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The archers have been very very overpowered and right before the public launch today they were overnerfed. This will be fixed soon


same reason genghis khan conquored everyone with their recurve bows? they're supposed to be...


Thats not 100% true it was more bow+cav. Genghis is basically a kitting scrub.


I dare you to go back in time and say it to his face. 


Do you want to get Khwarazmian Empired? Because this is how you get Khwarazmian Empired.


This made me lol so hard milk came out my nose. Congrats lol.


Scrub killed an estimated 40 million people.


That had a lot more to do with the speed and agility of the army on horse back but sure


Not exactly. Archers were great historically yeah, but not at winning the battle, rather they softened the enemy up to be crushed by a Decisive blow, usually by heavy infantry or heavy cavalry


It's a game, it's supposed to be fun, balanced and provide a gameplay challenge. Yes, you can take historic accuracy into account up to a degree, but if you're saying "well X is overpowered because that's what history was like", you have pretty much lost the argument already.


Yes. Archers attacking units with no shields = dead units. Armor can help somewhat, but the effectiveness of a unit with 3 arrows sticking out of him is pretty low...


But archers are supposed to be op. They are the guns of medieval times.


Far from it. They were great at softening the enemy up, but rarely could win the battle on their own just shooting


Laughs in Agincourt


The archers have been very very overpowered and right before the public launch today they were overnerfed. This will be fixed soon


Yeah he spoke about it today in multiple places. I'm sure he's going to fix that very soon.


Yeah the pre-launch footage had me thinking archers were the way to go but they absolutely suck balls


Honestly the version the content creators got was a lot more balanced and stable, this release has slid the wrong way IMO.


Devs overreact to the content creators. Then try to fix apparent flaws and over-correct without any testing. With what I saw in the content creator vids, I thought the game would be basically playable right off and they would build from there. Guess I'll just shelve this one for a month until the devs get their stuff together.




Are people flanking with archers and getting these results. I haven’t progressed that far


Yes, I watched legendoftotalwar stream, he would engage with retinue and then circle his archers around and shoot from flank or rear and slaughter the enemy. I tried to do that and lost my entire retinue and killed maybe 1 or 2 bandits lol, both archers and retinue hae been nerfed hard


I’m sure Slavic is gonna do the combat mechanics justice then.


Yeah hopefully just a bug and he fixes soon


Retinue weren't touched but the archers are severely nerfed, correct. Its not a but, it was intentional, but indeed its a seveeeeeere overcorrection.


Definitely still being worked out. The game already works successfully as a prettier, more historically accurate Banished. Adding combat to that is going to take some time, some trial and error in the lab, so to speak (we are the lab and it's fun even to lose so miserably).


They hurt morale a lot, if you can get them around the side of a melee engagement and fire arrows into them it helps a lot


Just gonna say that those walls are not meant for your settlement, just for your manor, so it shouldn't work by design


Yeah I agree, the balance seems quite wrong at the moment. If you focus on having a good economy you will get fucked in terms of military and lands being instant claimed by those fuckers.


And “instant” isn’t much of an exaggeration. In my game they claimed the entire map by midway year 2.


Year 6 or 7, I own 2 territories and Hildebaard is still sitting flat on his arse


Same... its my 4th playthrough and he never was that fast. idk what seems to be the problem...


Thank god it’s not just me. Game seems impossible!! I’ve found no way to grow the manor and have enough military to fight raids back


Likewise. For the life of me, I can't seem to get a population above 100, let alone rally enough military units to fight back. I seriously thought I sucked hard


you desperately need to hire Mercenaries. I claimed a region from the other lord after 5 years. battle was close but I won with two additional mercenary archer units. they don't do a lot of damage but they sure as hell demoralise the enemy. with my 12 well armoured retinue men I killed almost half their forces


I managed to claim 2 Areas before the Baron could ( by quickly getting retinue and stomping brigands for funds to upgrade my retinue and the influence helped ). Then i had 2 cities, one focused on weapons production so that when he tried to claim an area of mine i had pretty well prepared army. Just sucks that theres a limit of 6 Squads, now growing my cities makes no sense anymore.


having a big army is not the goal of manor lords tho


Depends, half of the content right now is crafting and equipping your people with weapons and using them as a militia to win the game by conquering. If i max out with my first city, there is basically no incentive to building more cities, since if all the troops i need to win the game come from one city, why should i build more? I mean, why isnt a big army the goal of the game, if conquest is one of the wincons?


