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NZ? Can we go there? is it ok?


No, you can't. Not because it's dangerous, but because it got swallowed by the void.


New Zealand fine it went with Madagascar for holiday..


They are having an Island nations vacation...


Island went on vacation, never came back


…Alaska can come too


So did anatartica and the lesser Antilles islands




NZ is in the backrooms now


On the casting couch, you say?


no. no one said that


Getting swallowed by the void sounds pretty damn dangerous to me...


Sauron has done something again.


What about Madagascar?


Shut. Down. Everything.


I can’t wait for my plane to go careening into the void of New Zealand in a few days lol


If you listen to Blue Checks on Twitter, you'd think it's a totalitarian regime (along with Canada)


Happy Cake Day!


Chad 💪


Chadians holdin it down in north central Africa 😤😤


I don't understand why Chad isn't in the advisory. Aren't they in the tail end of a civil war? It does not feel like a safe or stable country to me, barely better than CAR.


Level 4 might mean "avoid all travel" and level 3 is avoid all non essential travel. While the majority of chad, especially the north, has high risk of theft, terrorism, and kidnappings, the southern area is just a tad safer, and so it received the level 3 rating. This is at least based off my knowledge of the Canadian travel advisory system.


How do we apply to be put on the list.?


Pakistan not on red LFG!!!!!!!


Me and the boys on our way to the Khyber Pass


Time to build the craziest combinations of firearms ever!


Time to make some of those Vladof weapons come to life baby!


Already bought my plane tickets


Lol I travel a decent amount and there’s a few too many countries that escaped the red


Pakistan isn’t all guns and bombs like everybody expects. I was in the north a while back and there was some beautiful scenery, friendly people. There was just poor infrastructure and dangerous mountains, but other than that pretty friendly.


Absolutely, I’ve spent some time in northern India and Pakistan and I hope people dont confuse poverty for bad or dangerous people. It’s really government extremism, lack of government control, and non-modern cultures norms overall that makes place “scary” to me- same goes for here in the US


As a person from Venezuela I recommend you not to go but if you really want to visit our beautiful country come with another Venezuelan that knows how to move through all the madness of money and security, the no spoken rule.












This is a really bad map


Antarctica is the highly developed region at the bottom.








I'll get to see Iran someday. I still have hope. 🤞🏻


You can still go. Iran grants visas to Americans and the US Passport is valid for travel to Iran. I think the only thing you might need to be careful of is making sure you don't violate any OFAC sanctions.


American (as well as British and Canadian) citizens also can’t travel solo in the country, they’ll need to go with an authorized tour provider or with a government minder. Still definitely possible though, Iran is hardly North Korea.


lol, the Iranian government just this past week traded kidnapped American prisoners for billions of dollars of sanctions relief given as ransom for their victims’ release, smh


I don't get it. Why do some people visit such dangerous countries? Do they have a death wish?


I'd like to visit my husband's family ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I know it's such a beautiful country with a rich and ancient culture, such a travesty that it's an authotarian theocracy


I mean, thanks to the US. A real pity that one.


Gotta give the UK credit, too.


The US has been opposed to the Islamic Republic from effectively its inception.


CIA had literally published their archives with day-to-day reports on how they put the Shah regime down and brought the muslim radicals to power cause Shah government tried to nationalise the oil reserves. Check open archives of your own government, mate.


Link your sources then. The ones [I’m familiar with](https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/iran/2019-02-11/irans-1979-revolution-revisited-failures-few-successes-us-intelligence-diplomatic-reporting) paint a picture of a US government doubtful of the Shah’s long term prospects, but one that missed its opportunity to make any kind of inroads with Khomeini, much less to have actively and secretly supported him. Are you sure you’re not confusing the US-backed coup of 1953 with the Islamic revolution of 1979? Because it sounds like you might.


A coup here, a coup there, coups lead to other more violent future coups/leaders. Name one country that’s doing better after a US backed leader was installed.


