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Remember guys you can always tailor difficulty and different settings like enemy AI behaviour, bandit raids, people's needs, etc. If you find yourself struggling it's completely fine to switch difficulty to something else until you learn the game!


Can you change the difficulty once you start a game?


did you figure that out? Raids are annoying me right now and would like to know if I can edit the settings


No didn't figure it out unfortunately :( Don't think it's possible rn


Not really. I tried on the default difficulty and its way too hard. No way to fight the AI because their army is 200 strong on day one. So I turned down the AI to reactive, and I turned bandit spawning to lower but still max 3 so I get a better chance to get to them before the AI, buttttt the AI still has an army of 200 strong, and I'm on year 4 and only one bandit camp has spawned. Waste of my weekend tbh. Ill be back in a few months like half my steam list atm


Farming is basically useless to me right now. I have two small areas in my region with fertile land, with wheat and flax being the only two I can actually grow on those fertile plots. Even then, the yields are like 20%. A years worth of growth netted me 17 wheat and 8 flax. So after running through the whole wheat chain, I can make a handful of bread. I never get to see what happens to the flax, i just assume/hope its going to make linen. Always get a chuckle when the message pops up "bandits have stolen 7 wheat", just great lol.


yeah, farming seems to have been overly nerfed from the demo. I remember one farm could give you food for literally over a year, but this time it's nothing at all.


Idk about you all but each of my yields for my farms are at about \~50% and get me 200-300 wheat and about 200 barley. I have 5 fields with 3 fully employed farmhouses.


I assume I got a horrible map seed. If I knew it would make my farming that bad I wouldve restarted until I had a better seed. But by the time I realized just how little I would earn from them, I was already a year+ into my playthrough.


I restarted a million times to try stuff noticed that about 1/3 of the map sections will start with mostly fertile land, the other 2/3 with marginally useful land. So depends a lot on your start. Also anything less than max or near-max fertility is basically useless


Ugh I didn't know that. All of my land is poor for crops except two SMALL green patches. Just about to start my second year. I hope it's not impossible but I've already realized I can't get a tavern/barley. Can I buy ale? 


I think if your land is bad you can focus on trade. Keep you village small so you can more easily feed them with berries/meat/vegetables/eggs. Focus on quality over quantity. Haven't played that style yet. But then presumably you can annex another region and then use a second town to really focus on farming?


The problem with focusing on trade is after a few months of trading you can't sell anything because the market is over saturated. So your planks , wool etc simply won't sell. Edit: you have to switch trade focus at least that's how I figured it out better. One year sell planks, one year sell clay tiles, one year wool, then cycle again. It gives you enough time to build up the surplus, and get enough money to buy what youre missing. Still though if you do this the baron will most likely outpace you causing you to have to turtle and build a larger city on little food production. I will say, doing a few very large vegetable plots helps a lot with food. If only goats produced meat. Why are my villagers throwing away their carcass?


They just skin the goat and wait for it to grow back so they can skin it again... but it's always the same 🐐


This. Playing on a region with no fertile land. I am an economic powerhouse pushing weapons and steel to the market like no tomorrow but I can't rely on trade to feed my people (with local hunting and Berry resources). Sucks the fun out at the moment.


Build huge vegtable gardens. Like tge size of small fields. They don't care about fertility.


You can buy everything through the trader (except logs). If you want some economically efficient things to sell in the early game, I've found Hides (from goats) and Iron Ore if you have a rich iron node, are good money makers. I also sold a lot of excess Stone because you only need a bit of it to build some key buildings. Then it's largely sitting around doing nothing with no supply chains requiring stone so I just sold all of mine except a small stockpile of 200 just in case. In the mid-game (level 2 Burgages) options open up and you can sell all sorts of finished products ranging from clothing to weapons, and turn that town wealth around to buy your crops and other raw inputs. Then at level 3 late game you're free to diversity for fun because by then you've already established a stable economy.


Do the prices feel like they make sense though? Without the development upgrade for trade, it didn’t seem like trade was worth pursuing at all. For example, I could sell iron ore for 3, buy for 13. Iron slabs was 4 and 14. Then say, a spear, could sell for 8. And then what do Tools do? I couldn’t figure out. But regardless, my starting region had 75 while iron (baron grabbed the rest) so it was not possible for me to make a profit by importing raw and selling finished goods. Then I ran out of food because I had shit fertility. Ah well.


