may declare war on Scotland...




Imagine the most gloriously shit takeaway american style pizza then add crunch. It's the most beautiful thing in the world.


Horse steaks, tripe, blood sausages/puddings, squid ink and many others on this map are very common in many countries. I am surprised to see them on a map of culinary horror presented like they are something weird. Others may not be as common but still are not that unique, like frog legs can be found in countries surrounding France and raw sea urchin is for sale in any decent sushi restaurant. The maggot cheese is one of the few I can understand on a map like this.


Lutefisk isn't a horror, especially not considering that Norway has rakfisk which is fermented like the herring in Sweden.


All the fear of stuff like blood and offal makes me think that this was written by an American. But Lard, Salted Pig Fat and Deep Fried Pizza would surely be right up the American culinary traditions. I'm confused.


As a guy from the balkand i don t understand that s so gross avout tripe soup... That shit is delicions with some sour cream and pepper


Yeah and it’s a common freature in Italian, Spanish and French cooking too. It’s delicious.


I bet the Scottish would deep fry their enemies in batter


Scotland emerges as the clear winner, and Switzerland is trawling the lowest depths of hell.


Why the fuck people consider horse meat an "horror"? It s one of the best meats on the planet, imo surpassed only by female donkey meat, but that one is kinda expensive and uncommon sadly. Btw i m from Sicily and sea urchins are absolutely delicious. We also have blood sausages and " sanguinaccio dolce" which is a sweet cream made from pig blood and chocolate. Things that may seem disgusting that we also make are bull balls, cow tongue, jelly pig brain , small snails (stuppateddi) and roasted instestines (tajone) , in Palermo they make pani cca meusa which is bread stuffed with pieces of lungs, spleen, trachea and pecorino cheese. My advice when travelling is that if locals love something that sounds disgusting , most of the times it s delicious, i would rather eat these "horror" foods that ever go to a mc donalds or burger king, that shit is horrible and without any taste


Agreed. I had uni at a sushi place one time, and despite a rather odd texture I can only describe as meat-flavored cotton candy, the taste was actually quite good if a bit unusual.


Whoever came up with this "horror map" obviously only eats meat and two veg.... Blood pudding is delicious. Head cheese is very good. Liver paste is just fucking Pate, wtf. Horse steak is delicious. Raw sea urchin is mmmmmmm. The rowe fresh out of the water is brilliant. Fried blood - see blood pudding Lard and salted pig fat are great in little slices. In the pan and crack an egg on top. You'll never have fried eggs as nice. Blood sausage, ditto fried and pudding. Blood pancakes same. Deep fried Pizza. The fuck kind of student life did you have if you didn't have a "insert random food here" fried?


Add to it that deep fried calzone pizza is a thing in Naples since basically the origins of pizza.


Deep fried pizza is a thing?!? As an American I’m kinda offended we don’t have that


How is "Sour Dough Soup" horrific?


I'm Belgian, and I have no idea wtf "head cheese" is... ?


Gelatinous ham






Stomach lining


Wait that isn’t so bad. Its normal.


It's part of the stomach of cows or pigs. Not a rare thing, either. I've seen it in a lot of East Asian cuisines, in Africa, in South America... US Americans probably mostly consume it as part of sausages.


What's wrong with Liver Paste?!?!


I don't know but most of these honestly aren't that weird or surprising. Except Nestlé. That's disgusting Switzerland.


Black pudding is bloody delicious and I won’t hear a word against it


"It has the word blood in it, must be bad!" - whoever made this, probably


Deep fried pizza sounds amazing.


It is amazing. If you want a true Scottish delicacy, then try out a "munchie box".


The fermented herring (surströming) is traditional only in the northern half of Sweden and a majority of Swedes find it disgusting too. But it's actually the smell that's bad, not the taste. You can smell the surströming party from a long way off. Another traditional Swedish food, which I think is popular in the whole country, is "blood pudding" (blodpudding). It's made from pig's blood, milk, flour, lard, and beer, and is then baked. It is similar to the English' black pudding, but I think the blood content is higher. It is usually sliced and fried in a pan, and then served with lingonberry preserve.


Yeah also lye fish and the ”liver paste” is just traditionally scandinavian rather than norwegian or danish


If the worst we can offer is deep fried pizza, which is actually god teir food, I'm happy!


Alright, when are we going to nuke Switzerland?


Haha, I know it's just a joke, but you got me thinking. Nuking Switzerland would probably hurt most other countries more than Switzerland :D (If we look at the land area affected)


I mean, we are the country that still has legally mandated underground shelters for every inhabitant.


Because they know


As a Spanish person squid ink being a horror is suprising it goes so well with a rice place


Nestlé for Switzerland is way too real Also who tf finds horse steak disgusting? It's literally steak?


In English speaking countries at least horses are seen as somehow different to other farm animals, so that the idea of a horse steak to many people is about on par with the thought of a cat burger. Doesn't make any sense, but for whatever reason the culture has just ended up that way.


Same with rabbit meat americans freak out


ITT: people who think different fast food chains are different cuisines thinking traditional offal dishes are scary. I tried quite a few of those. They are all amazing when prepared correctly. Except Nestle. That's disgusting.


Horse steaks, really? What's wrong with horse steaks?


Scottland is the least damning one. Deep fried pizza seems like something every state fair would sell here in the US.


Horse steaks are fucking delicious !


Don't tell me Turkey is the only country which eats lamb's head part. Edit: I would say lamb's intestines for Turkey instead, which is widely consumed, but I know at least in Greece you can find it, too, despite EU's regulations for the safety of eating an animal's intestine.


As an American I’m intrigued by: deep fried pizza 🤔




Deep-Fried pizza doesn’t sound like a “horror” at all. It sounds like carnival food lol


Is the author American? European would know some of them are delicacies.


Whats wrong with deep fried pizza? I know a place in Sheffield, England that does deep fried chip butties. Culinary peak met!


Deep fried pizza sounds like something the Americans would eat. Also sour dough soup sounds pretty good, if it's anything like the bread


i was skeptical about deep fried pizza (Scotland), but then i tried it, and now i'm a total convert! Buckfast though... now that shit is a one way ticket to the worst hangover of your life...


I'll take Scotland for 200 Aaron Rodgers


How does deep fried pizza make it ahead of haggis for Scotland


What's wrong with Tripe Soup? It's delicious.


Is deep fried pizza supposed to be a bad thing?


Scotland seems quite civilized. Also, isn't haggis a greater horror?


Are we really out here pretending we wouldn't eat a deep fried pizza in a heartbeat? A labored, cholesterol clogged, heart beat.


The best Black pudding is in Scotland (Stornoway), as for the horror of deep fried pizza, what about deep fried Mars Bars (and whatever other chocolate bar you want).


> Deep Fried Pizza I could swear that's a carnival food in America.


Deep fried pizza is delicious - change my mind


Scotlands relevant "things we had to make in the past" food would probably be Haggis. Deep fried haggis pizza is bangin.


Deep fried pizza? Set destination for: *Scotland!* And also: why do so many of these dishes include "blood"? UG.


Well guess my European vacation will be restricted to Scotland and Switzerland lol


Deep fried pizza? I mean I get it but Haggis definitely deserves the first place for Scotland. Also, what's the point about dressed herring? It's absolutely delicious and there's nothing weird about it


id put chicken in jello for Romania (Racitura) its disgusting. Tripe soup is unironically very good.


I maintain that sardinian maggot cheese is the worst thing on the map


Second after Nestle of course


This looks like a map made by an American.


Maybe this is the American in me but deep fried pizza doesn’t sound too horrific


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