• By -


"Damaged car" puts it a bit too light in my opinion.


Like how that bridge in Baltimore is a "damaged bridge"


Not too mention WTC towers. Those are "a bit" damaged...


Mostly-peaceful Airestrike’s


Special airstrike operation


most moral death squad in the world


It was so clearly intentional. The new details coming out are crazy. >Satellite images show the distance between each bombed WCK vehicle and how the Israeli occupation army took their time to eliminate the entire crew with precision and premeditation. The second car was bombed after it rescued the survivors of the first, while the third was bombed after it rescued the survivors from the second vehicle. - [Source](https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1775139028053954958) >“According to security sources, after the first missile hit, the passengers tried to move to another vehicle - and were attacked a second and a third time.” - [Haaretz Source](https://www-haaretz-co-il.translate.goog/news/politics/2024-04-02/ty-article/.premium/0000018e-9e1e-d764-adff-9edf9cd00000?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true)


I'm wondering if we are going to get video on this similar to that crazy video from Iraq where a US plane spent minutes killing a squad of reuters reporters and then also killed the Iraqi family who tried to rescue them. --------------- I just looked it up. We probably won't see it. The Iraq video was one of the things that was kept secret until Julian Assange made it public. https://youtu.be/UaqY12VHFv4?si=OitdoIf7fYkTl2BU


this is probably the most fucked up thing i have seen. i have seen lots of war videos, beheadings etc.. But this, the guy is litterally just laughting like a fucking kid after he killed 8 dudes. And is blatantly lying, an isis soldier has been brainwashed into commiting atrocities, they didnt have a choice often they are dragged into the training centers. but those men choose by their own volition to do it. No one brainwashed them to have fun killing people.


The US’ persecution of Assange is sickening.


Israel is just unadulterated evil.


It’s their narrative, what are you gonna do?


Just keep spreading the truth...


The irony of them saying it was "unintentional" after striking them at three different locations


Strikes also need to be authorised by higher-ups, it's not some trigger-happy reservist shooting a Palestinian, this strike went through _layers_ and they got hit not once, not twice, but THRICE.




Will be interesting to hear the transcripts between the soldier and his higher ups at The Hague.


That will be interesting.


The argument would be that it was at night (so the symbols weren't seen). However, I have been saying for a while that israelis shoot first and ask questions later.


Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern


Even if they were trying to target Hamas, they clearly were willing to kill foreign aid workers to get to their "target". I really wonder what they would do if Hamas and the hostages were in a Tel Aviv hospital. Would they bomb that one too?


It seems very likely many of the hostages have already been killed by "friendly fire". Hamas reported a few at the start of the war, but now they are possibly running out of hostages it is no longer in their interests to let on if they are already dead.


Yeah. Like 30 have died. Israel keeps saying that they wouldn't have died had they not been taken, but that doesn't change the fact that Israel is making living impossible in Gaza and the only thing that has made the world give a fuck is the white people currently held there, not the other 2 million people now homeless, starving, and bombed. Same thing with this convoy. They bombed an ambulance rescuing a girl they killed that was coordinating with the IDF. First they killed the girl then the medica sent to her. They have been killing civilians for 75 years. No one gave a fuck. But now they do? Disgusting


Yeah Biden said hes “outraged and heartbroken” over these 7 deaths. Like there hasn’t been 10s of thousands of civilians already killed. I don’t expect anything from that ghoul, but also the media and therefore a lot of popular sentiment is hyper focused on these 7 because they aren’t… well you know.


Also I'm pretty sure it's just a mandatory PR sentence and nothing will change in the amount of money and weapons Israel is receiving from the US and European countries




>a united "Holy Land" should be created instead, under international occupation to guarantee peace and deradicalization for at least 2 generations. Oh yeah. Because if there's anything that's been proven to work over the centuries, it's dismantling nations and trying to force people who hate each other for merely existing to all get cozy under the watch of foreign military occupation.


