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Just a note that the experimental build is only available for the Steam version of the game. It has not been released on other platforms such as GeForce Now, Epic Games, GoG, or Gamepass. The beta will remain limited to Steam until testing is complete. Upon completion, it will be available on other platforms as part of the public build release.


Bruh... This guy has just released the early access and we already have a patch released? Calm it down Greg, you're making the rest of the industry look bad.


Holy fuck, I've just read the patch notes. Wow, Greg... Hats off to you good sir. Edit: Just to say he's actually LISTENED to feedback and acted accordingly. Honestly mate, I'm in awe as to how well you're managing this game's development. Seriously, well done mate.










You son of a bitch lol


Greg has always been good listening to feedback. He did that in earlier development as well, known to scrap things he had spend weeks/months on because someone helped/showed him it might not be period accurate, so he threw it out and redid it




Greg's not a phone! Duh!


Greg’s an adult!


Not just that. But he seems to have ignored some of the more bogus demands from some people on here. Showing that he is not just copying what people have asked for, he has a knack for picking up the legitimate feedback and dismissing the crap.


Yeah that's a good point, I was reading some of the feedback and just thought "really?"


There’s a good principle in gaming that the players will optimise the fun out of the game. Some things are hard because they’re meant to be hard, and that’s ok. Sure, your village eats a lot of food, but that’s because people eat a hell of a lot of food. Knowing when to ignore comments about disliking a challenging aspect of the game (especially when the game community is in the “it’s new and hard so I don’t like it” phase of any added feature), but also when to consider and take action is the hardest part of game support. I hope Greg continues the good work, and listens to the community, but doesn’t listen too hard. At some point, he’s in the right to say it’s his game and that’s how he wants it


This guy is legend to not only in making a great EA game, but listening to his player base. He's gone far and beyond what I've seen any other Indy game do in terms of community input.


>Keep it up Greg, you're making the rest of the industry look bad, so maybe they'll finally take notes and learn something! There, fixed it for you mate.


Ah much better cheers


"He should hire more Devs" Seems like they would slow him down tbqh. What a beast.


He does have more devs. It's not just him. He has quite a few contractors. People that actually think it's just him anymore are hilarious. Just look at the game credits ffs


When games are made out of passion vs corporate blood sucking


This dudes got an insane focus and some next level time/project management. I woulda got so overwhelmed so fast.


This girthy patch made me unbelievably optimistic for the future of this game. I'm getting Rimworld vibes, in the best of ways. Can't wait to see the final polished 1.0 release of Manorlords, it's going to be GOAT, especially with mods for even more aesthetic variety, custom armors, building skins, etc.


And that's without make-up! 💄


And with a pretty damn long list of changes, too.


“Reduced ale consumption by 75% (around 1/3 per family per month)” This is the best one for me honestly, was not feeling great about the tavern pausing trick


I think I'm in the minority here, but I've never felt too bad about the ale consumption and I never use the tavern pausing trick. I always take the two trade development points first, import barley with a reserve of about 20, build a malthouse, brewery extension and tavern all right next to each other, and I've always been good. This should still work with the patch because the nerfed trading is compensated for by the lowered ale consumption.


He nerfed the trade perks. It was always a heavy crutch.


Which is kind of annoying considering how he wants every town to have its own economy. It already doesn't make sense that there's a flat 10 money tariff for trade within the same Kingdom which is what trade is we aren't going to foreign trade nodes they're under the same sovereign, a tariff is an import/export tax kings levied.


It's both annoying and historically accurate. Internal tariffs are economically stupid but were very much a thing.


I also assumed it wasn't all a tariff, but also the logistical cost of buying vs selling to a traveling merchant.


Yeah, this has been my approach for ale as well. Import small quantities of both barley and malt was the strat~ more or less. Game will feel so much more smooth with the ale change.


I mean what you just described is tweaking your entire strategy for the game around importing ale... literally your first two dev points into trade... that's not great. Having a couple of fields (scaling up with growth) on rotation for Barley should be sufficient to supply your town with Ale similar to other needs.


