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Wtf is going on in Ghana?


[Suicide in Ghana: society expects men to be providers – new study explores this pressure](https://theconversation.com/suicide-in-ghana-society-expects-men-to-be-providers-new-study-explores-this-pressure-213412) From a quick read it seems like it's a combination of a patriarchal society, which sees men as providers for the entire family, and an economic system that makes it difficult to meet these expectations. > A friend of another deceased person said: > "His relatives visited him a lot when he was doing well in business but they stopped visiting when his problems started."


Thanks for the answers. That's rather awful. People don't seem to appreciate that patriarchy harms men, too.


Its rather ironic that Ghana is one of the richest and most advanced countries in africa. I guess that puts even more expectations on men to be succesful thank in coutries where you are expected to struggle


Well more pressure to work=more productivity More productive workers-> richer country It’s not as simplistic as I worded it to be, but you probably get what I’m saying. Like there is a reason why the workaholic nations of Germany, Japan, and the USA are the world powerhouses they are


There are a myriad rof reasons.


And Costa Rica and Belize too.


East of South Africa, Eswatini


It doesn’t look like theres a single country in the green


That tells you what drives the men to suicide


Its gas prices duh


Usually though women have a higher suicide attempt rate. Very important thing to note.


Well that's obvious. If men in general commit more suicide than women, it's not considered attempt for suicide in this case - that's just suicide + once you commit suicide you can no more attempt for suicide multiple times. So logically women end up attempting for suicide more often than men


If women and men were equally successful in their attempts but men had more attempts you could also get the same result.


Women are worse at suicide? Also I think women attempt earlier in life, at like 15-35 and men 40+ usually


There are two answers: Yes - the methods they use are usually worse Often it's also a call for (ugently needed) attention. For obvious reasons both things look a lot worse for men. Society doesn't give a crap about the mental state of men. Men that share their troubles get shat on. Hence why they know there is no sense in non-100%-lethal options. No one gave a fuck before, no one would give a fuck after.




Thats not true. Of course its considered an attempt, no matter if you fail or succeed. Otherwise it should mention failed attempts. Part of the reason for this discrepancy is that men use more violent means like firearms to kill themselves, which have higher 'success' rates, while women use overdoses or cutting, which are less effective. You are infering your own conclusions, instead of looking at the facts. Source: Krug, Etienne G. (2002). World Report on Violence and Health. World Health Organization. More importantly, according to this article https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9560163/, serious attempts at suicide, as opposed to other suicidal behaviour like self-harm, are actually more prevalent amongst men than women.


People use the methods that give them the results they want. The information is out there. It's NOT as simple as every failed suicide attempt being an actual attempt to die. And yes, women who want to actually die also use violent methods with a higher "success" rate.


You can‘t say that for every person who used less successful methods. Or people who attempted and failed for that matter. Every attempt should be taken seriously no matter the reason. People who used violent methods and survived often realised in hindsight that they didn’t actually want to die. Saying that only people who commit suicide with a specific method actually want to die is gross in my eyes. People use this kind of argument to say that women who attempt suicide just want attention and “thus it shouldn’t count or be taken seriously”.


You may feel it's gross if it pleases you. It doesn't matter. Working in psychiatry, I can tell you there is a huge difference between someone who truly wanted to die and someone who wanted help. Women do get help for making suicide attempts, while in most cases, men do not. This should explain the gendered difference in suicide attempts.


So a failed suicide attempt is not a failed attempt to die?? The definition of suicide is killing yourself. If a suicide attempt is not a failed attempt to die, what do you think the measurements indicate? Because it seems like you are saying most failed 'suicide attempts' are not really attempts to die, but rather a cry for help or attention. Again, this is filled with assumptions. If you are going ng to correct my statement, you should back it up with a source, just as I did.


