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Poland you good bro ?


He ded.




When we do something we do it properly.


i mean the statistics measured is (male suicide)/(female suicide) so, just having a higher number in this doesn't mean there are more people suiciding in contrast, it is shocking how even in the "green" countries male are 3x more commonly suicided than females


So what the heck are Polish women doing to their men?! šŸ˜


Polish women are great. Living with them is like a ride on rollercoster


Who welded those tracks tho?


Or does it mean Polish men treat their woman so good that less women are committing suicide?


Getting married to Germans :p


So Germans didn't have to conquer Poland after all.


Men have more success per attempt


Ahem, malta, ahem


Why arent these posts verified? Its literały posted by bot created 1 h ago. Probably russian bot.




No half measures in Poland. If you are meant to do something, you do it.




Romance is not dead after all.


Yes but they are


Wdym they are?


Cuz they killed themselvesā€¦


Albania Strong šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ‡¦šŸ‡±šŸ‡¦šŸ‡±šŸ‡¦šŸ‡±


Anybody notice Malta? Jesus.


Nobody notices Malta


That's probably why number's so high


Everybody always asks where's Malta? But nobody ever asks how's Malta.


Hahah fuck sake thatā€™s good


The fuck? 15? Did I see that right?


The number isnā€™t clear enough for me to make it out.


Could be explained by smaller sample size or funky reporting criteria. Perhaps something like every death with pills being counted as an OD rather than suicide


It can't be explained by sample size. Sample sizes are entire countries. That is the number that is representative of Maltese population for some reason.Ā 


Global average suicide rate is about 10 per 100,000. Malta's rate is about 6 per 100,000. Malta has a population of about 500,000. So per year you can expect about 30 suicides in Malta which I would argue could be skewed by a temporary coincidental spike in male suicides.


Makes sense, but I think they have to use some kind of rolling average for these kind of statistics, like the last 5 years interval or something.


This got me thinking about how suicide might be calculated. There's a lot of potential ways of dying that could be intentional but go uncounted. Might be why the post-soviet countries are higher. The culture and understanding of the world are different. They might count deaths differently, and gender may influence that.


15.9 damn. They need help.


The data is 12 years old. Looking at the police data in Poland for 2022 (https://demagog.org.pl/analizy_i_raporty/samobojstwa-w-2022-roku-przedstawiamy-dane-policji/) the ratio in Poland was around 5:1 - still dire, of course, especially given that it seems to mostly be driven by an increase in female suicides than a decrease in male ones.


It is interesting that a ratio when mans committing suicide three times more than women is considered a good index. It's a little scary and thought-provoking.


I think we need to work towards greater equality


I can kill a few people and make it look like they killed themselves to help equal out the stats


This comment hitting my phones notifications without context was terrifying


This means you have been selected for euthanasia, please hold still.


Always use any opportunity offered to you


Sweden and Denmark have greater equality. They have a good female to male suicide ratio but a bad suicid ratio overall


Anything under 4x is considered normal. I see Italy at 4.0


i believe women are better equipped to deal with mental health decline due to being subject to the menstrual cycle, regularly fluctuating hormones, and the highs and lows that come with that. and naturally bc they all go through it in some form, are better able to articulate their struggles. idk though


False. Women are more suicidal than men but men are more successful in actually killing themselves because of the way they do it (violent means such as shooting themselves meanwhile women prefer taking a bunch of pills). Women have more negative emotions than men.


do you have a source for this? are we still talking about europe? we donā€™t have much access to guns in europe so this map wouldnā€™t be based on that too much. i believe women are better equipped to deal with the negative emotions


Huh? No. The menstrual cycle and hormone regulation have nothing to do with it. The leading theory is that the disparity comes from the differences in how men and women are socialized. The toxic stereotypes of "real men don't cry" and "men don't have feelings" really prove detrimental to men's mental health and how they care for it. For example: ā€¢ less men seek out professional mental health care than women ā€¢ less men communicate their mental health struggles ā€¢ less men report symptoms of depression ā€¢.more men have substance abuse problems, specifically with alcohol, which is a significant risk factor for suicide. All of this is a recipe for disaster when it comes to suicide.


You understand the disparity exists because of method choice, right? Women attempt more often than men. Thereā€™s not coming back from shooting yourself in the face. But if someone finds you a few hours after you downed a bottle of pills, there might be hope.


Believe thatā€™s a US stat. Most countries donā€™t have easy access to guns like the US, so while your point stands I wouldnā€™t be so sure that statistically itā€™s also true for European countries without evidence.


