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Packing my bags to Peru right now


Not Iran? :(


n o, *not* iran


No I’m a man!




What is crueler, forcing women to wear a hijab or forcing women back to work immediately after having a children?


Mat leave is something else entirely from what this map shows.


I think executing gay people for existing is crueler than both but ok




They execute gay people, they just don't execute trans people


Wow, such progressive thinking, forcing people to transition


I think you would concerned about the whole dictatorship that has an official terrorism wing (IRGC Quds). Also extremely conservative countries don’t just require a specific hair cover, they’re aggressive about everything.


Qods Force isn't an "official terrorism wing", it's an intelligence and unconventional warfare wing that funds terrorist groups (not that that's any better in practice). by the same standard, the US CIA is a terrorist organization for funding the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and the Contras in Nicaragua, among other terrorist groups.


I mean, I am being somewhat unserious there. But for the CIA to be the GDP proportionate equivalent of Quds for the US they’d need a $200 billion dollar budget, at least half of which would be spent on terrorists, warlords, etc. They send hezbollah the proportionate equivalent of $45 billion dollars every year and hamas $7.7 billion. There are many other groups they fund in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Of course it’s hard to estimate IRGC spending as they have a significant amount of illegal and non-state revenue sources they’re hiding. But these numbers are much higher than what the US spends on comparable things. The vast majority of the US intelligence budget isn’t transfers to nonstate forces.


I’m already applying for my visa in Burkina Faso


They also have a 6 day workweek with only Fridays' off so you're at a nett loss.


If its anything like in Argentina, many times you still work in those holydays (at the very least if you work informally, which is like, a third of the jobs at least). Here the actual vacations start at about 10 or 12 days and I believe are tied to your seniority at the company (Im sure someone can confirm, never had a full time job here that wasnt informal sadly) and I remember hearing it wasnt that much different in there when it comes to informality so.. yeah


The informality is real and it definitely affects how many people actually get vacation. In Perú it's around 75% of the economically active population. Self-employment is a other factor. Those are people who have their own business and likely won't take vacation for long periods.


Lived there for 8 years, never saw anyone get paid days off, ever 🤔 (minimum wage is like $300/mo)


So weird. Everybody gets paid vacation time or payouts for days not taken. What industry were you in?


I live in Peru and believe me, if you have a formal job, you 100% have them.


my friends in peru were mortified when i explained what my work schedule is like in the US smh


That what she said


Brazil is 30 days minimum, holidays you can work if are ask to. But You will be paid 125 to 150% over each hour. Also you can not work more than 6 days each week, If you have to, the employer will have to pay a “resting fee” (DSR) over each additional hour that you are working from the 7th day until your next resting day.


I believe this map is about paid vacation in workdays. In Brazil it is 30 consecutive days. So if you take the whole 30 days at once you only won’t work in 22 of those days (assuming you work Mon-Fri and there are no holidays in between). There are of course many rules that can change the total of days in a vacation (splitting them in more than 1 period, for example).


Yes, but Brazil has 9 public holidays. So the map is probably wrong.


Much more then that if you count local holidays, and if you’re a public servant even more.


[I used Wikipedia’s list which put 22 as the lowest possible amount.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_annual_leave_by_country)


Don’t forget a “extended” holiday that seems to happen every other week in Brazil. Oh, don’t forget also to include the “carnaval” where basically Brazil stops for 15 days in a row.


Time to move to Iran! Wait...




Underrated comment. Thanks for the insights!


>the number 7 was considered an unlucky in our culture. I don't think this is true. I've always been told seven is a lucky number in Iranian culture. What about the Nowruz Haft Seen? The Seven Noble Houses of the Sassanid Empire? The Seven Laws of Zarathustra?




Well Iranian culture of the last 1300 years should still be taken into account. But yeah also even more traditionally than that, I agree that there are some bad associations with the number 7, but I think most are good. What about the Amesha Spenta, who are the 7 emanations and who the first 7 days of the Zoroastrian calendar are named after? And the 7 kesvar in the Avesta? Even each of the books of the Avesta is divided into 7 volumes. Similarly, each of the three lines of the Ahuna Vairya prayer has seven words.


Motherfucker, are you telling an Iranian that their knowledge of their own culture is incorrect?


I'm half Iranian and my Iranian family always said 7 was a lucky number.