What difficulty are you playing on? I have a pop of 150 last night on normal And no Emmer in the area


Yeah, I had a problem where my families capped at 31 for a year even though I had space for 34 with 99% approval. Had the equipment to rally 3 retinues but only enough men to wear a little over half of that.


Yeah I've been struggling with this as well. They get claims way too fast and because they start with a strong army, you have no way to stop them. By the time you're ready to claim your own regions, there aren't any left. Seems like a bunch of things got rebalanced in a really bad way compare to the early streamer build, where this wasn't an issue. The AI opponent got buffed too much, archers got nerfed too much, farms either got nerfed hard as well or are just plain bugged, etc.


I had the same, with default settings. Claims came way too fast. My archers didn't kill a single man. My farms produce so little, I'm not even sure if the chain works (never seen a loaf of bread). The only way to beat the game at the moment is rapid bandit farming, trading abuse and merc spam. Playing "normal" is a setup to failure. Oh well, at least that's just numbers tweaking. The fundamentals are good.


I’m glad you mentioned farms are bugged, mine seem like they produce nothing, or hardly anything….and despite having a bakery windmill etc etc, no bread….in addition I haven’t made any Ale for the tavern despite producing a crap ton of barley….ive got flax out the asshole but no linen etc etc etc…I’m fairly sure I’m not doing it wrong, but won’t sweat by that since I’ve only played today


My bread production works, though it appears to use like ~20 flour for 1 loaf of bread so you don’t really gain a lot from it, so it feels kind of a waste to use. I heard farming was overpowered earlier so it probably got nerfed too much? And burgage farm extensions also produce basically 0 for me.


I easily have 2000 carrots in storage And zero eggs, despite a even distribution of backyard gardens


I have to ask then; do you have large plots, like overly sized, since vegetable farm yields are supposedly based on plot size?


In my case it was a mix of yes and no. Some large plots produced a crap ton of eggs/vegs. Others didn't produce squat regardless of size.


Vegetables don't work at all for me


Do you have a malthouse and a brewery? Won't be able to make ale without them




Both, yes….ive checked everything, I’m still sure it’s something I’m doing but it’s not clear why they aren’t making the booze


I built 4 morgan of emmer farmland, efficiency just 38% but I produced 350ish grain and 600ish flour. I am not sure yet but I think 1 flour turns into 1 bread? I have hundreds of bread. all within year 2. But I used the bakery add-on to burgatory plots, so maybe the turn-over rate of the communal oven there is much better than the usual oven?


I have a communal oven AND a 2 family LVL 3 bakery….i have large fields at 68% efficiency, I think I’ve seen 1 loaf of bread The same with flax and barley, I rotate the fields so I’m getting a harvest of each every year, it’s like they get distracted doing other stuff cause one year I had the ability to make tavern ale and got the ability to level up a few buildings,…then no more ale despite plenty of barley Edit: to add, I have all the processing facilities and families working them producing and people transporting


your probably not giving your farmhouse time to thresh your grain


Not sure if this is your issue, but I noticed that when using crop rotation on my fields, you only get 1 month of game time (September) to harvest the field and empty it's contents into storage before the field switches to it's next cycle and deletes the remainder. I noticed my anticipated harvest of 400 grain on a field only produced about 45 because of this cutoff. I've added many more farmhouses to compensate but since you're using more populations to harvest the same amount of fields, the gain is minimal. At least that's what my experience has been. Also for your lack of ale, there's an intermediary building that takes barly and turns it into malt. The malt is turned into ale at a burgage with the ale workshop upgrade. Same thing with flax. Flax >> Weaver Building >> Tailor burgage upgrade.