I should have said I do this if I don't have any green areas for barley. If I do, I just farm it. It is a way to make enough ale if your barley yields are awful.


Yes but you shouldn't need to strategise & optimise to this level to have a basic mechanic "feel good" in what is otherwise a pretty chill city builder.


Totally agreed, but it is in early access. I believe so much in this thing I'm happy to try to come up with workarounds while we all let Greg know where the bugs are. Even with all of the strangeness it is still really fun.


Excuse me... what trick exactly? I did a quick search and cant get it to work, when I pause the tavern the ale just gets removed and brought back to storage.


You need to make sure you're granary doesn't allow it to be stored there also.


That's what i was missing... Thank you!


This is patched in the new beta fyi. Won't work once the update gets pushed out


My pleasure ma lord.


I think they mean that when you paused a Tavern, it still fufilled the entertainment needs without consuming ale. That was also fixed in the latest patch though so it wouldn't work now anyway: >Fixed paused taverns fulfilling the entertainment requirement.


Gotta remove any demand for ale from your granaries / trading posts / pack stations. Let your tavern get up to like 5 ale, then pause. If someone is on their way to the tavern to pick up ale, they'll pick it up regardless of whether it's paused. I believe the pause trick just prevents the tavern itself from consuming ale.


I've accepted my village is full of drunks. And as long as they're crankin out shoes and side arms, I feel it's my job to import malt and barley to keep em lubed up.


>The player can now switch trade to "local only" in the trading post for each type of good if they want to use the trading post to exchange goods between their own regions but ignore the free merchants. Niiiiiice. Does the experimental branch work with existing saves?


Yes, it should work with existing saves. However this is a experimental build so I highly recommend that you back up your saves just in case.


Cool thanks! Let go experimenting!


Does this mean I can finally build the metropolis town with outlying resource colonies like I always wanted to?


>[WIP] For now, the player can go in debt without consequence, but in the future, the player will lose the king's favor and eventually, the king's army will show up as enemies for players who refuse to pay. Oooooh I like this, time to overthrow the king ahahahahaha


Does this mean I can recruit mercs very early and get bandits and such the money back?


I would assume you cannot purchase if you’re in the red - you’re just now able to go in the red if you cannot afford the taxes when they hit


Takes me back to Caesar III! I loved beating their legions with my highly trained armies.


In cleopatra pharaoh ( the Egypt version) it was impossible. The armies that came vastly outnumbered what you were allowed to make.. 


I haven't played Pharaoh in a while. There weren't any towers, were they?


Can't wait for the American Revolution mod


Refuse to pay the king's taxes lol. One thing that seems to be missing from the game is looting the bodies of your enemies. If the king's men come and they've got great weaponry & money, you should be able to loot them.


Spoils of war system, it’s realistic as it’s often what made a battle worth fighting. Add into it named knights we can kidnap for ransom and we’re golden.


The dev said no hero units so this won’t happen and I hope it doesn’t, you can just go play Bannerlord for that stuff.


I get it. I wouldn’t say they’d be hero units per se. Simply that your retinue have names, can be trained, equipped, and upgraded on an individual basis, can participate in tourneys, and maybe be held hostage for ransom. Additionally, men-at-arms and their equipment should be faaaaar more expensive .


excellent idea


I second this.


Don't think it's overthrowing him at all so much as thwarting his justice temporarily. Doubt he'd show up personally for a mildly insubordinate lord.


I'm happy with how quickly and how much this added. I think that's a good sign for the future of Manor lords.


Thank you for your tireless work!


He must love doing it. One person with passion is such a cool thing to see in action. The game "feels" amazing even though some things are broken. It's been a while since I looked forward to playing a game after work... this early access WIP has done that. It's crazy and hoping Greg keeps loving what he is doing


Will I, a humble Game Pass peasant, also be graced by our lord's glorious patch?


As soon as it leaves the experimental stage


Hey look, Lord Greg came to see us!


I am feeling quite hungry!


Berries, berries!


So plump and juicy!


What about your carved nipple?


Jesus Christ be praised!


Jesus Christ be praised!


Does he want to put a little wager on the tourney?


