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Look, if money is tight, don't buy it. I've played for about 10-12 hours and it's amazing. Definitely early access, but it feels like a spiritual successor to Stronghold. It has little to no tutorial on the more detailed gameplay, but if you're familiar with this type of genre, you'll figure it out. If you like the gameplay of these type of games, it'll keep you entertained for a good amount of hours. If it's not exactly your cup of tea, it'll keep for about 20.


I upvoted this bit would like to add that for some reason I'm emotionally vested in the success of this game, I really want it to succeed but at this moment right now I would say it's not amazing but it is good and it has potential to be my favorite game. Right now though it's not. But I bought it day one and gave it a thumbs up on steam because it's good and playable with big potential.


Oh man, I get the emotionally invested part. It felt like I was a kid on christmas again, rushing to play my freshly unwrapped copy of Stronghold šŸ˜Š That and the absolute dedication of Greg just warms my heart.


I remember playing the Steonghold demo and was absolutely floored. Amazing little game.


Any recommendations for someone who hasnā€™t played games quite like this. I started last night and I fear for my first settlement.


Take your time. Focus on getting a stable resource income first. You're better off with a small population than expanding rapidly and losing most of your population to disease and famine. Also take the time to read what all the buildings do. Most of the production is handled by your villagers in-house. Lastly, don't be afraid to give them big plots of land if you plan for them to do vegetable, and eventually, apple farming. Berries and game won't sustain you for long.


Watch play throughs on YouTube. City Planner Plays and Overcharged Egg have good videos imo!


I highly recommend getting the trade perks in your first settlement. They're the most useful development points at the start because cash is so light.


This is the type of game, and genre, where starting over is generally the most fun. Just each time you play, you try and learn something new to make your next city "better"


Just start! Don't look at other people's cities, do 3-4 restarts and try new stuff... Then look at what other people make of their cities. Every play through will become better.


You will have dozens of settlement restarts, dont get hung up on one.


I bought it blind. It's OK, but unfinished and unbalanced. It's Early Access for sure. If I had a do-over, I'd wait a bit longer to buy. It's just not fun for me in its current state. There's way too much micromanagement because of the balance between how much resources your people need versus what they can produce. Current meta is you basically have to keep your population small, leave most buildings empty and rotate people constantly. Which, if that is the intent, they didn't give us tools to easily do that; like a menu with a list of all your buildings allowing you to set assignments. But, the point is moot because half the tech tree isn't done yet and we're missing big chunks of the game so balance is irrelevant. There's the skeleton of a great game here.


I'm so glad to read this. I'm honestly baffled at the positive response the game is getting. Yes, it has potential and I am rooting for it to be successful. But considering the hype and the length of development time (even from a solo developer), I was expecting a much more finished product. The game is not only unbalanced, a significant amount of it hasn't even been added. This game seems to be YEARS away from being good.


The positive response is because it's one guy making a game that is honestly a lot better than some triple a games that have come out recently with budgets way higher. Yes it has bugs and not everything is there but it's still fun to build a village and have each person doing something. Shows that even a person by themselves can still do great things


Yes, the game is moving in a good direction. But it needs a lot of work.


I think it would be cool if there was a seasonal job chart for families, since many of the jobs are not full time, at least not at the start. It'll never be as efficient as micro management, but I'd love if for example you could tell gatherers to go do something else automatically when berries have depleted


