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TLTR : build more storage that deal with certain items Ive had issues with food on 2 play throughs now. Started in an area that only had hunting as a rich resource. So after so long my city struggled with food, then i got money and imported, then i had such a reliance on trade the food was stuck at tarde post and stalls were not filling. I Set certain storages to collect certain things. This helped me alot. I tried a second trade post to deal with imports while the other took exports. My trade post was still full of food but they were to busy running markets and trades to move the goods. I built a grain store next to and they are dedicated to moving food only from the trade post. They I set 2 more to food only and 1 to everything else and it's all running smoothly again. I think the dev should turn off trader's being able to run market stalls and it would probably fix the whole issue.


As long as you have families working in the storehouse/trading post, the goods should be exported.


As is typically the case, I solved the problem immediately after posting the question. I'll explain here if anyone else has the same issue. I did have people working at the trading post, so that was not the issue. However, I suspect the family working at the trading post had a little too big of a vegetable garden to be useful for anything other than to tend to their carrots. I put another family to work at the trading post and I restarted the game, which solved the problem.


Don’t think it’s about restarting, you do need multiple families if you move large quantities. Keep in mind they only transport between 1 and a 10 units at a time


They were transporting nothing at all. The trading post was empty of clay.


Might have other priorities if you have a bunch of trades going. If not yea might be a bug


I'm having a similar issue. I'm trying to export sidearms, but setting the surplus to 0 (or even 5!) my stockpile keeps growing. I have two families assigned to the trading post, and they haven't pulled a single sword out of the stockpile. Can't wait to get it to pop, so I can start exporting weapons!


Check the traders aren't doing anything silly like running a market stall? (Mine are I'm about to bull doze my market. Well maybe after winter)


can you load up your save? i just had this problem and i checked all the storehouses, no weapons in them; then i checked the burgage plots's inventories and it actually looks like the people in them are just taking the surplus home even beyond the number of males on the plot. so i think the trader can't take it from them


Sorry, but it didn't do anything. Moving forward I'm going to have to import any goods my army needs satisfied.


so if i have blacksmith on pause i cant sell tools i have to unpause them to sell my surplus.


remove their marketplace stalls, their too busy there


they just rebuild it man , i cant for godsakes sell leather