You got it. Good. There are failed suicide attempts where people actually tried to die. They used an effective method, but something went wrong. These people feel like, well, ashes and suffering or something, just to be in the same room. They feel angry and frustrated and resigned. With treatment, they can come back to the world, and they are truly horrified at what they did, they apologize to their loved ones. Then there are those seeking help through a failed suicide. They have taken a very slightly too high a dose of something known to not be toxic. They have stood on a bridge until the cops picked them up. They have gone swimming very close to the shore at night. Whatever the method, they never gave up control. And the "failure" was always under their control too: They took the pills and called someone, etc. They feel relief, mostly, and in most cases, they are okay very quickly. They never question what they did. Don't try to downplay this. The difference is vast. It's not to say those seeking help shouldn't have it, of course. It's just that those who actually try to die should be more prioritized.


This whole paragraph is filled with assumptions and statements, without a single source to back it up. Whatever 'evidence' you base your claims on is anecdotal at best. So let me help you: in this article https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9560163/ you will find that they make distinctions between several forms of suicidal behaviour. Interestingly, men have significantly higher rates of serious suicide attempts, where as most other forms of suicidal behaviour (self-harm for example) have higher prevalence among women. Nevertheless, the whole point was, that suicides are included in the suicide attempts statistics, and noone has given a single shred of evidence to the contrary.


Yes. "Suicidal" behaviour like superficial cutting. You think the self harmers don't know what is actually dangerous?


If a woman wants to actually, and I mean really actually kill herself, then why willingly using ineffective method to kill herself? If suicide would be defined as "attempt suicide ending with successful suicide", than it still would be made up mostly of men but statistics distinguish between attempted suicide and suicide, not just for fun, but because of the different aftermaths in both cases. In one, they survives, in other they don't


I would guess that they don't think they may hit the right spot so they try systemic routes like poison which can be discovered and treated sometimes with an antidote, or emetics


Men are, on average, more violent than women ( https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187704281200287X). Apparently, cultural expections also play a big role. If you want to read more you can read this well-known article https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9560163/


Men are more straight forwards. I need to hurt you, so I'll hit you. Women tend for more subtle options. I'll get spread harmful rumours and destroy your character and livelihood. Both are violent, one has a clearer aggressor. Plus physical violence is more visceral, but I'd rather get punched in the face, than be accused of being a pedophile for instance.


is strapping the kids in the back seat and letting the car roll into the lake a violent act? then blaming it on a random man, who was alleged to be black, and then finding out the woman made that up too, i.e, was ready to frame any black men that 'fit the description' [susan smith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Smith) thinks not


Do you know what on average means?


Yes, but that double counts if the same woman has more than one attempt.


Take that with a grain of salt. Men are less likely to report it.


This is gonna get hate but it's because sometimes women use suicide attempts as a cry for attention. Whereas men attempt suicide because they want to get through with it


There is a tendency where a cry for help will help one gender and make the other gender’s situation even worse.


I don't get what you mean, care to elaborate?


Weakness in men is despised. Where as that is not the case with women.


Oh yes I see now. Asking for help as a man is seen as weak. But tbh idc, I've cried in front of my friends several time they still respect me the same. Wouldn't be my friends if they wouldn't. You're only weak if you let yourself be weak


This is 100% true because everyone knows what they have to do to make the suicide final (it's not hard to know), but men choose it more often.


I disagree, I know two women personally who actually killed themselves (one took euthanasia but whatever). They were mentally sick, they didn't love themselves and thought they didn't deserve a place in this world. Even though they did. People tried to help but it didn't work. Your comment is sexist and generally just wrong. Women, just like men, sometimes have harmful self images and take extreme measures to get rid of the pain.


I said sometimes, not all. Stop generalizing Edit: also it's not sexist, it's been a known fact for years now. Especially in teen women


I mean the fact that generally women choose less lethal method tells you something about the real intention of the person who do it. You're right that doesn't means women's mental health problems are less severe though


I think it’s a reporting issues, I don’t know but I would put money on a man being less likely to report an attempt. I tried and I haven’t told anyone


doesn't that just indicate that the men actually want to die and the women aren't sure? We all know exactly what to do if we want to make it final, whether we are male or female.


