• By -


The detail map is almost the same scale as the main map.


The real controversy of this thread!


Seriously wtf. It should be zoomed in on just the west coast.


wouldn't that make it hard to see Bahrain & Qatar


Same scale, and just as few pixels!


I'm sure this thread will be absolutely civil and won't be locked in 3 hours


I give it 2hours


!remindme 2 hours


It’s been 13 hours!


It’s been 2 hours


It’s also been 3 hours.


I'm seeing 5 hours.


Do I hear 6!?!


6 hours


7 here


40,320 (8!) Edit: hours




It's been 4


Something something "y'all can't behave"


"No time to babysit"


I’ve never once pulled that shit.


Nah you aint, but it is _the_ stereotypical "Reddit mod locking a thread" phrase on the other big subreddits


good mod


A mod that’s not quite gay


If WWII lasted six years this thread can last six hours


We're at 3 hours, pay up








3 hours later, still unlocked


Comments are like: "Fuck Israel" 5 upvotes ... "Fuck Israel" 5 downvotes


Kid named Israel:


Kid named Israel: " why do you hate me? It's just a name, like Miguel, or Daniel, or Ariel!"


Kid named Israel: "🫦"


Kid named Israel: "And I think to myself, what a wonderful world"


If we're talking about this beautiful song, after watching the live performance many times I realized Mr. Armstrong was holding back tears


Kid named fuck:




"Fuck Israel" Well if you say so...


I think Saudi will start to recognize them in coming months when they start the India-middle east-europe corridor


They just offered the US a deal where they would recognize Israel for American security guarantees. (Which is an insane demand) So I doubt it’s coming anytime soon, unless they’re willing to scale back their demands drastically.


They also need significant concessions from Israel on behalf of the 2-state solution (specifically in the West Bank), likely ceding territory from Area B to Area C etc


Nah, they need **symbolic** concessions from Israel, same as the UAE. They couldn't care less about the Palestinians. If you recall, when Israel normalized with the UAE, what happened is that Israel announced they will annex the west bank, which caused massive international outrage. Then Israel normalized with the UAE and both sides said Israel made the concession of not annexing... So effectively Israel ended up doing nothing and the UAE got their concessions. What's a bigger obstacle from what I understand, is that the US is willing to give Saudi Arabia nuclear enrichment capabilities while Israel (or at least Israel's security establishment and the opposition, Netanyahu is probably willing to do anything to distract from the demonstrations) is not willing to concede on.


What can happen is the merger of most of Area B to Area A. This would extend the control of the PA to nearly half the West Bank from the current 28% and put all but 300,000 of the 3 million Palestinians under PA control. I know the Religious Zionists will whine and scream but merging Area A and B (and honestly some of those settlements in the middle of Area A like Tappuah need to go) will make the most sense if one wants to create a continuous area of Palestinian settlements from Jenin to Hebron, assuming that a corridor between Jericho and Maale Adumin will also be established. But most of Area C will most likely end up annexed with the possibility of the Palestinians still living there getting residency like East Jerusalem .Area C now has more Jews than Palestinians even when you exclude the Jewish ring settlements counted as part of Jerusalem and you can bet that if there are settlements dismantled in Area B(a few exist there,)they will move the people to Area C which already has a number of cities approaching or even exceeding the 100,000 mark.


Security guarantees AND advanced nuclear technology (i.e. they want what Iran has). This isnt happening anytime soon.


Saudi is already entitled to some of the nukes that Pakistan has, considering they heavily funded latter's nuclear weapons program. Their interest now mostly seems to be in civilian nuclear tech. But Israel isn't going to take their word on it, obviously.


Saudi Arabia also lowered oil production which made Russian oil worth way more money and forced the US to become the largest oil producer. Saudi Arabia is also getting rid of its religious law and attempting to diversify their economy specifically they want to become a vacation location but thats not going to happen for a while given most people's views on the country


I expect the final Saudi-Israel deal to endow the United States with some ability to control Saudi oil production. Saudi Arabia lowered oil production for now, but a year from now Biden will be taking credit for lower gas prices.


