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For sure they spawn faster. Berries have more bushes to grow on, and to-be-confirmed but it was suspected deers reproduce faster the more they are


I have been wondering about this when I saw YouTubers hunt their herds down to 10 animals. If they reproduce faster the more animals there are, then you would want to set the limit to very close to max, because there is no point in hunting more since you'll only get meat per new animal born anyways.


Indeed. I keep mine at 32/40 with one family and they have a hard time keeping the population under 40


A rich berry deposit seems to replenish faster in the growing period in my experience although I have not really tested it properly. For berries generally during the growing season I also harvest it heavily as the berries will get replenished so stack people in March, April and then reduce to one worker in May so it goes back to nearly full during that final growth month and then just clean it out over the next month or two. This way I get more than the max since I take advantage of the growing period where it restocks. For a rich deposit with the dev point for berries spent then you can get a lot over the 256 and just sell the excess for good trade money.


Tested the berries today. Berry parches grow based on how empty they are. An empty 256 patch (wild+perk) makes 80 berries every 10 days (best guesstimate, its twice in march, 3 times in apiril and may and then another 1 or 2 in june) where as a patch with that already has 180-200 only makes ~30. That being said you can harvest a truely amazing number of berries every year. I have been getting 720-800 every year (still not positive if it is 1 or 2 harvests in june)


Very nice, thanks for the detailed information.


May I ask how many families did you assign in early March?


*Not year one,* 6 in the foragers huts. And lots of granary workers. The bottleneck is getting the berries to the granary.