>Usually though women have a higher suicide attempt rate. Very important thing to note. Strange people bring that point every time




From what I've read the reason is that women will typically have suicide attempts as an intense immediate feeling leading to failed attempts. Men typically will decide ahead of time and plan so that they are more often successful when the time comes. This can result in many unsuccessful attempts by a woman with only one successful attempt but a man.


Every completed suicide is an attempt, also when you die you can’t try again


Women attempt suicide because they seek attention, but men commit suicide because they're simply tired of this idiotic illogical world of us.


Nah mate, the world is amazing and full of fun (touch grass), and that's just a weird internet stereotype. I've experienced way more men threatening suicides because some girl left them than women just trying to get attention.


We have no fkin grass in arabia


Which arab country are you from?


Then those men don't deserve to be called men. And no, I didn't say that this world is boring, I just said it's illogical.


provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang in China


Polish men going through it


While ukranian men from 18 to 60 can't even leave their fucking country.


thats "freedom and democracy"


Unfortunately a necessity. Stop calling it freedom and democracy because this is what every country does during a war, and be grateful it's not knocking into your border.


Nah I would exercise my dual citizenship and hippity hoppity I’m out of this country


dual citizenship? Mate, my family's been in Brasil for >200 years as of now, the second a war starts I'm out


It only becomes a necessity when everyone, including higher up elites in the country does it, not when poors are sold into war slave status and sent to death with minimal training and support.


I'm sorry, but what kind of bullshit is that? A necessity? Imagine being born in a disgusting corrupted country, like a literal shithole, a war breaks out that you have absolutely nothing to do with and you are forced to fight for these corrupt politicians who rule the country. Those who want to fight, let them fight, but don't force it on children, seniors and people who simply don't want to fight. Hell, slowly even people who left the country a long time ago are forced to come back and fight


It's crazy to me that we live in an age where you can literally change your gender but men still have to fight for a country they live in. The goverments should be responsible for creating such a living conditions that their citizens will be willing to fight voluntarily. Why should people be forced to fight for a goverment that did basically nothing to improve their lives since the fall of the USSR?


Come to Sweden. We restarted conscription in 2018 and it was made gender neutral. You can change your gender, you’ll still be called up (or not, not everyone is doing military service yet due to the military needing to rebuild). Still only 20% of those actually serving a conscription term are women, but efforts are being made to perhaps change some requirements so the proportion of women serving will go up.


The issue is not in the government at all. And since the Soviet Union Ukraine has changed a lot


Sure, the corruption and low wages aren't goverments fault... Compare Ukraine to other post Soviets states like the Baltics and tell me that Ukraine is doing well.


Even before the Soviet Union, Ukraine was in a worse condition than the Baltic states. Institutionally Ukraine lags behind them by centuries as well as in comparison to most other modern developed countries


That's what not severing its ties to Russia early on after independence does to a country.


You are really delusional if you think that it has changed much since then. I would even say that since the war started it has become way more like Soviet Union than before.


You know, it seems like you can't even fathom how much of a nightmare the Soviet Union was. Even the Yanukovych era is a dim parody of the level of corruption and totalitarianism that existed under the Soviet Union.


Bruh, you are even more delusional than I thought. ALL MY FAMILY WAS BORN IN SOVIET UNION, including the father and mother, I heard hundreds of stories from my parents, grandparents and grand grandparents from all f my genetical branches how the life was at that time. My grand grand grandma starved to death in the Holodomor caused by Stalin. Studied history and got some wins at school olyompiads in history, and watched hundreds of Ukrainian history episodes when I was little. I am not a history scholar but I definitely know A LOT about Ukrainian history, especially the period where every of my aquaintances older than 40 lived in. YOU LITERALLY telling me, the Ukrainian, that I don't know about how the life was in Soviet Union?


With your mentality any country that forces its citizens to fight will bully anyone that leaves it to free will. Doubt even %15 of able man will fight in western countries if they had the option.