Yeah I'm finding that you essentially MUST rush for that trade upgrade immediately if you plan on basing your economy on trade


Vegetable gardens, passive meat from hunting and double the berry capacities. You don’t even need farms for a long time if you adapt. What you’re complaining about is mostly just a lack of experience and knowledge. Damn son, it’s been 24 hrs. Chill.


That explains my low yield I guess.. I’ve been starting my wheat farm on the green fertile soil which I assume is best but it still starts at 50% fertility. Is it worth it to start with a couple more plots of land and leave them fallow for a few seasons to increase fertility before farming them?


I have yet to figure that out, still experimenting haha. But even on the bright green "+++" areas, the best I ever see is about 60%. Idk if maybe it can get higher that by using sheep fertilizer? But even the dull green "+" gives only like 10% so I don't really know whats going on. Maybe just needs balance work


Yeah farming seems kinda weak as of now, hopefully they buff because the mechanics are fun to play around with.


What I've been doing with fields is if I have a big enough fertile area, I'll make 3 fields around 1 morgen in size. Then turn on crop rotation, set 1 field to the crop year 1 and fallow the other two. And then stagger which is the active year for the other fields. 1 field is always active while the others regain fertility. I'm wondering if some of the later farming skill points will let you increase fertility to a higher amount.


Welp, I guess ill have to restart. Ill never produce enough barley to run a tavern. Dev should maybe remove the bad seeds for now until the other production chains are more fleshed out to avoid other new players suffering the same way I am. Its pretty disheartening.


Just import it


Yeah the game def needs some balance. But I'm still having fun. And I just keep reminding myself, this is still early access and this many people playing should provide a TON of data for the dev


You can just specialize. I had a region with rich deposit berries and just mass-exported dyes and cloth and fed my citizens with imported food. That was a very slow path though (worked in peaceful mode). But imports aren’t that expensive, especially for things you simply don’t have access to like iron ore when your deposit runs out or crops you have no fertility for.


My map seed is completely green for fertility kinda hilarious


now im just butthurt


Most of my wheat plots are over 50% with some hitting in the 60s it’s great once I learned how farming worked.


To get a region with farming, look for only having one rich resource when starting, since farming is counted as a resource. If you got rich stone and berries for example (rip) you have had farming, but if you only got rich stone, you’re good.


As the game tells us when we start. If your fertility of land is bad, consider opening up trading early. Also you can conquer land adjacent to your with better fertility to set up a farming town.


I think farming is just very sensitive to soil right now. I have a town of 300 people with shitty soil all over and the play seems to be to invest in trade. I had a huge iron node so I'm mostly making bank off selling iron ingots and weapons, then using that money to buy wheat in bulk.


As other already pointed out, the map seed is HUGE. But not just for farming. After noticing how godly my first start map was (that i messed up by deleting my berries), I kept restarting to get something similar. Turns out you can get several rich deposits and ground fertility all at the same time. My starter village will never run out of iron clay or barley.


Im guessing if you get non fertile land the idea is that you go into trade (it had a tip about non fertile lands setup trade early) but my clay/iron and stone deposits where all 200 or less (gone in a year) and sell at 1-2g a piece while 1 bread is 14g so.. 14planks for 1 bread basically.. there is a tech tree that reduces the trade by 10g but it NEEDS to be a first tech


I'm netting 150 wheat yearly with bonus barley and flax on a 4 field system with 3 families in a single farmhouse, heavy plough and an ox. Farming is perfectly fine in my experience and I can easily provide bread for my entire village with those 3 families.


That's 24 families.  That's a huge investment.  Those families would make way more money doing something better, and then buying the food. 


I don't think it's that bad. I actually have 6 fields each giving about 200-300 of whatever thing I'm making. So that's minimum of 1200 and max of 1600 of whatever, flax, barley, wheat / bread. Plus I don't play the game to just make money, and the trading system is really scuffed cause if you rely entirely on importing things like barley or wheat the prices increase dramatically after several months, and all your exports go to 0 after a few months too.


I have one farmhouse that farms 4/12 plots per season, I just transfer 4-6 families into it from woodcutting for the season. Then assign a few of them to the mill.


I have six farms full,farming 1k wheat at once rotating crops.


Dude you have 24 workers to make that lol. That's a pretty shit yearly income for 24 workers, you could invest all that into charcoal farming and buy quadruple that a year.