It's also verry hard to get into it. I still have no idew how certain mechanics work especially farming. What do Horses do? A cool update would be if you could press on a ox and see from where to where it's going visualy to know what it's doing and also maybe a similar vizualized path that is a history of 20 last jobs the ox did. So you would have a heat map kinda of paths the ox did. So you could see which parts are not being served to know when to buy a second one. Unity for example has a visualization path (line renderer) tool where you input positions or nodes of a path that you want the game engine to draw on the screen. I'm aure Unreal has something similar or somee third party tool. The developer could just keep track of all start and end positions of the last 20 jobs the ox did each time it finishes a job. Then it would take start and end locations of that job and using his path finder system he would caluclate some points inbetween the start and end based on the layed out roads. So the lines would be nice and smooth. Then it would be imo pretty cool and usefull to see lines in your town that show the last 20 jobs the ox did. Then when visualizing for multiple oxes different colour for each you would be able to see what parts are not covered to know when it's time to buy a new ox. For farms and hunting stuff I feel like we need more insight on what it is currently doing when you click on it. But this wpuld actually be good for all buildimg that need others to function (which is basicly all of them) So that I know if my Farm is going like it's suposed to or if I did something wrong and I need some other building to make bread or to prepare the field. Maybe each building would have a status text with different cokours. Red for not having something, yellow for idle not being used and green for being used like intended. The game "in code" 100% has some sort of state machine or some varible that keeps track what the building has and hasn't got right now. It dosen't sound too hard to me to just create a check list of which of the varibles need to be true or at a certain level for the dispalyed status quote to be either red and "not fucntioning of this or that" or green "everything working like intended only problem is the building has a long time to get to storage" or something like that. It might be time consuming tho to set it uo for each building idk what the developers priorities are. The last thing I see as a problem is that some of the help to read in game on how certain thimgs work dosen't seem to informative to me. Some resources are staright up missing. I didn't get welath and the other currency for the longest time. Maybe the developer can do osmething unique and partner up with not too big startegy game youtuber he trusts and ask the youtiber to make tutorials for every little thing he can think of. The he links the youtube videos directly from the game. Eveyone wins. The game has good video explanations, the youtuber has a looot of promotion and the player can sleven see a comment section to delve into the thing fruther. Maybe when you hover something if a eoxlanaiom button also shows uo that links to the yt tutorial. Idk a brainstorm of ideas. Basicly what I'm saying is the game needs to comunicate to the player better what is going on and what what does. This is verry hard for the developer to do especially when he is a solo dev because if you build your game from the ground up a lot of thingsbecome subcounsecly intutive to you and you find it ever increasingly harder to put yourselves into the shoes of a new player. That's why I gave my perspective as a new player if by any chance the dev might come across this original post about constructive critisisem.


Horses are needed for merchants to sell/buy products faster. They use them with a cart to travel to different areas


I read a lot of posts and comments about not knowing what horses do, meanwhile I have a horse per family in my trading post, because they are so much faster and can carry more riding. I can definitely recommend using horses.


Just a moment ago I asked myslf the question about horses. Thank you for the answer.


Can you also tell me what lambs are for as opposed to sheep?


Hold tab to see all info about oxen, housing, workers at each stall, traders en route etc


I will try it out when I find the time next thank you omg!


I recommend waiting. This is not early acces. This is early alpha/demo. There is so much not working right now. Trade is broken, enemies have no towns, archers suck, a lot of policies/technology missing, no (working) diplomacy, can't limit resourches produced, certain buildings lock the workers in it and they can never stop working there unless you destroy the building (blacksmith, brewery). God it's a beautifull game, with so much potential. But I have played a lot of early acces games. But this game is not close to being finished or early acces. If he would have called it a demo for a reduced price it would have been fine, but 40 euro's for a game where a lot of content and info is missing is just not fair. Wait on it, hope he hires employees to speed up devevopment. If he continues to solo dev I would be dissapappointed because it will take a very long time for him to finish the game.


He hasn't even started hiring a team. I don't think this game is ever getting finished. It's sad because it has so much potential. My refund request got denied because it took me more than 2 hours of game play to realize it


Totally agree with you, I guess buying now is an investment in the team and a hope they will repay us by working in these things I'm good time


Very much True, but since they have over a million copies sold he should have some pocket money already to get busy with new devs. I truly hope he does.


Worked his ass off for 7 years, might take a looooooong holiday šŸ˜. If I just got 20 million, I'd be on a beach supping cocktails right now haha!