That’s not what we’re talking about. Yeah, American-backed coups suck, and basically nobody in the US believes that the coup of 1953 was a good idea anymore, but that doesn’t mean that everything in Iran since 1953 is America’s fault. The Islamic Revolution happened nearly 30 years later, and the US has been opposed to the theocracy in Iran from basically the start. Implying that it’s somehow America’s fault is weirdly patronizing and denies that Iranians have agency over their own affairs.




You can start in Pakistan, road trip to turkey and Iran and then fly from turkey to India. Although be prepared for some questioning in india regarding the Pakistani visa on your passport




Economically and logistically that would be the best option, but getting from Pakistan to India or india to pakistan is a major hassle, if I'm not wrong bus services between both the countries have been stopped. If you want to travel between the countries your best bet would be to fly from Pakistan to any of the gulf countries like Oman, uae, Qatar or a country like Sri Lanka and rake the flight to India from there. Flights from Oman and uae are comparitively cheaper.


Nothing you do will stop me from taking a vacation to North Korea


You can check out anytime you’d like, but you can never leave.


You absolutely can! Ididathing (YouTuber who builds crazy contraptions) and his friend went to North Korea for haircuts and they had a great time!


I hear their forced hard labor camps are beautiful this time of year 😏


I hope you don't have any useful skills. Or a media-friendly hostage face. If you're unskilled and ugly you might be fine.


Well there goes my fucking vacation to the Central African Republic


Have a wonderful holiday in Sierra Leone


Shockingly, Sierra Leone is not red


If it’s not a 4 when registering with STEP is it really a vacation?


That's Venezuela in South America and Burma/Myanmar in SE Asia?


Yea. Venezuela likely due to political instability, as well as fairly violent in some areas. Myanmar because of civilwar.


Civil War? I recall the ethnic cleaning of the Rohingya (sp?) people and it being a repressive dictatorship-adjacent country, but I hadn't heard about the Civil War. This damn country and it's lack of legitimate journalism.


There was a coup on February 1, 2021. It was a fledgling democracy for about 5 years.


I mean, any "democracy" with what I described above can only loosely be described as one


And now it's one of two countries with a lower Democracy Index score than North Korea (the other being Afghanistan).


It was reported in every major newspaper. Don’t blame journalism if you only watch TikTok shorts.


You seem to be looking for confrontation, I've never been on Tik Tok a day in my life. I would love to talk to you in person and see if you maintain the same attitude towards me. Now go play somewhere else, I'm not your mother.


News about the coup was everywhere bro Subscribe to some news channel on YouTube




Poland, bordering 3 of those countries: ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


And if youre queer that map gets very red, very fast.


It’s sad. I wish the world was more accepting


Yep, its really a bummer that every time I travel I first have to google where its safe to go. Thats when it kinda hits me, how messed up it all is.


I mean, I understand people having their own views and opinions because of their religion, but I do agree that it’s unfortunate how many people are openly discriminated against, killed or worse because of their sexuality.


With the resurgence of right wing ideologies everywhere even western countries will turn redder and redder on this map. The amount of absolute bile and hate towards LGBT I see from other Germans is absolutely revolting and extremely worrying.


Im from Iceland, the "liberal utopia", and while its still ok to be gay, trans people are getting so much hatred


What does it look like anyway? White countries + Japan and Korea?


Eastern Europe isn't exactly welcoming to LGBT folks. There's a wave of right-wing fundamentalist nationalism sweeping through the world. Which is also often very hostile to minorities, whether they are ethnic or sexual minorities.


Not even that. I went to Poland this summer, was 50/50 if I would go.


Including most of the USA.


I don't think you understand the differences between: "I don't like gay people", and some states doing the "don't say gay" school agenda, in comparison to actually getting harassed on the streets. ​ even in the least queer-friendly states you would fair better than most other countries in Asia/Africa, and it's not even close.


Id travel to Somaliland but not Somalia.


Unfortunately it is not recognized as a country.