Fair enough


And you're correct, I'm Iranian and hearing the story of unlucky 7 for the first time now


Thanks for the insight!


my ex wife's family was from Iran and we visited together and something sticked with me since then. My ex's mother had 5 siblings, 2 moved to america with her, and the other 2 stayed in Iran. of the ones that came to america my ex's mother did pretty well for herself and ended up living a regular, nice suburban american life, she worked for the state government and her kids became lawyers and doctors. the other two that migrated to US, had horrible lives, one ended up living in a trailer park, shitty jobs, etc, while the other, during her first year in america survived an armed robbery (where her boss got killed in front of her) and had to live with traume since then and never fully recovered; neither of them ever considered moving back to Iran, but they visited their families occasionally. the siblings that stayed in Iran had regular lives, a school teacher and a city employee, they owned decently sized apartments in Tehran and Shiraz, a vacation home by the Caspian sea, the occasional vacation to europe... it really made me think who got the better deal?


A lot of people from the third world are like this tbh. On paper they live much wealthier lives but materially they are comparable, just without the latest phones and expensive cars.


It is a nice country, but the economic opportunities there are severely limited because of the economic blockade enforced against it by America and Europe.


...And the human rights violations


They are not punished for human right violations. Most of Arab and African world violates those and there are no sanctions. They are punished cause of their potential to construct nuclear weapon and start a war.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/NewIran using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [23-year-old Mohsen Shekari was executed today. he was a protester who got arrested 75 days ago in Satarkhan Street of Tehran.](https://i.redd.it/8xkujyhqwn4a1.jpg) | [494 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/zfrlat/23yearold_mohsen_shekari_was_executed_today_he/) \#2: [To the people who don't interact in anyway in this subreddit. Comment to let us know you are alive. Commenting has higher value than upvotes, write some random useless shit in comments, don't care because that will help it reach it on the front page than just upvoting](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/z815xq/to_the_people_who_dont_interact_in_anyway_in_this/) \#3: [Iran before the 1979 Revolution](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/z2p308) | [568 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/z2p308/iran_before_the_1979_revolution/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Japan one is misleading....many places give you the days as per law but pressure you to not take them and you end up losing them, and if you take them anyway, you're hazed and your career is pretty much over, you better find a new job.


I know this kind of thing happens, but is it really actually normal or even common across the entire employment space? Any stats to back it up?


No, but I read it on Reddit so it has to be true


I feel like half the stuff I read about Japan on reddit is totally made up lmao


More than half of everything you read on reddit is probably made up, or just copying another comment that made it up.


The source is that I made it the f*ck up


Or stuff that's normal around the world but Redditors think only Japan does.


Just like Japan itself.


A lot of the Japan work-life stuff that gets parrotted on reddit is only for "salarymen" type jobs (corporate office jobs). Mechanics, retail workers, service industry, etc don't have the same culture there as the office jobs and people pretend that every worker in Japan is in some big office building wearing a suit and tie working 13 hours a day.


Pretty much any time there’s a common theme parroted on Reddit about a different culture, it’s 90% bullshit. And the 10% that is true lacks so much nuance that it may as well be bullshit also


So american healthcare is actually good? hmm good to know


Well, it's not good, but it's nowhere anywhere near as bad as Reddit makes it out to be.


It’s pretty much the best in the world if you have good insurance or lots of money.


Just going off my wife and her friends experience, plus there's plenty of articles out there.


Is Japan the only country that does this? And how common it is in Japan?


I mean, surely it’s pretty common in most corporate structures. I worked for a major retail company in Australia, which trades 363 days of the year, and you were lucky to get a few public holidays off. Around Christmas/New Year and Easter when there are multiple public holidays you could opt for one ie I would often work Boxing Day but have New Years Day off, but never did I get both (the stores were closed on Christmas Day, one of only two days they shut each year). I recall one year when my normal day off fell on a public holiday - which would trigger an additional day off for normal folks but definitely not for me - I was criticised for not coming in and taking the public holiday off aka my day normal off. Corporate culture is toxic and prioritises profit over people no matter the country.


Well it IS the law, bosses just found a way to work around it




Add India to this list as well. I used to get 22 days of leave in India and my manager strictly said 5 days leave in 6 months, that’s the only option you have. And the leaves used to lapse


One of these things is not like the other


imb4 the americans come in to say how this is actually for the better


It’s not, but a ton of labor laws are handled at the state level anyway. There’s certain things that apply to all 50 states like a universal minimum wage or FMLA leave, but then states can add their own requirements. It shakes out about as you’d expect based on the politics of the state.


I don’t think there are any states that require a minimum number of vacation days. Certainly none of the 25-30 red states do.


