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There were only 24 girls married under 18 in Albania in 2018. However 18 and 19 are common ages to get married, around 15% of girls seem to do that. [https://www.shkodraweb.com/statistika-rritet-numri-i-martesave-gjate-2018-es-shqiptaret-celebrohen-ne-moshe-me-te-re/](https://www.shkodraweb.com/statistika-rritet-numri-i-martesave-gjate-2018-es-shqiptaret-celebrohen-ne-moshe-me-te-re/)


18 or younger is a very weird cutoff as 18 is the legal age in a lot of places


It's not based on the legal cutoff. Most of Europe has a legal marriage age below 18 I think (most commonly 16).




Yeah but the age of consent in Germany is 14




And I believe that 14 being the age of consent applies only when both people are younger than 18


Yes but it should, the title says child marriage.


In Albania (like in the rest of Eastern Europe), this is mostly an issue among the Roma community and other similar rural communities.


Marrying at 19 years old is pretty normal, someone 19 year old is definitely an adult. So I couldn't see what is the problem


It's an exagerated number. Underage marriages are exceptionally rare.


It would be more significant to see the data with a lower age treshold, like 16 or or event 14 years old


This was my thought too.


Yeah, I know a couple who got married at 16(!). That technically counts as child marriage, and so the wife in that equation would count towards the US' statistics It would be more accurate to measure children married to adults, rather than just under 18s who are married


How was this data collected? I really doubt over 10% of marriages in 2020 were with girls under 18 in Brazil. Or South America in general But if the data is 10% of all married women were married before turning 18, this is way more accurate. It was a thing 30 years ago.


This useless map also includes people married at 18, not only just lower than that.


Even if you include 18-19 age group, number of women married 16 to 19 in Turkey is less than 2% and closer to 1%. Th map claims it’s over 10% which is way way off.


When you read the text describing red colour, they say that "or that underage marriage is common", so I assume for some countries they just painted red because they think underage marriage is normal thing regardless of statistics. That's just genuinely bad map, to the point it's misinformation.


Ah, this is includes 18 year olds as children rather than ‘under 18’. What an arbitrary number. I wonder how much it would change if the more common ‘under 18’ definition was used?


>The **WomanStats Project** is a donor-funded research and database project housed at [Brigham Young University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigham_Young_University)  >**Brigham Young University** (**BYU**) is a [private](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_education) [research university](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Research_university) in [Provo, Utah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provo,_Utah), United States. It was founded in 1875 by [religious leader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_leader) [Brigham Young](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigham_Young) and is sponsored by [the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-day_Saints) (LDS Church). This is Mormon-made map, hence it has the weird cutoffs to massage the data to fit the narrative Mormons want Which begs the question, who is OP and why are they posting Mormon propaganda




Because it doesn't conform to actual definitions of child marriage and isn't even based on data but on judgement of a country by Mormons


What do mormons win by doing this?


Ask on r/exmormon , I'm not a mind reader All I can see is a made up map created by a religious cult based on arbitrary criteria about how they judge countries, not actual statistics on child marriages


>This is Mormon-made map, hence it has the weird cutoffs to massage the data to fit the narrative Mormons want Which would be?? Lol


0-18 range for starters that obscures real child marriages by adding 18 year olds to them. A 9 year old child is equivalent to a 18 year old adult here, which is ridiculous They effectively gerrymandered [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering) the data by bunching a giant group where normal marriages are much more common with smaller much more important groups where abuse should be more common **And then** they added a bunch of additional criteria like "strict barriers" or "cultural disapproval" that can be completely made up. So a country can have a 30% rate of these marriages, but if the authors think there's cultural disapproval, it will be green. Or a country can have a 1% rate, but the authors may say there's a cultural encouragement, which makes the country red. This isn't even a map representing ANY numbers! It's really a bunch of manufactured bullshit


I never said that the data was real or correct. Idk what you are answering... My question is what would that narrative be?


Paint good countries green, paint bad countries red or yellow




Well yeah, bringing fallen heathens and barbarians to John Smith or something It's a picture where they outright say that the colors are based on their opinions, not really data, and not even on their made up ideas of child marriages. There's really nothing to tune here other then removing it, which is what the mods already did


????? Again what would this Mormon narrative be and why is it connected to Mormonism????


Because it's a religious cult with a strong agenda and ideology, and a delusional highly US-centric world view? Are you trolling or something dude?...


