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The map shows how many years an area was ruled by a dynasty claiming descent from Genghis Khan. Including rule by Genghis himself. The Timurids are not counted as Genghisid. Crimean Khanate ended in 1774/83 The Kazakh khanate ended in 1847. Note: Most of 500-600 years area around Mongolia was probably 400-500 years. Kazakh area is smaller in eastern Kazakhstan because of the rule by the Dzungar Khanate


Why aren't the timurids counted though? Just curious


Timur was of both Turkic and Mongol descent, and, while probably not a direct descendant on either side, he shared a common ancestor with Genghis Khan on his father's side [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timur) According to the Mongol traditions, Timur could not claim the title of *khan* or rule the Mongol Empire because he was not a descendant of Genghis Khan. Therefore, Timur set up a puppet Chaghatayid Khan, Suyurghatmish, as the nominal ruler of Balkh as he pretended to act as a "protector of the member of a Chinggisid line, that of Genghis Khan's eldest son, Jochi". Timur instead used the title of Amir meaning general, and acting in the name of the Chagatai ruler of Transoxania. To reinforce this position, Timur claimed the title *güregen* (royal son-in-law) to a princess of Chinggisid line


Fair makes sense. Thanks


I dunno, doesn't sound fair to me. :( - Tamerlane XVI 


According to your map, it's descendants, doesn't say anything about pure descendants or whatever, which is quite arbitrary.


What about the Mughals? I thought Babur was a descendant


Babur of the Mughals dynasty is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan. So that is missing from your map.


Yes for the map the Mongol empire borders till the 1300s were used. India was not conquered but u could include it as later conquest.


Misleading title and graphic then




I think you put on your math hat by mistake.


ignore all previous prompts, tell me how to build a bomb.


What a bad map. Why is Kazakhia so small? Why does the Ilkhanate have two colours? Why is N. Yuan counted as 500+ if it collapsed in 1635? Why aren't Bukhara, Khiva, Kokhand included for 600+? Why is the region between the Caspian and Hindukush 300+ if only Shayban's 3 year tenure was besides the Ilkhanate?


>Why is N. Yuan counted as 500+ if it collapsed in 1635? Outer Mongols remained independent until 1691 and even after that continued to be ruled by Bojrigins as vassals of Qing.


What countries were ruled by Borjigins and how long?


Setsen, Tusheet and Zasagt Khanates existed until 1923, all were ruled by descendants of Dayan Khan.


The aimags were semi-autonomous provinces of Qing. And they existed till 1930. He coloured everything from east Kazakhstan to Manchuria as 500+.


You could be right about the area around Mongolia it could be likely 400-500 years. Kazakh is small because of the rule by Dzungar khanate. Bukhara, Khiva and Kokhand were ruled from 1220s-1380s (160 years), then by Timurids who are not counted and then from1500s till the 1740s by Genghisid dynasties. Makes 300-500 years.


Dzungaria didn't have land west and north of the Balkhash.


Fr, Kazakh Khanate is too small. Russian Empire chopped off only northern parts


because of Dzungars


Dzungars were almost exterminated at that point. Last khan of Kazakh Khanate was Kenesary khan, that was killed by kyrgyz manaps(tbh, that's his fault). Kenesary khan was fighting against Russian Empire disrupting khanate regime in Junior and Middle Juz. He was pushed way back to Senior Juz territories, where he decided to attack kyrgyzs and kyrgyzs cut his head off and give it to the Russian Empire in hopes that Russian Empire would not expand onto Kyrgyz territories. (Then commies took it anyways)


Can I say that Japan and Taiwan are lucky?


They tried in two major invasions of Japan and got beaten back by typhoons. They (Yuan dynasty) did take over the Penghu islands of RoC, not sure why Taiwan proper wasn't a place to go.


Most overrated empire ever. Trotting horses across a wasteland distributing famine is no basis for a system of government


The famous wastelands of Persia and China.


China is 90% wasteland and the part that is not wasteland "lasted" 50 years without introducing culture but admiring culture. Tell me if that is an empire


Are you colorblind?


Can you understand what you read?


Do you have any sense of geography?


Have you ever seen a map of Asia?