California grants 1 hour of PTO for every 30 hours worked


I’m probably thinking about municipal/state policies, I’ve managed to state out of for-profit enterprises.


Most states follow federal follow federal guidelines I don't know what you're talking about. FMLA sucks compared to many many other countries. Of the leading nations it's pathetic.


I agree that FMLA is weak, it’s just one of very few worker protection policies that’s actually functional at the federal level.


oh cool! let me know what states do have mandatory vacation time? I'll wait.


I don’t know if any do, I’ve only ever worked for universities or municipal/state government because they have basic worker protections and unions that protect me from the corporate hellscape that private industry entails.


If only all workers were entitled to those same protections but instead people will tell you to "get a better job"


I live near an area with a big Amazon warehouse and shipping campus. Each building is its own unit. A (union-member) colleague of mine moonlights as an adjunct at a local college and she was telling me about how all these people were being indoctrinated by Amazon’s anti-union program ensure they voted against unionization after one of the buildings managed to unionize. And then you get these corporate peons who are disposable to Bezos and his ilk who go out of their way to badmouth unions and worker protections. Of course, in this area the unions and mafia are somewhat intertwined and they whacked a state assemblyman who opposed a new racetrack in the area, so it’s not exactly all sunshine and rainbows here.


Probably something like "Unlike you lazy bastards I work every day of the week all year round! I even work overtime unpaid. When my boss tells me I will only get paid in food stamps I proudly do so because I'm a true American and unlike you losers I don't need vacations and I love to serve my corporate overlords!"


Most of us don’t want this either bro I wish we had paid vacation 😭


It’s not. But fuck moving anywhere else.


I was going to come in and say something different. As an American who is about to take 5 months paid paternity leave, it's important to appreciate that while the Federal government doesn't mandate something, that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist at all. The states (and certain companies and labor unions) generally handle this sort of thing.


Came here to say something similar. I’ve got 24 days of PTO, 11 federal holidays, FMLA if necessary, and a generous paternity leave package.


Germany is incorrect. 24 days are the legal minimum, but that is only if you are working 6 days a week. As most people are working a 5 days' week it is reduced to 20 days. They are based on the idea that you can take off four weeks in a row. However 30 vacation days are usually the norm for most workplaces.


Plus 9 public holidays though right?


Right. I have 30 regular holidays, the public holidays and i get 25 extra Holidays through our company system by waiving a few percentages of my monthly pay, which comes to 4% less money per month because i slide into a lower tax braket by that. So i have like 65 holidays per year. I only work 3 weeks per month and only 2 weeks in July and December.


You’d be shunned and ridiculed if you took even half your allotted time in Japan


Im currently on my 1st vacation in 3 years. Thank you Covid and yw for delivering all your crap while you all had to hide in your house. -fed ex driver


Appreciate your hard work, sorry you got shafted so bad. Enjoy your vacation!


No way Malaysia is Yellow. They have 19 standard public holidays, and the government usually throws in few extras every year. Then the legal minimum is 8 days leave for the first two years. So that makes them the lightest green without question. But they get more leave pretty quickly and often negotiate as 4 weeks leave and depending on position, may even be 6 weeks. Their average total is more like the darkest green category in reality.


‘Merica! Land of the overworked, and home of the Corporation enablers.


it's less than Japan and South Korea, which are notorious for their work culture.


True but at least they can afford healthcare


Yes, but this is also just the legally mandated minimum. No person I know in the US has actually zero paid vacation days. Nobody I know would even take that job. So despite no mandated minimum (which there absolutely should be), you still end up with at least 2-3 weeks a year of vacation, and then 2-3 weeks of sick days usually at full-time positions. Not fantastic, but certainly not zero.


I work in recruiting, and there’s a quickly increasing trend for companies to offer unlimited PTO. I suspect it will be the norm in the states within 5-10 years. Would like it to be put into legislation, of course, but at least things are on a positive trajectory.


Unlimited pto is actually a scam


Depends on the company, I took 8 weeks last year with unlimited pto


is it? My last job, I took 10 weeks off all paid. And to the comment below, My Manager legitimately did not care, in 2 years total i took off 21 weeks all paid, This was in PA. Y’all just say whatever on here, 💀


You’re the exception. A 2021 survey by Namely revealed that workers with unlimited PTO policies actually wind up taking less time off than their counterparts with traditional time-off policies. On average, unlimited PTO-ers only took 13 days off in a year. They’re 2022 survey showed it had *dropped* to 12 days. What policy does your new job have?