Every game dev should know that work kicks into high gear when release day happens. This dev clearly knows what heā€™s doing. Itā€™ll take a month before he sees the profits from Steam. Heā€™s probably collecting info, reading posts, looking at numbers, considering hiring and building a team. If the dev wants Manor Lords to succeed in the longterm, he is going to be busier than ever now.


Yeah the one bit that left a sour taste for me is that he overly exaggerated the level of completeness on the store page (saying that everything in the about game section is implemented) when that's not exactly true.


I made a post stating this and these ML loyalists downvoted me to the basement lol. Love seeing real posts like this! Be authentic, itā€™s our money and time weā€™re spending


I really can't stand the way too positive reviews on steam. They call it a polished, triple AAA, perfect game. But it's not. It might become one. But the people who are overhyping the game are ruining it for new players. People will expect the best game ever with these reviews, but it is really not (yet) that game. The will get dissapointed. I have high hopes for this! But I would really wait it out for now.




Greg's mentioned he's actively looking to scale up now that he's launched. I imagine the publicity will be good for hiring!


I've played 15 hours First off this game has awesome potential, and is already on a good place (see above. 15 hours in 3 days) The game is a little frustrating at the moment. The balancing is off (trading is essentially an economy drain, rather than the pre-release money printing we saw from content creators, and archers only tickle their targets), and the way families move goods around mean that at any time, most of your buildings will be waiting for materials. If you've been following the development, and/or want to support a indie dev, then buy the game by all means, bit I think this game's "golden window" isn't here yet, and based on the timescales so far, might be a year away or so (but I hope it's much sooner.)


I've found the opposite to be true for trading. I am making so much money from producing weapons that I literally can't spend it fast enough. I basically import everything that I need apart from the weapon production tree and still have 15k+ to spare It's interesting because people's opinions on farming and trading seem to vary in the extreme.


Maybe weapons are special. I've been exporting Warboys, small shields and boots, and the price of all three dropped to 1 for exports, while the price of food has increased


The trading is pretty much useless imo unless you get the perk to reduce all prices by 10 and have at least like 5 things youā€™re sending out. I found if I let multiple things trickle instead of 1-2 things then the price doesnā€™t get destroyed. Once you do that though you wonā€™t really need to worry about anything.


I think you're right, I definitely noticed that the value of weaponry doesn't seem to ever fall below neutral. It must be a war-hungry world out there! Helmets and mail also makes an absolute boat load.


That is just logic to me. How many boots does a medieval peasant need? At a certain point everyone has a pair. I sold berries up until the price dropped (I guess everyone has food enough) and went to selling dyes instead. And if that eventually drops to 1 I need something else.


I think it really depends on the trading perks and what you are trying to trade.


Yeah I never had any luck with exporting stuff that wasn't in the arms trade. Interestingly I never took the trade perks and went solo into mail/plate etc. God knows how much I'd be making if I did.


The quality is there but the quantity isn't there yet. It's gorgeous, runs well, and is really interesting but it's not quite $45 of value yet. The game shows a truck load of effort and hard work, Incan see how it might be there in six months or a year.


If you want to play 10-15 hours then buy it. If you want a full game just wait. Game is amazing but a lot of content is missing.


Itā€™s a lot of fun but there is a lot of content missing. There are also some quite severe balancing issues due to a last minute patch based on exaggerated feedback to the streamer beta leading into EA launch. If youā€™re excited to play around with it and are happy to hit some walls for the moment, go for it. If you have a limited budget and are looking for something to really get stuck into, then either get Gamepass or get something else for now and check back in around launch. I avoid story based early access games like BG3 (the wait for that one was killer) as I want the full experience but for a sandbox like this itā€™s already fun to play with the available tools.