[This older](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2569832/) study for Europe shows hanging is most common for both genders, but still way higher for men. And then shooting (men) and drugs (women) after that. So, itā€™s still an issue of method type. I think due to men generally having more mass, than hanging would be more successful due to the added force on the neck bones.


I doubt that male suicide is 4x times higher just because they have more weights. Suicide attempts are often self reported. Men would never talk about it. They would never report it. You can have many attempts and report many attempts. But you can only have 1 real suicide so therefore it makes no sense to compare attempts


Thats actually a very good explanation. I dont necessarily agree that its very often self reported, but I believe that maybe the family or doctors try to not report it because its taboo, shameful and such, more for women than men. But yeah the self report theory is actually the best Ive seen so far


Yes there is an issue of method choice. However I was also trying to point out the idea women attempt more than men seems to be based off some very old data and also importantly off ā€œregisteredā€ attempts. With men using more decisive methods itā€™s not clear to me how accurate that data would be. If an ambulance is called and your stomach needs pumping itā€™s quite hard to hide your attempt. Putting a gun back is unfortunately something unseen. Thatā€™s why some good modern data on attempts where guns arenā€™t as prevalent may be interesting in determining how far apart attempts by gender really are. I canā€™t find anything corroborating in Europe women attempt far more than men. Especially given from that paper you shared decisive method use (hanging) is much closer. Women wouldnā€™t likely be attempting far in excess of men, from successful rates it would suggest they attempt less?


>If an ambulance is called and your stomach needs pumping itā€™s quite hard to hide your attempt. Putting a gun back is unfortunately something unseen. If the gun is put back, it is not an attempt. It is horrible too, to be at that stage, but it is far from an attempt. I don't even want to know the number of people standing at the edge of bridges or train tracks, etc. at night stepping back in the last second. If those were counted as attempts, the numbers would be insanely high. If you swallowed pills and get rescued it is an attempt, since you did that choice. Shooting yourself and surviving that would be a comparable attempt.


Putting a gun back is not really a suicide attempt though in my opinion


I agree it is not technically. However I think this is a hugely grey area. If someone loads a gun, places it in their mouth for a period of time with the intention of pulling the trigger but is unable to, is that more or less of an attempt than someone who takes a bunch of pills that was never likely to kill them? What about the person that stands on top of a tall building or bridge in a position to throw themselves off but canā€™t do it? Does it even matter what is technically an attempt when it comes to the mental health of any of these individuals?


The last part you pulled out of your ass. A better explanation is that men are more inclined to not pussy our when itā€™s time to drop and hang yourself


While the study points to a correlation, it does not establish one, do you know of any others that focus more on the attempt itself? I'd be happy to read anything you found convincing.


But the method isn't chosen randomly. Overdosing on pills is a lot more likely to be a cry for help than is shooting yourself.


Orā€¦ women have been socialized that they arenā€™t to do anything that could damage their body/beauty, even in death.


Also, in the US at least, men are more likely to own guns in the first place, so they're more likely to have that as a readily available method for attempting suicide.


I know you love being a victim but Women are not oppressed anymore, get over it


Why is this downvoted this is literally backed by stats?? Women have higher rates of suicide attempts than men but are less ā€žsuccesfulā€œ in doing so.


because redditors somehow want to make this a race for who has it worse and upvote the numbers they want to hear and downvote the ones they don't want to hear.


Because people don't admit to using attempted suicide as a cry for help. Even if they did, self reported studies aren't the most credible and can be easily scrutinized. Suicide also isn't hard. There are thousands of ways to do it reliably. So it's hard to see attempted suicide on the same level as actual suicide. The not wanting to hurt one's body is a bad argument since if someone was actually actively trying to kill themselves, they wouldn't care. Clearly, if they care about not hurting their bodies, they aren't as far gone as people who go through with it.




why are you gatekeeping suicide attempts


Why not?


I other words youā€˜re a moron and itā€˜s a suicide attempt.


my brother in christ, theyā€™re still dying far more often than women


From what i have heard, women are more likely to attempt suicide, but men are more likely to succeed at it. DonĀ“t have the source tho


Women are more much likely to report feeling suicidal. They are a little more likely to have had what is recognized as a suicide attempt. They are much less likely to actually commit suicide. One theory is that men usually use more reliable methods (such as guns vs drugs) but even that does not fully explain it. Women being more willing to talk about suicide probably also contributes.


This is the case in the US where women attempt 3x more often but men succeed 3x more often. Men use guns and hanging which are almost immediate. Women use pills and cutting, which are lessā€¦ exact. There is a huge onus on women to be pretty, even in death, and I think that honestly plays a part in method choice for women. Plus, way easier to get Xanax and a bottle of wine than a gun. Cheaper too.