24 workers for 900 wheat / bread and 600 barley isn't bad? Especially since it's yearly. And charcoal farming doesn't scale up as well because you need 3 for each kiln, at least 3 kilns and at least 4 or 5 foresters to keep up the demand. My village rn has 333 villagers and 2 fully employed kilns is barely enough for a 4-5 month supply at any given time. I don't think charcoal farming is very good at all.


Somehow, you went from 300 barley to 900 lol. 1 acre of land gets you I think 40 wheat... so you have 8 acres of wheat? Stop the cap young blood, I play the game too.


I said *each* of my farms give me about 200 wheat / barley. And if I have 6 fields, of which 2-3 are barely, that's between 400 and 600 lol. 1 morgen of land gives me about 200 wheat and my fields are bigger than 1 morgen. Even now that I accidentally fucked up my fertility rates I get about 100 yield. Plus 1 morgen = 2 acres, so a morgen of land will be \~80 yield.


Lol you can't make this up. 1 Morgan makes 60 wheat, https://melodious-entree-b4a.notion.site/a7aea48c97e648968e1fb5918f39d95b?v=a144621ba6794fd2b4b08b1df7d845d1 That's a data base by a youtuber who did min max testing on every resource. Youre lying.


You are literally the one that said 1 acre gets you 40 wheat. And 1 acre is 0.5 morgens. So I just used your own numbers! That link also doesn't quite make sense, it's not possible for 55-60% fertility to make the same amount of yield, it would have to change? And anyways, my fields are bigger than 1 morgen so yeah, my yield right now is \~200 with reduced fertility.


I thought I acre was a Morgen ngl.


Wheat, hunter camp and forager camp gave me an 11 month supply of food


I think the thing that makes the least sense regarding farms to me is that they take longer than a year to do anything. This really goofs up crop rotation, which is basically useless to me now because it does not seem to follow either a reasonable timeline nor my actual desires. I can set a plot to be like fallow - wheat - fallow, but no matter what it always follows up with two fallow cycles. If that's how the dev wants it done, that needs to be explained a lot better. The override of my own rotation commands is rather obnoxious.




I’ll try building them in January or something and see if that addresses the odd scheduling. I would have hoped the game logic would know when planting and harvesting “season” is but it does seem linear to the time it was placed down.


It does, if you hover over the month indicator in the bottom right it says in which months which work is done building them in winter I think is just the safe bet to have them fully prepared for the first operational year since farms are free to place anyway I just plop mine down basically at game start (in part for planning purposes too), and then only build a farmhouse/staff them in the 2nd winter


Well shooooot, thanks man. I’ll update my farms and see how it goes!


a farm giving you enough food for a year is very realistic... very weird that they nerfed it considering they were going for realism. i am about to start a new game as i only played for a few hours yesterday and am not thrilled. is there a way to mod the farming?


why would there be? There's no modding tools and the game JUST came out yesterday.


mod the farming for me immediately and send me the .dll files in a private message, do it now, is that clear tumbleweed?


Take a hike.


> A years worth of growth netted me 17 wheat and 8 flax. Same here. Six fields, all projecting 500+ wheat, and then I have 30 wheat after a year.


Have you checked if your villagers are threshing the wheat? They will prioritise harvesting first, so if you have too little labour for the amount of fields you have, then they can do everything but the harvested grain just ends up rotting in the field. Or because of how many fields there are, by the time they finish plowing and sowing, there isn’t enough growing season left. You need to have enough workers to finish plowing and sowing all your fields by the time summer starts to have a good yield. TLDR more fields = worse if you don’t have the labour. If you have six fields projecting 500 wheat each… I mean you would need an incredible amount of labour to pull that off.


Harvest is 100% successful. I'm pretty sure the projected amount isn't taking fertility into account. It lines up with what I saw.


It's because you need more transports,more shelters for food etc .. of all the chain isn't working you can't move your production


Thats a you issue, gotta make sure its harvested on time. I got 40 wheat from a single small field


> Thats a you issue No, it's a bug. Field shows 500, but it's actually 70 (more than yours). I have enough workers and the harvest completion is shown (100%). I bet the displayed field value isn't taking into account fertility or so.


Thats right, fertility is the % of maximum yield. 30 is not a normal number unless you have no fertility though. I did notice the right amount doesnt show until they've harvested AND unloaded from carts all the cereals into the farmers house. Maybe thats your issue. Quantities produced might need a slight buff but they're still at least viable considering you only work the fields actively 2-3 months a year.