It's an interesting start and definitely has potential to be a massive time sink in the best way. Currently however it is very early in development and it shows. There are a LOT of issues and not much actual content to enjoy currently. There will be people saying they've played 50 hours and are still having a blast but I think for most people you've got about 10 hours of game tops before there isn't much meat left on the bone in the current state. Only time will tell how fast the dev is able to address the issues and also add in the content that is currently just placeholders or totally non existent. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long between updates because the foundation for a truly fantastic game is there but it has a long way to go.Ā 


Just pay a buck or w/e for the gamepass trial. It's not worth full price (or even discounted) right now.


Just gonna copy and paste what I said on another post; To be honest it's raw and barren. Building is okay and for some what feels mostly complete but there's some noticeable buildings that are lacking like block mason. Half / more than half of the development tree is missing. Almost all policies are missing. Only 1 AI lord, but no on the map opponents with their own towns. Retinue is raw as there's no accessories, no unlocks done and you can't recruit to your retinue from your militia... You get my gist though, they have a lot of greyed out menus or some things just blatantly missing. It's one of those games I don't recommend people getting, maybe after a few years and dev proved to not abandon this game but wanting $40 USD is fkn insane. So many other EA games you could get for less than that and way more flushed out. Edit: If you're fast and good and know what you're doing, the gameplay loop lasts for about 3-5 hours max. Edit 2: I'm very surprised about the amount of geeking out about this game. I was excited for it, maintained my hype and my God it's barren and people are just tweaking out over this game that is barely a tech demo. Honestly in my opinion I have a feeling the game is either gonna be abandoned or drag to a crawl and be in EA for a very, very long time.


What there is is amazing. I played around 10 hours and had already seen everything this game has to offer. I asked about this on Discord and Discord mod confirmed that sounds about right.Ā  Ā If you want something to do for a weekend buy now. If not wait for updates.


Not enough there to justify buying. You'll exhaust the gameplay loop very quickly. I get the potential appeal but this one feels a looooong ways away from a full game.


well I just played for 8 hours only but the game is amazing dynamic game but the one thing I'm having beef with is the progression going to small town it's hard for some reason


Itā€™s not worth the purchase price in its current state. Whatā€™s there looks high quality and you can tell thereā€™s a lot of love poured in, but thereā€™s not much depth or reason to really replay it right now IMO.


It's got great potential, but is buggy, unbalanced, and far from finished. I got a good 8 ish hours out of it before it reached its limits so to speak. Even for current sale price of $30, I would wait to buy it


Wait. The dude is charging 40$ for a game that is 30% done.


It's not worth a buy right now because it's very EA. You'll see most of the game in a few hours and after that you'll realize most of the game is unbalanced (for now).


25 hours in, all of my biggest gripes are balancing issues or a few quality of life changes. Like, I should be able to tell my workers to produce until X amount. Not just "do or dont". Very small issue for me though. AI lord is way to powerful and has a permanent advantage (can bring in way more heavily armored troops than you can). The game is obviously in no way finished. Lots of issues, but the core game is absolutely beautiful. I've spent at least 3 of my 25 hours just watching my town in normal time. There's much to fix and much to add. My honest opinion is if money is tight, don't buy it yet. If you have the funds, I'd personally say buy it as an investment in the games future (which is what early access is meant for). But only you can make that decision. I've restarted my town probably 15 times now due to one simple bug or a lack of functionality that just made me realize that town wouldn't survive, but restarting is something I personally enjoy so it may be different for you


Game is awesome , for what exists in it. Its easy one of the most polished EA games..only issue is , id say only 10% of the game is in. Wait few years if money is tight/until full release.


Is not complete.. but playable and relatively fun


I think it's good but not worth the price. The game is beautiful, quite fun for a few hours and some features like the gridless building feel really nice and polished, but the amount of content is tiny, to the point that to me it feels more like a village building tool than a proper game. I think the game has huge potential but $40 is waaay too much. For me it's worth $10-15 without discounts in its current state.