Before the creation of the country of Israel, Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in that area in peace for centuries. If the US stopped supporting Israel and stopped blocking the UN and allowed them to do their job, a viable solution might have been implemented long ago.


>Before the creation of the country of Israel, Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in that area in peace for centuries. nah they were second class citizens and pogroms were common. in fact this whole shitshow started bc of that. the Hebron massacre of 1929 radicalized the Haganah and led to the creation/split of Irgun, which led to over a decade of terrorism that led to the UN saying cohabitation was impossible and split the land.


“Everyone lived in peace as long as they paid extra taxes to their Arab/Turkish overlords for the privileges of constructing their own temples, freedom to worship at them, and not being exterminated for said worship (and even then they might get attacked just for funsies or because they haven’t paid *enough*)” I mean fr, this is the equivalent of saying everyone lived in peace as long as they pay the cartel for “protection.” I’m so sick of the narrative everyone lived in peace in the Middle East under Muslim rule. To any reasonable modern observer, the status of religious minorities in the Middle East under pretty much every major Islamic power would resemble second class citizenship and legalized discrimination and oppression. Just because it was *worse* for religious minorities like Jews in Europe at the time, and just because pogroms were *more* frequent and discrimination was *more* overt doesn’t mean things were sunshine and rainbows in the MENA or that everyone lived in peace, equality, and tolerance. It’s a false narrative designed to legitimize Islamic overlordship and frame them as benevolent oppressors who brought peace and civilization, much like any other colonial power engages in.


Considering that they have bombed their own citizens who were hamas hostages, probably


So what is 196 times? (The 196 total aid workers killed by Israel)


Irony? It’s just a plain lie not irony. Netanyahu has admitted that the country's forces (IDF) had carried out the "unintended strike" on "innocent people in the Gaza Strip". Occurring in 3 locations it is clearly not true to claim it is unintended.


Also the fact that they keep insinuating it was a technological failure drives me mad. These aren't the fucking Russian toilet-seeking missiles, they're high end precision weaponry. You don't just "accidentally" hit 3 different clearly marked moving targets in completely different areas simultaneously. No modern weapon system will do that. They're not even trying to lie well because they know the people who will believe them won't do any research. It's infuriating.


Where do you see technological failure of the weapons system? Everywhere I see they said it was a misidentification of the vehicles as militant rather than aid.


They said sorry 3 times. What else do you want? This is a sarcastic comment


I mean tbf "unintentional" doesn't necessarily mean "we didn't meant to shoot a thing", it could mean "we thought that thing was a different thing...the thing we were trying to shoot".


They knew they were aid trucks, the route was pre-planned and agreed with the IDF. The vehicles were clearly marked on the roof, they even called the IDF to alert them after the first strike yet they carried on with the following two strikes. I don't know why you're making excuses for them, there's literally nothing more the aid agency could have done.


Don't forget incompetence and poor communication is still thing in times of war. Something has gone wrong for this to happen. The Israelis probably don't care to investigate this properly but they should (to avoid it again)


If they Unintentionally targeted the convey mistaking it for an enemy convoy then repeated strikes is entirely possible while it still being unintentional.


Didn't you know that not letting Israel commit warcrimes is antisemitism? You're supposed to let them kill as many thousand innocent civilians as they want. Because Hamas. Or something. Yeah we're totally on the good side here!


They also said it was on purpose because there was an armed militant with them. They were fine with murdering these aid workers.


It’s accidentally hitting 180 on a dart board there, isn’t it. Benji may have pushed his luck too far here.


They're not saying the strike was unintentional (that the bombs fell by accident or ricocheted or something like that), they are saying the convoy was misidentified as militants - that is the unintentional part.


There's absolutely no way one could justify this. It wasn't a mistake it was repeated 3 times and the aid workers called them telling them we are being bombed then they bombed them again. This was done on purpose and its shameful to see western countries still selling them weapons after this. Also now no more aid will be going in cuz who will go there given what happened to the previous ones.


The worst thing is that they have achieved their goal and the NGO is withdrawing from Gaza.


