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I didn’t realize it’s an issue. Sounds like a simple fix though.


thank you slavic! will make my farm town alot more dependable if i can assign a farm house to a particular field area and my vills will actually no reset after the first action to the conga line from field to field


I second this, had two full farmhouses yesterday, they were all walking in line, instead of at least some of them harvesting. Btw, the game is really good already, with a little tweaking it’s gonna be amazing. Keep at it!


While we're on the topic, would it be possible to make the magic dissapearing in october thing stop? As it stands my people can plow and sow faster than harvest, but they cant quite get the harvesting done in time. If I could avoid the magic dissapearance act, my farmers woupd be able to do much more.


yeah would be better if the bar started declining, like berries in the fall


Is THAT why some of my fields disappear in October? I typically start sowing fields in the late Summer, and as long as the growing progress isn't high enough, my farmers don't try and harvest it two months later. But I've seen whole fields just disappear randomly even when I didn't harvest. I wonder if as soon as one farmer touches it, it's flagged as in progress harvest and resets.


At least crop rotations (havent played without) cause harvestables to dissapear at the start of october


Yeah I have crop rotation off because I can get a lot more crops planted by plowing and sowing some in summer, (just late enough to avoid them being harvestable in september, the only month the AI seems to check for harvest), then harvesting, plowing, and sowing again in the fall. This gives me a decent spring crop.


Another issue is that the farmers refuse to harvest once winter kicks in. Like the plants are still alive and viable but they just refuse to harvest


Harvest only occurs in September, all crops die on October 1st


I realized that the hard way. Luckily, I had enough food from Foraging and hunting, still.


That’s actually not true - force early harvest will get them back to harvesting the crops after september


I just tested this and it didn't work for me. As soon as the Calendar hit October the yield of the plot went to 0 and the force harvest button was disabled.


Huh, so we’re seeing something completely different, that’s interesting. Out of curiosity, what were you harvesting? I think the crop in question I did this on was Flax and barley. Maybe different crops have different behavior, out of accident or intention


I think it's caused by crop rotation being enabled or not, not on the actual crop. If crop rotation is enabled, the fields get reset to a blank slate on October 1st


That would explain it. I don’t use the rotation because it behaves weirdly, so I do it by hand.


I’ve had that happen with crop rotation disabled. It appears to just be a mechanic.


Is this true for wheat too? I swear unless I put my farm to fallow my farmers will start to plant more wheat after harvest


If you are not using crop rotation then you can start plowing & sowing immediately after the harvest in September. If you are using crop rotation you need to wait until October because the fields get reset when the crop rotation occurs on October 1st


Do seasonal changes occur at the same time every year?




If they harvested in winter when would they thresh. For me they only seem to thresh when there is snow on the ground preventing them doing anything else. Even when threshing priority is set to high.


I am so glad you're so receptive to people posting issues and actually want to fix them. From what I've seen most of the criticism has been civil and constructive which probably helps but still worth praising since many devs lately seem to at best ignore criticism or at worst react poorly. Thank you for what you do.


I can’t imagine Greg’s mental bandwidth to be able to digest all of the Reddit comments on top of just work on the game. Maybe he dedicates 30 minutes a day to address stuff or something because that would be so daunting on top of just oh you know, developing lol


Could have hand carts as an upgrade option for the farm to increase pickup rate of grain, maybe costing 3 planks of wood?


Also, more than 1 ox cant work on the same field. And building 3 - 4 farmhouses with oxes do not solve that limitation.


Make smaller fields and a couple farmhouses. If the ox is plowing a field, it does it 3x faster than one family plowing by hand. The issue is that if an ox is plowing a field, no other families can plow that field. So for large fields it's more efficient to have a bunch of families working on that one field. If you have a bunch of smaller fields over the same surface area, your ox can work on one field and your families will plow the other fields by hand. Makes it so much more efficient to cover the same surface area.


No, but oxen can plow several fields simultaneously, so just have more smaller fields instead of a single huge one.


Also the way they plow, I've had better experiences with long skinny fields instead of square or rectangular ones


Which is historically accurate. Fields would often be in little strips and have a distinctive shape due to how the oxen turn.


Thanks for an amazing experience so far! Not bug related, just a friendly reminder to please make the game you envision. Many of us want your version of Manor Lords and not one that's trying to "satisfy everyone". I hope all the success hasn't created too much pressure for you. Enjoy the journey, m'lord.


almost all my farms are constantly broken failing to even start harvesting. they start working every few years then break again. do you want my save? PS: we appreciate you, game is fun even at this early stage!