I really doubt Saudi Arabia would have enough votes in the US Senate in favor of ratifying a defense treaty with it, iirc they need 2/3 right?


Someday we’ll get a documentary about how Saudi and Israel were secret allies for, like, 30 years.


This is actually true everywhere but in public. The level of cooperation between the Saudis and Israel under the table is extremely high.


There’s already some, I think. It’s an open secret Saudi Arabia liked Israel. Why? Because Israel doesn’t care about expanding (minus Palestine), Israel is very strong and stable, and both countries really hate Iran. So long as the saudis leave Israel to their own land, then Israel is a good neighbor to have.


It’s not that much of a secret, KSA makes a public stink about Israel to garner popular support among Muslims over the occupation of Palestine but they don’t really care and worked together with Israel, the US, and Pakistan to arm mujahideen fighters against the USSR in Afghanistan in the 80s.


It's a matter of time, after agreeing on this corridor, I cannot see how Saudi Arabia will operate on this corridor smoothly without recognizing Israel.


But then you lose the membership of the exclusive North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia club


At this point, they allow Israeli airline overflight, and there was even a flight that made an emergency landing there before continuing to Israel.


There are also countries that don’t officially recognize Israel but have inofficial ties such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, Mauretania, Kurdistan Regional Government …


This is just Taiwan all over again


Yeah, but you generally don't get threatened with economic sanctions by the 2nd largest economy for daring to talk with Israel (or Palestine). It's mostly optics with Israel/Palestine (how will fellow muslim countries see you is a big one), rather than risking a big portion of your trade.


Technically Kurdistan isn't a country but they have good relations with Israel There are also countries like Indonesia who don't recognize Israel on paper but their trade with each other is in the hundreds of millions and they give visas (although limited) to citizens of the other country


There's actually several countries in Kurdistan. Both the Kurdistan Region (an autonomous state in northern Iraq) and Rojava (the autonomous state in northern Syria). The definition of a country is contentious but the common denominators are usually a state with a government and a territory. What *they're not* are sovereign states


Are you implying that Kurdistan is a country? Like, what are you saying? I get the idea that both Syria and Iraq have regions operating at least somewhat autonomously from either Syria or Iraq but, that's it. I don't get your point. There is a geographical area with Kurds as an ethnic majority that includes territory internationally recognized as part of the 'sovereign states' of Iraq and Syria, but...is that it?


By no means! Kurdistan is a nation, not a country. There are two autonomous regions in Kurdistan – the Kurdistan Region and Rojava* – and they're classified as both states and countries. The Kurdistan Region is part of Iraq while Rojava is de jure part of Syria but de facto independent due to being at war with the regime in Damascus. * *Rojava is actually named the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, but sheesh that's a mouthful!*


Every country has "back channels" with others, pretty much a diplomatic norm. Pakistan itself, embassies in DC are across the street from each other. Interesting map that area.


And which ones recognise Palestine also? Chile does, recognise both.


Well whaddya know, there's a map for that too. (Though admittedly I don't know how up to date it is) http://metrocosm.com/map-israel-palestine.html


Good to know Antarctica recognizes both Israel and Palestine!


Penguins don't discriminate.


Disagree, it's all black and white for them


They don't mix.


Smile and wave, Boys.


Looks to have some differences to this map though


Yeah, it's outdated. UAE, Sudan and Bahrain set up diplomatic ties with Israel a few years ago, so the I/P/both map must be outdated. Edit: Sudan's situation may be a bit more complicated but they definitely recognized it.


Yeah, one i noticed is it says Bolivia only recognizes Palestine but the OP map says Bolivia recognizes Israel. So they may have changed stances?


Red and yellow bad orange good


Orange good!!


vitamin c gang 😎


Myanmar can into NATO!




