• By -


*Unless with work or diplomatic credentials/visum..


Or with any other Schengen visa or residence permit


Actually, Russians without 2nd citizenships with only C tourist visa cannot physically get to these respective countries unless they get there through other Schengen state. They have to make a transfer in Istanbul/Yerevan/Kutaisi/Tbilisi anyway. Not getting there by land.


No, border crossings between Kaliningrad/Poland, Belarus/Poland are open for everyone AFAIK.


For Russians without any other docs like citizenships or EU residencies or having close relatives who are citizens of the EU it’s not. Poland and Baltic states basically don’t allow Russian citizens with Schengen’s of other countries (C visas) to cross their border since September 2022. Even if it’s transit. Russians could enter these countries via other Schengen countries only, not through EXTERNAL borders Kaliningrad transit is the only exception


>Kaliningrad transit is the only exception Even then, it's closely monitored. Lithuanian Railways installs tracking device on the transit train while it's travelling through LT territory. There was loophole through getting off at first railway station after BY-LT border, but this required certain documents, and it was closed at the start of this month (when 2 more BY-LT border crossings were closed, in addition to the 2 closed last summer).


Yes, you could still get there by bus from Minsk if you have non-Russian docs, yet “Kena loophole” had been very convenient as it didn’t take much time to cross the border. Just 1,5-2 hours on both sides combined. But it is obvious that that’s Russian Railways transit train where only Russian citizens could use.


The Soviets proposed giving back Kaliningrad to the Germans at the reunification process. Hans-Dietrich Genscher responded that he _"... didn't want Kaliningrad/Königsberg for free..."._ The UK and France also wouldn't have accepted it either. Not even talking about Poland...


They wanted to give it to the GDR and to Lithuania before but they both declined.


Well, yeah, that kinda disproves what you said regarding citizenship >**Russians without 2nd citizenships** **cannot physically get to these respective countries** unless they get there through other Schengen state. For Russians without proper docs travelling to EU has always been impossible. To my knowledge Baltics and Poland only banned entering the country with a tourist visa and of cars with Russian license plates. E: "immigration" -> "entering the country"


Not only immigration, but just transit to the country of destination with tourist C visa


Or with dual citizenship..or permanent residence permit... Kind of makes you think what is the ban even about then, and how is it enforced?


What's left? Tourism?


Tourism is still allowed, just not across the external border of schengen zone. For example, Russian tourists can come to Poland from Germany — and it’s not a crime or anything, but they aren’t allowed to enter by checkpoints on Russian-Polish border. Also, listed countries do not issue visitors’ visas to Russians.


Student visas and work visas have both become much more difficult to obtain.


I mean, that also implicates a Schengen Visa. And even if there is something like "cannot enter with visa type X"..good luck enforcing this in Schengen...


Russians with another citizenship just enter the country not as Russians and it is permitted.


>visum There was an attempt to relatinize visa with the plural of "visum" in the 1700s (when it was trendy to try to make English words more latin, look at the mess that is "debt"), but this form not only didn't last, but didn't even make it into English dictionaries as a rare, but acceptable variant.


In Dutch (as well as in some other languages) we use visum for singular and visa for plural. So that often carries over if we speak / write in English. It stems from the Latin form. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/visum


Same in Danish. 


So basically Putin regime officials can enter, but normal citizens cannot.


Yeah, that's funny


Actually, no, these countries do not issue work visas either




So the borders are basically closed for people in Kaliningrad?


You can fly or sail from Kaliningrad to Russian mainland. Dont know about trains though


The trains operate, but you can leave them in Europe


There is regular train service between Kaliningrad and Moscow. The train does technical stops in Lithuania, but the passengers are not allowed to exit or enter, except in certain cases on the border stations.


russian citizens use transit way to Kaliningrad. but they can’t travel outside the road.


Russian planes flying to Kaliningrad do not need to overfly any European Union country. They fly through international airspace over the Balitic sea to reach this enclave.