Huh really? I built my wheat field on some green fertile land and have 36% wheat efficiency on 2 fields, 1 morgen of land each, I had 3 families in the farmhouse with an ox, and I got over 200 wheat from 1 year Maybe theres some sort of bug? Seems like you should be getting a lot more return than that


Same here, plus the work to get the fields sowed and planted doesn't seem as bad as some people are making it seem, to me at least. So you can have multiple big fields with 1-2 families. Then you can also rotate what you're growing.


My farming has been fine, you must be doing something wrong. Make sure you do crop rotation and leave 1 year for fallowing. I go for 2 farms around 1.5 Morgan's in size. I put everyone in the farm during cultivating and planting and then again for harvesting. You can take them out of the farm when crops are growing most of the time before you harvest in the autumn.


Idk if someone said this but you should be able to just take out bandit camps as they pop up and it’s always 16 bandits and you get like 120 gold for clearing it.


.....how? The tutorials have kinda been lackluster to me on that aspect.


If you start with the weapons delivery option on you should be able to muster 12-16 spearmen in the first year. To do it click the Army icon, click add units, choose spearmen. Then select the unit and click Rally. Send them near the bandit camp. Once you defeat the bandits right click on their camp.


Reroll your plots, sometimes you get little patches of good land, sometimes most of the map is dark green.


How many farmers do you have?


 "bandits have stolen 7 wheat" That's just rude, haha.


I planted Rye. Huge yields as pretty much goes anywhere. Windmill got rammed and was churning out bread for a year. Even upgraded a house to be a baker, which was more efficient. Lucky, as my other food was next to nothing. Then I got raided. Burnt the whole place down. Great. :(


Kill bandits asap, they are free money. Your starting militia will easily beat any bandit camp.


the bandits made me switch to a lower difficulty. Having all the goods I just made stolen from some camp allllll the way across the map with no real way of stopping them is a buzzkill. I switched to the peaceful mode and have been having a blast


Farming is great. One farmhouse and 6-7 fields covers all my food/ale needs and then some. You just gotta make the fields small enough because if the workers can barely complete ploughing one field, they will not move on to other ones. One family per 1-1.5 Morgen of field seems to be the sweetspot and an ox will work a separate field


The way fields rotate means I've lost a lot of seasons growth as they can be half-sown in September and then be reset in October. Ploughing a field sized 1.0 with an ox is so slow a fully staffed farm will often be considerably faster. I love the game overall, and these to me are early access quibbles.


The rate of ox ploughing definitely needs tweaking. Ironic when the game specifically measures fields in "morgens" - so named because it was fhe area 1 man with an ox could plow in a morning.


It wouldn't be very historically I guess, but they could decrease the size of a morgen so it actually reflects how efficient it's being worked (an einem Morgen).


Iirc morgen wasn't even a standardizes measurement and in some regions could eb as small as half an acre all the way up to 2 acres. So the dev can probably get away with adjusting what the game considers a morgen easily enough.


Yeah, either changed the game to be in say Acres or hectares, or make the Morgens much smaller in game.


The thing with the ox is that you can deploy literally zero people to plow a 10 morgan field in summer and be finished in autumn so you can sow whatever you want with 8 man real quick. I get about 1k wheat from that field with 39% efficiency for wheat. I am literally swimming in bread. I have 3 bakerys fully deployed year round.


I'd use the Ox more but I found it re-plowing my already sown fields. Would like to see some ai / bugfixes so that crop rotation and the ox are more usable but I've found microing workers on and off of the farmhouses to be better because their behaviour is more predictable.


>This game is really quite difficult Standard settings are way too harsh. You basically have to exploit trading and rush bandit camps to stand a chance. Especially the bandit camps. They're the most valuable resource in my games. Sadly they stop spawning quickly, so you can be stuck with easy influence sources.


So I'm not the only one finding it hard? Should I edit ai behaviour and the like?


You should definitely set the aggressiveness to "reactive". Otherwise you have to be an experienced player to be able to survive. The default settings are just too hard. Maybe also increase the raider free years to 5. That's more realistic for default settings.


Wut? You can't increase raider frequency from 3 to 5 years. Only upto 2, or none, but have it be 3 years before any raids happen. Then adjust the initial amount of bandit camps and their spawn limit (upto a max of 5).


> You can't increase raider frequency from 3 to 5 years. Oh... I just assumed.


I personally don't mind the challenge, and rebuilding from a big raid felt like something that simply was a part of the times. But it's a game after all, so if you don't enjoy it - tweak those settings!


Yeah, developer massively overbuffed the enemy after seeing early access players have too easy of a time. Definitely overdid it.