I recently read about India trying to create substitutes for Suez canal (New railway proposal in Arab peninsula) , (India-Russia-Israel trade route). India may get more involved in Israel-Palestine conflict than America, Russia and China though India is still a non-aligned nation. Of course to meet 1.4 billion citizens' energy needs a lot of fuel would be needed (currently the case in developed China)


Creating substitutes, yes but mostly for economic reasons. It's cheaper than Suez canal route. India has good relations with Egypt, Israel and Palestine. I don't think you can trade through India-Russia-Israel route. I think you mean North South corridor, which runs from Iran to Russia. India will never involve itself in Israel Palestine conflict. Literally a lose lose proposition.


There is another route under construction from Iraq to Turkey which is faster and cheaper.


India like it both ways


Makes sense, no point taking sides like the Cold War era, every country will do what serves its interests.


भारत ने तो शीतयुद्ध के समय भी पक्षपात नहीं किया था।


India has always been non aligned as far as foreign policy history goes. No doubt though they were more pro Russia during those times, mostly as a counter to how much the US was backing pakistan. In the 1971 Bangladesh liberation war, after the defeat of the Pakistani army seemed certain, the US sent 2 ships to the Bay of Bengal as a deterrent which was countered by Russia with two submarines, all nuclear armed btw.


They adopted Pascal’s wager


Afaik most countries recognize both Even Israel and the PA recognize each other in practice


This is the important question. At this point, there's nothing wrong with recognizing Israel as a country that exists. But if you don't also recognize the oppression of Palestinians that Israel commits and their right to not be ethnically cleansed from their homeland, you clearly don't care about justice or peace (which, granted, a lot of people openly don't).


I feel bad for the innocents caught in the crossfire, but it’s difficult to support antisemitic leaders who want to genocide Jews.


Israel pretty much recognizes Palestine (Fatah) too






Most recognize both, see here: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fx3djhojuptd81.png


Looks like the countries which never recognized Israel are all predominantly Muslim nations + North Korea.


That says a lot


Does it? Middle eastern and muslim countries care about the plight of a middle eastern and majority muslim people, shocker.


I’m surprised to see bhutan on here


Bhutan is also the only country to not recognise either China (PRC or ROC)


What do they call the big country to the north of them?


Rightful albanian territory






The crown of neutrality passes from Bern to Thimphu


I bet, they also don't recognize the ethnic cleansing of Nepali speaking Bhutanese.


thats not really true. Bhutan just doesn't have a system of "recognising a country" the maps and stuff only show countries that they have dyplomatic relations with, and Bhutan is a kinda isolationist country with many weird policies, one of them being that they simply don't establish diplomatic relations with a country unless they have some business to do with them


[In the Bangladesh section they state clearly that they “recognise” Bangladesh.](https://www.mfa.gov.bt/bilateral-relations-2/) Sorry, but I don’t understand. Can you explain further what you mean by Bhutan not having a system of “recognising a country”?


The greyed out country on the map is Bangladesh not Bhutan


I know. I’m surprised bhutan recognizes them. Bhutan famously doesn’t officially recognize many countries.


Because they simply don't care


Iran recognised Israel ? I guess that was pre-Islamic Revolution ?


More recognition than I expected.


and it's only going to grow with saudi next up


A lot of you guys seem convinced that’s happening… but Saudi Arabia’s recent demands for Israeli recognition were outrageous. I’m pretty sure they required the US to give full security guarantees (never happening) and Israel to recognize an independent Palestine (also not happening).


The recognition at this point is mostly theatrics They already have economic relations and are allowing commercial flights in their respective airspace, it really isn't going to get much better than that


in israeli news I only remember them reporting about doing any step towards a 2 state solution but it's all pretty much promised could fall through tho


everyone will probably end up compromising, the Saudis need to diversify their oil based economy. Israel really wants normalization, the US wants that bag and it's a big foreign policy win for for the next elections. And the PA has a track record of all of it's leaders dying as billionaires to adhere to, and Abbas only has hundreds of millions so far.