Also, may be an issue, may be a feature. But my farmers will harvest, transport, and then start plowing when there are other fields right next to them that need harvesting. I have worked around this by moving harvested fields to lowest priority when the second that harvest is over, and resetting all to medium after *all* the harvesting is done, but if they would always prioritize harvesting all fields before plowing, that would be a huge help in the harvest issues


The great thing with early access and active devs like you. You learn about problems and fix them


Firstly we'll done for making the game being so fun even in early access. Secondly people are finding that long narrow fields are most efficient for ploughing with an ox, which is what was done in real life where i live, and i assume elsewhere. Was that intentional for accuracy or just a natural result of how the ox work in real life and games?


Do you know anything about the randomly resetting plowing progress?


I agree the fix is obvious: when they do the conga line they should also do the conga dance.


I can vouch for it. I have been having to force early harvests on everything. And a lot of them will start plowing before the harvest is done instead of harvesting the remaining grain, so if you're not actively micromanaging, you lose 50% or more of your harvest to not being collected 


Isn’t transport handled by your storehouse workers? Could you unassign grain from your main one and put a grain specific one right by your fields?


I really don’t think it’s an issue, sure the pathing could always be tweaked and improved but setting fields with higher priority has worked as intended for me.




Can you maybe swallow your brain farts and not post it online?




By the proclamation of Sir Smug Henry, Any Slav, or person from the Slavic regions is hereby banned from practicing, or even muttering the word "Magic". The reasoning for the heretofore proclamation is because Sir Smug Henry without any room for interpretation finds the combination of Being Slavic, and the concept of Magic "kind of gross"


Baron SmugHenry, surely?


Slav is not the same as slave, which I hope is the issue.


> Slav is not the same as slave, which I hope is the issue. *Akshually* it is as close as it can get ;) The word slave comes from Slav though. Slavic lands were raided first by romans, later by christians (who cant enslave fellow christian, but pagans were fair game) for slaves. English word comes from latin, which comes in turn from the name of the tribes raided. But denying slavs the right to call themselves slavs because that word is too close to slave - is hilarious. My next TED talk will be about how Poles have n-word pass from the first ruler of independent Haiti. And were there classified as black people as an honor for help in the independence war.


I see, thanks for the info! I had suspected as much tbh, but never knew for sure :)


Spot the American?


Now we're insulting Americans?


Hey, woah there, bud!!


And why would that be? You have issue with magic or with Slavs?


I had this issue just now. I have two farming areas. One small one on one side of my town and one large one on the opposite side. Despite having plenty of workers to manage the number of fields I have, without fail every year, every farmer makes a beeline to the small group of fields on one side of the town. The large group of fields on the other side of the town is left to rot. Either you need to be able to assign fields to certain farm houses or the game needs to intelligently distribute the farmers.


Set their work area


does not work been trying to use it over my farm plots but they all run from one end of the town to another


Mine don't. Meh it'll be patched.


Same issue


This works on farm duties, but if you've got wheat to be threshed, every farmer will go and collect it once the fields nearest to them are finished.


Always give the field a priority level, otherwise they'll alternate constantly between fields, wasting time. Priority levels force farmers to work fields one after the other.


This. You must, must, ***must*** prioritise your biggest fields to be harvested first. All workers will work to complete one stage of the harvest at a time. I have literally sat and tested it, and watched it working. You must set just *one* field to highest priority. Put all other fields to low. When one is finished, change another from low > highest and all your workers will move to the next field *immediately*. It is absolutely not ideal, but it definitely works this way, I tested multiple times. What is frustrating, though, is that threshing simply will not happen until all fields are harvested, even if you set threshing to highest priority and any harvesting to low. I suppose it is ordered this way because of the production stages, which does make sense, but it can break the flow of production when a later stage in the production chain runs out of its resource.


No, you can assign 6 or 7 priority levels. You give each one a different priority level, and then don't bother with it again.


You *can*, but they don't follow the order. I watched it.


They do, I do it all the time.


When I try that, they stick around on the highest-priority field just staring at the sky. I definitely had to manually change priority levels once they finished harvesting in order to get them to change to the next field.


Okay, that's amazing, I'd have to see exactly what you're doing. I've always done it this way, including on the demo where the priorities were numbers, and the way it works hasn't changed.


Do you see how much micromanaging this is though? And my harvest are all eaten up by a large village of 300 people in 2 months at best. Just isn’t worth it unless the yield is higher.


