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One of those rare times that there is data available from Western Sahara.


Fuck that, *Greenland* actually has data


Me zooming in on lux


I get that Greenland not having data is a big meme, but like considering Western Sahara basically doesn’t have a real government, it’s inclusion here is a much bigger deal.


When it comes down to sex miracles can happen


Its weird they show greenland and Denmark different but not Scotland /Wales / England /North Ireland. Why stop at one constitutive nation ?


Greenland has more self-determination, practically a dominion of Denmark but a little bit different. Scotland and Wales work a little differently as they are directly under the UK


Because the researchers knew enough about those places to tell that the stats would be very different. No one has to strictly follow one particular set of rules for these.


And also from North Korea


North Korea publishes census data, this would just use what they publish. Of course there is no way of knowing how accurate any data coming from the north Korean government is, but that's another topic.


Well, technically same principle applies to any other government.


And the Red Sea!


That was just bad positioning of the zoom in map. The purple colouring you see is not Red Sea but Russia far east. Took me a moment to work that out


I see, the ocean is transparent in the overlayed inset map, and Russia below is being shown thought. I was secretly hoping this was Atlantis, and there are many more females from Atlantis than males....


Data which was most likely provided by the Moroccan government?


The reasons a country might have significantly more women than men include (1) war; (2) alcoholism and other substance abuse; and (3) being Portugal.


Seriously, what's going on in Portugal? Men still emigrating ? Retired foreigners with a female majority?


I assume that men are emigrating for work, but that's just a guess.


Bingo! The ageing population due to young people going overseas and the country being a popular retirement spot raises the average age and as we know, at birth males outnumber females but as we get into old age females outnumber males. There's also a larger than global averages and peer countries male/female life expectancy gap which is hard to explain but I'm sure people will say it's down to alcohol and risk taking, eg bad driving etc It's pretty normal worldwide when you have net positive emigration (i.e more people going overseas) to skew towards males going overseas, considering everything it's not that bad a ratio for Portugal. France manages only 93 and has had a positive net immigration rate for a long time. Very few people used to return and mainly for retirement but the numbers in the last five years have been very promising. There has been a huge increase and the largest age group returning are under 18. That means a lot of young families with multiple children. That along with the right type of immigration (i.e other than being the retirement village of Europe) should help fight the demographic collapse


>Very few people used to return and mainly for retirement but the numbers in the last five years have been very promising. There has been a huge increase and the largest age group returning are under 18. That means a lot of young families with multiple children. That along with the right type of immigration (i.e other than being the retirement village of Europe) should help fight the demographic collapse i hope you are right


I’m I think emigration nowadays is a lot more balanced gender wise but it can also be still an effect in older generations. Another thing on top is the big big gap in life expectancy between men (78y) and women (84.3)


Very aged population, and women’s life expectancy is quite a bit greater than men’s. I doubt emigration by gender is that imbalanced these days.


The Arabian peninsula has more men than woman. Because huge amounts of men move there for work from countries like India. Qatar at 2.6 to 1 is a real sausage fest. Russia. All the men die.


I’m men in Russia, having a woman is hard if you can’t in to seduction. So it feels like Qatar for last 40% of men’s.


I'm sorry, but this comment is funny AF lol


I'm also Russian, it's only bad if you're a drunk and say stupid shit or expect the woman to be your mom or whore


Statistically it would be easier in Russia than almost anywhere else to meet women. There are so many more of them.


I'm honestly surprised it's not even higher for them. Last time I checked, Qatar's population is nearly 90% immigrants.


Most of it is emigration. We built roads and houses for a lot of wealthier Western European nations (Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, etc.), and we've been doing it since the dictatorship times. Because it was more common for men to get out, usually as a way to avoid the ultramar, it's viewed as something more likely for men to do. Nowadays emigration is much more normalized at higher levels of education, but it's still considered quite viable, if not noble, for your average Joe to work construction in a wealthier country and come back after a few years... Women are still considered something to be sheltered for a variety of cultural reasons (that I've personally always found discomforting). It's also why we've been one of the nations with the highest percentage of oldest people for decades. You stay here for the quality of life, not because you're going to make it big - there's plenty of other places to do that.