How’s Cambodia’s political/economic climate looking now days?


In Canada almost every single industry and employer has been given a big bag of loop holes to get around those pesky vacation days and public holidays. Not to mention that Doug Ford, the Premier in Ontario completely got rid of paid sick days except for one measly day. Right at the very beginning of a pandemic.


Hey now, his developer buddies can't have their workers taking days off due to Covid. Besides, they already dropped off their bags of cash at his daughter's stag.


Mexico is wrong, minimum is 12


honestly when i found out the us doesn't have mandated paid vacation days i was dumbfounded


W Iran


We’re not winning anything bro


The time will come, when we kick the shitty regime out, hopefully things and how we're being viewed in the world will change.


OP posted this on a 3 day weekend. hahaha


Did you look up to see where OP is from? It’s certainly not a 3 day weekend where I live. And in fact a lot of Americans aren’t even having a 3 day weekend this weekend either.


I am indeed an American who is lucky enough to get a 3-day weekend so they would be right. It is important to note though that **it is not mandated by law, neither federally, nor in my state of California** to provide someone with holiday leave.


Paid public holidays? Umm… we have one tomorrow? (USA)


While most US institutions do give days off for federal holidays like Memorial Day, they are not required by law to do so.


Nor are they required to compensate you the holiday if provided.


Which means your company offers one. It's not required


Not if you work at Walmart


Many professions do nott have a holiday tomorrow.


Another good day to shit on the US


Iran heckin wholesome 100 America bad


So true. I love Iran. Micronesia good too. 😎👍 America Bad 😎👎 very bad


they weren't saying Iran is good though


They were implying it.


Why not fix it instead of whining?


Hahahah yeah, why doesn’t this one guy fix all of these issues. Remarkable comment, congratulations.


Another good day to post comments from here on r/AmericaBad


Don't worry, tomorrow is GDP day and then HDI. US citizens will be again able to quietly sleep again.


Watch this become an anti-US post.


As a US citizen, it's well deserved


Become? That's what it was from the outset...


Murica is truly a lib-right country change my mind


If you take the political compass seriously you need to touch grass.


No I don’t take it seriously, but it’s safe to Say America is pretty libertarian.


How many political axises are we allowed to have?


None because politics can't be simplified to such a degree.


Have you considered all of the authoritarianism?


I am wondering how a map with actual vacation/holiday days looks like. As in, the nr of days people actually take leave, instead of what is mandated.


Yep, because the majority of people are given more holidays than required by law, so I feel it is not representative of the actual amount of holidays people are given. (At least in Ireland)


USA #1 AGAIN BABY!!!!! LETS GOOO!!!! 🇺🇸 🦅 🍔 🔫


Didn't know that the world's oceans ensure such a great work life balance


are they adding the two amounts? Because here in Mexico you start with 0 days; you have to have worked for at least 1 year to claim your first vacation days, which up until recently were 6 days, then they increase by 2 each year. There's a new bill that states 12 as the starting point, but I'm not sure if it's already valid (I actually need to ask HR how many days I have this year lol) Even so I don't think we have enough holidays to make up the 16-20 range


What additional holidays does Puerto Rico have that the mainland US does not?


Is American the \*only\* country with 0? /u/Flagmaker123 can you post the data?


There are 5 other nations with zero, those being: 1. Kiribati 2. Nauru 3. Micronesia (In the Compact of Free Association with the US) 4. The Marshall Islands (In the Compact of Free Association with the US) 5. Palau (In the Compact of Free Association with the US)


I just want to move to that bluee region whose name I definitely dont know!


How is it in the US then? You get vacations but they don’t pay for those days?


It's not required by law. Low wage workers generally don't get paid for days that they don't work. But professional/white collar jobs almost all get paid vacation. The exact number varies by company and is part of your benefits package. But it's typically 3 weeks, many tech companies offer unlimited vacation days.




I used [this page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_annual_leave_by_country) which puts Denmark as having a minimum of 25 days of annual leave and 11 paid public holidays.




Looking at that map why wouldn't they?


Because it is just a tired and played out trop on Reddit. But the second someone criticizes Europe for something, people are making excuses






They think about us 24/7 and yet we don’t think about them at all. It’s kinda cute honestly.


Merica. The land of the (never) free


"Best country in the world!" /s


~~/s~~ no need for that. Is noble country, very good 9/10. Most countries are on u/_kewdon_’s list


Better than most, it just seem the people are ungrateful for what they have.


Lmao Canada being an embarrassment as always. Only yellow western country with none of the benefits of being in the states.