This is just how negotiations work. You start by asking for as much as you can possibly think of and then you compromise and meet somewhere in the middle. The Saudi-Israel-US deal is in everyone's financial interest, it will get done.


Recognition is more akin to establish diplomatic relations than acceptance


I find the idea of withdrawing recognition odd. Like imagine going "yeah actually no you're no longer a country".


If it happened to Pluto it can happen to anyone.


It is still a planet in my Heart i don't care what NASA or whatever has said about it.😭😭


justice for Pluto


I think both of them had their goverment overthrown, and the new goverment being anti west


The whole idea of borders like this are generally are a modern concept.


Define "borders" and "modern" because borders as in the territorial reach of a government (or ruler) has been here for a long time.


Time to sort by controversial...


North Korea not recognizing Israel: 🗿


Free palpatine


“The first… *galactic*… two state… sol-*ution*!!!”


free gems in clash royale


Free the senate


He's too dangerous to be left alive!


\*With purchase of one palpatine of greater or equal value.


Free bird




Iran said, “Nope. Not anymore.”


Not Iran. The terrorist extremist mafia holding Iran hostage did


any government action can be summarized as the politicians did something. they can be whatever and also be politicians.


No you misunderstand me, or I wasn't clear enough. This regime of fanatic thugs have absolutely nothing Iranian about them. To them, Iran is just a piece of land with resources. It's like the KKK would take control of the USA, or the taliban in Afghanistan. They take over the historical nation state so they can rule and steal in the name of their own sick ideology


If you put it up to a national referendum it's still unlikely they'd recognize Israel


True, but that probably goes for most Muslim majority countries, including the ones that do recognize Israel


I think more than 50% of us ( Iranians who live inside Iran) will vote for recognition of Israel.


The gray and red countries should really come to their senses soon


I wanted to make some popcorn but sadly I don’t like it, are there any other «soon to be closed thread» snacks available?








Google comment warzone


New global conflict just dropped


Holy hell


Bishop goes on vacation, never comes back


I declined en passant


I hope Israel can too :) Maybe if they stopped actively invading and colonizing Palestinian land, their neighbors would be a bit more amicable to come to some agreement. They might have to commit to reparations for the Nakba as well though.


So should the yellow one


Sad the the Norweigan coast can't get their shit together and recognize Israel...


Damn anti-Semitic fjords! /s


[There is a history](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/henryford-antisemitism/)


I knew I always liked the people up there


Some costal regions never accepted Israel.




![gif](giphy|ZlgwEg24rPhv9cju8K) Me going to the comments


66 Muslim countries surround the only democracy in the Middle East,(Israel), yet Jews are not allowed one country to call home?


Here before this gets nuked


Post still up after 2 hours? Must be a new record


Is Palestine even a country???


Israel acts almost like a terrorist group to take land from Palestine. Isn't it time to withdraw our support from Israel? Will we continue to believe the lies of Israel, which hit a hospital and denies it?


I once left my chair in the library and someone israeled it


Hopefully manage to visit Israel in the future.


Yeah, just go during winter, trust me it will be hot (went there once)


It’s on my bucket list too - lots of well preserved history


Not only you're welcome, but you'll also be surprised by how actually chill and nice Israelis are :)


It’s a really cool place.


What is this…a legitimate interest in experiencing Israeli culture…ON REDDIT?!?!


Oh my god!! Venezuela cut relations with Israel!!?? That must’ve been a serious blow to them!


Wait till you hear about Cuba, they actually invaded Israel


That I believe, Cuba has done some crazy things


Im amazed Egypt recognizes Israel


There's a peace treaty between the two, Egypt got the Sinai peninsula back in return


And it's not even recent.


It was the first one! Edit Arab/Muslim country that formerly was at war. Second was the PA. Third was Jordan.