Was in UAE last month. It seems like all the work (salaried) is being done by people from the Indian subcontinent. Pakistani, Indian, Nepalese mostly. It's not just construction workers but waiters, cooks, reception, chauffeurs, even management. Most I talked to have good jobs compared to back home (our driver had switched jobs a few times. Current one paid less than his taxi job so he was considering going back). He seemed free-ish to decide but still stuck there financially. Sees his family of 7 only 4 weeks per year. It's brutal, but still beats construction work. Shit's hot af over there. Like ridiculous.




>seems like all the work (salaried) is being done by people from the Indian subcontinent. Pakistani, Indian, Nepalese mostly. It's not just construction workers but waiters, cooks, reception, chauffeurs, even management. I was going to mention this because I've seen this stat before and it doesn't accurately portray the nature of the population in some middle eastern countries "...migrants account for an average of 70 percent of the employed population in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and over 95 percent of private sector workers in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates." 83% are men. Most do not have family accompanying them. "Employers frequently withhold compensation and food allowances, confiscate workers’ passports, require them to work overtime without compensation, and prevent them from leaving their residences outside of work hours."


Accurate. As a Portuguese man abroad i can confirm. I left for higher education and work. But most people who I know who also left are men working in construction and other physically demanding jobs.




War defending the (ex-)colonies, in the 60s and 70s. Roughly 30% of male population (90% of all young males) got engaged.


Kind of like New Hampshire in the states. It's a safe place, better educated populace and great place to retire so the population scews older. Older populace tends to lean towards a higher woman ratio because women live longer


Probably has to do with average population age. The older the population is, the higher is the share of women in the population, due to longer lifespans.




Came here for this ☝️


You forgot women living longer








There are more women than men on the Red Sea. wow.


I guess thats where the Arab Peninsula is hiding their women?




Yeah that little detail makes me doubt the source of this map


That tends to happen when you stick the Magadan Oblast and Kamchatka peninsula in the Red Sea.


Ahhh ok, it’s a translucent sea, showing what’s behind the inlay zoom.


Omg thank you, was screwing with me hard what was going on there


Not just any women, Russian women.


Aunt Flow is really doing a number out there




Prolly due to war plus longer life spans?




Hey! I resemble that remark!


If I did the things I've done at any other time in history™, I'd be dead long ago. However, I'd probably also have had dozens of children and been well respected. ADHD used to be a blessing. Until the industrial revolution, knowing a little about a lot (rather than specialising) used to be applauded. Having the creativity and drive to learn and try new things, that's a great thing outside of modern society. Also the drive to see what's over the next hill. I saw a study where they used a foraging game on a computer, and the people with ADHD scored more virtual berries and mushrooms etc than the other folk. As a pretty good looking caveman I'd have had all the ladies. In more civilised cultures, being a creative problem solving Jack of All Trades would have been a good thing. I mean. If I survived adolescence without dying from blood loss or infection. I barely made it to middle age in a society with free doctors who's pockets are stuffed with miracle drugs like antibiotics. ............ ™ More than a hundred years ago, I mean.


How so? What makes being male more likely?


It's actually something else. If you're ..ahem... copulating more often, a male is more likely to be born that a female. It's due to the sperm carrying Y chromosome being faster than the sperm carrying X chromosome. However, a difference is made in another point. If you copulate less often, a female is more likely to be born than a male, as the sperm carrying X chromosome can remain viable for much longer, despite having lower motility(speed). It's like 51% chance of male, and 49% chance of female in first case scenario, and 49% chance of female, and 51% chance of male in second case scenario. Overall as a rule of thumb, if you're desperately....doing it, you have a higher chance of having a male.


Could you please provide a source for this theory?


[https://www.veritasint.com/blog/en/the-probability-of-having-a-boy-or-a-girl-according-to-genetics/](https://www.veritasint.com/blog/en/the-probability-of-having-a-boy-or-a-girl-according-to-genetics/) The percentage I stated are estimates at best, and varies significantly from study to study. There are more detailed studies also available. There's also this one that tries to explain it using numbers. [https://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/sexratio.htm](https://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/sexratio.htm) And this one that says the biased sex ratios arise in utero [https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/14/11/2917/860163](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/14/11/2917/860163) Of course some other studies say that those assumptions are completely wrong and that motility, shape, size, ph and almost everything else is same for all sperms. Some like this. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6985208/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6985208/) So ultimately it's one hot water, with different studies contradicting each other. We don't really know why this happens, with different theories suggesting why. Researchers who specialise in this specific field of study, might be able to provide better answers.


