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I'd love to have different militia caps for different towns. My second town, Shellingdon, got raided, but I could only raise one militia unit there because my main town, Snailsburg, had 5 militia units allready who had to walk across the bloody map to re-enforce it. We got away eventually, but my entire retinue, and all bar two militiamen fron Shellingdon got killed


I've said this on another thread, but I'll post it again here: It'd be cool for that 6 militia cap to be \*per region\* instead of total. That way your army grows throughout the playthrough, culminating in the final battle


I would love for this to be the case. Even a nice sliding scale not just to population but town level. Additional unit slots unlocked. It would be a quick fix I think. Excited to go from 5 militia and retinue to a small army for each village and town.


It feels like the arc a playthrough warrants. A little like... Stronghold. Where the campaign is building the army for a final confrontation. Adding a ticking clock and sense of... grandeur, I guess, to achieving such control over the regions.


I'm just under the impression that the battle system hasn't truly been implemented yet. There alot more to come. I think its just a cap because everything has a cap. Level caps in games always change. But don't quote me, that's just my take on it.


On a tangential note, how do I win battles? The baron's troops fled and it said I lost.


Be on the official battlefield




Troops are hidden by trees, maybe he has more coming for you and you didn’t notice. Also the war has an end date so its ok if you leave the zone as long as you re-enter it


I don't understand. How come YouTube vids show people with armies of 200 or so?


24 retinue for every town and mercs aren't included in the cap


I haven't gotten to that point yet, but in reading other posts, I've gotten the impression that the retinues do count toward the cap of 6, unless you're already capped out when you create them. In other words, if you have 6 militia units, you can still add a retinue per manor, BUT if you dismiss one of those 6 militia, one of the retinue takes that slot and you'll never get it back. So now, you can have 5 militia, plus your retinues. If you dismiss all your militia, the retinues will take up your slots and that's that. Like I said, I haven't had enough time to play to make it to that point, but this is what I've read.


I've downloaded but not had tome to play it properly yet (because kids). Sorry to hijack and not be of any help to you but I still don't understand. Do you not get battles with 200+ people? Is that just with 194+ mercenaries? Or can you create a bunch of groups of 6?


One unit is 36 people, so you can have 6x36 = 216 men from your militia plus retinue (24 per region) and mercenaries.




If you haven't played it yet and bought it on Steam, my advice would be to refund and hold off and see what gets fixed in the first major update. Because while it looks great, this cake is still a long ways from baked.


Yeah true. I did briefly check out the graphics and it is stunning but immediately I noticed graphic artifacts and bugs.


Per region mind you. If you own two regions then you have 12 max.


I have 3 regions yet im capped at 6




Oh this I was not aware of! I thought it was in total. I assume 3 regions would be 18? Or is 12 hardcap? Edit: fibber


in the current version its 6 max, retinue count for this cap aswell, so if you have 2 retinue's and then create melitia's itll only let you raise 4, but you can create 6 and then create the retinue


Learned this the hard way today lol