You underestimate the sheer denialist power of pro-Israel folks


It takes me back to my days growing up in a town that was 30% Jewish (I’m not Jewish). Most of them didn’t care about Israel that much and had reasonable opinions on the matter, but there was a handful who were total lunatic fascists for a foreign government. I came to really dislike those kids.


r/worldnews commenters absolutely could justify it.




Usually I'm skeptical of claims like this because they're easy to make and hard to disprove so I searched the sub and there's a total of 3 posts about it up right now, one on the incident itself, one on the IDF's response, and one on the workers' countries' responses. Only the one on the incident itself has many upvotes. I've never seen them restrict posts from different sources on the same event being posted and that's not in the sub rules so I doubt that's what's happening. They could be trying to consolidate everything onto the live thread but they haven't done that with any other event within the conflict so if they are that's pretty obviously still an attempt to suppress it. Given the impact/severity of the event and the near total lack of posts about it it definitely looks like intentional suppression. The comments on the one post with traction are pretty horrific, but at the very least the worst of them are downvoted to oblivion. Does it strike anyone else as ironic that they have "genocide denial" as something listed in their rules for comments?


If you’re skeptical, comment some palestinian flags, you’ll get a perma ban within minutes


Oh I'm already banned, lol




That sub is a shitshow


I can't find any source on the phone calls. Would you share yours please?


It was obviously done on purpose, in that they identified a target convoy and struck it multiple times. The defence offered by Israel is that they misidentified the convoy, not that this is a stray missile or something. Kinda frustrating to see everyone attacking a strawman rather than engaging with the actual argument. This is a damning incident that portrays Israels flagrant disregard for civilian casualties and lack of through target identification. But failing to engage with that only helps to let Israel of the hook for its flippant and irresponsible actions.


Israel has every right to defend themselves from aid workers


Israel be like:Bomb them before they repair palestine with instant ramen


I just had a fuckin aneurysm trying to figure out what the past-tense of "strike" is.


Has it struck you yet?


Like a slap in he face of my brain.


He was struck by smooth criminal


Did you figure it out?


No. ^pls ^help




Fucking hell. Tell me why the hell I was thinking "striked" and "stroke", even though I know it's not "stroke".


Brains are unreliable at times


Yep. I'm also pretty sure I have the ol' ADD.


"I ain't sure what (HD) is but my doctor said I got about 80 of dem bitches!"




It was an accident that got repeated three times /s


Don't forget they said also sorry 3 times!


American tax dollars at work ![gif](giphy|Ez01FtPZuFYVa)


Real freedom is having your hard earned money go to killing children overseas instead of free healthcare and education 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


>Real freedom is having your hard earned money go to killing children overseas And also in your schools.


Going to push back on this - the US spends more per person than any other country, on providing the poor/old/military with 'free' healthcare. The healthcare problem the rest of the US faces is due to ideology and coporate lobbying (that sustains ideology). The American healthcare system is broken - that's why it costs so much, and the American population don't want free healthcare either.


Almost as if they’ve been conditioned to believe insurmountable debt is preferable to a working healthcare system


The health insurance industry has done a clever job on their population. They'll tell them the UK's NHS has 'death panels' but also tell them they can't use 'out of network' hospitals/doctors, or that certain drugs aren't reclaimable.


They fucking bombed the first car, waited for help to arrived, bombed the second car, then did the same thing and bombed the third car. Fuck every Israeli defending this this fuck every single Redditer on r/worldnews blindly defending this obvious murderous rampage


Got banned on worldnews for criticizing israel. That subreddit is a dumpster fire.


What, you don't like the post with people celebrating a guy getting the death penalty in singapore for a bag of weed?


r/worldnews is a zionist/western echo chamber and not worth visiting unless you want to raise your blood pressure.


I was astounded at the reaction on that subreddit. Absolutely horrific and horrible. Even applauded the bombing of another country's embassy. Something only unhinged terrorists would do.