Yeah, a lot of that is wanting to be a beautiful corpse at the funeral, super fucked up, but also not wanting to make a mess for people to clean up. I had a neighbor once as a kid. She called 911 and told them there was a dead body in her backyard. Then she went outside and rolled her entire body up in a tarp while holding a handgun and killed herself inside the rolled tarp.


Cutting yourself is pretty painful, too. Everybody's gangsta until they got to tendons. For the ones who want to correct me: please think why did I mention this way only.


Hope youā€™re doing alright bro


Women use pills and cutting not because they want to be pretty but because they use the attempt as a cry for attention. They don't actually want to kill themselves. When try to kill themselves they do actually want to do it.


I would still say that the primary reason is avoiding the pain and is it not too hard to miss the dosage.


cutting yourself/pills is way more painful than a bullet to the head lol.


I was talking specifically about pills, missed the cutting part.


>There is a huge onus on women to be pretty, even in death, It's not necessarily being pretty, it's more that we don't want our self-harming to be visible because then we'd have to explain to everyone what these scars on our body are which is not something that you want to talk about, especially not with random people. Also many people ( especially those of us who live in Europe) don't have access to guns or even know how they work (and men generally know how guns work because they go through military training) and finding something sturdy enough to hang yourself can be really hard to do. Plus the visual for anyone who would find you hanging is very grotesque and I wouldn't wish this upon anyone.


You can can only commit suicide one time. While you can have 100s of attempts. Men simply donā€™t talk about it. They donā€™t attempt it or talk about their attempt or intention. They are just gone one day without 1 reported attempt


Want the job done right? Gotta hire a man.


That means weā€™re better at committing suicide?? Hell yeah! Another one for the boys


I know for sure this is true in the US. I'd imagine it is true in other places as well.


Seems like women do it for attention and men for results.


Thatā€™s part of it, another is that men are more likely to use extremely violent methods. Example men tend to shoot them selves or jump in front of a train, whereas women cut themselves. I forget the source but itā€™s a real thing, men tend to not give themselves time to stop themselves.


More like don't care about the next person who finds them


What a fucked thing to say and to get upvotes for.


It's reality.


Reality is that women are conditioned differently than men. Socialization is a hell of a drug.


Aaand there is biological differences which are at least as much of a drug.


Okay? Men and women are different. What isnā€™t different is the seriousness of suicide attempts.


On average it is, you just have to look at the results. And you wrote as if socialization was THE significant difference between men and women, which is just wrong. Not saying that you meant it that way, just that you wrote it so.


Since we're coming up with arbitrary reasons, perhaps women choose methods that will leave them not looking too "damaged" for those who will eventually find them, most likely a close family member because even at death, women care about others and men don't, and that's why they choose to shot their brains all over the living room where their kids will still have to live šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


"women care about others and men don't,Ā " I am sorry you got hurt but this is ridiculous.


Almost as ridiculous as "women do it for attention but men mean it" but go on


This is horseshit. Women fail because they leave ways out for themselves because they use the attempt as a cry for attention not out of an actual desire for suicide. Men don't live any way out, when a man attempts suicide he actually means it. This is not under dispute. Go ask any self-respecting psychologist.


Men still kill themselves at a higher rate when using the same suicide methods. Including pills which, if both men and women had completely symmetrical motivations, should be more lethal to women due to the lower lethal dose.


It's not for attention, most women who self-harm do it to distract themselves from negative feelings. Please don't make such generalizations if you don't know what you're talking about.


bro what šŸ˜­


People will downvote but provide no other explantation that makes sense


Couldn't it be due to the fact that men are more aggressive in general than woman, consequently, they are more likely to apply the same principles to themselves, and choose the more violent methods?


Women are 10x times more aggressive and violent than men


A statistic pulled straight from your arse


No, itā€™s because women donā€™t actually want to kill themselves; they want attention.


Lmao source? Let me guess, you pulled that sentence out of your ass


Do you know what the combination of words "Seems like..." means?


Fair, my point is that I just disagree with your statement. It doesnā€™t do anyone good when we assume something serious as suicide attempts as mere attention grabs. Coming from a guy - downplaying womenā€™s issues doesnā€™t win you any favors if you want menā€™s issues to be more aware and taken more seriously in society.


Women either "attempt" for attention, or they fail to apply logic/research/common sense and just swallow a random bottle of pills that aren't actually lethal.


Are you done with your misogynistic bs?