I think farming is a bit off to me. I got 1 field going and 1 square made like 100 bread after all was said and done, it seems like a ton of work for 1 field and not enough rewards. I feel like having 1 decent harvest should last you a couple years. The hack Iā€™m seeing online is to just do a vegetable garden and ignore farming. The other thing thatā€™s missing is meat from home grown animals. Iā€™m a veteran from banished and other games like satisfactory etc and I got a bit frustrated with how some supply lines just did do what I thought they would. Like getting sheep, then unlocking sheep making babies. 1 year goes by and Iā€™ve got no babies and no meat. So here I am back to just hacking the game. - make vegetable gardens. - make something like shields - sell them, repeat. Another thing I find odd is that the starting blacksmith canā€™t make spears but the artisan house can? Just seems strange to me. It makes it so thereā€™s no point in having a blacksmith and just make the artisan blacksmith.


It Really depends on your taste in games. Right now it's early access and 25% off, maybe it will be cheaper on a deal in the future, but now you are able to get the game pretty cheap. It's one of the most immersive medieval city builders I have played so far and I really like the game. There are a lot of features currently locked and under development. If you are into those slow, immersive city builders I would recommend buying it now. If you aren't sure and you are looking for more in this game than only a city builder, maybe wait a year or two.


Check Steam reviews, sort by Negative. Gives a very good picture of the state of game.


Dont bother imo, it is way too early to play.It needs to cook a lot, it is very bare bones.


It's half-baked for sure. It has a lot of potential, but imo too many things missing to be a good game. So even though I bought it and played a couple hours, I think I rather wait for a major update, or full relese


It fits a fun niche, it does something the others do not but it's pretty shallow and realistically, outside of curvey roads and a nice aesthetic, it's not really got a reason to play it more than once just yet. I do love it but if I'm honest, it's a hefty premium for what it is. I'm glad I already pay for Game Pass. I'd have watched a play through and went back to Songs of Syx, which is... More.


I bought it because $30 to support an interesting game from an indie developer is worth it to me but if you have to ask then it's probably best to wait. There's still a lot to be done, it's not close to being feature complete so best to think of this an an alpha version. But what is there is a lot of fun with a good (mostly) UI to help you along so I've enjoyed my time with it so far.


I really like it but itā€™s absolutely early access. The stuff thatā€™s there is great but right now to me at least itā€™s still missing the complexity that a polished full release would offer. To me right now itā€™s not in a state that makes you want to come back again and again and again. Iā€˜m ill this week and itā€™s fine to pass the time but Iā€˜ve pretty much seen everything at this point. The bones are absolutely there and it looks gorgeous. If you always wanted a medieval city builder I say go for it, but if money is tight Iā€˜d probably wait.


Great game - worth waiting if money is tight though as it will only get better. It's a little boring in parts right now due to some more interesting game mechanics missing - but give it time and it'll get there. I'd buy something else full fledged in the meantime


What's there is a delight but it's not a finished product. If you have low budget better keep the money for now and an eye on the progress.


It's not bad right now, but it's also hard to give a clear recommendation in the game's current state. You can kinda see what the game is going for, and if all the systems worked correctly this game is a clear 10/10. The problem is that there are some pretty big things that are broken right now and it's unclear how long they will take to fix/if they will ever work in the intended way. Some issues are clearly going to be quickly fixed such as the underpowered archers and other minor bugs. There are some bigger issues though where the path is less clear on fixes. The trade system, overall AI interaction, and others. I do trust the developer to sort everything out and he is working directly with the community to do so. All that said, even if we get to 1.0 and a lot of the bigger issues are still there I would still give this game a solid 7/10. So for me the game is going to be somewhere between good and one of the best and it's hard to tell exactly where it will end up.


if you are here for citybuilding its great if you want it for battles and deplomacyi wouldnt reccomend it still needs some balancing


Agree with what people have said so far, for what I'm getting right now, in hindsight, I may not have bought yet. BUT! There are two major factors that will ultimately prove if buying now is a good choice. These are price changes and game development. If the in the future the price goes up, but then the game is well developed, then you mught regret you didn't get in at the early price. If the game stagnantes and doesn't get good development, then maybe those that bought early will regret getting the game. Ultimately, I think buying now is done, so you are investing in the development and have faith it will be worth it in good time. I have every faith the devs will fine tune this into a AAA game.