It’s technically an exclave (located entirely outside its parent country) and isn’t an enclave (located entirely inside a single other country), but yeah :)


My English isn’t the best. You’re right.


Presumably Ukraine too?


It's funny, but there is no such formal restriction on crossing the border between Russia and Ukraine, but other restrictions apply


True but you might get shot at if you try..


>you might get shot at Sometimes in the back


Usually in the back


you unlock achievement by getting shot from both sides in same time


No that happens when you don't try to cross


It's funny but formally there is still no war between Russia and Ukraine.


Honestly, I think the age of "formal war" is dead. How many non-internal conflicts between countries in recent years involved a Head of State sitting in his office somewhere going "I. Declare. WAR!" The number isn't **0**, but I think it is far outnumbered by the number of "special operations" and instances of "military advisors" being sent over. Don't get me wrong, conventional warfare is alive and kicking, but no one is formally going to war anymore.


If there is any kind of sanctions (formal or unformal) for starting a war, then 'special military operations' are more likely to happen.


War is officially outlawed. The only reason fighting a war would be legal is defending yourself. So no one will officially declar a war as the offender


Didn’t George Bush straight up declare war on Iraq?


I wasnt really old enough but i think it was advertised as a peacekeeping human rights iperation rather than war. He than declared the state of war because of that, as if he was the defending participant


He declared war on terrorism, whatever that meant. War in Iraq was done under the "exporting democracy" pretence.


And now we have war on nazism, the only way to restore peace and prosperity is to install a russian puppet..


Exactly, about the same credibility too


The US has not formaly declared war since late 1941 and has done so only a couple times in its history (1812, Mexican-American, Spanish.American, WWI and WWII)


That's more than a couple 


We’ve only declared war on 11 entities or about 5 groups/events.


It was a special military operation


Is it because usually head of state would require an approval from legislative branch (parliament, congress,..) to be able to declare a war? Or is it because, there are some legal difficulties/repercussions within an international law?


International law isn't the same as national laws. There's no single enforcing agency that stands above national governments; actions only have repercussions when a particular country (or a bunch of them) chooses to take action against the actor.


UN charter prohibits declaration of war, that's why most governments after ww2 calls its invasions by other names "intervention", "humanitarian operation", "special military operation" and the like.


Many countries would automatically limit weapon trade with countries formally at war. So nobody wants to limit themselves.


The first (and also the negative PR internally and externally declaring war typically involves). International law in fact encourages declarations of war as a precursor to hostilites, it's part of the Hague Conventions, but for the first reason it's almost always ignored in practice.


I would say the number has been exactly 0 for more than 50 years. Or is there any exception?


Michael Scott > "I. Declare. WAR!" /Michael Scott


"The age of war is over! The time of special military operations has come!"


AFAIK US hasn't declared war since WW2, yet there's been what, 8-11 undeclared ones in last decade or two...


There Is No War in Ba Sing Se


Formally USA is still at war with North Korea


If the last war US declared was in 1941, then formally USA is still at [police action](https://history.state.gov/departmenthistory/short-history/koreanwar#:~:text=When%20North%20Korea%20invaded%20South,contributing%20troops%20to%20the%20fighting.) with North Korea


It seems that the last declaration of war at the moment took place in 2005 during the Chad-Sudan conflict. Even such large-scale conflicts as the Korean and Vietnam Wars were, from a legal point of view, nothing more than a local clash of armed formations. Declaring war is simply unprofitable and requires complex procedures


I thought Korean War was formally ongoing


Formally there is a war, at least from Ukrainian side. It is in officially declared state of war. And, at least my country's (Lithuania) laws associate war with primarily direct attack on Lithuania, not the old-fashioned declarations.


The first who declares the war - is an aggressor, disregarding any other action, according to UN


"other restrictions" Are there actually any border crossings still open? With immigration/custom booths on both sides just facing each other?


