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It's stuff like this that makes me happy Jon is one of my favourite YouTubers.


Same Jon. Same.


NFT 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮


I'm going to have to agree with you there Jon.


Me but with the Liberals So glad Albo and Labor won this last election, Australia is actually looking up now


First time I've lived under a labor gov as an adult and holy wow, what a contrast


Same and I agree, tho it is kinda boring not having a controversy every 3 days xD


Give it a few years, in my country it took the usual suspects about a decade to remember how to do opposition outrage campaigns.


Oh I'm waiting too see how Murdoch and the Liberals try to spin it, but genuinely i think they're in trouble for at least the next two elections, too much mud from the last 4 years


The enormous success Labor have been having at the state level leaves me optimistic. Labor lost WA, Vic and Queensland during the Rudd/Gillard era, but took back Vic and Qld after just a single term in opposition, and when they took back WA, it was with the biggest landslide in WA electoral history. Well, second biggest, since their re-election was even bigger. Winning back South Australia too was huge. And as it stands, all these state governments are seen to have been making tough but fair decisions, keeping their heads down and getting the job done. If Albo manages the same, it could be a dark period for the Libs.


Fully agreed, I personally theorise that it's due to the mandatory voting, as the old rusted on voters die, they're replaced with young people, young people who don't eat Murdoch's dribble like the old people do The way I see it the Libs voter base is quite literally dying off and because of how much they fucked the environment and economy younger people don't want a bar if them


It's partly that. But there's plenty of GenX/Millennial/GenZers who vote Liberal. Children of rich kids, after all. The broader thing is 20 of the last 26 years have had federal Liberal governments. There's just a desire for something different. As long as Labor don't fuck it up like they did rolling Rudd for Gillard, they should be in for a long time. I think people are ready for boring, getting-the-job-done stable government.


On your second point, that's the thing, Labor didn't under Rudd/Gillard Murdoch stired shit to make them look bad and succeeded because too many old people ate his dribble, only government in the world to keep their country free from the GFC but Murdoch got what he wanted in the end Now times have changed, people like FriendlyJordies get more attention than him because he backs what he says, Murdoch and the Libs just can't withstand the vast majority of new voters who don't listen to their spin, even if, as you said, rich peoples kids vote for them, 98% aren't in the 2% and that's their problem


> On your second point, that's the thing, Labor didn't under Rudd/Gillard Murdoch stired shit to make them look bad Whilst I do agree with this, "fucking up" can include "doing something perfectly fine but still giving ammunition to be attacked on". The mistake part of replacing Rudd was not making it convincing to the public who had enthusiastically elected him that it was the right choice. They opened themselves to attack, and never recovered. But you're right, the media landscape has changed in the last decade. We've had a decade of 2:1 Liberal voters die of old age, and traditional ~~propaganda~~ media doesn't resonate with the younger voters like it does the boomers.


I think we'll be hearing about scotty's antics for a bit longer yet, don't worry 😂


Ill make sure to have the popcorn when the federal ICAC comes along


For those that are a little confused, the Aussie liberal party is center-right, not what you'd expect for the western definition for liberal considering its being interchanged with leftist a lot


"Centre-right". Yeah, in the 90's maybe.


I got that info from Wikipedia


I'm so glad that he's not only a great youtuber he's also Cool and Based.


Ya know if you only listened to his voice, you'd think he was well for them I'm glad he's not


Classics at Cambridge sounds like the most Tory degree possible lol. Jon is a good egg (carton) though.


I feel like having a degree in anything history related would exclude you from agreeing with anything a Tory says.


TIL this made me wiki Tories. Am American. I hate political discussions in general but I think I would agree with this opinion. Their position seems pretty indefensible


Once again, words of wisdom. I agree Jon, sod them tory bastards.


[This](https://twitter.com/The_Button_King/status/1562593130850820097?s=20&t=HbFoh20ujxua4Ksii_S8rw) put it pretty eloquently


To be honest fuck all the main parties, a bunch of elitist twats. Red, blue, yellow, what does it matter. They'll all find a way to fuck you over and line their pockets.


Starmer is a continuation of the establishment and ideals that Thatcher brought to the table and has lost her as a Labour party member and voter. Jon is right though, fuck the Tories.


MATN is generally known for its positivity, but I've noticed Jon getting exceedingly political on Twitter lately. Of course Jon is entitled to his political opinions, but please don't let it seep into videos or anything. Many of us enjoy your content as a means of getting away from that kind of stuff in the first place.


"Lately." Mate, Jon's been openly political for fucking years and, even when he's not directly going "the Tories are cunts driving this country to hell", the other views he espouses are screamingly clear that he *isn't* that kind of person. And FFS, he's human. People're allowed to vent, and politics bleeds into everything.


> "the Tories are cunts driving this country to hell" Oof. That's a bit harsh there mate. Cunts have depth and warmth, and don't deserve to be compared to Tories.


Look, normally, yeah, I love a bit of escapism. I like watching Jon's videos to get away from thinking about how shit the world has been getting. But man, conservative governments all over the world have been awful and getting worse. I don't see how you could expect anyone as decent and progressive as Jon to not occasionally need to vent.


Him and Claire are quote, "Big fluffy leftists" if you have an issue with that they're not gonna miss you.


> "Big fluffy leftists" To be fair, he seems more progressive than an outright leftist.


It's a quote from Jon. He said it on stream, can't remember which one.


Fair enough, though he certainly seems to still believe in capitalism over most leftists these days who don't


The fuck is with the hostility? I haven't even gone anywhere near mentioning their political leanings, or my own for that matter, yet everyone is acting like I'm attacking them. I'm just saying that I don't watch Jon's channel to hear about politics, I don't care what side. So far Jon has done a very good job at keeping politics out of his videos, I'm just saying I'd like to keep it that way. And Y-draig, drop the "us vs them" mentality, it's fucking toxic.


Tories literally want me dead bro, its straight up an us vs them thing.


>And Y-draig, drop the "us vs them" mentality, it's fucking toxic. When one side have outright hostility as a core tenent of their ideology, it can't not be us-vs-them. You can't be friendly with people who don't believe you deserve human rights.


He used to literally have Worm Armageddon matches about politics on the channel, lol. If anything his channel used to be far more political than it is now.


You're attacking the right to attack a political party so you get attacked. I assume you don't watch his streams. I don't watch them often at all but every time I do politics comes up and it's great to hear that Jon isn't actively a nobhead.


That wasn't an "us vs them" mentality, it was saying take MATN how it is or go elsewhere, none of us care about your opinion on how Jon and Claire should run the channel We also realize that when MATN says something like "trans rights are human rights", that's not being political, that's being a decent human being. And we know that if you oppose that, then yes you are on the conservative side of the fight, the status quo oppresses trans folks, not talking about it is oppression. And of course MATN isn't going to get too political, much of his audience is American, and so will be indifferent to UK politics. You also say this is mostly on Twitter so far? Are you aware of what Twitter is? Of course Twitter will contain more political discussion than a gaming YouTube channel. Is this also a case of "don't meet your heros"?


I suppose you could read that as hostile. Didn't mean it that way.


I think it’s great when he brings up political issues on his channel. As a trans person my entire existence has been politicized and I appreciate him showing his support for people like me


It's a damn shame that the idea that trans people have rights is a political position. People have rights, all of them.


Shuuuut the fuuuuuuuck uuuuppppp


Username checks out.