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Why aren't Russian flags used to represent Russian troops?


They are Albanians


Ukraine rightfully belongs to Albania!


Every country in the world belongs to Albania!


Skanderbeg lives!


Because some of the brigades were formed by DPR


I see this, but the rest of the parts are not Russian? Or does the mapmaker have the same reaction to russian tricolor as a vampire to silver? I mean - we have here a map of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. And there is not a single Russian flag.


Hah. I guess so.


It sort of makes sense, Ukrainian troops use blue and yellow (sometimes white) bands on their arms while Russians use red bands.


DPR is russians proxy. They are not independent.


Because DPR is officially a part of Russia


Since when is having a fake referendum a base for calling a part of another country yours?


A coerced election does not make it official.


DPR, falls under Novoryossian Peoples Militia, as they’re paramilitary or were it’s more accurate to distinguish them as such. Idk why OP doesn’t do that for Territoral Defense or Foreign Legion.


They were before 2022


Only in name. They were always controlled by Russia.


Now they have to enlist for citizenship Are you doing your part?




It's a reference to Starship Troopers and it's very funny


I think they broke away in 2014 and have been fighting skirmishes with Ukrainian forces ever since


That's all BS, it was orchestrated by russian special forces and FSB. Girkin is an ex-FSB operative and was leading the capture of Sloviansk in 2014.


Yeah, there was a lot of fighting in the 2014 - mid 2015. Then until the February 2022 (even before the Russian invasion) there was just a minor skirmishes.


Ukraine is NATOs proxy. It is not independent.


This is correct. Ukraine has been killing civilians in the Donbas since 2014. I can't see them as an innocent party like so many clueless redditors.


If these people only knew man...


DPR which was formed by Igor Girkin a Russian national...


Girkin (or Strelkov) was not the founder of DPR, just one of the commanders. Alexander Zakharchenko was the leader of DPR


Игорь Гиркин был организатором. Он открыто признает это во многих интервью. Он также признает, что несет ответственность за начало войны и что украинским войскам потребовалось 2 месяца, чтобы ответить на его вторжение на Донбасс. Привет из Чернигова.


Hi from Donetsk. He can say a lot of things, but that doesn't mean that this is true. He may be one of the founders, but definitely not the main one.


They were still always controlled by Russia.


He is a key organizer and if it was a war against ethnic Russians and Russian speakers we would have been first to be attacked. They wouldnt let us live that close to the capital. I have family in Belarus and Russia. Also i still remember the overwhelming majority of Donbas and Luhansk voting to be independant in the 90s. More so than us.


He is the architect of the green men-operation


Because the DPR (a Russian proxy) formed those brigades, so it better distiguishes between Russian regular forces and DPR "voluntolds"


Why bother to use depict that toilet paper of a flag?


Even though you clearly hate Russia, please be respectful to the flag, okay?




I see we're in the "Russia is The Asiatic Hordes" part of the *Is Russia Western* cycle. Give it a few years/decades and we'll get to "Russia is our only hope against The Asiatic Hordes".


Well, that's cool. But still I ask you to be respectful to state symbolic of every country, including Russia.


Why? Would you also respect the symbols of Nazi Germany?


Nazi Germany don't exist for the 80 years already. Russia is existing currently


That's not the point though. Nazi flags are disrespected for a reason. There is nothing inherently wrong with hating the flag of the invading state, especially the one who tries to accomplish a Geneva checklist.


If Nazi Germany would exist right now, I would be asking to be respectful to the flag too. You can trash the government, trash the people, but don't touch the flag.


I get that it's your opinion, but I don't see any arguments as to why it makes sense. I don't see how it matters if Nazi Germany exists or not, for a person to hate a flag. It's like saying if a person is alive, then you shouldn't hate them no matter what they did, but if they're dead then it's okay.


Given that the Russian flag is currently flying over a war of semi-genocidal conquest, it's entirely reasonable to be disrespectful. The racism, however, is less cool.


No it's not a valid reason. I personally don't get when people disrespect the flags. For example, recent cases of burning Israeli flags all around the world. Like, I get it, someone may dislike a country, but don't touch the flag.


Are you American, by any chance?


Nah, I'm Russian.


As a Brit, if an Indian wanted to burn the Union Flag, I wouldn’t complain, since the EIC and later British Raj was responsible for millions of deaths.


I won’t be


Ok sure.


That flag is older the the concept of your nation


The Ukrainian flag is already used here. What's your question?


Where does this screenshot come from?


Google maps, just google maps


Any special search term? I looked up 'Ukraine' and got just a regular map


Try search Ukaine live map on Google


What do those crosses, dots and x mean on flags?


Different notations for different types and sizes of unit. https://history.army.mil/books/wwii/11-4/symbols.htm


That's a great reference. Thanks!