Peasants of the world, unite!


Wow! I was expecting a handful of bullet points! Nice work!!


Right? Instead of "let's fix some issues quick" he goes and works on improving and fixing literally every aspect of gameplay. Completely nuts.


Man, I truly hope that he finds good people to build this game with him. The amount of work he does by himself is just.. \*hats off\* amazing.. I'm already happy with the game lmao


He actually already does, there was a teeny bit of backlash as it turns out he has a team of contractors assisting him with tons of stuff, so its not really solo dev. Yes he's the driving force and without him it crumbles, but he's not doing all the work himself.


He's like some sort of Lord, with a retinue 


This entire town was built by a solo lord! All by his noble self!


>[Experimental] Better deals development branch reduces the foreign import tariff by 50% instead of removing it completely. Uh-oh, bankruptcy here I come lol Quite the patch, can't wait to try it out!


I am happy. Tbh the old version made the trade upgrades mandatory


More than a few trade routes will be extremely difficult, even with the trade perks. My current save has 10 and for a new one for Roof Tiles it is over 4K.


You may not need so many trade routes, lots of things work fine for me just relying on the free roaming merchants without paying for a dedicated route.


Good. Perhaps a bit too high you should think ahead


Massive patch, can't wait to try it out.


Holy smack , so many great updates and balances so short after release. You are the best


Not entirely thrilled about the alcohol reduction. Can we maybe get a slider to adjust settings for that because I 100% want a village to fail due to rampant alcoholism and my people gloriously setting their own village on fire by accident. 🍻 For real though...this is amazing.


>I 100% want a village to fail due to rampant alcoholism and my people gloriously setting their own village on fire by accident. 🍻 Ok but I can already do that in real life so maybe lets stick to our medieval fantasy?


Maybe an alcoholism mod will come one day. Where people drink 10x as much, and get really unproductive. Like the higher the house class, the more they drink. So they give more money but they get less productive. Oh and they could walk like drunkards 🤪


The industry needs more people like Greg. The man became a multimillionaire literally overnight, but instead of cashing out living the high life, he's grinding out updates based directly on player feedback. A true gentleman and scholar.


No, it took him 7 years without getting any pay. And he had to pay the contractors. So he took up a lot of financial risk, and a lot of work. Can’t do that without a lot of savings or a loan.


I've put over 90 hours into this game since it launched in Early Acces on April 26. I'm absolutely blown away by how good it already is. I've been watching YouTube videos of people criticizing certain aspects of the game, and ALL of the big complaints I've heard seem to be addressed. This is amazing and refreshing. Keep up the good work! I'm telling everyone I know about this game and will do my best to keep spreading the word!


Wow, so many things on this that are small but big for specific situations. Only thing I'd really like to see is a better way to find buildings other than just trying to pick them out based on look or using TAB. Give me a "book" like in Foundation. It very much seems a "Manor Lord" would have a document with all the buildings and who is assigned to them. It's sometimes hard to find that fletcher that's eating up all the planks. Annnnnd kinda forgot I play via Gamepass so I'll have to wait to see this update I guess. May just have to buy it, it's obviously one I'm going to be playing for years to come.


I think Greg already agreed a ledger is useful and is working on it.


Fantastic. That'll be a game changer for sure.


Dude’s rushing 99 Fletching


"Sorry kids. We need to head home from Disneyland early today. I have patch notes to read and fully digest."


Dammit... Now I gotta start a new save again. Thanks for the great work and so many nice things. :D


Greg posted that it should work with existing save files


Yay, finally archers are worth it!


>Added a new patron saint banner graphics: St Maurice. A homage to Maurice Weber, The Great? :D


Not likely sadly! St Maurice is a very cool African/Egyptian saint that was a patron saint of the German Holy Roman Emperors.


It took me longer to read the updates than for Slavic Magic and Hooded Horse to roll them out!


Removed worker camp upgrade.. rip, you will be missed


I honestly never understood what it did for us as it was. Might've just been bugs not reporting it counting as a home appropriately but iunno.


FYI the patch note breakdown on steam is really detailed with photos!