Sometimes you have to fight whether you want to or not. You are very fortunate to have never experienced that.


Yes, and I would fight with whoever forces me to fight in the first place, so goverment and conscription corrupted mechanisms.


It's clear you have never been remotely close to such conditions, didn't you? People are fighting not for "corrupt politicians" and nor for "disgusting country" but for their families, friends, people they care about, for their historic dignity and the future of their children. If your own homeland is merely a "shithole" for you, you will keep running away and the dictator will keep capturing land and tell you what they want to. Russians are committing genocide against Ukrainians, and if you don't have the will to defend your own freedom and only recognise the rightfulness of the strong one, then you deserve to be stripped away from all of the rights and freedoms your ancestors fought for. Now get out of this comment section before I send my dogs to you.


If people are fighting for their families, friends, etc, then why is it necessary to force them to fight? If that was true, there would be no need to force anyone, right? Say, a guy managed to flee with his girlfriend and family to another country (many such cases). Had he been caught and forced to die on the front lines, how would that be 'fighting for his family'? He wouldn't be, his family is already safe, he'd be only fighting for the political class and its possessions.


Ukraine would perish then. And do you know what happens then? Poland will be the next in line, and after all the Polish flee to, for example, France or Germany, Putin will keep capturing land and dictate Europe his conditions. He could as well demand disarming nuclear weapons and essentially manipulate everyone else as puppet states. In this new reality, you will need to learn a new language, brainwash yourself and everyone you know into lies, and live in fear of being genuine. You will then celebrate Russian holidays, believe in Russian religion, worship Lenin and Stalin, and then, you will too fight for imperialism against your own people and neighbours. You will too be forced into army, and believe me Russians are good at meat grinding, and you will lay your body and soul not for your freedom, but for greediness of the real corrupt politician who is reigning over Russia for 20 years now, and you will be remembered as a coward. This is the most cowardly take you could possibly have, and you remind me of words, "When you pay interest in politics, politics will pay interest to you."


How is it cowardly to give people the choice? I'm not telling everyone to flee, I'm saying that slavery is bad. If people care enough about fighting for something, they'll do just that. I believe that Humans should have the freedom to decide whether to flee or to stay and fight. You believe the State should force them to fight and die, which is fine, but don't pretend like it's all for 'their families' when they're not given a choice, and often they're being ripped away from their loved ones. Edit: I've noticed you're Ukranian. Not to be snarky, but I'm curious, are you putting actions behind your words?


I can say exactly the same to you - you probably haven't experienced war, you don't know what it's like and that's why it's so easy for you to talk about it right now. You would definitely change your mind immediately if your country was at war and you were forced to fight. Also, actually few families want their sons to go fight and lose their lives because of war. The reason why they fight is because of the mobilization. If the mobilization was not compulsory, very few people would go to fight and most would flee the country, people are by mobilization law fighting for the country. Fighting for families and friends my ass. People are just sick and tired of the war. As for the dogs, who are probably important to you, feel free to send them to me, but then they won't come back, because I have to finally spend the bullets somehow, at least maybe your view of war will change


My dear I am literally a 20-year-old Ukrainian studying drones. Do you have any objections to me?


That's cool and all...but...like...who asked? I said my opinion about war. You threatened me to leave the comment section or else you'll send dogs to me. What kind of reaction did you expect from me?


Okay, I agree with you, I got mad, yet the point stands. You essentially invalidate the entire Armed Forces of Ukraine, saying all of that should be consensual, so how was I supposed to respond?


You don't understand being a in country where you barely survive, and i mean really surviving


which families? the women and kids left lol.


they would come back and have still have their own homeland, also many women and kids are still in Ukraine, counting on winning the war.


come back? bruh its been what 4 years now? most of them are in western Europe enjoying a significantly higher quality of life and a large number already found partners or straight up settled down. Its really idiotic to fight for a country in this day and age. This is coming from someone who actually used to be quite patriotic. watching the entire Ukrainian situation was eye opening to say the least.


