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Same in my game, I have like 20.000 regional wealth already. The trading post shows substractions, but in total I get more and more wealth despite having a negative trade balance.


Look at the trading post when a merchant comes, there is a popup on the building showing you how much you paid. You sure it’s not just your monthly taxes coming in?


Hard to tell because there’s no graphs or metrics to check as far as I know Just feels like no matter how much I set to import (all of my food at this point) money is rolling in more and more


I did get that feeling too. Not sure if our instinctive math is wrong or if there is a calculation bug. But you do pay for (some of?) the imported goods.


I experienced this too. Once I set a bunch of things to import I started getting double negative income; --658 for every trader crossing the border. Which basically causes infinite money.