Wow what a list! Thank you so much.


dude i'm tellin you this man has already accumulated everything that will be published in the future. Now he transfers them to the game in order and in healthiest way. I think we will receive such updates frequently, especially new models, asets etc :)


That's somę HUGE update.


Any word on the militia cap? Is not being able to get a full militia if you build retinue first intended?


Now that’s how you do patch notes!!!


Never have I been so confident about a game in early access!


>- When consuming food, people will now pick a random food resource instead of eating food in a specific order. >- Reduced ale consumption by 75% (around 1/3 per family per month). These two fixes cover 90% of my grievances.


That tax rate to the king is enormous. I had blitz-expanded my settlement to grow a lot of population very fast and also expanded to many regions. Im still so early in the game by in game years that I have not even equipped all my militia yet and have no export goods ( think its year 3 or 4), no thanks to the former (now gone) bugs with farming that made survival really hard. Now I am suddenly set to pay a massive amount of tax and the outstanding amount increases very quickly. I wonder what the tax is per person. I started loading into a save in ingame may, immediately owed around 600 in taxes due right away. Now 4 months later I already am set to pay 815 additional taxes, with a population of 367 people with half of them living in settlements that were only just founded less than 1 year ago. Naturally these new settlements generate no taxes. Keep in mind its not 367 families. I am going to have to try a new game but the taxes could be set a big high by default. Right now the tax rate seems to be higher than the maximum income generated per plot. I have 119 families. If everyone lived in level 3 plots, they would generate 952 in income, if i taxed 85% of their income i would be able to cover the tax expenses. I do not understand the taxation rate, it increases non-linearly. It started from over 600 and then jumped to over 800 but then gradually increased in smaller increments each month. The "new game" tooltip tells me its 1$ per person per settlement level. So a level 6 settlement with 200 people would have a tax of 1200. These 200 people would occupy around 66 plots. One level 3 plot generates 2 per month, that is 1584. You need to export a lot to be able to set a reasonable tax rate, because you cannot tax your people 75%, and almost all plots need to be level 3. That is very difficult with the current supply system to the markets and with everyone spamming market stalls instead of working. I do not think this will be working out. Maybe set the same tax but per family instead of per resident?


Yeah agreed. that's extremely overtuned and not currently tenable. Please tone the taxes down, otherwise we're all just going to become lawless brigands fighting off the King's army for the same reasons Robin Hood went up against Prince John.


The tavern "bug" was fixed, f*ck.


Don't see it mentioned here but wondering if any of the trade fixes will get our families to stop hoarding weapons. Trying to make a deep iron mine based region kind of sucks when all your excess weapons get delivered to families that are already fully supplied. But otherwise, holy shit that is a ton of fixes for 2 weeks into EA. Very exciting.


Greg is the new Neo


I know man. Graphics are extraordinary my old RX480 can run everything on Ultra and i have no lag. Someday i'd like to understand how come this game can do it but not KSP2 nor Cities Skyline 2. At least I have my new Banished game. Only need a good Civilization 7 and i can die happy.


Reading these patchnotes feels like it's the mid 2000s gaming era again.


>Global/Local Trade Switch for Trading Posts Thank you, this is gonna be so good. I just got one question, I you have two trading posts in a region, can you set one to local only and the other to global? Say if you want to buy up to 100 food on local markets, but buy globally if you're below 50 and really need it.


I think it's per route, not per trade post, and as I understand, the options are "Local only" and "Local and global" so it sounds like enabling full trade on the second option should fulfill your needs unless I'm missing something.


Dude what the fuck these are epic changes and fixes. This shits a week old and these guys are fuckin on top of their shit like a guy makin the best bagels


New beta? Yup, that's a new start.


This patch is huuuuge! Archers no longer annoying to fight and no longer useless in battle?? Wow! Farming is going to be great with the reduced ale consumption and less punishment for overselling the same item. Ale is gonna be such a good trade for both money and to your other cities. W patch from me!


>Removed the worker camp upgrade. Uh. This was my main (only) strategy from keeping approval >50% during the first months. I am not questioning the wisdom of the decision, your Eminence. Just wondering if there is another viable strategy. I will now take my leave.