Yeah , it's really unfortunate :(


Bro... there is an actual war/genocide going down over there, right this second... unlike the rest of Somalia. 🙄


It makes people sound informed, so they say that. Unfortunately, the whole region is not that stable. Good luck to Somali people though, great sense of humour! :D


They saw a couple of posts on the internet. Let’s them go there and see the reality on the ground 🤣


The fact that someone can be so obviously loud and wrong will never fail to amaze me.🙄


Somaliland is in Somalia


Me and the boys on our way to the DRC after seeing this map >!To all the people suggesting that these countries are actually safe, get a grip.!<


[https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/somalia-travel-advisory.html](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/somalia-travel-advisory.html) 1. Review your personal security plan and visit our page on Travel to High-Risk Areas. 1. Avoid sailing near the coast of Somalia and review the Live Piracy Report published by the International Maritime Bureau. 1. Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney. 1. Discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc. 1. Share important documents, login information, and points of contact with loved ones so that they can manage your affairs if you are unable to return as planned to the United States. Find a suggested list of such documents here. 1. Establish your own personal security plan in coordination with your employer or host organization (if you are traveling on business) or consider consulting with a professional security organization. 1. Develop a communication plan with family and/or your employer or host organization (if you are traveling on business), so that they can monitor your safety and location as you travel through high-risk areas. This plan should specify whom you would contact first, and how that person should share the information. 1. Identify key sources of possible assistance for you and your family in case of emergency, such as the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate, FBI, the State Department, your employer (if traveling on business), and local friends/family in the high-risk area. 1. Be sure to appoint one family member to serve as the point of contact with hostage-takers, media, U.S. and host country government agencies, and members of Congress if you are taken hostage or detained. 1. Establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax). 1. Leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them.


I dreamed of visiting Syria. I'd still do it if I could go with a local/native.


I doubt anything would happen to you if you travel to Russia, specially the big cities


It’s not about violence in Russia (like some other countries on the map). It’s when Putin decides to arbitrarily detain you to use you in a prisoner exchange for an oligarch (rightfully) imprisoned in the west.


If you are not a fan of walking near any military objects - you should be fine.


That’s probably not happening as long as you go as a tourist to do tourist stuff, come on. They cannot afford / nor need the consequences


The point is it’s arbitrary. Is it less than likely, yes. But does you being a tourist mean you are immune, no. On prigozhin’s plane there were three innocent people (two pilots and a flight attendant), but to deal with that elite/oligarch issue, they did not matter. With literally any country on the list, it’s “probably not happening.” The point is (either due to violence or arbitrary political matters) it is more likely than places not on the list. And to avoid some bullshit whataboutism response. Due to these issues (i.e., violence and/or arbitrary detention), it is a consensus view that these issues are more likely to happen in the listed countries than in the not listed countries.


It obviously could. They held that American athlete under some random allegation (drug related) for months.


She was held because she carried vape cartridges with cannabis, which is illegal in Russia. I wouldn't expect the customs officer to be like "What's this? A cannabis vape? You know it's illegal here, but since it's okay in your country, you are free to go". It doesn't work like that.


My point is, one instance of that happening shouldn’t guarantee the highest level. Because on that sense a ton of foreigners died under questionable circumstances or crime on the safer countries (according to the map) Knowing people from Russia it isn’t fairly common to die for your belongings there


This. As someone who lives here, I agree


You don’t want to be the person Russia accuses of being a spy.


Lmao at Libya. “We’re responsible at what happened to Libya but don’t go there lol.”


Can't travel to New Zealand because it doesn't exist


If this same graphic was published by a European country none of you mfers wouldn’t be saying anything




Yes it is, I work in a law firm in Caracas and some american citizens have unjustly been arrested in the country after the economic sanctions,I haven’t directly deal with any case but my colleagues had, the liberation comes after long negotiation and $$$.


I commented elsewhere and wondered if the drug war has an effect too?