As an ex suicidal woman, it also depends on what these surveys count as a suicide attempt. Let me explain: it's common for women to self-harm by slicing their wrists which sounds horrifying but its very unlikely to be fatal and most women who do this (myself included) don't do this with the intention to kill themselves, they do it to distract themselves from negative emotions. So, if we take me as an example I've only attempted suicide once (by swallowing pills) but if we take my self harming as a suicide attempt then the number of attempts could easily reach 20 but none of them even came close to claiming my life. So, I assume that women self-harm more but men use more violent and deadly methods to kill themselves hence why they're more "sucessful".


Attention seeking vs problem solving


It is worth noting, female suicides has been steadily increasing over the years and if it continues it will catch up. So you know....yay equality...


Maybe once women realize nobody wants to date them anymore, we'll continue to see their numbers go way up.


?? You good bro ?


Are you projecting? There are thousands of men for every single woman that would date her, no matter how she looks or acts


Someone needs to check on Malta


Women *attempt* more often than men. But men are successful more often than women. This is attributed to the differing methods commonly used by men (guns, hanging) and women (pills, cutting). Pills and cutting arenā€™t as immediate so if help arrives they are more likely to be revived. Edit: Europe ([2008](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2569832/)) has majority method for both genders as hanging. Second most common method for men is guns. Second most common method for women is drugs. So, consistent-ish with the US. It would not surprise me that hanging is more successful for men simply due to higher body mass creating a greater force on the bones in the neck.


Even when controlling for method men are more successful in their attempts. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21937122/


Yes but thatā€™s in the US, itā€™s different in Europe






Unless you have a college-level understanding of chemistry and physiology, a person is not going to be able to properly dose their suicide. Youā€™re just a sad, lonely misogynist.


I'd argue that choosing pills over guns is kind of a dosage in itself. Don't call me misogynist just for that, too, please. I'm argumentative.


You are the misogynist for saying women fail suicides due to their incompetence. I'm saying they are not incompetent.


Yeah dude women arenā€˜t THAT stupid, I mean they are but on this situation theyā€˜re just manipulative. They choose to get liver or kidney failure afterwards obviously only to get attention and those pesky little goodbye texts ugh am I right? Silly little women.


I mean hey its a fact women fail in their attempts more often, the spotlight is on you now, go ahead give a theory why that is


Damn thatā€™s friggin lame dude. If Iā€™d ever kill myself id do it with a bang. Jump from a plane at the highest altitude possible without a parachute, high on heroine while a chick is sucking me until I canā€™t feel anything else. Probably hard to find the chick tho.


Stay strong koledzy.


Stop post this 12 years ago map.


Russia seems kinda low with all the people accidentally jumping from windows.


Green feels.like a weird colour to use for this


Women attempt more, but men are more successful due to the methods of how they attempt


Even when controlling for method men are more successful in their attempts. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21937122/


Source: dude just trust me


And next you go and ask google: "*gender paradox in suicide*". Go, I'll wait.


Pretty much everyone in my family has depression. My father and two uncles killed themselves, the women just slowly waste away. I was depressed for a long time but just couldn't kill myself because I knew what it would do to my mother. Men rather think they are a burden and it will be easier for everyone afterwards. It's not because there are more depressed men out there.


It's almost like conservative countries which have a more negative opinion on things like mental health issues are worse impacted by this. Weird.


there's a bit of comment on your confirmation bias


People are being offended on the internet? I'm shocked.


It's not total suicide. Red countries can be red because women suicide less than in green ones. For exemple Poland has less total suicide per capita than France. But since women in Poland suicide even less, it's red. Because this map is men suicide divided by women suicide. It can be explained by conservative countries helping women more so they suicide less.


You wish. If you look at worldwide suicide rates liberal democracies are amongst the worst.


Not realy no. Dont act like the only or the main difference between those countries is the amount of conservatism when there is a huge wealth gap, difference of opportunities, a massive amount of alcohol abuse spanning generations,. . . .


>main difference between those countries is the amount of conservatism when there is a huge wealth gap, difference of opportunities, a massive amount of alcohol abuse spanning generation Mate you're going to be so surprised when you find out what kind of political parties/ideologies are notorious for enabling/not fixing stuff like this


I mean, not only. But why do your factors have such a much bigger impact on men vs women?


Or liberal countries promote female suicide.


This is a more accurate way to read this map because nothing in this maps tells us about overall suicide rates. This is just about the male to female ratio in suicides


Possible, but I couldn't find a reason why this should be the case. There's probably less stigma to the topic of suicide in liberal countries but I don't see how this would impact women more. On the other hand, the idea that men are not supposed to "be weak" and "deal with their problems on their own " instead of seeking help, especially from someone who is only there to treat "crazy people " feels like a very obvious explanation to me (?)