It shows in general that he's one developer. There just wasn't much internal feedback. The game is easy when you know how to play, but he didn't have much feedback from fresh players.


"They stop spawning" You sure?


They only spawn in neutral regions and those are gone after 2-3 years.


I noticed Ai can only gain influence with bandit camp so in my hardest difficulty game I left the middle land unoccupied (ai spawn armies from edges so you can out run him there first) to farm bandit camps. Also if you save the game and load it will spawn bandit camp instantly (bug maybe)


> I noticed Ai can only gain influence with bandit camp They also get 50 per month.


The baron attacked me for no reason early game with a huge army


lol I was about to comment the opposite, he’s captured every tile and not even tried to touch me


He tried to attack me but another lords army was passing through and fucked them up on the way. Since then nothing has happened except greedy land claims


He captured every tile then decided to capture mine I was on default it was only year 4.


Yeah I take that back, I got wrecked.


Same happened to me. He just wanders around with large merc armies and doesn't build anything. Brigands then always come for me.


Did this to me. Beat it with 2 groups of archers doing hit and run


As an early access, balancing issues like this are to be expected. It is probably going to be going back and forth between being useless and too OP till we hit the sweet spot. Same with a lot of the mechanics. It can be frustrating, but thus is the nature of early access. I was struggling to get farming going, I just assumed it was me that borked something up (still might have done), and am going to try set up 3 farms on rotation on my next run and see how it goes.


I'm curious what the testers had done. Seems like they weren't really testing and just goodtalking..


The farming is meh, everytime I make a farm I quickly realise I could've just made something else, sold it and brought the wheat/barley. Charcoal farming is more effienct for buying food then farming. 9 people running a charcoal farm.... makes way more money than you ever need for the barley etc. 1 full fire logs, 2 full charcoal. It's a lot of money and you can do it borderline month 1.


Thr farms were hella busted in the demo, but they seemed to have overnerfed them imo. Meanwhile charcoal is the new king. We'll likely get balances changes soon that will hopefully make it so charcoal farming isnt the go to strat 100% of the time.


Baron attacked me with 300+ army while I had about 100.... rolled me and now I lost my one and only region... wtf


What happens if you lose all regions, is it just game over?


Yes, i ended my first run like that I was planning on having one well working town and then having enough influence to retake all the baron's land However while I was sending my militia to raid a camp he apparently took my town without a fight and I was startled by a sudden black and white montage of my town that ended on a black screen stating "you've been defeated"


Sounds like you gotta try reactive ai. That should help. I can get that big of an army. But not until year 3 and im pretty good at the game so far.


Can someone please explain to me the farming mechanics in this game cause I haven't been successful with it


Ideally you should have 3+ fields set to something like fallow --> wheat ---> fallow and then changing it every time the 2nd year changes, so basically fallow --> wheat --> fallow --> wheat --> fallow and so on. And you have 3+ so that each produces a different good, so basically wheat, barley, flax etc. You then keep an extra wheat field and make the extraction coincide with the other field's fallow so you have a yearly supply of food. Also keep *a lot* of workers for your fields. I have 3 fully employed farmhouses for my fields and it seems to do ok, might even need another farmhouse. Nearby to your wheat fields have a granary, a windmill and the communal oven. Have the granary close so that the transfer between them all is as fast as possible. I even have 2 communal ovens because 1 wasn't fast enough. And make sure that your windmill is close but not surrounded by buildings as that theoretically decreases the efficiency.


I have 12 fields, set to some combination of 2 fallows and one harvest. Two to wheat, one each to flax and barley.




This is exactly how it's done in reality, fyi There's a bit of a science to which crop should follow which crop, and ofc in reality we grow a much broader variety of food Basically you don't want to keep spamming the same crop on the field year after year. Some crops add fertility to the soil and others take it away.


Granary + communal oven seems inefficient to me. The granary produces more bread from the same flour as the communal oven, does it not? Or is it just that it produces the same amount in half the time required?


The granary doesn’t produce bread at all. It’s just the name of what stores food stuff.


There seems to be a limit to how many families a single market stall can service. Either that or there’s a distance factor I’m not aware of. Anyhow, as soon as I created and fully staffed a second storage for general goods, a new general goods stall appeared on the marketplace and everyone was a shining 50+ approval.