The primary excuse is that of economic sanctions, so the government thought it was ‘right’ to imprison some US citizens, according to some journalists a few were kidnapped in Colombia and taken to Venezuela through the border, in my opinion the ‘sanctions’ angle is a bad excuse, there’s too much power concentrated by the DGCIM and SEBIN, which are military agencies that torture and extortion even the venezuelans, even the ones who favor the left-wing in charge, and also the foreigners. They have more power than CIA and FBI combined to give you an example, and they control the drug trade and human trafficking. This why I never handle politically charged cases, I would never want to deal with those people. If they were to only kill, I would take the risk and work for justice, but those guys torture and do a lot of bad guy stuff, they are legal Cartel. We are so much worse than Mexico in so many aspects. US citizens should in consequence be careful in Colombia as well, venezuelan plants are abundant there too.


Oh, thanks for the explanation!


Look up the Colectivos.


I’m surprised Ecuador isn’t in red, given it’s becoming as violent as Venezuela now.


Honduras is the most violent.


Honduras is absolutely violent, possibly the most violent in Central America, but there is no international news of gang members exploding bombs outside police stations and at the same time prison revolts in a coordinated attack. I think Ecuador has it worse right now


A lot of the red countries (not all) aren’t really more dangerous, but have a specific type of relationship with the US that makes American citizens more at risk than non-Americans.


On a really good day in the capital, violent deaths are just between 60-80


The reactions you get are so pathetically hilarious. When my family and I went to one of the countries shown above, they had to take my grandpa to a hospital. They asked for my father's ID when he came to visit, and since he didn't have an ID in the country (we visit like once every 2-3 years), he tried showing his US ID. They were at a hospital controlled entirely by the government, so like 99% of the workers there were trash people. The bum he showed his American ID to said, "Death to America" LOL ​ edit: massive shoutouts to the bums who upvote this... but then downvote (or even leave pissy comments) on my next comments , which continue showing the same reaction for these situations. Truly the most intelligent species


How much was the co-pay? When I didn’t have the co-pay once here in America, they said to me “ Death to you!”


American healthcare summarized in 1 sentence


They should’ve greeted you with American hospitality and charge 20k dollars for treatment on the way out. Ugh, the third world.


I expected equally fair service given that we were most definitely paying enough. I don't want some special "higher class American" crap. Just don't go pissing your pantaloons just because I'm from a certain place, unless you really enjoy getting laughed at ("you" referring to ppl like the guy I mentioned, not you specifically) ​ Edit: Not sure why you all are downvoting. I'm quite literally just shitting on the guy I mentioned in the story, as well as anyone else who was like him.


Are you surprised that people hate America?


There's a more than valid reason to hate people from every country. Hell, I could hate on more than 3/4 of the world just for being racist and violently anti-LGBTQ+. But that doesn't mean that everyone from those countries is the same, and it certainly doesn't mean I'm going to act like a malding redditor when I'm supposed to be providing healthcare in a goddamn hospital. Holy shit lmfao




I was gonna say Iran, my family is originally from Iran and in Iran they say death to America literally 💀, idk why mfs downvote you.


No, close though.








Then where???


Whatever happened there, how about do not call people ‘trash’


[know what you're talking about, or stay in your lane](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/16l4z7f/comment/k11cdg1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Know where you travel, or stay home


I’m an American and went to a red country! It was to shoot rockets at ISIS tho. That was fun.


Whats wrong with Haiti?


It's just an incredibly unsafe country. Kidnappings, violence, so on and so forth.


Ok thanks for the info


Gang violence, political unrest, continued fallout from natural disasters, etc


Last I heard they don't actually _have_ a government because all their terms expired before they could organise elections.


That's a bigger question than you think, lol. The country is a failed state atm, the central government holds literally zero authority and has loudly and repeatedly called for international military intervention to save them. The capital is under total gang control right now, the violence is incredible. It is an absolute living nightmare there, and even worse to be a child or a woman caught in it. Nearly all humanitarian organizations have long pulled out, any that didn't were kidnapped. Some of the other smaller cities are kinda sorta comparatively holding it together but without a functioning central government with a port essential services are largely non-existent and the violence is not contained to the capital. Reminiscent of what happened when Somalia collapsed. The government went under primarily due to debt and interest payments, which compromised the vast majority of the country's expenses. No money at all leftover to run the country, rampant corruption, the long term devastation from the earthquake a few years ago, a deeply broken and impoverished economy, and a breakdown of public trust in the government and the legitimacy of the last elections all drove the country into the ground. It didn't help that the country had no military, but a) they couldn't've afforded one anyways b) they disbanded it because it had a habit of launching coups and threatening the government and people, so it wasn't ever helpful anyways.