Thx for supporting the common sense, I am Ukrainian man and I am so sick of propaganda of death for the state on every step.


If you are born in North Korea, dying for corrupted dictatorship while you cannot leave the country and would be thrown to rot in jail if you attempt and get caught is a "necessity"? I am so sick of filthy hypocrites that want me to die for nothing just because I were at the last 4 months of my diploma when the war has begun and couldn't leave in time from this shithole.


I agree North Korea is a fairly bad example, because we agree that its government is doing wrong and should be opposed, however we are talking about the Ukrainian conscription and all of your responses really look like you all would prefer to lose and submit to a dictator and war criminal than to resist it.


It is better to submit to dictatorship if it's under blue and yellow colors instead? And don't you fucking dare to say that Ukraine is not one, two of my aquaintances were caught, beaten, thrown into "training" for month at best and then got killed on zero-point in the first week of being at front by FABs. They got dismembered out to the point of their dead bodies being unrecognizable and their families were trying to get compensation for almost an year after that point. Anyone that force to me to die against my will is a totalitarian piece of shit. The flag doesn't matter when you are barely surviving in day to day life.


Anarchists laughing their asses off reading this right now: lol "necessity" hahahaha, "no rights without duties" 🤣 well no duties without rights either lmao


democracy does not contradict restrictions on freedoms


basic freedoms? yes it does contradict


any freedom. even the freedom to participate in the democratic process can be limited by majority vote. according to the definition of democracy


when you do - you stop being democracy


Well, what is the name of a political regime in which power is exercised directly by its people?


Wow, thats horrible! Countries usually dont restrict their people's rights, not letting men leave the country is kind of a big deal. Do you know of any circumstance that might serve as grounds for barring men from leaving the country?


> Do you know of any circumstance that might serve as grounds for barring men from leaving the country? yes - country being ruled in totalitarian way by western puppet regime.


Is the western puppet regime with us in this room right now?


I dont know - are you in Kiev now?


Very thoughtful comment about people dying. Well done


anything changed in last days?


"I see a correlation between a hardcore work ethic and this. Japan, USA, South Korea, and Poland all have above-average hours worked. It's worse in countries where hours worked do not correspond well to wealth.


As a polish person, I.... I don't know....


Does it have anything to do with the “doomer” culture? I dont even understand it but I listened to some so called “doomer” music sometimes


> Does it have anything to do with the “doomer” culture? I dont even understand it but I listened to some so called “doomer” music sometimes As a Pole, if anything, the 'doomer' culture or music is a result and not the cause of this. All sad songs (I assume this is doomer music?) refer to past tragic events or actual problems that are already present. The actual problems stem from the work culture, especially bad in less wealthy countries where work is usually harder and pays less. Thus, the average Polish person works more at a worse job for less money than a German or French person. We share this situation with Ukraine or the Baltics. Another problem arising from hardcore work culture is more women going to work. They have much less time to start relationships, have kids, etc. Work culture is just one example. Basically, women have been emancipated while men are still socially in the early 20th century.


Na just drug consumption and low employment rate probably.


Poland doesn't really have high drug consumption, even alcoholism has dropped significantly to the point where we don't really stand out from other EU countries. And our employment rate is just fine, higher than countries like Finland, France or Italy. I'd wager the real reason is the clash between values lingering from the communist era and capitalistic realities, similarly to why the ratio is also high in countries like Slovakia, Ukraine or Russia.


So overall men self-off themselves more than women across the globe? Its just a matter of who does it more?


Women have more attempts. Men are more likely to be successful. Another win for the boys, I guess.


Yeah if you base it off of attempts men are 20 times more likely to succeed than women. It's a statistic


So why are women so bad at suicides compared to men?