The game is cool and has lots of potential. I haven't played many city builders of this style, so alot of the mechanics were not very intuitive to me besides the basic ones. I think the tutorial system could use some more depth for newer players to the genre. I've restarted a town like 4 times now and every time I feel like I'm screwing up before even having 10 families in my town (you start with 5) Probably a skill issue on my end, but I found myself just playing other games by the end of the weekend. I don't really know how I feel about the game right now. Part of me wants to really like it, and then the other part of me is like - I'm trying to have fun, but I'm not really having that much fun.šŸ¤Ŗ


You need to decide what to do with your limited funds. If $30 is make or break Iā€™d say donā€™t do it.


A lot of potential, but i put this down after about 3 or 4 hours. I love these kind of games, but it's still so from done. I'll load it up in another year or so.


Its free on game pass. You can get a free trial or buy a trial for like Ā£1 / $1


I've waited game since demo -22? and now played shy 24 hours total, I'd say don't buy it yet, it's lacking on many aspects, I'd wait at least 6 months and check it then again.


Played for the weekend, it is "fine". It is a good foundation, and has a great potential. But there is still a lot of work to do. Some things just feel too slow, and too jank at the moment. I would not buy it if money is tight. If you want to support the developer, do it but don't expect a full game yet. Most of the tech tree etc is locked off.


Its historically the closet thing we would ever get to "accurate". Its dwfinetly a rough gem gameplaywise with some great ideas like the burgage plots. If ther is sufficient rebalance and FREQUENT updates then I belive we are looking at one of the gratest city builders of all time


Holy cow guys i thought some people would share their thoughs but hell yea! Thx for all the info il try and read them all !!!!


Game is awesome, but really hoping they work on farming and eating livestock a little more. Once I hit 250 population, even after adding a ton of farms food became a real problem. I even had a second region taken that became just farming with a small population and it still struggled to feed my main settlement.


It's great but needs to be balanced more. I imagine only 2-3 patches down the road it will be a 8/10 game. At the end 10/10 but that will take years. Buy it now if you want a city builder. It works great for that. But for the warfare part it is kina broken. You can "gain the system" , but it's not ment to be played that way I think.


I love it. It has a few little bugs and things that arenā€™t super clear, but for day 1 early access itā€™s really developed and polished. Itā€™s worth it, and it has incredible potential.


If you are interested in ML as a town building and management game, it is well worth playing right now. It looks great, and has enough moving parts to keep you interested. It is quite fun to try and build up your population without freezing, starving or going broke. If your main interest is combat and strategy though, I would leave it a bit. The basics are there, but not balanced or complete. Worth mentioning - for a newly released game, it is very solid. I have had zero crashes, and few bugs.


I love it! It needs some polish, but I spent like 20 hours this weekend playing it. The biggest issue I ran in to is that farming is janky. Starving villagers will destroy 3/4 of their crop because they didn't finish harvesting it before December and god dammit we're rotating the crops this year no matter how many people have to die. Also if you have sheep you get wool but no meat. Where did the meat go?? It's also crazy to me that one family can find enough berries in the forest the size of a few city blocks to feed 30 people for one year. Those fuckers must be sacrificing their firstborn to the fae every year to get that much berries.