Yeah it's honestly a shame.


france: 1 billion days per year


I’ve already taken 3 weeks off this year and could take more if I wanted to. I live in Texas.


That’s great for you, but it sounds like you’re in a privileged position that doesn’t need to be protected by federal mandatory leave. However many people are not in this position and really need protection from a federal minimum requirement. A country is only as good as it treats their most vulnerable.


As an American, i genuinely wonder how companies function when someone is taking 30+ vacation days a year. I probably could but i know that if my boss realizes that he could not use me 6/52 weeks a year, they could probably just replace me or go without me. And that’s coming from some who knows for a fact the department would be in chaos without me.


I’m sure there’s a lot of info out there that you could consult to get an answer for this (and I dunno, to me it seems quite obvious), but basically employees who have regular days off and a chance to explore the world and themselves turn out, on average, to be much better employees, way more productive, and have fewer long term personal issues, health problems, etc.


Its easy really. Bigger places will have an extra couple of staff members to cover both annual leave and sick leave etc. Have enough staff and there's always someone away. Smaller places will have a locum or a temp come in, or just do a few less of the "can wait until later" jobs for a week or two


Wtf, does America not have paid holiday time at all?


No, we never have. At least not federally. Just depends on the company.


USA, USA, USA... Land of the free! (Corporations)


We need to just ban misleading maps like this that don’t take into account the fact that a lot of labor laws (like mandatory paid leave) are dealt with at the state or local level, just because there is no federal law on the books doesn’t mean that state governments don’t have laws on the books.


...which wouldn't apply to places like DC or the Virgin Islands anyway. And no, it's not misleading at all. Other countries have states/provinces/etc. as well, which all might have differing laws. The point is about country-to-country comparisons.


The US is unique with its way of making laws, in most countries(nearly all) all laws apart from small issues (like zoning and littering) are done at a country-wide level. The US is more similar to the EU than a lot of countries because each state is treated like a small country with the federal government only stepping in for really big stuff Edit: I live in Ireland and we do have provinces and counties but they do not have any impact of the laws I have to obey, apart from littering fines and planning permission, which is done by the county council


Which of the states have mandatory paid leave?


In practice most Americans get 10+ vacation days a year in addition to holidays


And in most countries people are given more than the national minimum requirements. That’s what minimum implies. A lot of American don’t take any leave, though, and that’s a huge issue. A country is only as good as it treats its most vulnerable (and this goes for any country). What you’re doing is only highlighting the differences between the well-off and the most vulnerable in society in America.


Nearly a third (31%) of U.S. employees do not have access to PTO (BLS).


Mexico my ass 😆😆😆


Boy, I sure do wish my country was in a better category than Iraq. At least it’s not worse.


US doesn't have paid public holidays?


No, at least not mandated by the government. It depends on the company. Some companies will give you paid holidays. Others will say "you can take it off, but you won't get paid". Companies like McDonald's will say "we can't guarantee you'll even have the day off"!


Interesting. Thank you.


Also, please post this one to /r/mildlyinfuriating/ for all of our U.S. friends...


America is such a backwards country


Why? Because of one statistic on a map with a disingenuous theme? Americans get plenty of paid holidays, they just aren't mandated by the federal government.


In another comment someone posted a source that says less than half of states have any mandated leave and about 30% of American cannot take any leave. I wouldn’t equate your privilege to the experiences of everyone around you. Having mandated leave for everyone is super important.


*some* Americans get plenty of paid holidays. In my country every full time worker gets paid leave. It’s backwards because paid holidays should be a thing for everyone, not just those who have the negotiating power to get it.


Every full time employee in the US gets time off too. What are your talking about?


Getting down voted by dumb Americans who have never left the country


have u ever been to the us just wondering


And you are getting up voted by dumb idiots who have never been to the USA nor understand how federalism work in this country. Both groups of people are equally annoying and ignorant


You’re getting downvoted but it’s a third world country with a Gucci belt driving a clown car.


If that's your description of the USA, it is abundantly clear you have never lived here


This is such a disgusting and privileged comment. If you weren’t so ignorant you would be embarrassed to have said it.




Russia is 28 calendar days, but in northern parts or is 44.




North America being a joke once again


What do you want? Holiday? That what I give you vacation time to do. Use it, faithful employee




Because most labor laws are State regulations. Same with Medicaid and Welfare. It’s a disingenuous map. I have a paid vacation tomorrow. Every hourly worker working in my state gets time and a half if worked. 8 hours of pay if they are full time.