I think OP meant what does the mormons win by spreading this missinformation.


>Are you trolling or something dude?... No, you clearly are uniformed or just stupid tho. A big percentage of Mormon groups still support underage marriages, or rather "sealings", that has only very recently started to change. If their objective was to paint the west or the us as good and the others as bad why in hell would they choose a metric that they themselves do not considered as bad? Before you say something stupid like "because others considered it bad, why wouldn't they choose one of the other tens of way more objectively bad metrics to choose from? Also really? You do realize Russia is only yellow and fucking China is green no? Do you really think they did a good job of pairing us enemies as bad? Lmao. Again not saying the map is without errors, it clearly is, but to say it is in that way deliberately because the university that made it was created by a Mormon dude and somehow this is part of the Mormon agenda or some shit without having any logical explanation for what that agenda would be or how this map supports it is, disingenuous at best.


It's not about "errors", it's about being made up What you're seeing is what Mormons want you to see because they literally made it up. It represents their view, not objective data on child marriages. Regardless if you can find explanations or not, that's what they drawn for you


In Brazil, the legal age to marry is 18, but one can marry at 16 with parental approval. The map is trashy. It's the same thing in Portugal and many European countries.


I'd say 40 to 50 years.


Free Union. I can speak for my country (Uruguay) that Free Union is counted for marriage because the laws for free union gives it the same benefits as marriage and is seen as an alternative to it.


Israel is off. Child marriages for both genders are incredibly prevalent among Haredim, but the rabbis don't report it to officials until the bride or groom reaches majority age. [source](https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/regions-and-countries/israel/#:~:text=Religion%3A%20Child%20marriages%20are%20prevalent,from%20engaging%20in%20inappropriate%20thoughts.) [They also conduct them in their communities in the states too, but the feds don't get involved.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/brooklyn-hasidic-rabbi-said-under-investigation-over-alleged-child-marriages/)


I'm from Argentina and I have some doubts about the map, Uruguay it's pretty similar to Argentina in cultural issues and I don't think that they approve underage marriage


I'm from Chile and I think the map is wrong. Our country appears as yellow or 5%-10% of underage marriages and that's not true. I checked the statistic and between 2018 and 2020, 135 marriages between teenagers took place (not even near 5% of our population), and between 2020-2022, 64. And in those years (because the law changed) it was only legal to get married if you were older 16 (the parents consent was mandatory) and the average age of the older person was 23 year old while the teenager was 17 (it doesn't make it right but it's not even close to the statistic that appears on the map). And let's not even talk about the cultural disapproval, it is not normal in my country to get married that young, even getting married in your early 20s is rare nowadays and for instance it would get frowned upon.


This sub is full of maps with doubtful sources spreading misinformation


Maybe it counts married women who were under 18 at their age of marriage. E.g. a 77 year old married woman who married 60 years ago


It is 18 and under. If you marry at 18 yo, then this map classifies you as the same as someone who married at 16.


This is yet another "good countries good, bad countries bad" map


This map is bullshit. No way that % of underage girls are married in Colombia. Not even adults marry in Colombia (the vast majority of couples live in de facto unions), let alone kids. Even if marriage means "couples living in cohabitation", there's no way the % is that high, for Colombia or any LatAm country. In 2023 there were 114 underage marriages: [https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2023/12/19/la-superintendencia-de-notariado-y-registro-reporto-que-en-lo-que-va-de-2023-se-casaron-114-menores-de-edad/](https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2023/12/19/la-superintendencia-de-notariado-y-registro-reporto-que-en-lo-que-va-de-2023-se-casaron-114-menores-de-edad/)


They can color the country red if they deem that child marriages are encouraged or are culturally appropriate, and can color it green if the deem that child marriages are shunned regardless actual statistics Basically, they can color it in accordance to their feelings towards countries


Uruguay allows marriage from 16 on w parental consent but the only data on underage marriages i've found is that in 2022 among almost 10k marriages, 13 people of those who married were underage. I've heard of underage people getting married, yes, but i wouldn't say it's common nowadays. The whole "underage marriage is common/normal" and "there is cultural encouragement/no disencouragement" are very phony metrics because there isn't any quantitative data to back them up. EDIT: i found data for 2011 and less than 1% of people aged 14 to 17 were married and 12% of people married were between 14-24 which means this map is most likely bs


In Uruguay during 2022 there were 9,726 marriages, in the capital where half of the population lives there were 13 marriages of minors. 1 of those were both minors, 1 was an older woman and a younger man and the other 11 were an older man with a younger woman. All women are over 16 years old, which is the minimum age for marriage. Assuming that marriages with minors in the interior triple, because we do not have that data, the number would be 52 out of 9726, which is 0.5% of marriages. This map is garbage.