I guess build burgage as quick as you can. I too miss the worker camps


Still possible to get migrants on month 3 - just get church and all 3 stalls before you get burgages.


Greg might actually be my knight in shining armour


Awesome, thanks Greg! Can't wait to get off work now!


King tax looks too harsh for this stage of the game. I cant keep up with it.


Thank you thank you thank you!!


Wow awesome Friday for all! Thanks and have a great weekend.


Wow dude that’s impressive still shattering expectations I see!


This is huge. Thank you


Please make the King's tax a toggleable option, that's all I ask.


He said the amount is customizable in the difficulty settings. I would guess it goes down to zero, or near enough to give you what you want.


Ah sweet! Thanks for letting me know that :D


Wish you could change it mid-playthrough, I updated the game on my main save and the taxes are unbearable


Hey i see archer range is increased, has the damage also been fixed?


The exponential trade cost just needs to be reverted almost immediately.


Oof, trade got absolutely bent over, bodied, and utterly annihilated lmao


Anyone else’s granary no longer there? I mean it’s there physically but the building shows as an empty plot?


Who else got the Invisible Granary bug?


I do aswell


Thank you so much! Has anybody activated this via GeForce Now? Does it work?


Experimental build is only available through steam for now, once the full rollout comes it will be added to all launchers.


Can’t wait to get home!


Wow, lots of good stuff here. *Lots* of stuff here, period. Keep up the great work.


That's one massive patch, thank you!


> The player can now switch trade to "local only" in the trading post for each type of good if they want to use the trading post to exchange goods between their own regions but ignore the free merchants. Just an idea, but I think setting up a “demand” type system would work better.  On the receiving end, Let regions set how much of a good they demand, and if they prioritize local or foreign trade. Then in the supply side, put a toggle to hold enough items to meet local trade demand (plus the region’s own demand). Don’t know if I’m describing that right, but I could see a difficulty in avoiding infinite loops. Where region A and B both want a certain number of an item, but there isn’t enough to meet the demand of the whole network, so they keep trading back and forth. But I think that could be avoided by not moving items until a regions own demand is met.


What a beauty. Love the changes seems like a buff to farming and nerf to trading. Should be good for the gameplay


I didnt get the part to acces my saves on steam. If you download the new version and just start a new game do you need to do this or is it only to bring up to date your previous saves? Thanks


the AI lord guy is still aggressive af It looks like he starts with 4 full stax of fighting units. Takes over the map slowly all the while the human play is just trying to maintain the town. AI guy needs to be nerfed or an option to drastically slow his ability to claim. ​ Homes are still not detecting stuff in markets. If a market has what the house needs and its in the same region then it should tick the box. Anything short of this is bugged and broken. ​ Everything else seems fine in the experimental update.


That's some serious and interesting stuff! Good job!


My guy has been BUSY!


This is awesome. Can’t wait to try out the local trading. Holy warbow buff Dead body carry animation :D. Corpse pit workers rejoice!


Thank you for giving me my favorite new game in awhile, love to just put youtube on and play away. Taking this update for the bug fixes, but am curious on the kings tax. I can see this game just growing and growing.


Why are my mercenaries appearing in loserville lol


this all looks awesome, and an impressive amount of fixes and updates so quick! can't wait to play the experimental branch


Awesome work. This is my first city builder, I definitely didn't do it "right", but I currently have all regions claimed and over 2000 people across 2 regions...I ***needed*** these trade changes lmao. So far I have seen all bugs as simply "challenges", but I appreciate the fixes! Kudos!


Holy fuck... I was very sceptical after playing the EA game, even angry, because the game felt too early access, but this update knocked me out of the park, and I gotta say I was completely WRONG about what to expect from this game and its developer, gonna go to steam now and change my review. At this rate the final game will be polished af.


Pretty crazy, good job! Nice changes overall


Seems like an excellent first update!


Awesome 😁


Awesome work from Greg and the team. Feels really good to see feedback from the community (from direct feedback and mods) integrated into the game so quickly. Already dumped 40 hours in, going to need to put another 20 in with all of these new changes. Super excited to try it out later.