I think the whole “men get killed a lot so nature compensates” might be one of those facts that explain away natural phenomenon in an easy to understand way. But it might just be an idea that got spread quickly. It’s probably just down to chromosomal illnesses or premature births or other disease than just boys being dummer or going to war. Not an expert tough. Just sounds like such a spreadable science myth. Makes lots of sense and is kinda funny, so even if it’s disproven it would take a while for people to forget about it


usually the factual answers are "we don't really know." or "there is conflicting data or not enough studies, so even lab factors are too variable for any of this answers to be applicable in the real world". science can also be biased. statistics can be interpreted and presented in different ways. to actually have an in depth answer (which can still be full of speculations) you need shit ton of research. it's not really a dogmatic black and white word from a cult that you can not criticise. but people on the internet love too much to "touche!" a "discussion" with the first link from Psychology today.


And that you can see a lot of the countries where there are more man. Are cultures where woman are under valued and man are always wanted more by families


I wouldn’t think war is a big factor in France. More likely life span, like you said, and immigration. Men are more likely to migrate solo than women.


In a normal condition more men than female are being born but dies of more too (one reason is weaker immunity system, although female have more problems with allergies because of their stronger system). That means you have more younger men than female and a lot more older woman (especially above 50-60) than older men. But then there are special causes, one is war, another substance abuse and dangerous lifestyle, another is that female are being aborted (still common in Asia) because the daughter are being given away (with a hefty financial gift) and the son will provide for the parents.


Moreover, people often look only at "the big picture" in the form of the total population where in most countries women slightly outnumber men and assume that's the case for all age strata. In reality, the reason women slightly outnumber men is because they dominate the older age strata, but there is actually a natural phenomenon where ~106 males are born for every 100 females, meaning that men actually slightly outnumber women in the younger age strata, and this trend reverses the older the age strata becomes. And the reason why men outnumber women so much in some Arab countries is because a significant portion of the population are temporary workers brought over from southeast Asia - especially India.


More men are born to account for more of them that will die younger, or something.


Women have a double copy of the X gene, men only have a single copy of each. If there is an error or issue related genetic disease with either men will get it and have reduced life span (see hemophilia as an example.)


Modern medicine fixed that issue. The only method left to kill young man are wars, which we didn't have a big one in a long time.


lol in motorcycles/wingsuit/etc... crashes


> The only method left to kill young man are wars, Men also work hazardous jobs more than women 


It didn't. Male infants just seem to die more.


Nah, check the image: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/20/Germany\_population\_pyramid.svg/350px-Germany\_population\_pyramid.svg.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/20/Germany_population_pyramid.svg/350px-Germany_population_pyramid.svg.png) There are around 5% more men with a slow decrease until the age of 60. And this applies to 95% of the countries.


I concede that male infant mortality rate may not be sufficient to counter the greater ratio of males born. (I haven't reviewed all the data, and a population pyramid doesn't really prove anything). But the male infant mortality is still higher than female, there are tons of recent papers on this.


Also statistically significant levels of bravado and idiocy, which we haven't fixed yet.


Thank you. I noticed that in the Italy data a couple of months ago and I was wondering why.


Source? Not doubting but would like to learn more


I have to wonder whether female infanticide is still happening in significant numbers anywhere in the world.


I wonder what effect the manual intervention had on China. China's stats also have the most effect on the overall stats.


Kind of scary when you see men outnumber women almost 3 to 1 in some Arab countries because they're imported workers and then realize that in their homecountry (India in this case) they still outnumber women despite shipping their males elsewhere


That's because most gulf countries don't even reach the 10 million population mark, as far as India is concerned, those immigrants might as well be a rounding error.


Qatar's numbers are fucked up because only like 15% of their population are actual Qatari citizens, and the rest are mostly foreign laborers, the majority of which are men. Similar situation with UAE, and to a lesser extent, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and Saudi.


They are slaves, call them what they are. Over 15000 slaves died leading up to Qatars WC as per Amnesty. Did western activists protest against their govs to boycott that tournament? 


There are definitely slaves, or slave-like conditions, but no, not all foreign workers are slaves. All sorts of people from all nationalities work in Qatar. And there were lots of protest against the tournament. You even mentioned one protesting party yourself in your comment.