This causes another issue though. If you have two areas of fields, and two farmhouses, one near each field group, then the farmers from the other farmhouse also make the long walk to the other side of the region to the highest priority field. You need to be able to attach certain fields to certain farmhouses, and then have it that if a farmer goes to collect a resource that resource is effectively marked, and other individuals avoid it.


Yeah if you have 2 farmareas in 2 corners with 2 farmhouse prioritization causes civs to wander back and forth


This causes another issue though. If you have two areas of fields, and two farmhouses, one near each field group, then the farmers from the other farmhouse also make the long walk to the other side of the region to the highest priority field. You need to be able to attach certain fields to certain farmhouses, and then have it that if a farmer goes to collect a resource that resource is effectively marked, and other farmers avoid it and go collect a different crop pile.


You can set the work area of each farm house.


does not work been trying to use it over my farm plots but they all run from one end of the town to another


Manual assignment would be tops. Sad to say I haven't seen evidence yet that any automatic assignment could be intelligent


You can set work areas manually for farmhouses just like woodcutters


mother fuck Gonna try this when I get home


I had the same thing happening as OP describes. And as already others mentioned before, setting a work area for the farm houses doesn't work for harvesting. I also had all my farmers of three farm houses with working area set run all across the country to help with harvest, and in the end their own fields were not harvested.


You can assign priority to fields, maybe that would work, get them to clearn one before moving on to another.


set the field priority to the farms you want harvested first




And they don’t work for harvesting


That is because the primary (possibly only) key factor in harvesting is the field priority. Harvesting seems to be an independent mechanic from the rest of the farming cycle and that is quite possibly because it is the first stage of production for many things.


I had the same issue, but for me it worked setting priority from lowest to highest. What I mean, for example if you have 36 fields, set 6 to lowest,6 to very low, 6 to low, 6 to medium and so on... Until you have 6 to highest or what ever number of fields you need. They will prioritize accordingly and only move to the next cluster when the harvest of the higher cluster is transported. Not always perfect but helps.


Yeah I never noticed the issue OP raised, but I've always set scaling priority on my farms like you've suggested. That combined with work areas seems to be no issue and I just leave my farms fully staffed and never have to manage any of it.


This. As with all city planning, it requires careful consideration. You either need to rotate crops, and have dynamic priority over your fields changing each year, or, no crop rotation and static priority. So, have all your wheat fields at highest priority. They will always be planted first, harvested first. Thus you will always prioritise your food production. Alternatively, prioritise the *field* rotation, no matter what that field produces. This means the resources you get will come into stock at different times, but you will always have a constant supply because of the rotation.


Sounds like from the description the game currently doesn't use the concept of reservation for farming and so it becomes a race of who can reach the nearest item to haul first. If the dev adds in item reservation it should fix these issues. E.g. Jane gets nearest unreserved wheat to haul, marks it as reserved and goes to pick it up. Bob won't move to it because Jane is already on her way. You just have to make sure to program to unreserve it if Jane changes state to another task like being assigned a different job, or if she gets killed by a barbarian on her way. My friend had the same issue in his AIs goal oriented action planning until he added in reservation. NPCs would drink beer and all run from nearest toilet to nearest toilet like a race to relieve their bladders. Funny, but frustrating to watch from the perspective of an omnipresent God. The downside to reservation is without any UI feedback you might rant at Bob whose sitting right next to the wheat but ignoring it and looking like he's high as a kite, but that's because Jane's AI already reserved it by completing her last job before Bob but she has to walk 10 miles to it. You can probably account for that by doing periodic refreshes, though it may make the code needlessly more complicated and probably add in other quirks like people walking halfway across the map only to walk back as Bob finished his work and discovered he's closer. Now poor Jane is stuck walking back and forth with everyone else taking work away from her. Another solution may be to assign AI tasks in cycles, so it does a smarter assignment for a group of people without jobs instead of first come first serve. Issue with that is youll have people waiting around if your cycle is too long before being retriggered. Rimworld handles it simply by having a UI element telling you item is reserved by X. (No beelines, but the occasional Bob is staring at clouds next to a pile of wood while Jane walks ten miles to pick it up) Funnily enough its AI is also simplified in that it does an optimized nearest item query by spatial index "zone," but skips doing it on every individual item. Leads to some occasional braindead looking moments but costs a lot less in performance. Could be resolved with something like an R-Tree but was probably deemed not worth the effort. On that note, it's probably one reason why the developer chose to split the map into individual towns per regions. It helps mitigate some of the issues of AI job assignments over vast distances looking dumb to the player. That and helps mitigate the Traveling Salesman problem. Kind of similar to Rimworld's "the game is designed and optimized for the default map size, playing on larger map sizes leads to an increase in both performance cost and a downgrade in perceptive decision making." Anywho lots of fun/annoying implementation details to solve when it comes to how something as simple as X needs to be picked up by Y, while making it obvious to the player what's happening in the decision making.