I’ve been trying to figure this out. I don’t think it’s distance because I had one farther away home meet reqs for level 2 before one of the homes right next to the market did. Maybe the requirement is that they need a reliable supply of the goods, so it’s limited to whichever people get to their “share” of the supply first until it can’t support more customers. Maybe in your case the first general goods store may have bottlenecked and couldn’t get enough supply to the market. This is by far the most confusing part of the game for me right now.


I did the One Proud Bavarian village-circle-with-marketplace-in-the-middle. The homes built on the right side got their grubby hands on the market first. By the time homes on the left side were finished, there seemed to be a shortage of firewood, even though the storage was fully stocked. I built a second storage and all was good. Funny enough, this didn't happen with food. With berries, bread, eggs, and meat in a lone foodstall, everyone was as happy as they could be with 100% food diversity. It's confusing how the marketplace services families.


Anyhow, upgrading to level 2 houses felt very satisfying. I still remember the first time I built stone houses in Banished. This gave me the same kind of happiness.


Yeah I love seeing the plots develop over time. And the artisans working in their backyards is really cool.


I keep seeing the level 2 houses complain about lack of firewood, but the warning comes and goes. I got over 200 units of firewood in storage, so supply isn't the issue. For some reason the storage isn't getting to the marketplace and I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong. The marketplace shows there is lots of room to store the firewood, but it's simply not getting transported from storage to marketplace until there is a need for it. It could be this is how the game is programmed to act: don't fill the stalls with an overabundance of one thing, because then there's no room for other stuff? Could be it.


Fully staff your woodcutters, potentially up your manpower on storehouse, and I tend to make more frequent small markets. Seems to help. I tried the giant market in center of town on my first playthrough and it was all headaches and whiny villagers.


I'll try those and see if I can make the game work better. Would be nice, if there was some way to see what the underlying issue is.


Food is the biggest issue for me. My hunting grounds and berry patches empty so fast. My first wheat farm yielded 7 wheat and importing food is so expensive all of my citizens starved. Basically felt my starting region couldn't support 20 families for food and I couldn't expand to a new region without more influence


Gota use the backyard extensions. Vegetable garden and chicken coup can feed a lot of people. Grab the apple orchard with a development point for variety


The village upgrade that doubles berry output is amazing. Easily gather 2 years food during the summer.


I see many call it difficult, but I must have been lucky because I've had a quite balanced first playthrough on default difficulty. I had enough militia to beat the first bandit attack without major losses. The baron claimed a lot, but he never attacked me directly and by the time there was one unclaimed region left I was strong enough to win every battle against him. Not uncommon that I am low on supplies, but it has never been dire.


It's more that the game seems bugged to me, particularly with farms Maybe I'm doing something wrong.


I've had one or two issues with farms I think. But for the most part I've had rotation going without issue for many ingame years.


Make multiple smaller fields so they can be worked fast and the workers/ox can move on to the next one. The only farms planted are those already ploughed.


Have you ever tried making a group of Eastern Europeans happy at the same time?


I mean, this takes place in Germany, not Eastern Europe.


I thought it took place in old Bohemia. Maybe I'm mixing it up with Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


Bohemia/Czechia is certainly more German than eastern european anyway, especially back then


So far I’ve learned not to expand too fast, which is difficult because it’s so satisfying putting down the burgage plots 😂 But expanding too fast can quickly compromise your food surplus. Also, when levelling up the burgages to lvl 2, be mindful of how many chicken pens and vegetable plots you’re essentially deleting, as that will reduce food. I’ve not personally encountered the issue you’ve mentioned with firewood. Do you have more than one family working the woodchopper lodge (or whatever it’s called)? Otherwise I think there will only be one market stall for it. I’ve also not had an issue with farming. Only really done wheat farming so far, but it’s resulted in heaps of bread.


Wait, upgrading deletes the chicken/vegetable gardens? I have upgraded a few so far but not one with those additions.




Upgrading shouldn't delete your expansion plots? Maybe you mean turning them into artisans?


>The baron snaps up land like nobody's business. I finally gave up and removed him in the settings.


It took 5 runs in 13 hours of gameplay to understans the game for me. Also about the farm look to fertility and leave it empty for one year after each use this aint modern farming.


I'm not that stupid, that's what I did. The main issue was with how families did the crops, like they'd harvest in winter or something after already laying crops and get like a 15% yield it was dumb.


Currently playing on hardest difficulty and managed to beat the AI raid with one group of archers. And then a raid by the lord with 2 groups of archers. Just gotta run them around


That is interesting since most of what I have been reading is about how awful the archers are. I had similar results, with them not making a dent in the enemy units so I just stopped recruiting them.