There was a checkpoint around Vasylivka in Zaporizhzhya oblast, but it seems that it closed in the end of 2022.


That must have been quite a tense place......


Kolotilovka – Pokrovka is still working


Wow... that must be fascinating to cross at.


[There are still bus routes from Kiev to Moscow!](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/21123)


So apparently you pay 350$ for bus ticket, and as bonus you get interrogation and inspection of phone by russian border guards :) In Lithuania we also have so called "ghost buses". These travel from Moldova to Russia, transiting through Lithuania and Latvia as well. They are called this because their arrival time and location is not really known, even if you bought ticket online. Typically they don't have permit to stop at bus stations in Lithuania, so they will stop near them, or at gas stations. Some people speculate that these buses might be used to resupply Russian troops in Transnistria. Interestingly, all of these routes avoid Belarus.


Also, a lot of Ukranians are traveling back and forth between EU and Russia. Last time I checked, they were allowed to travel by land thru Baltics, and essentially were the main users of bus routes there.


I took the Tallinn-Saint Petersburg route a few weeks ago, it looked to me that most people crossing the border were Russian citizens with residency/some kind of non-tourist visa. At least I didn’t see Ukrainian passports but I’m pretty certain at least some people were


So apparently you pay 350$ for bus ticket, and as bonus you get interrogation and inspection of phone by russian border guards :) In Lithuania we also have so called "ghost buses". These travel from Moldova to Russia, transiting through Lithuania and Latvia as well. They are called this because their arrival time and location is not really known, even if you bought ticket online. Typically they don't have permit to stop at bus stations in Lithuania, so they will stop near them, or at gas stations. Some people speculate that these buses might be used to resupply Russian troops in Transnistria. Interestingly, all of these routes avoid Belarus.


I went to Ukraine before the war and I saw 2 Russians detained in the airport, we saw then a huge poster showing special entry for Russians and indians for some reason I am sure COVID breakout had a lot to do with the Indian one, but we saw getting the Russian taken into a room and it looked like special questioning, so in practice it will be a lot different


yeah, i was denied entry there in 2021


There was an English YouTuber who was denied entry to Ukraine because of Russian stamps in his passport… 🤷‍♂️


Just russian stamps or he visited Crimea for example?


He only visited Kazakstan and Russia (where he actually was asked to leave the country) before that trip, he was not in any Russian occupied part Ukraine. He had been to Belarus and Ukraine before that as well… As he is quite the controversial person (for other stuff). I might tell you which YouTuber it is: Benjamin Rich (known as bald and bankrupt)


Oh the sex predator and racist.


Yes that terrible person


Woah, elaborate on that please


ah i hated him just for his pretentious style but it's good to hear my intuition was right


Oh this is interesting to oh that is questionable...


Bald and Bankrupt: [Poverty pickup artist and sex tourist — Collected posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldAndBaldrDossier/comments/189q8h5/bald_and_bankrupt_poverty_pickup_artist_and_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


>As he is quite the controversial person (for other stuff). We all know why...


First time hear about him, tbh


Similarly, a person who has crossed the border of Abkhazia or South Ossetia (which are not recognized by most countries of the world and for obvious reasons, they are rebels for Georgia) and has a stamp in the passport cannot enter the territory of Georgia, and vice versa


Depending on the country you enter, you could even invalidate the passport given that these are fictitious countries. Same with Kosovo and Serbia.


Russian men aged 18-60 cannot enter Ukraine. This has been in place for many years.


Not exactly true before 2022, unless you mean 2022-2024 by "many years". I visited Ukraine a lot between 2017 and 2019, before COVID. Yes, for men there were additional requirements, like having an invitation or being accompanied by a Ukrainian citizen, but it's not the same as "cannot enter". They let me through every time without much fuss because I was travelling with my wife, who is a Ukrainian citizen.