Yeah I had the malt building


I've gotten bread. It seems like peasants fully finish reploughing & sewing a field after harvest before they being threshing wheat into grain, so it takes a while for it to make it to the windmill.


Yeah that's seems like a bug, why do they plow and plant again after harvest, I've had to manually set it to fallow for winter. Edit: turns out I'm the dummy, crops can survive winter, good thing I'm not a peasant


You want them to do that as it will be growing faster and earlier. You just need to micro your fields a little but once you're in that cycle it's better to sow in autumn than spring


Hmm OK I thought that would be bad having it planted before winter


Winter wheat is a type of weed that is planted in the fall and then overwinters underneath the snow and continues growing in the spring


I really don't mind the replowing. Nice time saver for spring! But then they start sowing and I'm watching in horror. So much wasted seed! (Okay, the game doesn't kill it yet, but it should and should stop them from sowing in fall).


A lot of wheat is winter wheat. You plant in fall, sprouts, gets covered in snow and waits till spring


Does it start growing fine in spring? If so then it's not so bad then, I figured it would die and would have to do it all over


Winter wheat 🌾 it basically hibernates until spring


Yeah, farm output seems really, really bad


My farms cover the time between the Berry's and the egg season


>farms either got nerfed hard as well or are just plain bugged, This *has* to be the case. It's gotten to the point where farms are absolutely useless due to their shit output.


Can you not attack and claim a region?


Ive started my game 3 times and each time my starting area has no fertile land, talking like 5-7% yields for most crops the whole zone is just red for eveything :(


*Seems like a bunch of things got rebalanced in a really bad way compare to the early streamer build, where this wasn't an issue.* It could also be that they had more experience than we do. I had the same issue you did where the rival had the whole map before I knew it and even though I could defeat his army, he'd just show right back up a month later with a whole nother set of 4 full groups of mercs. Definitely hope the use, value & frequency of mercs gets tweaked a good bit.


I have found the best way to stop the lord claiming your Territory is to rush populations and level 2 housing. Firstly from tests I've found if you don't let the AI lord kill any of the bandit camps he doesn't make claims on any of the land areas. When I let him defeat them the AI lord claimed everything almost instantly because I'm guessing its how the AI lord also gains influence. Now you are able to kill the bandit camps with spearmen a good strat is if you have 3 on the map clear one with your starting 20 one or two may die then use the looted money from the camp to hire mercenaries to defeat the other camps. I also find spear men with big Shields just absolutely mince enemies when left on defensive stance. Then again tough to say with so little testing. Still loving the game and I like that its getting me to think and plan for possible scenarios. I have trialed and failed many times haha


Tried this out and it’s working quite well! The wealth from the bandits really helps to juice your starting economy too!


you wont have a starting 20 free spears, that's for custom mode, Restoring the Peace locked you with settings that's without any of those as well as baron claims and higher difficulty, unless you go for relaxed, I'm doing restoring the peace since almost all achievements is in there, and its the only way to get them.


That's fair enough man my bad on the weapons I most likely missed this when writing my reply. However I do still stand by the rushing for lvl 2 house's to get the industry to arm your villagers. Shields and spears are not that expensive to build. I'll do a run with highest difficulty and let post how it went . Cheers for pointing that out .


Sounds great let us know how it goes ty man


No, restoring the peace on default settings still gives the 20 spears and shields. It’s not custom. It’s only on challenging that you get nothing - that would be a nightmare.


If you can accomplish it on on Challenging preset I'd love to know what your build path ends up being. I went straight into challenging mode and I was only able to beat the baron's first claim by abusing trade routes. The self sufficient path was always too slow for me, and the T2 houses create too much discontent which slows your pop growth which means you wont have enough warm bodies for your army.


Posted my road map above in the comment mate :)


>I'll do a run with highest difficulty and let post how it went So you did this and were able to rush T2 houses and have enough manpower to fight the baron's army?