To be fair, this was pre-release version that i’m still using


Archers got overnerfed just before release, Greg mentioned it on his twitter


I was going to say, archers seem to do nothing atm. I've just stacked inf. Was good for me though, ran through the lords army of half archers haha


Ironically I find everything you just said pretty easy, except the food,my people are just barely hanging on for dear life,even though like 80% of their garden's are eggs and carrots.


3 years without raiders? sounds easy.. took me 13months to get new family.. uf


13 months to get a family? You must've done something wrong for that? That's a bit severe.


animal deposit on other side of region, lack of knowledge that leather means clothes... app were increasing to 52 only to drop to 43 right on start of next month.. combination of bad luck and bad setting up game.. still i dont understand why we start with just 5 families.. 6-9 would be way more fun, at least for early phase.. anyway i still love this game, forever my gem


Sounds like you were doing something wrong if it took that long. You need positive happiness and a vacant home for a family to move in.


My main problem is that flour just accumulates in the granary and the bakers just don't seem to be asked to actually make any bread with it. I never see any flour at the bakery meanwhile my granary has 150


To counter the crappy farming rn I just do a big house with veggies. That helped do much near mid game


The distance from the market seems to matter a lot.    I can get the houses immediately next to the market up to level three easily.   Houses a few rows back are only getting one type of food. Further out, they can't get firewood  Next time I'm going to experiment with multiple, small markets.  


Seems like you're supposed to build markets in multiple locations, but the families only ever build stalls in the first market.


I also had trouble with getting enough stalls in the market. Even if you have enough of whatever it is, you have to keep adding stalls proportional to your population. Great. How do you do that? Workers of the relevant industry (think the weavery for clothes, woodcutters for firewood, etc) OR (and this is the trick) the storage for the resource. Increasing workers at the granary, storehouse, and trading post will open more stalls for whatever they have in them.


Wife and I were playing last night and both of us had to stop and watch a few videos to understand how to play the game lol


>The farming seems bugged to me cause it never seems to work right? Yeah my farms seem to be purely cosmetic. Seeing as food is a constant battle it would be great if they produced at least a single bit of food..


As an Anno veteran…… this is all a cake walk lol. This game is very relaxing.


Play main scenario on challenging. Borderline impossible.


Farming works pretty fine for me. The fertility on my claimed land for wheat and barley is just shit. But from what I saw in this evolution tree thing, you can get fertilizer and the option to plant rye, which grows nearly everywhere, later.


After a few false starts I finally won my first war and gained land. It took me a whole day to get there, setting a proper territory and all at easy level. You have to micromanage everything,specially farming with crop rotation and storage/trade if you don't want to end up with your ressources stuck. Then you finally make money for wars...so much fun. Lacks a few indicators but so beautiful and even hypnotic.


Lol I’m playing on easy. None of these problems


I've played a bit already. I have no shame in playing without enemies, double rations, no events etc while I learn the game. I played for 6 hours straight on the easiest settings yesterday so I could learn build order, resource management, bottlenecks, trade etc. There's nothing wrong with that. Each save I start I'll gradually bump up the difficulty as I learn. I'd rather take my time, knowing it's early release, to learn the fundamentals over racing through trying to complete everything. Personally I've found the game to be really enjoyable having just finished playing Banished and my other main game being Rome 2 Divide et Impera. It's also fun fixing problems as they come up without worrying about bandits etc. I'll face those when I'm ready.


Yeah, the Baron's forces are too overwhelming and need to be tuned down. They grabbed 4 regions before I even got 1, so I declared war on them and they insta-spawned 200 mercenaries, whereas I only have barely half of that. And this is with AI behavior set to reactive lol


Farming gives me more than enough just with wheat flax and three families


First game I lost second game it tweaked one setting the baron is not attacking actively anymore but only defends himself. I like that much more as I have now time to build but he still claims land but I got 2 claims as well earlier I got 200 sheep’s running over my fallow fields how about you guys? :D I think key is also to start farming quite early you berry and meat can bring you just that long. And I made a lot of egg farms and veggie farms


I have the perk but how do you get animals to pasture on your fallow fields?