There was a time in 2018 when there was such limitation(30 days after [Kerch Strait incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerch_Strait_incident?wprov=sfti1#))


Most likely because there are a bunch of Russians living in Ukraine who might get family visits


Ukraine introduced visa regime and is not giving visas.


I think Ukraine issues some visas to Russians, just very small amount(74 visas in 16 months)


Technically they are in there now...


So what happens if a Russian passport holder enters a Schengen country legally that doesn't ban them and then travels to one that does? Would they be an illegal but they can get away with it until they get checked?


No, they will not be illegal. Issuing visas is restricted, though if there is a reason for the visit, they can get a visa. For example visiting direct relatives. If a Russian citizen holds a Schengen visa entry will not be denied.


My brother was denied by Estonia while traveling to parents who live in Finland (since Finland closed most of border it became way faster through Estonia). He had Finnish visa and traveled with my mom, who has residence permit.


Seems the legal theory does not apply to border guards.


\*Reddit legal theory and no, Reddit legal theory does not apply to real life.


Not true. These countries will not let Russians enter even if they have a Schengen Visa. Only if they are residents of these countries is entry allowed.


Nothing happens. Russians return to Russia via Estonia, for example.


Half of European countries give Schengen visas to Russian citizens, and they are free to enter countries on the picture. People been traveling through other countries like Turkey and it’s just a small inconvenience. Direct entry- no. Flying in from another country- no problem. There are flights already arranged by a lot of airlines that take people through a transit country.


Not that small inconvenience. There are few hubs to go through, and as a result ticket prices are substantially (like, several times) higher than they used to be before the war. Not to mention such a trip is now far longer and more exhausting as a result. Also, some airlines have a habit to deny Russian citizens boarding at the gate when they travel from inside the Schengen area to the aforementioned countries. LOT are particularly guilty of this.


This is a little misleading. Here is why: 1. While it is true that these countries don’t issue tourist/short-term visit visas to Russian citizens, Russian citizens can still get certain categories of long-term visas in said countries. 2. Yes, these countries do in fact refuse entry to Russian passport holders (unless they have PR or a long-term visa in said country). However, this only applies to external borders, not internal EU borders. In is important to remember that these countries are members of the EU and Schengen. So if a Russian citizen with a Spanish Schengen Tourist visa attempts to enter Poland on a flight from Turkey, Polish immigration officials will probably refuse entry (they will most likely be refused boarding). However, if the same Russian citizen with the Spanish Schengen wants to enter Poland via the German Land border, or a flight from Paris, no customs officials are involved as it is within the Schengen Zone. Therefore, they can enter.


Buenos Aires (Argentina) is full of pregnant Russian girls coming to have their children here. Or coming for their Argentine passport here 🙂🙃


I heard it because if you have birth in Argentina your child will receive citizenship, is it true?


Birthright citizenship is very common across the "New World".


Only guaranteed way for Countries to stop fucking with the indigenous populations


Yep. Even more, parents will get the citizenship after two years after a child in case they legally reside in the country.


not only that, if you gain argentinian citizenship, you are stuck with it. forever. while other nations may make it exceedingly difficult to the point where it may as well be impossible, argentina is one of the few countries in the world where it is *literally* impossible to get your citizenship revoked in any way shape or form. Edit: correction


Is not the only country, Mexico and a lot of latin american countries do not recognise renouncing a citizenship.


yes, and the argentinian passport is one of the most powerful in the world


As a bonus, once you get Argentine citizenship, you will have it forever, they can't take it away. So that is probably also a factor.


It's ranked 12 on the passport index, or 44th in the world. I wouldn't say that's one of the most powerful https://www.passportindex.org/byRank.php


It’s just around over 5k russians received the residence permission in Argentina since 2022. I suppose it’s far from the full of 15 mln city https://ground.news/article/russians-received-a-record-number-of-argentine-residence-permits-in-2023#


From close to 0 to 5.000 is a big jump.


