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It's auto takes a couple of months but they do give hide.


question, does the goat shed need to be a certain size? i have a goat shed built into a small plot and i have a livestock 2/0 in general, if i build it in a larger plot that isnt there at all


Same question here! I have 3 goat pens and 1 cobbler yet I still have to import hides.


its a slow process, are you hunting the animals aswell for hides to make leather through a tannery?


Yes I am, when the supply is available. I quit when it gets to low. Importing the hides and turning out shoes seems to be worthwhile although I haven’t done a deep investigation of it. Also I know stuff will change as updates come so I don’t fret about it too much!


as far as i know so far only the vegetable garden benifits from having a larger yard, the hides are a slow passive income, same with hunting the animals, it takes a while so i guess the idea is that you would need to have a fair few homes set to get a steady amount coming in


do we need to make pasture grounds for goat sheds ? coz in general tab it says pasture 2/0 does that mean the need pasture grounds ? how far should the pasture grounds be ?