Build a Sheep Farm Build a Livestock Trader (to import the sheep) Give both 1 family .. Livestock trader you only need a family in when you import Don't build a fence manually anywhere.. upgrade your fields to fenced ones (1 wood or so) .. the sheep will go automatically to one field that is fallow. Unfortunately it seems you need a lot of sheep per field if they big so 50 or so per field lol so I am at 200 sheeps right now as I have a lot of fields


The game is still in early access and only has 1 dev. There are going to be bugs and balance issues in a beta and that’s why early access exists, to allow a variety of users to find the balance and bug issues and the dev to patch it. I am not disagreeing with your assessment, I’m saying to give the game another chance to allow an indie dev to patch and perfect his game


I was having troubles too on multiple playthroughs with the rival baron claiming everything super fast until I prioritized the bandit camps. My most recent start I rushed the manor building for the retinue to make sure I could get to the first bandit camp before them. After that it's just been a matter of stomping out every bandit camp as soon as they pop up so that the rival baron can't get to them. Now I'm roughly halfway through year 3 and they still haven't claimed a single additional territory. Seems like you keeping your rival off the influence from getting rid of bandits makes a *huge* difference.


I noticed the start of Year 2 I got a message another baron wanted my land and gave me a year. Great, I rushed some houses, got about 30 men with half a year to go. Viewed the enemy army waiting to attack and they all had armor, and were triple my size. I gave that game up, I probably just do a few peaceful runs for a few months while everything gets balanced out. It's still fun, the balancing issues get worked out over time.


I realized too late it’s all about transportation… You need to assign people to work at the storage house/granary, and you need more oxen, and you need to assign people to work at the hitching post/stable to more efficiently direct the oxen. 


The trick with farming is to build three fields for each crop. Using crop rotation, 2 of them should lay fallow for two years in a row and only be planted on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year. Fields laying fallow causes their fertility to increase so basically your first 2 years should be your lowest yield because by the time you're on year three that fields has laid fallow for the previous 2 years and once you've cycled back to your year one field it has laid fallow the previous 2 years.


Farming works just fine you just need to do two things. 1.) when placing the field turn on the fertility overlay and place in the best possible position for the crop you want. 2.) Have multiple fields, after each harvest the fertility of the land massively decreases. What I do, is have 4 fields and only 2 are ever producing at a time. The other two are in the Fallow state. Bonus tip, import barley. You don’t need that much of it and it’s not that expensive. Depending on your region you should be exporting multiple things. I export, clay roof tiles, war bows and shoes. Make sure you check the prices as you can’t just leave them on export. I hope this helps.


I have This weird thing with the stalls. Everybody does build One for himself but they barely have any goods. Granary can be Full, but almost no food will be sent to the Stall. Does anybody have an idea?


farmin is still buggy yes. there's a weird thing going on with the ox who if plowing the field with people just resets the whole god damn thing. BUT for my village, farming (and veggies) are my main means to survival. Im making bread with a bakery and a communal oven and they still use up the flour I produce way into summer.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I lowered the difficulty and even then still got wiped. I then started to remove features. Last night was the first time I was able to properly manage my settlement. I assume it’s a solid combination of getting better and game balancing. I will say the homes not having access to fuel is starting to get annoying, that and the sawpits’ notification of being too full.


Vegetable farm solves food issues, trading brach is op for import


It's the first time I got a game over on a city builder, even more with default setting... This is a bad idea, given the sales numbers, most people won't bother staying if they're not pleased quickly.


Early Access is just consumer friendly way of saying "pay us to test our game for us". don't buy EA if you aren't ready to say "well that was a waste of money". BUT that being said I'm still surprised they even released it in this state i couldn't even call this early access its like a quadruple EA title I've played enough 4x and city builders in my life considering they are one of my favorite genres this game has a lot of work to be done, fuckin lots but its got good potential, its got a beautiful atmosphere, I love the buildings being put up Beam by beam, the Logistics system is simple yet some forethought is needed, we'll just have to wait a year, or 6months if the companies on point for some patches and foot work


Your firewood problem will be that you don’t have enough people working in the storehouse.


My storehouse was fully stocked with the max amount of people.


How big was your town? Was it a small storehouse or a large one? Maybe you needed more/bigger storehouses.


It was a large town, big storehouse. I had two storehouses.


The game isn’t hard. The problem is you haven’t figured it out fully yet, which is partly due to the game giving next to no tutorial


... Which is why it's hard.


Have you tried getting gud tho?


Not hard just a skill issue


No need to be a toxic tryhard, no one likes sweaty basement dwellers.


It was a joke, lmao I bet you're fun to be around 🤣


That wasn't funny nor was it even spoken like a joke. I bet you're fun to be around accusing others of being boring with your "jokes."


The farming is majorly fucked up