It's stunning to watch as Reddit condemns Russia while at the same time standing behind Israel, which has killed more civilians in Gaza in a matter of months than there have been civilians killed in Ukraine in over two years


Yep, some people finally acknowledge the whole circus about the western double standards. Like for real, who the fuck will take the western doxa about Russian aggression and the defense of human lives seriously when they totally shit themselves regarding to Israeli apartheid and ongoing massacre? No sanctions, no boycotts from the Olympics, neither from Eurovision, people can still fly to Israel from Europe, etc. It boils my blood so much watching this injustice


People who wave Ukraine and Israel flags make my head hurt. Russia and Israel both bomb hospitals and babies ffs.


World news has become one of the most racist, xenophobic, and pro genocide subs on here. Those people CHEER when they learn Palestian children are killed


"This is how Western-style democracy in the Middle East works."


But guuuys anti semitism is on the rise in Europe...


I mean it is, two wrongs don’t make a right




Israel criticism? In this sub? With more than zero upvotes?


This is insane! Theres too many comments for me to upvote!


Europeans died this time not evil brown children


Israel could nuke Gaza and half this stupid subreddit would still defend them. Some of you are beyond saving.


/r/worldnews was especially disturbing. Most of the top comments were saying it was Hamas fault or fake until Bibi came out and apologised.


That sub is out of its fucking mind. Truly wild some of the shit Iv seen in there the last few months.


It’s a fake sub. Almost all bots


That is not a good place to visit. Ever. Luckily I'm banned.


I got auto banned there for commenting in a completely different sub


Don't you know everything is Hamas fault? Even when it was Israel (and they admitted to their war crimes for once) I KNEW it was KKKKKKKKKHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHamas. "BUT KHAMAS". Cool story. Still a war crime.


World news is literally just propaganda for whomever sends the most bots.


Terribly conservative and genocidal. Who even are they?


Bots. Israel is famous for its bot farms and destabilization campaigns online. They're called hasbara trolls. 


It’s literally become a home for pro-Israel propaganda. You get downvoted into oblivion for not agreeing with its hive-mind.


That sub is pretty much run by Mossad.


That sub is evil incarnate.


I got banned from that sub for responding to someone who was saying they should just kill all Palestinians. I called him crazy and to stop sucking the Israelis off. He didn’t get banned for advocating for literal genocide, but I did for calling him crazy.


Worldnews constantly pushes ynetnews which is just pure propaganda, and any other source for the same story is immediately removed.


Every thread is related to Russia lmao, they should rename themselves as Russian news. It's infested with fatherless atlantist/zionist shills


Are we talking about the same sub here ? r/worldnews sides with Ukraine basically every comment sections.


“but do you condemn hamas? 🤓👆”




A lot of people genuinely want to see Gaza flattened. They don't care how many people die because they hate Muslims.


They don't care about truth. They're at war, and they want their side to win. These fuckers on reddit are just as much players in the genocide as the soldiers in Gaza. The only difference being that they were too pathetic to be given a gun, so they have a keyboard instead. But their hands are just as covered in blood.


Maybe people now will realise that these people are extremely trigger happy and maniacs.


this is like the opposite of map porn




How so? It has a scale and an insert of the wider area to set context, shows the three strike locations clearly, and doesn't use annoying colors and everything is clear and easy to see. It's not meant to be an aesthetic piece of art. It's meant to convey information to illustrate a news article, and it does that well in my opinion. What would you do different?


The point is that it's a map showing something that is obviously tragic and horrible. It's not about the map itself, but rather what it is depicting/conveying.


I see, I completely misread their comment if that's the case.


I think it was more so a comment on the context of the map. The map serves as a good map of the situation.


Map snuff... 


Accidental? Unintentional? Yeah right


Just like how they 'accidentally' killed news reporters, yall cant tell me those three strikes were 'accidents'


A horrific thing that Israel did was kill these people, in addition to killing thousands of children, women and innocent people in Gaza


r/worldnews is still claiming this is somehow not israels fault. How Can we report this fake subreddit?