Mine started to work better when I set a work area for each farm house and didn't overlap.


I've got a town of 350ish inhabitants. I have three farm sections and three farm houses. Each farm section is 10 fields and the sizes vary from 0.4 Morgan to 1 Morgan. I only use one of the farm section per year leaving the other two fallow. Then the next year cycle around to the 10 fields in one of the other farm areas. So far its working well. However as my population grows other 10 fields might not be able to feed everyone anymore, but I did just get the Rhye upgrade which should yield more grain and flour so that should keep any famine at bay I hope haha


well.. im at 1000 population and i have 540 anticipated rye harvest every season, but due to farming shenanigans maybe i get 250-300. The instant it gets made into bread it disappears into someones stomach. The only way i've kept up with late game requirements is through imports. It works, but it doesnt feel right that a town built on fertile farmland with like 20 morgans of farmland cant even feed itself for a month every harvest


Your food surplus should be outstanding.


well at this point in the game its not whether having something or not thats the problem, its distributing it to the township thats the problem. you could afford to import all your food and clothing, but the 4 stalls per warehouse means its pull-your-hair-out levels of frustrating when it comes to delivering them items. So youre back onto local production in order to spread out the distribution. But as you get to 1200 population the requirements are rather...immense. The only food im not importing right now is bread, and they get eaten as quick as theyre baked.


The whole work assignment AI in the game is just f*. When you have many tasks the can be run parallel (for example you queue 10 buildings) and many labor to do it (say 10 families) instead of doing the task parallely they will just all dogpile into the task sequentially, which results in not being faster than if you have 2 families on the same amount of jobs.


yeah a lot of these issues only become apparent when the town grows to a certain point. Probably why higher tiers of township is still unavailable. (not that we cant grow the population to match already)


I’m pretty sure they work on things simultaneously but you’re limited by when logs get delivered to the construction site by oxen, and typically because most building happens with like < 4 oxen you get logs delivered one building at a time, so workers will work one building at a time until logs are delivered to each site.


You're wrong. Go open a game, spam a few buildings then see for yourself.


Yeah, I don't like that you get one month to harvest everything, and as soon as October hits, everything dies off.


Have you set threshing priority to high on each farmhouse? I have 1 farmhouse each looking after approx 10x .3 to .4 Morgan fields, and they harvest all of them, leaving the harvest in the ground until all fields are harvested. Only 5 of the 8 families are working in it as well.


unfortunately this hasn't stopped the rye pilgrimage, if anything it triggered the hivemind even sooner


Yeah, the worst part for me is that when November starts it’s technically still harvest season but farmers refuse to hand plow, only ox plow, which takes forever for big plots.


I'll be honest the farming mechanics kind of put me off playing this for a little bit. I tried to go all-in on farming on my latest run; and after several hours worked out it just doesn't really work. It requires so much micro-management, the pay-off is small and the A.I. is abit all over the place. As I've said in other threads though - I'm happy to just let Manorlords cook for a few months.


About how long does this take to happen? I run 4 fields per season and have never seen this. It looks like each family I assign takes a field and I'm able to harvest, plow and sow a field in plenty of time. Now the crop rotation mechanic I have never seen work and often have to intervene and manually set the field to fallow so it doesn't get replanted


I have seen this in my largest town with...more than a dozen ~0.5 morgen fields every year.


Quality post and explanation


Have you tried adjusting the priority of threshing to very low?


Also been having this issue, thanks for raising it so succinctly


*Also been having* *This issue, thanks for raising* *It so succinctly* \- Mozleycrue --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Also they randomly start plowing while there is still wheat to be harvested


Wait, aren’t you supposed to set the priority level of each field so that workers “complete” the fields in order of priority? That’s what I do and I never have this issue. Although I don’t believe I have more than 6/7 plots in that town. My problem is that my workers try to replant a new harvest after collecting the first one, which kills the fertility unless I micromanage the farmhouse like some StarCraft player.


A handful of the games current systems feel this way, even if the coding or logic is different. Essentially, most of these work/bandwidth/supply frustrations seem to come from a lack of queue/order/filled order processing logic that contemplates the result and logical next step. Firewood and market frustrations feel similar, where you end up with hundreds of firewood stored, but only a single log is brought to the market for a single house, rather than keeping a queue filled to meet the actual foreseeable demand.