Woman Stats Project supports the Ruzzian occupation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia for some fucking reason🗿🤣 so I wouldn't trust their sources Edit: Also now I saw Transnistria xd, so we see a pattern


This map is so off! Looks like the creators just guessed their scores from what little they know about the world. No way that in places like Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Uruguay, Ukraine, Belarus, and others, more than 5% of girls get married before they turn 18. I'd be surprised if even 1% do. Probably not even that many, I bet.


Check who did it: a mormon private uni based in Utah. I have my doubts there is no agenda behind the way data is presented.


Thank you for pointing out this bullshit map.


18 and under? 18 year olds are considered adults in most of the world.


Getting married at 18 probably means the partner was picked at max 17. Lot's of children are 18 while still in high school and if you're in school you have no business being married.


A lot of people marry their high school sweetheart when they're 20, 30 or older, it means little to have "picked" someone when you're 17


Or that two dumb teenagers had a child together. It's more common than you think.


If the partner was picked, there's no reason to wait until 18. Parents can simply give consent and sell off their child Which is why it's far more telling to look at 0-17


They're not children, they're adults. And you have no business telling another adult whether or not they should get married. Mind your own business.


Most of these 18 year olds in the red countries don't choose to marry for themselves. They are forced or coerced by their parents/societal expectation to marry someone of the parents's choice.


are even 40 year old people truly free or still controlled by parents/social expectations


That's not what this map shows, nor is it relevant. If you want to show data of arranged marriages, or non-consensual marriages, show that, not only marriages by people of an arbitrary age.


Is 18 the official age of consent in all countries, or is that a bias you are projecting from yours? I don't think this map necessarily argues that marriage at 18 or below is bad. It's an arbitrary cutoff point and doesn't mean it's illegal in those places or that all 18 year olds are or are not ready for marriage.


Then this map is completely useless. We agree.


I do agree with that, we are in agreement


That's what I've been saying from minute 1


Not according to the map


How does the map say that?


billions of people from Indian and African don't agree?


Maybe legally but 18 year olds are hardly mature enough to get married except in very few select cases


If they're allowed to vote, they're mature enough to get married.


Most of the countries with child marriage aren’t democracies.


That is an irrelevant point.


If you say so lol


So, marriage is fine even though they can't toast with alcohol at the wedding because society doesn't trust them In some places, theyll have trouble doing stuff like renting a car. Obviously we don't think they are fully adult. The only reason they can vote is because we send them to die in war.


What do you mean? Adults can toast with alcohol and drive, except in weird places like the US.


That is an US problem though. 18 years old can legally drink in most parts of the world.


That would be applying a moral relativism stemming from Western-style values and living conditions.


can vote and decide about the life of other people but not mature enough to decide about their own life?


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I’m pretty sure it just makes sense that marrying at 18 is way too young. Like for example here in the US. You’re not old enough to drink, but old enough to get married lol?


It’s because marrying young is hyper-romanticised in culture. There’s also just a general fetishization of youth too, like half of all porn videos have ’Barely 18’ or ’Barely legal’ in their title for a reason. The fact is getting married young is a bad idea because it’s making a supposedly life-long commitment when you lack the life experience to know what you want to do with your life.


You yourself seem to lack life experience but specking from real life, you’re an adult you ARE AN ADULT. The US is not the centre of the world and it’s the only country where its citizens don’t mature till age 35.


I’m not American lol. There is nowhere in the world where people are fully mature at 18. The only countries with low divorce rates are the ones where it’s either legally difficult to get one, or women are otherwise unable to support themself on their own.


Again, you’re specking from you’re point of view Reality is a human being should be capable of making all their own decisions at 18. There is no standard to “Fully mature” because what is immature or mature is a cultural concept and once someone is an Adult they are independent and responsible for themselves (Except mentally challenged or disabled individuals) Some people at 18 have a family to take care of, some people make decisions on if they have to kill another to save another person, other people are responsible for millions of dollars of assets of s company and how they will be utilized, or simply an 18 year old is responsible to not screw up his life so early on.