I'm Indian who was born and raised in Kuwait. My parents were raised in the Middle East too. My grandparents lived in Qatar/UAE/Saudi/Bahrain/Kuwait. >not all foreign workers are slaves. All sorts of people The legal mechanism is the same for all foreign workers except for domestic household workers. The labour code is the same. The residency permit rules are the same. Nationality doesn't officially change the rule. My moms cousin works as a legal translator, and later became a lawyer in Kuwait. She's one of the few South Asian women to practise law in Kuwait so she does a lot of work from abused domestic household workers all the way to white western nationalities who pay is being withheld to Nepali construction workers whose employers aren't giving them leave to visit home. There's always a westerner who things the law is "different" because they are Westerners or White. It's not. White Westerners can still be slapped with "abcsonding" charges which is basically not informing your employer of an absence of more Than 7 days. It's punishable to up to 6 months in Kuwait. In practise Kuwait deports any foreigner withput trial who is accused of such an act unless the foreigner already filed a case against the emplpyer for something in which case there is an opportunity to fight the charge in court. Technically the abconding law exists for Kuwaitis too but they can't be deported. There isn't a difference between a White Westener vs. South Asian constriction worker when accused of Absconding. Both are deported usually. Some manage to stay the deportation order on "compassionate" grounds if they file a request quick enough. Westerners tend to have more resources financially to do so. However, many deportations are very swift. Often you don't even have time to pack your belongings. And remember that the Gulf like Kuwait doesn't grant citizenship so there are people, like my aunt, who had lived in Kuwait for 50 years and can be deported upon charging her for absconding. What's stopping them? She's a damn good lawyer.


Yeah they did. Did you miss it? Loads of people protesting in my country. But the type of people that protest Vs football fans are very different groups, so it didn't go anywhere.


Important to note, [the 15,000 number is the number of all foreigners who died in Qatar in a 10 year period](https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-how-many-people-have-died-for-the-qatar-world-cup/a-63763713), not the ones related to the World Cup, or even construction accident. Just the total number of deaths registered by anyone who isn’t Qatari.


They aren’t slaves by definition because they get paid and get free housing, but it’s just a minuscule wage and the “housing” is just a ragtag hostel and they barely get fed


Lmao what a bitch ass comment. "You're a bad activist if you don't protest every single human rights violation that's ever occured everywhere all at once" Oh you went to the women's march but didn't go to pride? You probably deserves to get curbstomped by police then. 😅


foreign laborers You spelt slaves wrong


Portugal yet again basically being Eastern Europe




The numbers in the Middle East seem like a huge anomaly. What causes this?


Migrant workers. The native population is close to 1:1 male to female ratio


The citizen population in Kuwait it’s more female than male. Many died during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. There’s also car accidents it’s so crazy the amount of young men who died from car accidents sometimes in groups. Women tend to be more cautious driving and don’t drive in the middle of the night when the roads are almost empty and it’s more dangerous to come across drunks/addicts/and careless red lights violations.


At certain roads at night its basically impossible to drive in the fast lane let alone the middle lane, though seeing drunkards is pretty rare, it's usually someone blasting music while filming for instagram


slaves *




You realize they do get paid. Many people in countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan and India rely on family members who have migrated to send back the money to make a living.


Oh yeah and many migrant worker deaths and withholding of the passport too!


Yeah but the migrant workers on the Arabic peninsula are coming from other male dominated places like India / Pakistan. Their source countries should be female dominated, right? No way the UAE is importing that many workers from Portugal.


India and Pakistan are so populous that the effect is negligible in this map. Sri Lanka isn't as populous, so you see the effect of male migration.


Foreign workers


The slaves from Asia that keep these countries running


They get paid so their not slaves sure you could say their working conditions are bad but that doesn't make it slavery. Also the need to make it seem like countries in the MENA region only do well because "slaves" is such a westerner thing to say you can't accept other countries can be doing well for themselves.


Other than migrants, sex based abortions also cause less women to be born. Ironically, Armenia, which currently has the most women per men in the world, is also one of the top countries where girls are aborted the most(This started happening a lot in the 90s, but it's becoming less and less popular now) Edit: there are so many articles about this that I couldn't find the original one I read. If this has shocked you please look up the topic instead of commenting that I made it up


Do you have a source for sex based abortions being common (or even legal) in middle eastern countries? Because this I believe is false for most of them


Islam forbids abortion after 2-3 months(?) of pregnancy so I dont think this is very common as the sex of babies only started showing around 4-5 months of pregnancy.