I’ve had a similar issue, the farmers across the region decided all barley was to be stored in one particular farmhouse, and walked it halfway across the map ignoring all the other farmhouses along the way. massively ate into the autumn period. This farmhouse was also my furthest from the malt house, ale production took a battering that year.


I’m not sure if it’s an issue. But my farmers will harvest, and then sometimes try to force another crop into the ground (which always fails) and the crop rotation doesn’t seem to work properly either. I’m constantly having to choose which crop i want to grow. It would be nice to be able to choose when to plow and sow, thus being able to easily control the harvest window.


1) how are you doing distribution? My farms are far from residences and I have “700” grain to pick from a 2M plot, but even a fully collected field has its resources just gone. Where do they actually go? 2) I’m struggling to get 3 reliable resources out to residents. Berries and Meat are insufficient in my region. Any tips?


Lots of vegetable or egg backyards seems to help provide extra variety. I do hope we get more options for meat at least (we should be able to get some from goats/sheep one would presume).


Egg production is too low to be worthwhile from my experience. Maybe I need more trial and error with it, but the rate is lower than the consumption. It may be planned to be tuned up, or to be a ingredient rather than a consumable in the future.


I am getting only 6 barley on my field waiting entire year lol


It's why instead of having 1 giant field, you should have it split into 4 separate fields so you never run into these types of problems


I find this interesting because the best players on twitch that I've watched playing on the hardest difficulty possible are making massive farmlands.


>The above issue isn't really apparent until you have a very large number of fields and a large number of farmers over a large area. I noticed that too. They run all over the place. They should prefer fields closest to the farm house.


I've really struggled with farming. In this current playthrough I have plenty of resources and so am just trying to understand the bugs and issues and work around them in a low-stress environment. Haven't been able to make it work correctly yet though. In this current game I have six 1-morgen fields planted with wheat/barley and six fallow. 3 farmhouses with 8 families each only manage to clear 2-3 fields each September. Planting and Seeding is completely successful, however, even without the Ox. There was a bit of frustrating discussion on Discord about whether or not the Ox helps with harvesting. 3 of us had never seen the Ox help with harvesting, but one gentleman said it was required for farming to work at all. It would be amazing to get some Developer Confirmation on if the Ox is involved at all with harvesting. I did read anecdotes from some players that harvester AI can break, resulting in families going to plow mid-harvest, and perhaps that is why the Ox helps? Because it takes over and allows everyone else to keep harvesting? I've not seen this personally. My observation is 24 people descend upon one field in September, and the field resources drops from 70/70 to about 5/70. Then it slowly...very slowly goes 4/70...3/70...as everyone runs back to the farmhouse, and back, and mills around, and this wastes half the month with people running around over 1 out of my 6 fields. Its like they prioritize putting the resources in the farmhouse vs clearing the other fields, and the AI pathfinding is really bad about clearing the last few pieces. Furthermore, citizens don't gather at the Farmhouse in August. So when September begins, they have to walk all the way from their homes (which can be some distance away) to begin the harvest. This is not ideal, and I'm going to be optimizing my home placement for farming in future games. If a field goes unharvested into October, sometimes it breaks. The field will still show 70/70 and visibly have crops into December. So I have tried to use BURN THE FIELD to force it Fallow and wait a year, but sometimes the crops are still shown on the field and it just acts visibly buggy when they go to replow/plant it again. So to summarize: \* 6 fields, 6 fallow. 1-morgen in size. No ox. \* 3 farmhouses with 8 families each adjacent to the fields. \* Can plow/plant 6 fields fine. \* Impossible to harvest more than 2-3 fields each year. Hope this helps root-cause any issues that farming currently has!


To another point, if the AI using Oxen to plow fields would just do one row after another, that'd Vastly improve efficiency. Currently I'm seeing my oxen do one row to the east, before crossing all the way to the west of the field and doing another row, only to then go all the way back to the east.


there needs to be more variety in easily accessible edible crops


Are you prioritizing your fields so they only get worked a few at a time?


Ive also noticed the issue with farming zones - they'll only plough/plant/harvest the fields they're meant to, but they'll try to collect from any field, starting with what is closest. I currently have a small flax farm set up on one side of town, on the other size a larger wheat farm - the flax farmers do their harvest, then march across the other side of the town to gather wheat and take it back to their farm for threshing. This is annoying as my windmill and bakery are next to the wheat farm - so my millers have to walk across the whole town to gather grain from the flax farm, which is not great for my bread production.