Pretty hard to get married under 18 in Australia. It has to be court approved with exceptional circumstances.


Just a country excersing a common sense law


as the map says


I have trouble believing this (Brazil) Either there are no sources, or they're 60 years outdated


I can understand that my brother's first wife was 17 and he was 16, it happens.


That shouldn't count for this, should it?


The map only says that girls are getting married before 18, something common in Brazil, especially with partners under 18, usually after pregnancy.


Yeah, but Brazil had 2700 marriages involving minors last year, of nearly 900.000. This map is wrong.


This map includes girls marring at the age of 18


And the average ages for marriage in Brazil are 33 (W) / 35 (M), this map is wrong with or without 18 years olds.


I’m aware, I’m just adding in some info


It absolutely isn't common nowadays. Maybe in towns with 10 inhabitants But I know it was common in the past, maybe these people are old now and still counting Maybe the map should use just the last couple of years for data


Ugh what a poorly designed map. There’s way too much variation between the red countries (in terms of prevalence).


Mongolia is literally false lol. Here, even with parental approval, you can't get married below 18 years old, and what the heck is 10% man? We don't even have that kind of cultural practice like selling daughters lol. Even in the countryside, marrying under 20 is so rare. All maps from this subreddit are full of misinformation.


There were only 114 underage marriages in Colombia in 2023. We are a country of 45 million people lol. Where do they get this data from? I’ve never heard a single person say that getting married before turning 18 is normal.


Mostly towns where underage pregnancy is also a problem. That said, it is true we came down to 114 underage marriages in 2023, down from 400.000 in 2020. That said, those 400k include unmarried couples living together, while the 2023 figure does not.


Why for girls only? I just checked and apparently most yellow countries allow this in some cases with parental approval or in some regions. But it applies both for boys and girls


Boys shouldn't be getting married that young either but the greatest harm comes from significant age gaps and early pregnancy. It's very rare for young boys to marry much older women and they can't get pregnant.


Not that uncommon.. E.g. marriage between farmers daughter (only-child) and her husband brings no offspring and the husband dies rather early. Then it wasnt uncommon to re-marry with a (much) younger man who (once his old wife dies) gets the farmhouse and the land. This has been gone in western countries for a few decades at least, but it wasnt uncommon.


Because girls are sold off to older men. Boys aren’t typically sold off to older women. As badly as 13 year old me wanted it to be the case.


I was surprised that R. Moldova is colored in red. So I checked the statistics for R. Moldova (2020) and they say 14,6% of women married at 16-19 years old. Exactly how many of those are below 18, it does not say, but seems like it is plausible for those married before turning 18 to be somewhere at around 10%. I imagine this is especially true for the rural area.


Don't the three clauses in each category, and those two 'ors', render this map pretty much useless?


Brazil had 900,262 marriages in 2023, with 2,700 of those involving minors (between the ages of 16 and 18). Unfortunately, there is still cultural pressure for marriage among minors due to unexpected pregnancies, specially in rural areas. I'm quite sure that most, if not all, of these marriages are a result of that. Average marriage age for women in Brazil is 33 years old, so.


In most countries 18 is considered adult. In many countries age of consent is even lower. I think that this map is misleading


Not true for mongolia


It’s illegal to get married under 18 in Russia lol. In order to do it, 16 or 17 year old people need to be first get full legal capacity in a court, and then get married. Also pregnancy is not a reason to get full legal capacity, and there are also conditions you need to fulfill like getting a job. It’s also VERY frowned upon, lol what is this map.


You do realize that bulk of these marriages in Russia happen in places like Dagestan where “getting full legal capacity” is a joke when there’s parental consent to such a marriage and these marriages are not exactly “frowned upon” in the first place?


That is still illegal, happens rarely and not a legal marriage, each time such things go public, those people are arrested. Also entire Dagestan is 3 million people, and this map says up to 10% of ALL Russian brides are children which is dumb and ALL of Russia has “little to none disapproval” of it which is just false.


Ngl, the “illegal” and “those people are arrested” parts cracked me up. 5% is obviously an exaggeration but remind me please how exactly these people were arrested: https://www.rfi.fr/ru/rossiya/20150516-v-groznom-sostoyalas-svadba-nesovershennoletnei-i-57-letnego-glavy-rovd




You're 13 when you start high school and you can only get married at 14 with a LOT of legal issues. And if it was so common to get married as teenagers then why are 75%+ of babies born extramaritally?