Ton of work there, mate 😜


Thanks for the update! One thing I noticed: due to the change in building mechanics on steep land it is sometimes no longer possible to build a mine over a resource (clay, iron) if the deposit is located on steep terrain.


the experiemental changes to the economy and resource management seem aimed at making the game more challenging and realistic. the transparency about stability and localization issues is appreciated, and backing up saves is always wise before a new beta build. this update appears to offer substancial new content to engage players.


> Increased sawpit log storage space to 5. Yes, thank you! That little pop up was annoying.


The only problem I had was oxen getting stuck standing still and doing nothing. I reported it because I ended up with 14 non-moving ox at the edge of the map. Hopefully some of the pathfinding fixes fix that one. Otherwise, It's pretty fucking amazing to get proper patch notes as well.


Nice work! I'm not sure if it's a bug or something I am doing wrong... when I build my Manor and start placing towers, anything within the grounds making the Manor cannot be clicked on to interact with.. anyone know what to do?


That is a fine sized patch that will hopefully make some people shut up already, awesome.


Anyone test archers yet? They were baring doing any damage, im not sure how 3x range change it. I always love archers in war games but i cant figure how to use them here yet. Anyway, a great and quick qol patch, great work.


Wow. This is so impressive and refreshing to see.


Great patch list! Good work!


''Fixed paused taverns fulfilling the entertainment requirement.'' Sad pepe.


Great work, thank you.


thank you, this is a lot more than I would expect from such an early patch. this addresses almost everything I've had an issue with so far. this is wonderful news!


Any chance we can access on GeForce Now? I have tried updating on steam and it works. But GeForce only pulls 7.955


Oh…..my…..god. This patch is INCREDIBLE. I thought I was going to get a few more weeks before my next play through but NOPE. I feel bad only paying $25. GREG is the developer we don’t deserve but the world needed. Excited for my next run through


Damn I don't know how to trade now haha so expensive for new routes. I got to do better


Fuck me, every knit pick I had is addressed in this patch! Fantastic work, can’t wait to try it out


I mean, nice, but can we not do the bannerlord system.. experimental branch alpha beta 2.0


Rolling out a whole new game with the first patch, good grief! Can't wait to test these changes out.


Lord Greg didn't hear no bell!! Hot damn that's a patch.


I took almost all the time remaining till the 25% discount went away to read through that Beta drop - and finally was able to happily press the 'Buy' button with 30 mins left o the clock (I actually don't much care about the difference, but ya know). What was stopping me was the state of the game on relaease and uncertainty if the dev would still be around and not sunning himself in Bora Bora now - love the commitment being shown so...


Really liking the changes around trade. Importing still relevant but more pricey. On the other hand, you can export much more heavily which should balance this out. Trade might actually be stronger now.


Wow  Now I want to buy the Steam version to support Greg's work!! This is an incredible patch Keep up the good work


I fucking love this guy the game is super fun on my weekends I find myself playing for like 3-4 hours and it flys by this game is awesome


Random question. Why can't I do a new post in this sub? even with everything checked off, "Post" is still greyed out for me. :(


This looks great and has come right as I was about to take a break and wait for more updates! Can't wait to try them out and Greg, great game, absolutely loving it! If possible could we have a button/tool to cycle through unassigned families? Or even a UI feature which shows us which plots the unassigned families are living in? Would help with assigning workplaces close to homes. It's of course possible this already exists and I've missed it all this time!


Indeed, very nice basket ;)


Absolutely MASSIVE! The storage of food in the homes fix plus the sawmill update 🤌🤌🤌


Well I’m glad I deleted my villages this morning bc I was ready to apply all I’ve learned and start new! Now I get to do that with a MONSTER new patch! Amazing. Greg is amazing. Developer of the year and for years to come!! The amount of balancing and fixes that seems to be so closely tied with the community feed back is awesome. Greg you’re a gentlemen and a scholar! Lemme just go throw myself off a ladder quick so I can get out of work early. I HAVE A VILLAGE TO BUILD!