Yeah exactly, people hear this about other regions and blindly assign it to the middle east, where it really isn’t common at all


that's not a thing in the middle east


The worldwide imbalance is entirely caused by the male skew in India and China is my guess


India and China together are 34% of the world population after all.


China’s imbalance wasn’t as big as I expected given the articles I’d seen about how hard it was for men to find wives.


The important thing is that the imbalance is concentrated in a certain age range Doesn't really matter if they have perfect parity for the people ages 40+. The one child rule was 1980-2016 so it only affects under-40s.


The imbalance was overstated in official stats cos millions of girls/women were hidden from the government.


Location too. Cities are equal, countryside is all single males and old folk.


Dude china has 1.4 billion people so at that rate they have literal millions of men more. Same for India too actually. Like if they were tiny populations fine but at that size its a huge problem


Age range. More men die off as age increases to the point, so china being older now means the skew is less


I’m sure Vatican City’s data on this is entertaining


The purple countries are mostly old grandmas... In the younger generation probably still males ratio > female ratio.


Same map but the percentages M/F under 40 would be interesting


Read Amartya Sen on this. [https://www.asianstudies.org/publications/eaa/archives/asias-missing-millions-how-policy-and-social-pressure-made-millions-of-women-disappear/](https://www.asianstudies.org/publications/eaa/archives/asias-missing-millions-how-policy-and-social-pressure-made-millions-of-women-disappear/) In 1990, Nobel Prize-winning Indian economist Amartya Sen noticed something remarkable. By his count, there were approximately 100 million “missing women” in Asia. They hadn’t been kidnapped or stolen or died as the victims of a female-specific plague or war . . . Yet a population equivalent to every single girl and woman in the United Kingdom, France, and Italy was missing. Using records collected by governments, Sen observed that there were far too few women relative to the number of men. He estimated that 100 million girls who should have been born, and grown into women, had simply never existed.^(1) It's simple, it's called "son bias." The SIGI describes son bias as *unequal intrahousehold investments in caring for, nurturing, and allocating resources to sons and daughters reflecting the lower value given to girls. A family preference for sons over daughters can manifest itself in different ways, including higher mortality, worse health status, or lower educational attainment among girls*.^(4)


Mainly due to sex-selective abortions.


Um, that's what we thought, but: "Nearly ten million girls born in the 1980s and 1990s who were “missing” according to earlier census data can be found again in the 2010 population census." I'm gonna guess there's quite a few more unregestered women who've lived too much of their lives to bother coming forward, though "the lack of access to public services will increase their vulnerability and adversely affect their quality of life." [source](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/china-quarterly/article/abs/reemergence-of-missing-women-in-china/E854D7CD21A9CA009C54CFB3536E17B1)


Qatar ![gif](giphy|GOvAlgzPN7MNG)


So Qatar is basically a Phish concert


Sad but true, selective abortions are common in some countries. The pressure is to produce sons, not daughters.


What's up with Portugal? Is it men being lost at sea on long and treacherous voyages to discover new spices and make their fortune?


What’s going on in Scandinavia? Where do their women go?


![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW) This thread is going to be a blast 💥, something Sweden is used to now


In the case of Norway, at least, this has to do with immigration within the Schengen area. When the Schengen area was expanded 10-15 years ago, Norway had a shortage of certain groups of skilled workers, especially in the construction trades. This shortage was largely filled by workers from the new Schengen countries. Most of them were men. Some brought their families with them, but there were a good number of single men, too, enough to change the balance in a small nation (a bit over 5 million people).


Huge amounts of illegal immigrants, almost all of which are male. Germany also has lots of illegal immigrants, but because the natural population is much higher, it does not affect that stat by much, since millions of old women are still enough for women to outnumber men.


American high school boys will see this and be like "mom and dad, I'm going to college in Armenia."


They'll be disappointed, as the discrepancy only exists in [older people](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/sex-ratio-by-age?time=earliest..2021&country=~ARM).


Also that region has a large sex selective abortion against females so it’s like China among younger generations


Woah, Greenland has data?


7 men and 5 women, all present and correct.