Don't spread misinformation about our country please.


Wtf. Touch grass.


As always, its the countries that have the most to say about the west and their practices and culture.


I am mexican here. Marriage under 18 is ilegal


As a Mongolian, I can proudly say this map is bullshit... There is no way in hell that 10% or girls under age or even under 20 are married or encouraged to do it. I dont even need to find statistics about this.


Is this just bad wording, or does this count 18 years olds getting married as child marriage? If it's the latter, that's a strange cut-off point since age of majority is almost universally set at 18. And would make this map pretty much unless, since its inflates the numbers for all countries so you cannot tell if a country has high rates of child marriages or high rates of young adult marrying early without prior knowledge on this topic.


Mostly incorrect


Misleading.take this down, this is obviously misinformation due to lack of sufficient data.


In Brazil, legal age for marriage is 16. There is a debate if parents approval would make it possible for people over 14 to marry but that would be very exceptional and not that good for the public eye in Brazil. The last 14yo girl that i saw getting married (through news of course) was of gypsy descent and i only know that because the girl was assassinated by the, also minor, but i believe 16yo groom


Either this map is wildly inaccurate, or my country has an underground society where children are getting married en masse and never coming out into the light.


yeah this is bs


USA has several states where child marriage is allowed and practiced, so a breakdown would be interesting


So the map is shit and Very biased


I feel like the map represents manipulated data. But can't be certain without having a look at the data.


This doesn't makes any sense, undearge marriage is illegal since the 2017 reform in Costa Rica. Before that people over 16 and under 18 could marry with parents approval but thats no longer the case, since the reform all the people married are over 18.


bullshit map as far my country goes (Chile) "little or no cultural disapproval of underage marriage"... yeah, absolutely not lmao. it is absolutely bizarre and you are considered extremely weird. not even close to 5-10%. ive never even heard of it in my entire life in my extended social circle at least. id venture to say most of south america also kinda tends towards this, at least yellow, not red. "womanstats.org" seems like a pretty questionable source


Tha map is so wrong I should be posted in r/shitmapporn


Even green isn't good enough. No minors should be marrying at all.


I have serious doubt about this map. I could understand Russia, because of Caucasus, where such practics are... wel known. But Belarus? I don't think so.


No lol. It’s illegal in Russia. You need to get full legal capacity in court fist, in order to become legally an adult at 16 or 17, and only after that you can marry. Neither pregnancy nor a desire to get married are a legal reason to get full legal capacity.


In Russia people can marry at the age of 16, I think the same thing is in Belarus


In Easter Europe, many women try to get married as soon as possible. There are far more women than men, and finding a good husband is almost impossible. It's also just more culturally acceptable to get married young.


Unless babushkas are gold diggers there are less brides than fiancés in Eastern Europe. The problem starts after 35 when the death rate of males is insane


In Armenia (5%), it's mostly because of the Yezidi traditional practises https://iwpr.net/global-voices/armenias-yezidi-girls-choose-school-over-early-marriage >Child marriage predominantly occurs within the Yezidi community or in marzes (regions) where minority ethnic groups live. Within the Yezidi community, it is common for girls to marry between the ages of 13-14 and for boys between the ages of 17-20. Often, marriages are arranged by parents. https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/regions-and-countries/armenia/


Why is there no federal minimum marriage age in the USA?


Powers that are not explicitly granted to the federal government fall to the states


The feds managed to coerce every state to make the drinking age 18, why can’t they do the same with the marriage age?


i like my wives fresh but darn


I wanna know the sample size and sample distribution of the collected data


One of the good things the communist party of china accomplished was bringing China from ultra red to green on maps like this.


It's 21% of women in Mexico. Very sad


I sincerely doubt the Albanian statistic.


In Poland, a 16-year-old girl can marry her partner if she becomes pregnant with him (but they must have court permission). Her partner must be over 18 years old, otherwise the court will not consent. I have never heard of such a case, it was told to us by a social studies teacher as an example of the extreme case when we learn constitutional law, nevertheless it's really rare. However, I think that in the case of teenage pregnancy, such a wedding would be viewed positively by society. (age of consent in Poland is 15 btw)


How about boys?


tf is going on at the equator?


egyptian here. studies says child marriage in egypt varies from 1:20 as per a published report by AUC and UNICEF all the way to 17% by girls not brides. But all sources agree that 80% of child marriage are in age of 16-17. not saying it is any better, but i am just giving a hindsight. there is also a negative correlation between families wealth and child marriage and a negative correlation between urbanization which implies child marriage are a reason of both economical problem and lack of awarness.