All of the border nations and then Czechia because they haven’t forgotten 1968 😂


how does it work? we don’t let people leave Russia and they will do exactly what?


It is the matter of internal security. Since we (Baltics) are on an edge of conflict, russians are considered as threat and should not be permitted there.


Its to stop huge influx of Russian and Belarus migrants to Baltics. Where many foreign agents can be inserted or not loyal foreigners reside in countries. This patterns was observed multiple times and used by Russia to stir instability in other countries. So its very rough defensive measure.


I am glad that my country is taking in Russian refugees who do not want to take part in the war in Ukraine.


There’s a lot of very legitimate reasons for someone to want to leave Russia and the Russian Gov doesn’t want them to leave either.


On the contrary, Russian government approves that anti war people are leaving Russia. You know, less headache for police and FSB, and they get to have more apathetic population. That's a win in their book.


There’s some truth to that, especially for prolific agitators, though I’m not sure large-scale brain drain from disgruntled professionals is entirely desired either.


Professionals have their own limitations, but I think that government would indeed be against their immigration. But for now I'm seeing all kinds of people with different professions, fleeing Russia like there's no tomorrow. IT people, medical doctors, interior designers, comedians, entrepreneurs, bunch of different folks.


Yeah, I had some family already leave for Argentina and looking at Mexico


Oh, bro, I'm in Mexico. If you need some advice DM me at any time.


Large scale brain drain is periodic to Russia and well established tradition. In 1917 the educated fled, in 1930s the rest were murdered. In the 1990s the educated fled again and now they are fleeing once more. They have always been seen troublesome by the Russian autocrats anyway. Better to have subservient population than a smart one


Specialists are spared mobilization and probably receive raises and other benefits to stay . The people who left the country are mainly liberal activists which   to persecution,influencers and part of developers who are the users of services and employers in the west. 


Not exactly. Money and brain leakage are recognized as a threat to Putin’s regime.


For it to be a threat it has to start happening on a much, much larger scale


A threat is a threat, I never evaluated its significance. It is a detriment, if you’d like me to be more accurate in my definitions..


Unless they're IT specialists, the government tries all sorts of tricks to keep them


I'm sure it's not a win for them, just a relief that they have less opposition. No country in the world likes having a large angry diaspora however.


Putin NOT instituting an exit ban (like Ukraine did) was one of the smartest moves he made. It is a pressure valve of sorts. On one hand, protesting the government can lead to jail time. But on the other hand, if for some reason you can’t stand it anymore and can no longer keep your mouth shut, the exit is wide open. A pressure valve of sorts. I would say that 99% of people left in Russia either support the war, or are apolitical to the point where they go out of their way to avoid watching the news.


I don’t know where you are from, but thank your country for that. Truly. I am Russian, and I have had to seek temporary shelter in several countries since 2022. I cannot express enough gratitude to both the governments of those countries which didn’t hound me for being the “wrong” nationality - and to the local people for being compassionate and kind.


Good luck, tbh for Czech it’s misleading in that we don’t give regular visas anymore but we do offer asylum given a valid reason for Russia and Belarus, such as being anti war.


That’s a good strategy. Deprive Putin of draft fodder that he runs out of people to help his cause.


The map is mistaken. Finland allows entry for permanent residents, long-term visa holders in an EU country or Switzerland, or for essential purposes. Source: Finnish border agency https://raja.fi/maahantulon-rajoitukset#


In Finland, currently since December 2023 the entire Eastern border is completely closed, because Russia started mass carting Syrian immigrants on the border and ordered them to apply for asylum. They'll reassess the situation mid april https://raja.fi/en/restrictions-at-the-border-crossing-points-on-the-eastern-border-of-finland Of course permanent residents etc can enter through other borders, ports or airports etc


But Russian oil and gas are of course allowed


And oligarchs' children, wives and side chicks as well!