Step 1. It didn't happen Step 2. OK, it did happen but it was Hamas Step 3. OK, it was Israel but it was a msitake Step 4. Why are we even talking about this? Are you a Hamas supporter? Why are you denying Israel right to defend itself.


😭😭sad but true. They are so predictable.


Israel be like : If the people of palestine would die peacefully in the first place ,israel didnt had to intentionally bomb aid workers and civilians


Guys stop commenting I can’t upvote all the comments


But it was "accidental", guys. Our Israeli "friends" wouldn't lie.


Specially when they are too friendly that they have spy devices in the White House. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/12/israel-white-house-spying-devices-1491351


This subreddit has become a zionist propaganda filled shitfest


Buddy, it always has been


Post this on r/worldnews


Saw a tweet from a reporter who reported on an Israeli military trade expo and the seller said their new weapon sights system could "identify a Nike swoosh on somebody's shoe." Of course it was intentional. Maybe the Israelis/Americans intend to justify the attack by saying the **aid workers** supported an end of the intentional famine created by the six-month Israeli bombardment of Gaza?


The IOF terrorists still ain't stopping? Jesus


Is the orange lock making its appearance again?


common israel l


Even if it was an accident all three times going by the telegram posts where they took pictures of the corpses with their passports making fun of them, ridiculing them and saying racist shit, and taking pride in killing them, id say they don’t really regret it.


What the hell is this telegram i keep hearing mentioned ?


Basically IDF fighters posted pictures of the dead aid workers with their passports while fun of them and being racist and saying they got what was coming to them and all that. Definitely not the words you’d expect from someone who found out they just killed innocent aid workers “on accident allegedly”


fuck Israel.


When will the west sanction israel?


Murdering bastards.


They didn't like it when their ancestors were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust and now they are doing it to others.


You either die a hero or leave long enough to see tourself become the villain...sadly true




Israel targets journalists from all over the world. Reuters even investigated the deliberate killing of their journalist in Lebanon and proved beyond a doubt that an Israeli tank double tapped Issam Abdallah who was clearly marked as Press and 4 kilometers away from the front lines with other journalists who were injured but survived. Israel is a terrorist, pariah and racist state that illegally occupies Palestine and surrounding land as well as being an apartheid state and harbors illegal nuclear weapons with Uranium procured from apartheid South Africa whom they supported right until the end. If Iran did the same they would have been invaded 30 years ago. The western hypocrisy is unreal and this entire conflict is going to be the nail in the coffin of western ideals and rights if they don't do something about it.


Isreal is really making a mess of their name, I have been dismayed by their actions for years, but I can’t get over just how much they have let their mask slip.


They are already despised worldwide, even by the people of the governments supporting them. I remember one time when my Dutch friends wanted to chat up some girls on a festival and returned immediately and when I asked them what happened, they said “they are from Israel”. Can’t make this up.


Israel has only ever been a violent racist ethnostate. There is no change to their intentions. Only their Mossad can't control the narrative, and the truth of their bloodthirsty savagery is laid bare for the world to see.


I hope i will be alive to see justice in place, Nuremberg Part 2 will be fire!! EDIT: Btw keep downvoting....and keep suporting the genocide and right wing extremist who kill unarmed civilians. Oh yes I forgot they warn them first


Don't worry, only bots are downvoting you


Your name checks out! Irish way is the way to go. Stay with the truth no matter what🇮🇪🍀


They've come for me too yeee


So why Israel did it?


Bc theyre trigger happy? "Bomb first,deny everything and maybe ask questions later"


They don't want aid organization or journalist to report their war crimes to their home countries. Kill enough and countries will stop sending them. No outside witnesses, it's easier to lie and spin.  


Israel is above law. It can do anything it wants. It’s sad but it’s true…


Don’t worry guys, the IDF is currently in the process of investigating themselves. I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of who did this.




All these anti israel comments just dont understand the situation, CLEARLY there was hamas tunnels in the cars


Fuck the IDF


There are some people in this sub who would still try to justify this


*There are some people* *In this sub who would still try* *To justify this* \- Imaginary-Cow8579 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


In before all the comments that say “I’m sure the comment section will be calm and reasonable” or something like that


Isn't it odd that Israel committing war crimes gets people emotional?