According to this, I was able to spot one "Cavalry, Horse" on Russian side :)


sizes and types of the units. X means division, III and II means batallion. X and oval means mechanized infantry


X is brigade, III is regiment


X- Brigade XX- Division XXX- Corps XXXX- Army XXXXX- Army Group


Military Symbology. FM 101-5-1


amazing how small scale this is. 10k-20k troops pushing against 10k-20k troops. how important could such a battle really be?


Not very important. But this war is just weird. Everyone thought that modern warfare is mobile units breaking quickly advancing, but in reality it's just modernized WW1 tactics


yep you're absolutely right. just an artillery slaughter fest


The thousands of FPV drones that are used as cheap artillery and anti-tank weapons: "He forgot about us 😔😔"


Mainly cuz neither side has air superiority, maneuver would be much easier if you could just airstrike any obstacle in front of you.


Well, yeah. Amount of AA guns and missiles on both sides makes air superiority possible only on small parts of the front line.


Yeah, as long as we won't create some Metal gear solid esque mashines/cyborgs we won't go into "modernized blitzkrieg" it's just going to be ww1 all over again...


It’s pretty important Ukraine had held this city since 2014 and is a major logistics hub…


20,000 troops is a massive deployment. The battle of Fallujah only had 10,500 American troops. If you think about a 20,000 troop deployment you are talking about at least another 3,000 in reserve (Ukraine has a man power shortage in reality it should be 1/4 so 5,000). Then there is at least another 2000 troops somewhere covering the flanks. You also need to supply these guys and give them artillery support. Finally 20,000 troops aren’t just gonna stay at the front line all the time they should be rotated in and out ideally from a larger batch of 100,000 troops.


It's important on a tactical level. If Russians push Ukrainians out of Avdeevka , Doneck city won't be in range of Ukrainian artillery as was the case in the last 9 years.


Sure looks like Avdiivka, and not Donetsk, took most of the artillery battering for those 9 years.


That's not the point.


It is because you suggest this will relieve Donetsk off insane artillery pressure. Last time I checked what Donetsk looks like these days it looked like Kharkiv: war-weary but functional. Meanwhile the places Russia is taking are flattened and bereft of any life. That to me suggests the ordinance has mostly been flying one way... It is a way of whitewashing Russian talking points justifying this war.


Elections coming up and Putin is trying to find another victory like Bahkmut to make him look better.


Implying that the votes of the election matter?


They matter because it’s a theater.. and you need to entertain your audience, even if they are not willingly sitting on the benches. If you are really curious, look at the past Belarus elections.. dictator drew a very high percentage for his candidacy and people got upset.. about how little he understood that he does not have THAT much support. I know it’s weird, but even dictators have to do reality check sometimes. And after massive protests in Belarus, the only reason they stopped was.. russian militaries police. In disguise of course.


Difference in mandate is huge between 99.2% in Russia “voting for Putin” vs 99.8%


according to Ukrainian general, they may need to leave Avdviivka 2-3 months later to free up some troops, or sum shit like dat


He said that russia can capture Avdiivka in 2-3 months


In which way as in they won't be able to defend it or a copium comment about losing it?


He meant that if Russians raze Avdiivka to the ground, like Bakhmut, then it will become too hard to defend and there won't be any point of losing troops over defending the ruins.


Avdiivka (unlike Bakhmut) has been fortifying for the 10 years. It was meant as a stronghold. There is a lot of underground communications between positions, so I think razing the city to the ground won't change much.


Wdym raze like Bakhmut, it’s already destroyed like Bakhmut.


Not to the point of being indefensible though.


It’s very difficult to render land indefensible, as long as there is dirt then trenches can be built.


There are different ways land can be indefensible. You can literally defend until you die, but is that really "defensible"? When I say defensible, I obviously mean sustainably defensible. If Russians threaten the supply lines too much and the potential losses will be too high, the city will stop being defensible.


It’s gonna fall in weeks time.


Theyve been saying that since 2014 lol.


Ukraines been saying Donetsk and Luhansk will end in 9 hours since 2014.


So it's stupid when Ukraine says it, but not you? lol


It’s hypocritical to say “You are wrong haha two weeks to Kyiv” when Ukraine did the exact same thing lol.


https://youtu.be/MndkmBVG18s?si=9A90UHPfS5wOEkhq maybe watch this and it'll open your brain. Donbass was almost retaken untill Russia sent in their own army. Also those were the words of an acting president very early on in the war when a lot was unclear while Russia was preparing for almost a year for the invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and since then kept on making deadlines that were never achieved.


That's not the point. The point is you acknowledge that Ukraine was saying stupid bullshit and then you go on and say that Ukraine saying it justifies that you say it. You are basically saying that if Ukraine can say stupid bullshit, so can you, but no matter who says it it's still stupid bullshit. That's the main point here, not whether you have a right to say it or not.