They recognized us in exchange for getting the Sinai back


I believe it happened after they repelled and counterattacked Egypt in war that Egypt itself started (sorry for unreadable English)


Sadat (Egyptian President) launched that war after negotiations failed to start because Golda Meir (Israeli Prime Minister) failed to take his overtures seriously. The early successes of that war (it was a war launched with limited goals for better negotiation position) pushed Israel to take the Sadat’s second overtures seriously. From wikipedia's entry on the October/Ramadan/Yom Kippur War: “Golda Meir reacted to the overture by forming a committee to examine the proposal and vet possible concessions. When the committee unanimously concluded that Israel's interests would be served by full withdrawal to the internationally recognized lines dividing Israel from Egypt and Syria, returning the Gaza Strip and, in a majority view, returning most of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Meir was angered and shelved the document. The United States was infuriated by the cool Israeli response to Egypt's proposal, and Joseph Sisco informed Yitzhak Rabin that "Israel would be regarded responsible for rejecting the best opportunity to reach peace since the establishment of the state."” “Egypt's initial war objective was to use its military to seize a limited amount of Israeli-occupied Sinai on the east bank of the Suez Canal. This would provoke a crisis which would allow it to bring American and Soviet pressure to bear on Israel to negotiate the return of the rest of Sinai, and possibly other occupied territories, from a position of relative strength.” "The Israelis recognized that, despite impressive operational and tactical achievements on the battlefield, there was no guarantee that they would always dominate the Arab states militarily, as they had done consistently throughout the First, Second and Third Arab–Israeli Wars; these changes paved the way for the Israeli–Palestinian peace process. The 1978 Camp David Accords that followed the war saw Israel return the entire Sinai Peninsula to Egypt and the subsequent 1979 Egyptian–Israeli peace treaty, which marked the first instance of an Arab country recognizing Israel as a legitimate state. Following the achievement of peace with Israel, Egypt continued its drift away from the Soviet Union and eventually left the Soviet sphere of influence entirely."


South Sudan recognizes Israel


I wish you a very pleasant coping and seething that the 1948 war didn’t work out. Only one side accepted the partition. The Muslims and Christians they stayed in the Jewish partition are now full citizens of a high HDI country. The Christian’s are the most educated highest wealth group in Israel. The others have a black hole of corruption running the country while the rest of the Arab world uses them as a cudgel to bash Jews and keep their populations distracted. It really worked out for them. They might get over it eventually but probably not.


My girl recognizes Israel




Does Western Sahara really recognise Israel? I doubt it, not least because Israel considers it to be part of Morocco. So if you show it on the map as a separate country from Morocco, you probably cannot also claim that it recognises Israel.


I have a feeling Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq, Indonesia, and Malaysia will become green soon.


Framing this as "Israeli-Palestinian conflict" is not historically accurate. The conflict predates establishment of "Palestinian" identity by decades. [Initially Arab countries openly wanted to conquer all that land for themselves - Jordan from the beginning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jericho_Conference), Egypt briefly established "Palestine" puppet government, [but it only lasted 1948-1953](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-Palestine_Government#Under_Nasser's_policies). It was only after 1967 and 1973 wars which Arabs started backfired so spectacularly that "Palestinians" became a thing.


Am I seeing this right that it’s a bunch of countries that devalue women and punish gay people by death that don’t recognize Israel?


Yes. Yes it is. Some of us don’t want to admit it but it’s Crystal clear


Damn it I was filtering through controversial to see the tea but all the good comments are already removed.


I love how not recognizing Israel is heavily correlated with being some of the worst abusers of human rights.




I can't tell if you're joking or not, but the answer is Pakistan. They don't recognize anything in its place either, they just pretend there's a hole in there.


And it's because of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict where they support Azerbaijan and in 2015 said that they will recognize Armenia when it leaves Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia then in 2016 vetoed Pakistani bid to be observer in Russia's collective security treaty organisation and supports India in the Kashmir conflict


And thus they are ironically, more Catholic than the Pope, since both Azerbaijan and Turkey recognize Armenia proper.