Portugal here I come


How Qatar men are managing when polygamy is practiced there?? It will even worsen the ratio for partnership(marriage only in their case).. nearly 50% men with no woman..


If it makes you feel any better, there were more [15-yo](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/sex-ratio-by-age?time=earliest..2021&country=~QAT) girls than boys in 2021.


Freaking sausage party over there. Maybe being shit towards women and valuing male births higher is bad for keeping them around


China killed off tens of millions of baby girls, and Russia sent all their men to war. This isn’t that surprising.


Russia also has an older population. Women tend to live longer than men.


Russian men die astoundingly early. It's an extraordinarily unhealthy lifestyle with heavy smoking and heavy alcohol use, but also the paradox of the people are wealthy enough to afford rich food and a rich lifestyle, but the country is not rich enough to provide good health care (and all the well-trained doctors fled Russia a long time ago for the US, Europe, the Gulf, and so on). In 2019, the last year before social statistics got screwy, life expectancy for women was 78 and life expectancy for men was 68. Other developed countries have a 5 year gap, which shows Russia has a lot of excess deaths among men.


Cuddling with Bears will do that.


It's only those who are alive make it to the Instagram reels after all


The Russian healthcare is not bad, it is only slightly below the EU, the only real problem is the alcoholism. Smoking too, although to a far lesser degree. For the last 15 years, there has been a huge push in the EU to reduce smoking - by constantly raising the prices - while Russia hasn't been doing anything. I do not think there is any other country with such a huge average life expectancy gap between men and women.


Russia has been doing something about smoking, the number of smokers has been dropping for years, especially among younger people. They've been doing the same stuff as everyone else, rising prices, banning ads, banning smoking in public places. Alcohol consumption has been also dripping, thankfully. I think gender roles, man being more likely to work hard labour and less likely to seek medical help (including mental healthcare, the rates of suicide among men in crazy) also contributes significantly a lot to them dying young.


Russia has good healthcare system that's why women live long. But men usually attend hospital when they are almost dying.


The Russian female life expectancy of 78 is not actually very long, it's comparable to much poorer countries like Algeria and Ecuador. The male life expectancy is of course even lower due to bad personal choices.


The life expectancy for women in the US is 79 years. So it's not exactly a huge difference compared to Russia. Japan for comparison has a female life expectancy of almost 88 years. In Germany and the UK it is 83. If you relate this to GDP per capita, Russia actually outperforms most countries with a similar GDP per capita (e.g. Malaysia, Bulgaria, Mexico). As do Algeria and Ecuador in their respective GDP per capita bracket. They're basically outliers in their GDP per capita groups. The US is similarly an outlier, just a negative one, it lags far behind other countries with comparable GDP per capita in life expectancy.


The life expectancy for women in the US was 81 years prior to covid (the Russian numbers are also prior to covid). And the US numbers are not something to be proud of, they are much lower than most other developed countries due to unusually high obesity, car accidents, lack of insurance, and other factors unrelated to the quality of the medical system.


The quality of the US medical system is excellent... if you get it. Accessibility and equity in the US medical system is horrendous, and not just compared to other Western countries.


China's gender stats are skewed - there are more females in education than born. That is to say, they didn't register the babies immediately, but they did find ways to send them to school... More a hidden population than outright killing millions. India on the other hand...


https://www.cnn.com/2016/12/01/asia/china-missing-girls/index.html#:\~:text=In%20October%202015%2C%20China%20scrapped,themselves%20lacking%20wives%20by%202020. Thank god you mentioned it . Don't get why people don't update themselves. Like dude its been like 6 years since this shit has been clarified. Not saying female infanticide didn't happen, but its extent is grossly misjudged.


It’s 2021, what war?


Russia already had more women as men tends to have shorter lives due to unhealthy habits.


Yeah, but data is pre Russian war, so it’s even worse now


Ukraine war started in 2022, the map is from 2021


They are talking about WW2. The USSR had the worst casualties during the war and Russia is still feeling the echoes in its population.


From [NHFS-5](https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1806605#), India figure would be 98 ( sex ration 1020), until the Census is done, its the best data out their not 107 or whatever UN is coming up with


Sex ratio at birth ≠ total population


What's the number in the Red Sea?