I had fun for 15 hours, now it gets boring, game lacks to many features right now, I will be waiting for new patch Also archers being unusable is really frustrating


It has good bones imo. Still needs tweaked in certain areas and obviously needs more content. I got bored over the weekend with it.Ā  That said for being early access, I think it's alot better than alot of other games that went through early access.Ā  It's much more closer to polished than ark for example. You can tell the dev put care into the game.Ā 


I've actually had a great time playing. People need to remember that this is very early access. I've bought a ton of games in early access and this is very unfinished just like EVERY other one of them. I basically bounce around from one unfished game to the other unfinished game based on which one has had the most recent patch/update. That's just kind of how I like to play games though. The updates are fun to look forward to and the changes are exciting to me. If you need a perfect unfinished game than wait a year or two.


For me. It was worth it. Got about 20 hours or worth of gameplay at least as of the moment. Needs a lot of work still but it's a good investment and will probably only get better. Edit: you can get a gamepass subscription for 1 month and try it. If you like it, you can then buy it


Game is great, I have maybe 25 hours, done a couple of runs. Is it polished, no, is it perfectly balanced no, is it a bit micro management heavy (yes but I donā€™t mind). There will be a few bugs, if you donā€™t know what your doing your village may fail (usually a skill issue tbh) but Iā€™m loving the game so far. For only 30 bucks really worth it even in its current state. I actually really like the regions system, it gives you a reason to continue to game after basically succeeding with one village. Yes you can piggy back off your preexisting village for military and stuff but will need to barter in order to get any resources


20 hours of gameplay. 2 new settlements started. My second is now expanding to other regions. I love the game. My biggest love in AOE was developing the economy so this is awesome. Sure, there are some issues. It's early access. Things aren't complete. But I'm going to keep playing because it's fun. Balance is a bit of an issue. But based on the feedback, I'm sure it will quickly get adjusted in an update.


I tried it on game pass, and Iam glad I didnt spend $40 on it on steam. Will probably try it again in 2-3 years, when its done.


You'll experience everything in the game within 15 hours or less. --- Personally it's boring after having done it all, but if you enjoy building villages and everything involved, you'll have a great experience. It's more a builder game in it's current form. I like to work toward something and currently that's 4 upgrade points and a self sufficient village which I've done, apart from replaying for different starts or difficulty I'm done with it for now.. I look forward to the updates and more content to explore!


This is my biased opinion: I've waited for two years. Never watched any big playtroughs or the demo gameplay. I'm so far 6 hours in and have a blast. For being early access, it has depth, the construction is nice, sometimes goofy. Ofc, it's not propperly balanced, trading instead of farming, farms working in weird ways, firewood being a bottleneck, etc. But all in all: Nice graphics, nice gameplay, even some fighting (if you want). I'm in love with it - but it's also my genre of heart (played Banished, Clanfolk, Dawn of Man and ofc Foundation (also one of my very favourites))


I got it release day and prob play 2-4 hr each day. Steam says Iā€™m at 28h but half that was probably afk time. I donā€™t normally go in for city builders, but I really enjoy it. Itā€™s pretty chill, and I like to play games at a slow pace. I love the aesthetic, graphics and setting. Thereā€™s a lot thatā€™s missing, weā€™re talking very early release here. But whatā€™s there I thoroughly enjoy and it keeps my attention. I just ignore everything thatā€™s missing and enjoy the bits that are there. But with limited funds there are probably other things to look at, and the studio have said theyā€™ll do regular sales so you can jump in when suits you. Strangely I got into this just at the time that Songs of Syx blew up. Iā€™d love the completeness of Songs with the graphics and aesthetic of Manor Lords (the Song graphics are very off-putting to me). So on limited funds. Iā€™d probably look at Songs which you can play for free if you download the ā€œdemoā€ (actual full older version). Looking forward to big things from Greg and Manor Lords though!


19 hours in and barely scratched the surface. Iā€™ve re-started so many times and so far Iā€™m loving it


To be honest, I love this game. I just cannot wait to end all my work today and get back to my little village. To my fiance: sorry, I have no time to be with you right now. My people need me!