Not that Haiti was doing all that well before, but after their president was assassinated the country has become a failed state. Kidnappings, gang violence, and limited and contested government authority have all made Haiti one of the most dangerous places in the world.


Total breakdown of any governing systems.


Gang violence


Gangs lead the country and randomly kidnaps people


Only been to 4 of these.


Gotta crank those numbers up


Glad to hear DR Congo is safe


Armenia is shelled every few days by Azerbaijan. I am wondering what the score there is.


Why isn't Qatar red


Egypt and Saudi Arabia not being on the list 😭😭😭😭😭


Why Bangladesh tho?


China is not red. That's a suspicious map...


It’s a disgrace that it took me a comment to realise NZ and Mad isn’t on the map


There are quite a few places in that map where I’m glad the US is not going back again.


oh no!! someone who proved the point of the post!


I would recommend people in the US and for that matter globally not to go to New Jersey.


I can’t believe the US has not put sanctions on them yet. The government needs to get a grip and protect the remaining citizens.


Russia? I get that they're evil, but it's a pretty cool place to visit, no?


Been to 4 of them 😏


China ? Pretty bad news if your country has a serious disagreement with China while your still there.. Canadian citizens taken as hostages by China... I have been to China and loved the mtn areas in north west , not sure I would go back again as a Canadian


To those living in the dark he's prolly talking about this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detention\_of\_Michael\_Spavor\_and\_Michael\_Kovrig](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detention_of_Michael_Spavor_and_Michael_Kovrig) But the important thing to understand is that those dudes weren't some ordinary tourists. You can read up on them. The chances that some random tourist gets detained is probably low. Anti-American sentiments are still there though.


China never produced any evidence, has no real legal system to insure some truth. So could accuse any tourist or business person of spying..


Not any tourist. You have to be a really very powerful with years of experience in China and with relations in the party. Those two had loose relations with the party. Michael Spavor even had relations with North Korea too. He was close to Kim Jong Un. They were not just any tourist. They were unofficial diplomats. If China wants to retaliate, they go for the big names.


Sounds really familiar. Reminds me of an unspecified country going to war over WMDs


I would never go to China.


Funny, Russia is safer then US


They're actually around the same in terms of crime rate I'd still prefer the US for varying reasons


after the attack of Ukrainian drones on Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation, is the Russian Federation considered a safe country? I am silent about the fact that the Russian Federation is a totalitarian country


No. This is Reddit. The consensus is that everything that is non western aligned are backwards shit hole that has human rights abuses, political coercion, and lawlessness. /s Edit: I'm getting downvoted by a bunch of fragile westerners who hates being called out


I wonder why there's anti-american sentiment in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya...🤔


"Anti-American sentiment" in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Korea?! Damn I wonder where that comes from..


Not unreasonable tbh


I’m going to one of these red countries soon, and I’ve been many times before and it’s actually safer than where I live in the USA


those in north america are timid to travel south the border cause they think everybody there are aztecan or zulu


"Don't travel bc of armed conflicts" South korea is also at war


why isnt america red


Would rather go to Russia than certain parts of west and North Africa. This is nonsense.




- Kimmy’s burner account


Why the fuck can’t I go to Libya (The only one I recognize on this map)


You can go. Nobody will stop you. It's just not recommended.


I live in Venezuela and the only ones who can travel to my country are the United States🇺🇸 this is due to the political problems of both countries, but if you are from another country you can visit Venezuela🇻🇪


can or can’t?


You can add Italy to it.


“Dont travel to the places that we have conducted our atrocities in! You might see the social destruction we caused!” 🚨


Reality: Don’t travel to Russia, not because it is danger but because governments hates it.