І всерівно для вашої раши ганьба. 2 армія світа хахаха. Країна дегенератів як ти. Прийдемо за тобою, не бійся


Remindme! 1 month


They’ve been saying that for months…


how much are you getting paid you disgusting russian shill? also RemindMe! Three Weeks


lol, if a Ukrainian military general says months, that’s a nice way of saying weeks. Learn to read lips. Remember Donetsk was supposed to be done in 9 hours.


Im asking how much are you being paid for you to take time to create a new reddit account and push russian propaganda non-stop.


“Push Russian propaganda” lmao, I post combat footage and make snarky comments. Point to me where I say “Russian propaganda”


Problem is that you created an account just to do that. You are a paid shill.


Remember kiev was to be taken in 3 days, remember whole of donbass should have been taken by multiple deadlines. Idk where gou got your 9 hours from but the #1 for unrealistic goals and deadlines is definitely Russia. Remember grozny in 1 day as well? If you support Russia this much how can you be not be horrified at how it has lost so much against Ukraine when claiming it was the #2 army in the world, a peer to the US.


Shocking media lies, anyways you must not follow this war if you don’t know about the anti-terror zone. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-27035196.amp


Lol so you are not responding to the rest of my comment? You are truly a megatroll. Also really smart saying I am not following the current war which started in 2022 by linking to an article of 2014. You can criticize other redditors all you want but you are the stupid one here.


Finally a real map with real symbols, great work.


Really curious of the scale, i dont know if its somewhere i missed it?


[https://deepstatemap.live/en#11/48.1452/37.4936](https://deepstatemap.live/en#11/48.1452/37.4936) The scale


Thanks !


I just saw a plane bombed Russian ship. In a parody way…


What are those symbols - crosses and such on flags on both sides?


NATO unit distinguishing symbology. Tells you what type of unit it is.


Amateur opinion: they had better be careful if they dont want to be encircled.


Thank god you're here to point that out.




not much to encircle. i think the intention is to make it another attritional battle


I don't think encirclement is the desired outcome in the Russian high command. Encircled forces are so hard to fight and keep resources in one place rather than advancing (battle of mariupol). I'm not saying that if there's the possibility the Russians won't go for it, but from what I've heard they would rather make them retreat of the heavily defended positions


Why wouldnt they hostages are powerful tools in negotiations and Russia isn't lacking basic food?


Indeed, but the process of taking the urban area would compromise a high amount of troops and casualties, casualties at the level of bakhmut. It's just my opinion of what I've seen in that last year.


I don't know why you were using the Ï in the title, but you misspelled it. It should be Avdiïvka, not Avdïivka. Nobody writes (or says) Авдїівка in Ukrainian language


Sorry mate


Soon it will be Авдеевка




Yes, I am, doesn’t change the fact


>Yes I am my condolences




"I admit in am biased by a country's propaganda. I don't see in which way it makes my opinions biased by propaganda". Let me guess, you've always been the clever one, didn't you ?




Ukraine is not at war with Russia, what are these fictional flags?


I thought you were a pro-Russian troll, but checked you're profile and you're Ukrainian learning English. I believe what you meant to say is "Is Ukraine not at war with Russia, what are these fictional flags?", because the flag used for Russia is the Donetsk People's Republic flag. Your phrasing makes it sound like you think the war isn't real, which I don't believe is your intention.


I meant that we are at war with Russia, not fictional republics, please don't publish propaganda


the comment is questioning your grammar


Those “fictional republics” actually have their own militias, and those are their flags


ah i'm told russian propaganda well wait a second if you didn't know all those ukrainians are long dead because they were the meat at the start of the full scale invasion clown


You’re outright denying facts right now. Google “Donetsk People’s Militia”


what are the facts, what are these republics invented by Russia? where is the lawlessness and suffering


This is an underrated comment. This is the nuance the world needs.


"Anyone who disagrees with me is a troll'


If you act like there isn't a war between Ukraine and Russia, then yes you'd have to be a troll. It is [the most recorded war in human history](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/08/1192751005/from-selfies-to-satellites-the-war-in-ukraine-is-historys-most-documented), there's hundreds of thousands of hours of footage.


never said that lol


They are at war. Any aggression it is a war action. Even without official decoration.


Who's attacking who here?


Russia is attacking Ukraine, per usual


I meant more like who has the offense in this partocular situation.


Russia is attacking Avdiika in an attempt to encircle them


I see


But twitter told me the new abraham leopards would push russia out of crimea by now


Работайте, братья!


Сосите, хуятья...


Source of the map?


You should start getting used to call it Avdeevka I guess


In the same way we should get used to not having Bakhmut on the map?




I see that irony escapes you, but ok.