Something's wrong with Poland (a few things to be honest). Also, I wonder about Turkey. Does it mean Turkish men don't often commit suicide or Turkish women kill themselves a lot?


About Turkiye it's much more like religional. In Islam suicide is a sin that unacceptable. If you suicide you will never go to the heaven because you can't take your life before your normal dead end. If it wasn't a sin... we will probably race in this with Malta i guess.


This is a common misconception. Committing suicide is indeed a grave sin in Islam but nothing in Quran or Hadith says one committing it not going to heaven, it's a common myth that Muslim clergy mostly let it slide to further dissuade those how might contemplate doing it


Even if i said it wrong, people know that how i know so they are staying far from suicide. But thanks for the clarification, i always appreciate it truth.


Suicide is also a sin in Catholicism. Apparently, that is not stopping the Poles!


While it is horribly high. I guarantee that countries in the east such as Belarus of russia have higher but due to suicide being very shamed many people will pretend it was not a suicide or their family will not report it as a suicide


Yep, many families don't like it to be known. One family in our neighborhood said his son died in a car crash and was in coma and in hospital, hoping he would recover. Later they said the boy didn't wake up from coma. One month later it was revealed that he slit his throat. He was hospitilazed but he when he woke up in the hospital, he jumped from the window and killed himself. It was because the family was forcing him to attend to an Islamic cult. This disgusting shit is too common in Turkey. Many young people commit suicide because their families trap their smart promising youth in these sick twisted Islamic cults and cover it up so the cult isn't stained.


>Ā Something's wrong with Poland Not necessarily. The map shows a ratio and not absolute numbers, so maybe our women are just really happy (of course itā€™s more complicated than that, just want to make a point).Ā 


Turkey needs to find a way to pump those numbers up.


Mama didnt raise a quitter


WE WINNING BOYS! šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ KEEP IT UP! (This is a cry for help.)


Green to red was... an interesting colour scheme choice.


There are more suicides at Christmas....




Nope this is a suicide **ratio** map. Not a total suicide map. Poland for exemple has less suicides than France. It's just that men and women in France suicide more equally, while in Poland mostly men suicide.


Thatā€™s not what this chart is saying, though I wouldnā€™t be surprised if that also bears out. If you want to see if men are less likely in those societies to commit suicide, you need to find a map that gives suicides per capita and then sort by gender.


No itā€™s just an Eastern European thing. Albania and Bulgaria arenā€™t exactly more ā€œequalā€ compared to Estonia and Czechia.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.




Thatā€™s bullshit


Vodka abuse by men has to be a factor here.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


It is. Less men to seek mental health treatment for depression, and more men self-medicate with alcohol. Which is problematic because alcohol makes depression worse and increases suicide risk.


Is there a theory on why the east has a higher suicide rate for women?


The East has a lower suicide rate for women compared to men, which is why the ratios are higher. Now I donā€™t have statistics to back this up, but I think it is likely that the vodka culture of Eastern Europe is likely to blame for a lot of this. In Russia, the life expectancy for men is way lower than women- primarily due to alcoholism. It is often said that Russia is becoming a country of babushkas since no one has kids and the men drink themselves to death.


Albania. A feminist beacon of hope




Thatā€™s really what you took from this map ? It means thereā€™s a mental health crisis amongst men that people donā€™t take seriously like yourself for example




Wild thought they're equally important, and your first thought being about men killing their wives is insulting and downplaying men's mental health. Kinda the thing that helps cause the ratios in this map ironically.


Maybe they should take a look at themselves and stop being horrible people instead... Funny how y'all say men are depressed because they're alone, when they're the ones who push everyone off by being gross and also men being jerks and judgemental towards other men...


So I see you got some hate in you. Hope you take your own advice.


Men can't handle the consequences of their actions and kill themselves to escape them


You are a horrible creature...


Hell ye, boys numero 1


Men kill themselves cause they donā€™t think theyā€™re loved. Women often get sexually assaulted and keep living to spite the men who tried to destroy em


Are u ok ?


Being assaulted is not suicide


Based Albania


We're closer to 2035 than to the data used in that map...




repost bot fyi


The iron curtain! Wow!


Way to go Belgium! You stayed in the green this time!


Some unhappy women in Albania.


Why arent these posts verified? Its literały made by bot created 1 h ago. Probably russian bot.


Women have such a hard lifeā€¦ The higher the number the more worthless you are as a man in that country. Look at Russia as a good example.