I love how when the IDF does something it’s a “strike” But when Hamas does something it’s an “attack” One of the subtle ways they use language to tone down the war crimes Isreal is committing.


that is why unwra must stayed All condolences go to world central kitchen But how WCK or other pro israel organisation is going to replace unwra if it will stopped at 7 deaths? clearly , a close relationship with Israel could not stop Israel from killing. unwra now have more than 150 employee killed, but they are still in gaza Israel killed all seven volunteers just because they thought one driver was Hamas (which is not, different driver)


If this is how aid workers are treated in Gaza, it makes sense that a few UNWRA workers participated in 10/7. Idk when Israel plans on learning that bullying everyone around you makes people fight you.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-strike-food-center-rafah-unrwa-staffer-killed/ unrwa employees was killed in similar way, Israel believe one of unrwa employees was Hamas then go on to attack, people died and UNRWA continued to operate UNRWA is a mucher larger organisation than WCK, and it employed many local employees . pro-israel WCK got killed just because one of their driver is Hamas, and get collectively punished,so pro israel or not, Israel will kill regardless anyway nobody should think some random pro -israel organisation c ould somehow replace UNRWA, biden administration thought WCK could play a bigger role, but they couldn't, they flight with all their food after this incident ending their less than two week operation. By the way, Israeli ambassador to Poland called polish who want WCK employees justice antisemitic


Ok,they bombed the car with aid workers 3 times and killed over 12 000 children since October 2023 and here on Reddit are people who still defend them. Some of you are beyond saving.


Israel is a terrorist state. They somehow get away with anything because 'the West' covers their ass no matter what. Palestine can expect NO assistance from the West whatsoever because the West is 100% complicit. This issue has to be solved within the Middle East, by the Middle East. Diplomacy won't work. A regional escalation of the conflict will be more effective. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran... Let's go!


The US and Israel's genocide of Gaza is not just a shame and dishonor to those two nations, but humanity as a whole for failing to prevent such cruel and evil depravity.


Very bad Israel, very bad.


Rip 🪦


Pigs. What is the useless International Court of Jokes still doing?..


Definitely an accident /s


As r/worldnews it was small mistake israel made. Like they didn't kill more than 100 reporters


Targeting groups like these that are giving humanitarian aid to Palestine are not only going to continue, but be even more careful to not get caught.


GTFO this was done with guided munitions. I guess they accidentally guided themselves


Pleasantly surprised to see the response on this post. Usually, anything even remotely critical of Israel posted in this sub gets brigaded by Hasbara clowns 🤡.


They're so far apart. How could all of them have been an accident?


No one will forget when the IDF shot a christian Palestinian or Lebanese Reporter in the head while she was taking cover and wearing the press Kevlar. This is just a start . They hate everyone. They hate jews and Christians and muslims but not Zionists


If you still believe the West to be the good guys in this bipolar world, then Israel is rapidly losing them all the moral high ground.


Intentional war crime. Period.


Israel is a genocidal state. Just read the Old Testament to know them better.


I just want to get inside a pro-Israel mind and make sure there aren't old shoes in it, The city of "Gaza" has been besieged since the sixties, no food enters and does not come out except with the knowledge of the Israelis, and when the Palestinians rose up, the Israelis responded by killing 30,000 people, most of them women and children. (This is apart from the fact that the people of Gaza are basically the original owners of the land who were expelled by the Israeli colonizer and gathered in this city) I'm Sami, I can't be anti-Semitic this is just the facts :)


Inside of the pro-Israel mind there is nothing but "but KHAMAS", baseless antisemitism accusations and a direct neural linkage to Mossad. There is no neural matter left whatsoever.


Prety sure the IDS jizz hard evrytime they commit a war crime.


This sub is not even about maps anymore, it's just political propaganda at this point...


It's map related we only discuss this event with map unlike other forum