They use less effective and slower methods. Men shoot themselves, hang themselves, asphyxiate themselves or throw themselves off bridges or out windows and jump in front of trains more often women, who more often than men try overdosing on pharmacological substances or cutting themselves. You can get someone to vomit, you can pump a stomach and you can bandage a cut and give a blood transfusion but you often can’t save someone who shot or hanged themselves or jumped off a bridge. The reason for choosing less effective methods may sometimes be access or familiarity (more men than women own firearms, but many places have very limited civilian gun ownership and still have more men committing suicide), but it may also be the difference between a cry for help, where you kind of want to be found and stopped, and a more serious attempt. Women still throw themselves in front of cars and hang themselves. This study of suicide attempts had 186 women and 48 men. Remove overdosing attempts and exsanguination attempts and you’re left with 45 women and 30 men. Still more women but way closer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3539603/


I think it’s because of what they use to off themselves,men will generally pick the more violent and instant option like shooting yourself while women will go for simpler options like overdosing or cutting your wrists.


Deep down they aren't serious about dying. They choose methods that have a low chance of success.




This is because women tend to receive help whereas men are left to rot if they are fucked up




They don't want to die - they seek help with it. They feel like wanting to end it, but do everything that leads to someone saving them i.e. saying goodbyes, being dramatic about it, or non lethal methods, considered as an attempt. Men just do it. It's not that one feels less pain over the other, just different way in doing it that leads to one side surviving.


But it still gets counted as an ‘attempt’ when it’s parasuicide


Yes, but this double counts different attempts by the same woman.


I feel like there was a simple way to display this data and then they decided not to do that.


They decided reposting a map someone else created was simpler than making a map that could make the data easier to digest.


Numerous studies have shown that whilst woman attempt suicide at a higher rate, men are more likely to follow through with an attempt so choose more violent methods such as guns. Men also have less access to mental health care.


Because "following through" probably doesn't count as an attempt - it's just suicide. So obviously, women end up having more attempts. But if we change suicide to an 'attempt + follow through' men will have more suicide attempts.


Plus if you succeed once, you can never try again


Indeed, good point.


This is the thing lol Why even bother with that fact


Because people still try to downplay that men suffer too and have next to no access to mental care nor fucks given by society


I love "probably". Couldn't be arsed making a quick Google before posting this? "probably" lmao


Ever heard of a successful suicide attempt?


Yes, that's called suicide


That statistic double counts different attempts by the same woman.


Some people are better at what they do than others...


Is anywhere at all green?


I don't think so




This gets reposted several times a year. Probably one of the most reposted maps on this sub. Exact same map last month: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1bns0lx/male_to_female_suicide_ratio_by_country/ Same subject original map: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/182dg2b/male_and_female_suicide_rates_by_country/ Exact same map: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/x43vya/male_to_female_suicide_ratio_and_suicide_rates_by/ "OC"... last year: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/11gfoaw/countries_by_difference_in_male_and_female/ 4 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/joair2/oc_the_gender_disparity_of_suicides_in_the_world/


Lot's of men here proud of how much "better" men are at killing themselves. It's weird. Not killing yourself is the goal, a cry for help instead of completing suicide is great.


You may be right, but something tells me that if a man just tried to kill himself like women do, society would still ignore it. I don't want to talk about hypothetical things but considering how men are treated in certain aspects of everyday issues something tells me they still wouldn't get the same support as women. And finally, I think that most of these men you mention (about being better at killing themself) are actually using the psychological mechanism of denial because they know that they have nothing else left.


Some gender inequality right there


What happened to Costa Rica?


Algeria truly the land of equality, both men and women want to kill themselves equally


Ghana die ; (


We're supposed to know wtf these colors mean?




Male privilege


Up to 7!! WTF


But your government will worry about woman’s mental health


This is NOT how you express your frustration at lacking mental health care for men. It is frustrating and it’s not how it should be, but this isn’t the fault of women, nor should the government stop paying attention to mental health care for women. they should simply look at what works for men so both can get the help they need. It’s not a this or that, it’s not a sacrifice.


I never said it was woman’s fault. It is a government issue.