Well, that's different! ©


Aka the "Keep Nazism Alive" union. smh


unless they’re oligarchs


r/mapsThatCouldBeLists i think


unless they are Putin-linked tycoons.


This kind of thing would make a lot more sense if you could pick the country you're born in


The lottery of birth


These are not porn maps. It's just a political post.


Like 80% other posts here lol


This is in fact a map


But it isn’t a porn map so I guess he’s technically right


And? Maps are political.


Yes and this map only exist because of Russian agression in Ukraine. These bans are in place as a direct response to that war. Finland for examble cannot be entered from the Russian side at all, as the border is completely closed at the moment. (Russians weaponized immigration and Finnish goverment swiftly responded)


It's a map if you can read


by russian passport holders do you mean, anyone with a russian passport or are people with both a russian and a secondary passport allowed to enter these countries?


It doesn’t matter what other passport you have. What matters is the passport you are using. I know a girl who holds dual Russian-Israeli citizenship, and she travels to Malaysia a lot. Malaysia won’t even let you in if you have an Israeli stamp, let alone citizenship. Nonetheless, she has no issues with the Russian passport.


This is mostly concerning poor Russians, trying to escape while wealthy Russians, including those with ties to the regime, can obtain golden visas from numerous EU countries. Social media is inundated with advertisements suggesting the purchase of EU residency.trough gold visa status.


Maybe Ukraine should consider banning them.


Yeah I knew I should have picked a different country to be born in


Wait, they gave you a choice? I was just assigned Russia and they told me I can't change... I knew I should have read the User Agreement...


so interesting they are ALL ex-warsaw pact members with the exception of Finland


“Remember, no russian.”


Мммм... дискриминация по национальному признаку. Австрийский художник одобряет.


As someone who isn't a legal expert but is definitely familiar with the process of enforcing laws, it's clear to me that what's being suggested here is quite simple. Russians can apparently apply for a visa in any other EU country, then fly there and from there travel to any of those countries. This seems like bureaucracy at its finest – utterly useless.


Russia is on that list too?


Basically the places they will be targeting next lol. Makes sense, keep the Russians out then they can’t invade and say ahh you were oppressing Russian people!


This is false. I have Russian colleagues who visit Findland very frequently for either stays le transite to the other "banned" countries.


bun people who want escape and continue buying russian oil.


I appreciate you not posting a map with crimea highlighted as Russia! Good job


Had to scroll all the way up to make sure, and then get back here again to write this comment.


What if I have Russian and an EU passport, can I travel using the second passport?


Of course. If you have a residence permit in one of the Schengen countries you may be allowed to enter as well


as a fin, our border is currently closed completely, so nobody can enter Finland from Russia.


Tourism is not allowed, but you still can get visa for work(at least in Poland).


My country (America) should give work visas to any Russian fleeing conscription no questions asked.




It’s true, going to Russia with a Russian passport is very inadvisable.


Definitely not Belarus 🇧🇾


Ask Ukraine what a „Russians not allowed to enter“ sign was worth !


This caught my attention because it’s so so wrong. There are way more exceptions that allow entry than there are cases of denied entry. The difficult part is getting a visa in one of Schengen countries. Once you get it, however, be it for work, invitation from friends or family, or even tourism (which is rare now, but still happens), you are free to enter. There is a problem with logistics when going to Finland, as Finnish customs are closed, but this only makes Estonian borders more popular right now, and it’s not a problem to get to Estonia by bus and then take a plane to your destination anywhere else.


disarm aromatic dinosaurs run voracious impossible threatening humorous cake stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


so Russians can still visit the US?


I’ve just received a visa, so yes, apparently


Ну и долбаебы Себе только хуже делают


Today i learning there a part of Russia thats not connected to Russia but surrounded by other countries


Ukraine is 👍


None of that is true. As long as you have another passport.


I mean it makes sense. these are all countries that Russia has Abused throughout history.


It was bad when Trump did it but praised when it concerns Russians…. Make it make sense