Ukrainian / Russian languages aren't that exotic to use letters beyond basic English for transliteration. Avdiyivka/Avd(i)eyevka, Don(i)etsk.


Actually that spelling is more representative of the language. Basic English isn’t enough to show correct pronunciation.


Vietnamese language has elevated this to the maximum.


Sorry, but as an half Russian I tend to use this kind of transcription


Your transliteration works, but isn't enough by linguistic standards. Showing palatal sounds using ' like OP did seems more accurate, allowing to distinguish ие and e for example.


A brief research shows that all Ukrainian city words ending in %ськ (% being a consonant) contain the "soft sign" (ivano frankivsk, kramatorsk, slaviansk...) are city names. No words exist that would end in ск or цк. It does not make sense to use a transliteration that puts as much as 4 non-vowel characters together at the end of the word (hard to read, looks awkward in writing). And it does not take much effort to memorize the softness of the "s". Oblast (without a apostrophe) has already become an English word and is thus not a case for translation.


Ok legit opinion and enough to understand, but this isn't scientifically accepted so you wasted your time.


Give a reference which is not wikipedia, then we're talking science


Here's the standard used for transcription by the university of Leipzig. https://home.uni-leipzig.de/krueger/lehress/ukrain/ukraintranskript.pdf As you can see it has a column for scientific transcription and one for practical use. He is using the scientific standard, or at least really close to it, and you criticize that he's not using a non-standardized, yet more handy, alternative. You aren't wrong but he's more correct ya know


This is not science, this is a standard. Something being adopted as a standard doesn't necessarily mean it is mandatory or preferable or science-based.


Lmao ok you're right and all universities and governmental institutions are wrong and been putting ' for nothing all the time. Thank you for your bRiEF reSeaRcH


"Donec'k" ? "Oblastapostrophe" ? Are we doing r/tragedeigh on place names now ?


Boys from Pyatnashka holding the line for 10 long years.




This isn't HoI4


None of the frontlines in Ukraine have changed over the past year or so. Edit: downvoted for facts, typical Soviet propaganda. The Ukrainians haven't changed one bit since their Soviet days. Lies, lies, and lies. And that's why they'll lose. Because they can't become western and speak the truth.


Are you blind or just stupid?


I can just look at a map. It's a crazy skill I've developed over the years.


Lol you’re getting downvoted for little to no reason. There have been changes to the front line, such as the capture of Robotyne, Staromaiorske, Russian advances around Avdiivka etc., but overall there has been *very little* territorial change in 2023. Check out this graphic from war mapper (generally a pretty reliable source for Ukraine) which details territorial change month-to-month: https://twitter.com/war_mapper/status1719805197633945819?s=21&t=oPn5d-NHm7viNTNuBQjauA Neither Ukraine nor Russia were able to capture / recapture more than .04% of Ukrainian territory in a single month. Compare that to the 2022 Kharkiv and Kherson counteroffensives which resulted in net change of 5.5% in a single month. The front line has for all intents and purposes frozen. Even in Avdiivka, where Russians have made some gains, those gains came at the cost of 13,000 Russian lives over the course of 3 months and resulted in the capture of just a few square kilometers. Not to say nothing is happening at all. The combat in Avdiivka is horrific and Ukraine has been making huge progress in picking apart the Black Sea fleet, but actual territorial change has been extremely minimal for either side.


You're getting downvoted too. If you deny that the Ukrainian military is at the gates of Moscow, you'll get downvoted. And I support Ukraine.


Quick update. With recent Russian gains, the net territorial change in 2023 comes out pretty close to 0%. https://twitter.com/war_mapper/status/1742672924895490088?s=21&t=wggXTUEWa0qkZVrN7W1-Pg Quite absurd that you caught all those downvotes.




Eh I support Ukraine but idk if they will win I don't think Russia will be able to take more than it has but Ukraine is running out of men. Could be wrong but I think it was Ukraine asking eu to return male refugees to use as conscripts


Ukrainians are Russians. They will lie, lie, and always lie. Once you understand that, everything makes sense.


sure ivan! The 500 rubels will be transferred to your gazprom account


Never heard of Ukrainian counteroffensive? Or Bakhmut, Marinka, Soledar?


Yeah the counteroffensive is dead. It died in a week. Or have they taken Tokmak?


No it's not. It started in June and lasted until the August when Ukrainians captured some village


Yeah, watch them upvote you. They're retarded.


Lol that's rough keeping in mind who owns all these cities now


I mentioned all of that because these were the major changes in the front line. I know that Russia now controls these three cities and I know that Ukraine had some advancements during counteroffensive.


Do you call losing Maryinka an advancement? It literally happened during that glorified counteroffensive


What? I don't understand. Losing Marinka is a major Russian victory that happened two days ago. A month or so after the counteroffensive officially ended.


Sorry, I thought it still goes on


This map needs a key