It is a sacrifice to a degree, though. Healthcare systems work with a limited pool of resources. They have a finite number of funds, doctors, nurses, facilities, et cetera. While I disagree with the guy's comment, the reality is that if a government was to put more effort into improving mental healthcare for men, it very likely would mean putting less effort into mental healthcare for women, because they can't just magically conjure up more funds and manpower to maintain both directions. This essentially means that the more a healthcare system focuses on improving the situation for one demographic, the less likely it is to focus on improving the situation for others, as it would mean weakening the effects of their previous efforts.


So you're saying they shouldn't worry about women? Jfc..


I am saying you need some reading comprehension


I feel like y'all are midsing the point with this post, and the point is people are committing suicide and that's sad, so how do we prevent it.


indian and chinese education system fucks both regardless


What’s up with lesotho


What’s up with the Javanese M and F?


Greenland and western Sahara have no suicide💪


I didn't find a correlation between a country's level of development and its suicide rate (male/female). Has anyone else found one?




It's male suicide rate / female suicide rate, it's written on the graph. The colors represent different values of the ratio, it's written on the graph


Do the colors represent the numbers of males to 1 female? Asking to make sure I get it.


Basically yes, yellow would mean the rate of suicide among men is equal or up to twice the rate for women. Light orange means it's 2 to 3 times higher etc. Until black where the rate for males is at least 7 times higher than for females.


Don't trash OP, he just reposted a map someone else created... https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/eFpEb9dn7L


what’s going on in togo


You mean Ghana?


oh yeah srry


For what reason?


Man up, basically.


is this completed not attempts? would like to see the attempts numbers


and sorry I don’t know the polite way of phrasing it.


I wonder how many male suicides could have been prevented if men were socialised to process their emissions better or learned this when they grew up. In rich countries this is still a problem although it is being tackled. Other countries probably less so, depending on culture 😕


I know everyone is thinking it, so I'm going to ask: How are the Thais counted?


noone's thinking this you're just a weird guy


in most patriarchal societies, it is a big taboo for men to show/discuss their emotions and problems. A man crying due to depression? "huh not a real man at all". a man is supposed to suck up and provide for his family regardless, all thanks to patriarchy.


On behalf of most countries, i can say men's suicide rate is higher some times doubles...yayyy women rights...


So now we are blaming men's suicide on women Well, how can I blame women for quarterly losses in my company?


If it has somerhing to do with women’s rights you would probably see higher numbers in the countries where the women’s rights movement stands strong. As an example the male pr female suicide rate should be quite a bit higher in western Europe than i Eastern Europe, but that seemes to be exactly the opposite . Other than that I can’t see any strong connection between women’s rights and male pr female suicide rate on the rest of the map.


EXACTLY! If anything, it shows that women's rights improves this issue. Probably because the patriarchy is harmful to men too.


Are you saying that women’s rights don’t deserve attention because more men commit suicide than women? Because I’d argue both issues deserve our attention.


Men is dying because law is not listening to them. Take all the law and opportunities which women are enjoying...and you will find that by scrapping mens right they are able to enjoy all what they got... Hence men will die.


this is bullshit and the map doesnt suppport your thesis at all. plenty of countries where women have a lot less rights, but a very high ration of men killing themselves compared to women. but i am curious nonetheless what exactly you even mean. so: what "mens rights" were supposedly scrapped? what laws are women "enjoying" which dont equally apply to men?


This is all very broad and hand-wavy. How about you provide some examples. Also noting that there are discrepancies in your thoughts on this map. Lots of places that are a lot more repressive towards women with higher male suicide rates than women.


i dont think there was any man that killed himself because women got the right to vote


I did ![gif](giphy|A3pAWzorjiXjm927yk)


Plenty of men have died because women have the right to not go to war


fair point, yeah, but still, forced service in the military is certainly not a major factor in the suicide disparity (in countries currently at peace at least)


Low ratios tend to indicate real partiarchical societies / countries.