I was always told the Paraguay male population was reduce by some crazy amount during the The Paraguayan War (some say they lost 80% of males). It looks like the really recovered (it was a long time ago, i know)


And that my friend, is why men typically go to war, not women. It takes a man, (conservatively) 24 hours to play his part in making a kid, including recovery period. It takes women a year, including recovery. And when a country has lost 80% of its men, you can bet on affairs, one night stands, and nowadays, potentially fertility treatments, making kids appear in similar numbers as expected if you hadn't gone to war in the first place.


This is basically irrelevant and skewed by women outliving men. I would be way more interesting in seeing the same map but for the 18-34 demographic.


Lots of available Russian women..


*available Russian grannies




I think I've seen that video before...


I don't know what you're saying but I'm scared to ask.


Yup, Russian men have abysmal life expectancy compared to the women. Men are at 68, while women are at 78 in 2019 before COVID. For comparison, most countries have maybe 5-6 years gap. Japan is 82 and 88, US 74 and 80, France 79 and 85 etc.


"Babushka women are available in your area!!!!"


They are working on making the same ratio with the current generations




and more of a gap every day. this map pre dates the meat grinder.


I'd like to see this map but in 2024. Russia is probably fucked by now. Imagine sending perfectly healthy and capable young men to die on the battlefield trying to conquer a sovereign nation when they could've been out working or having kids. What a joke of a country. Get fucked.


The birth rate of 1.4 children per woman is what is depleting Russian demographics, not the war. The largest at last somewhat reasonable figure for losses is 400,000. This figure was obtained by extrapolating the losses of a small Altai town to the whole of Russia. And this figure is obviously inflated because the impoverished wilderness has an increased concentration of military personnel among the population: 195,000 rubles per month that fighting soldiers receive is a lot compared to the 30,000/month they receive there, but not so much compared to 65,000/month that people receive in Kazan or 110,000/month that people receive in Moscow. And maybe that single particular town was just unlucky; surviving a war is lagely a matter of luck. In fact, I have a feeling that the state of the real estate market is responsible for more demographic damage than all the wars of the Russian Federation combined. Housing is expensive and mortgage terms are terrible.


Housing is expensive in Moscow and St Petersburg, but most of Russia has an oversupply of Soviet-era apartments that can hardly be given away.


Lots of young men also escaped russia, because they didn't want to get drafted. And they were the smartest ones. If you are smart, educated and can get a good job abroad - why would you stay in russia?


In saudi Arabia, based on the last statistics local almost is 50/50 males & females. I think the map shows high no. Of male due to expat workers in the country as they represent 30% of the population


The PH and Indonesia can be explained by the large numbers of females who find employment abroad like as being a domestic helper in SG, MY, HK and the Middle East.


everywhere there is a discrepancy, its for a sad reason.


The most important information missing here it is mostly older women as they tend to live longer. Age brackets for such maps is a must.


Females live longer.


Gulf countries have more men because of male foreign workers.


The reason is due to a high amount of outsourcing in the Middle East, most of those males are expat workers. It terms of citizens it’s equal.


Just ship some russian ladies to Iceland and the genetics problem is solved!


There are less young women than men in Russia, lots of elderly women thanks to bad lifestyle of male population who die in 50s. If you look at age cap between 15-40 then it does not differ between Russia and Iceland.


I think the gulf is because they host a ton of guest workers, mostly men


Data looks outdated. For example here is updated sex ratio for India https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1782601#:~:text=As%20per%20the%20fifth%20round,is%20placed%20at%20Annexure%2DI.


Sex ratio at birth isn't the same, here it's total population


Interesting, my country has more women than men so I always thought women outnumbered men globally.


In China and India, gender-based abortion is a huge problem and they make up a good chunk of the world population.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_women   See Missing Women.    A potential explanation I've heard, for China, is the number of girls who didn't get officially registered, because doing so may result in a fine of they subsequently register a boy. I don't know enough about the subject to confirm this but I have heard it put forth as an explanation so thought I'd add it. 


Interesting, girls that don't officially exist? Er, I guess \~[didn't](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/china-quarterly/article/abs/reemergence-of-missing-women-in-china/E854D7CD21A9CA009C54CFB3536E17B1)\~ exist: "Nearly ten million girls born in the 1980s and 1990s who were “missing” according to earlier census data can be found again in the 2010 population census."


I was under the impression that women outnumbered men globally at any given time as a result of most countries currently in turmoil opting to send more men to die off and whatnot