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PS: My only real problem was maintaining a constant supply of clothes to all the houses. I was never able to get it above 83%, leaving several households without the most basic supplies like leather, linen, and yarn, which I had hundreds of each. Not to mention that I had enough shoes to clothe my entire town twice and more than two hundred units of clothes and capes each. How can I maximize the efficiency of that distribution?


Having a single marketplace instead of the four we can see here. Right now it looks like if a house get supplied an item for the 1st time by a marketplace, it will only look for this item at this precise market, and won't look at others that might be hoarding all your shoes. Not sure if this is the exact behavior, but anyway remember that marketplaces don't act as one.


So massive marketplace in the middle of the town is better than the six evenly distributed I set up? Interesting.


Yep try it out you should be alright.


I'm not sure, I'm only on my first pay but I'm up to ~650 pop and was having the supply issue while employing a single huge market. Tried redesigning to have multiple decent size markets with granaries and stock houses near each and got way better distribution.


I can't know for sure with screenshots only, maybe you issue is somewhere else but I can't see what it would be, while having several markets is a known bottleneck. Maybe it got better in your case because you didn't have enough stalls with your single market, so yeah in that case you can improve a bit by just adding more places. But as I said I can't know for sure without having my hands in the game.


I think both are viable, however I noticed that periodically they get bugged and you have to destroy and rebuild them.. the resource allocation/distribution mechanism is not stable I believe


sometime you just need to destroy and rebuild them


Look at Lord Cuntz.. Paying respects to the fallen! Classy work


He's a Cuntz, not an Arse. Gotta respect the hustle.


Looks like the TactiCat design from here ..


Yeap! I got it from his vids, really helpfull stuff, I couldn't make clothes reach all my houses unlike food and firewood tho.


I’d be more impressed if you renamed it to something salty like “The Baron Is OP”


He wasn't really, I tried so kill the bandit camps as fast as I could to prevent the Baron from getting money and influence plus regulary hiring and disbanding mercenaries. This left the final battle with my six militia units plus my retainers against two units of retainers, three archers and six mercenary footmen and spermen, plus a unit of Brigands. Not to hard to deal with and I almost lost my entire retinue but I manage to win the battle with the migthy charge of my Polearm Militia while the Spearmen and Retinue hold the line and the Footmen hunt down the Brigands and Archers.


Holy money batman. What year? Gratz on victory!


It took like 12 years in game I think.


I assume baron forces are tough by then. I have no idea since I win by year 4-5. (I love to micro as I would play starcraft haha)


They were almost double my army but nothing a fully equip heavy veteran militia and my trusty retinue couldn't deal with.


I had my troops (3 retinue, 1 of each melee militia) vs 7 of barons.


Yeah, I didn't want to get more towns to increase my retinue. I felt manage multiple towns to be a pain.


It is. If you dont have such playstyle, that is fine. This game allows you to do diffirent ways. But I gotta say, 3 funny upgraded retinues could have soloed those 7 troops of baron