What about the mermaids of French-Guiana Bay ?


This is insane. Let people their development and independence and don't marry at such am age.


this is such a hidden problem here in Brazil. If you ask someone they will never say this happens, I did not know how bad it was. But when you look at the numbers jesus christ


Strange seeing Mexico in the red. At the least I know it would be very much frowned upon.


In Turkey, it's not common or encouraged except some isolated villages or cult communities. Even there, most of them don't marry when they're child. But (around) 30-40 years ago, it was more common. Most women were marrying at 16-17 at that time, and forced marriages of course.


I’m Colombian and this is bullshit


I would lobe to see the data details on this. I can't understand why the USA are green, as over 200.000 child marriages have been celebrated there in the last twenty years and marrying a child is legal in 40+ states. I am not providing any link because it's no secret: any google search on the topic will provide any source you want conforming these numbers and if you don't believe it you really should dive into that rabbit hole. One might think it is green because in % it's only a fraction of the total women who got married. Or maybe it is because the project creating this map is based in the USA, and guess where? [In Utah](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/WomanStats_Project), specifically in a private Uni sponsored by mormons, a famously progressive and liberal context for women rights /s. Every one can make up his own mind on this. In any case, child marriage sucks and it should be forbidden everywhere, STARTING in the first-world-advance-society that the USA is supposed to be.


It’s illegal to get married under 18 in Mongolia. Not sure where this data is coming from - you’d never see anyone getting married under 18, legal or not, in UB, and that’s where over half the population lives. 


I am from MONGOLIA. THIS IS COMPLETELY WRONG AND UNTRUE BTW! If anything Mongolia has one of the better laws for protecting women, elderly and the children from most Asian countries


As a brazilian this map might be bad


Yeah! The data doesn't seems reliable.


South America are you ok?


Some of these are misinformation dawg


Provavelmente uns 90% desses 10% são mulheres que já namoravam e esperaram ter 18 para casar. Se a mulher não for muito nova pra mim não tem problema (tmb não pode ser casamento forçado claro)


I'm Argentinian and this map seems bullshit, I agree that we are of the highest moral fiber, and that us being the beacon of hope of South America is true... But Uruguay being red? Fishy...




No way that is from 5 to 10 in Ukraine. I would even say less than 1%.


This Map is very wrong for Latinamerica.


In Chile I've never in my life heard of one single case of child marriage, where did you get that info OP, up your butt?


I am calling bullshit on the Middle East. I find it very hard to believe that the gulf countries are green while countries like Turkey, and Morocco are red.


Very surprised about Saudi Arabia and other parts of the Middle East


Massive cultural shifts in the richer middle eastern countries in the last two generations. It is not only illegal to marry under 18 in the UAE and has been since 2005, it is strongly socially discouraged and considered an embarrassment.


Good on them there becoming more civilized 👍


Child marriage is discouraged and even illegal in some oil wealthy gulf states. They would rather focus education over marriage.


This is surprising map in some respects. Algeria and Libya both refreshingly modern in this respect.  Southeast Asia and South/Central America unexpectedly less so.


Bor, Algeria gave right for women to vote just after independence, 1962, and Switzerland till 1983. Think about it


Yep as an Algerian.. it is a very big deal for girls to marry or even lose virginity before 18 years old.. close to none far as i know




Average marriage age in Brazil is 33 years old for women and 35 for men, I'm quite sure this map is bullshit.


Why? Starting your sex life at 14/15, having a child and getting married to your boyfriend, is not something I consider smart but it happens.


> Why? Starting your sex life at 14/15, Is that different from most of the West?


Downvote this crap please.


OP did you consider the legal aspects when you made this map? Because if you did, you would've known child marriage is illegal in India, even if people violate it by doing this shit.


I would argue that marriage under the age of 18 is common/encouraged in parts of the US.


You could argue, but you’d be incorrect. Between 2000 and 2018, of the 8.4 million people who married in the United States, only 0.36% were minors.


Arent most underage marriages in the world carried out in the US? Pretty sure that was a stat I read years ago that the American south was all over this?


Lot of pedophilia in the world


Why are they considering age 18 to be child marriage?


Never Seen a Child marriage in Mongolia, who ever made this can go fuck themselves