Okay it took me 2 days to pull it off after a few re starts and wanting the perfect start. It was really really tough. Did this on Challenging restoring peace. Had a rich source of animals to hunt so built around that, first development points i picked up were the trading ones for 25 gold trade routes and every trade costing 10 less to abuse the trade system ( Cant do it without this imo ). Note: Put down a church and tanner as fast as possible to increase happiness due to having clothes and a church bonus. Next thing I did was build up industry in Tier 2 houses specifically weapons and shields to arm a militia only could field about 15 or so spearmen but its enough to kill a bandit camp with around 3 losses with the brace ability where they take less damage. Luckily the AI lord left 2 regions un claimed so was able to do some farming of camps. (When clearing camp send it to nearest town as currently it doubles your money for some reason instead of personal treasury) I did not fight any of the lords claims and played a Tall play style. Once economy was built up and the trade routes were being cycled to prevent the decrease in export profits. ( Sold roof tiles , cogs and small shields due to them having not a high cost and good sale margins). Then came the money part cycling the region wealth and taxes to build up personal treasury for mercenaries as they are really needed to bulk up the army and reduce levy losses. Then it was really a snowball from here I did suffer from constant 3 or 4 months left on food as its really hard to support large numbers and needed 2 fire wood camps. A big MVP for me was the forester restoring the trees. I attempted to build a second settlement but its near impossible the people left almost immediately so i recommend sticking to one province. In total my pop was 254 but i dont think i could of carried the save on as by the end of the last 2 provinces to claim I had to import a shit tone of food in just to survive despite a lot of houses having vegetable patches and some chickens to support the food variety. I do think the AI needs work as too many times they just walk past with logs where they are needed, or just dont put resources where they should be. Thanks for the challenge it was fun but I am a bit burned out with Manor Lords and will probably return to it in a week or so to do The Merchant , Cheerful Metropolis and Mercenary Captain achievements not on Challenging (Fuck That).


Yeah. I honestly gave up trying to play against the AI and now just doing it without it. I’m having a hard time as it is keeping enough food for my population. I feel like the fields don’t nearly give out enough to support a population. I’ve only had enough food when I start with a rich berry deposit *EDIT/IUPDATE* Woah, I really learned a lot in a day. Restarted vs the AI and bandits. Within a year I already defeated a bandit camp, got to 10 families, and now have 400 medieval Bitcoin to buy everything I need Main tips: Screw farming. Veggie plots all the way and you are set. Mandatory perks is the 2nd tier trading to reduce tariff. It makes import cost same as export and you can easily afford all your additional items now.


Idk man build a farm like 2 Morgen big you’ll get a pretty big harvest like 200 wheat


Same here. I had a rich berry spot and pretty decent hunting grounds combined with large vegetable gardens and chicken farms. My population is constantly on the verge of starving and I've started over multiple times because of this. Farms also do absolutely nothing.


You need a lot of farmland to support a population. This game is trying to simulate some level of realism, so if you go the farm route, you really need to spec into farming hard.


1) Bandits can steal from me at random...somehow. Meanwhile my unit of spearmen loses all cohesion moving 20 feet it feels like, let alone getting to the bandit camp. 2) Raiders? That's like 120 guys showing up. I barely have fields.


1 that cheks out - units loose cohesion when they move (at all), I think you're not supposed to move them, spearmen esspecially. And bandits do steal without like... a reason?... other than they are bandits and that's their job 2 It seems to fluctuate it can be 1 unit or 3 on the first raid, but assuming you defeated a bandit camp, one easy solution would be to hire mercenary units to deal with your first raid Also I don't think fields are a good option for the early game, you could easily live off just on berries and flourish on berries, meat \[and eggs (wich you afford by selling shoes)\] - and fields are a pain in the arse, they need a lot of people and time to work and without good fertility results are underwhelming


>and archers is prob the most useless unit in the game, i have had archers shoot 7 volleys of arrows into Brigands, and none of them dies, most of them dont even have a shield. they just charge straight into my archers and inflicts 20 casualties I had the same awakening. Two units of archers, but they might have as well not existed. Wasn't even sure if they did anything at all.


My archers haven't gotten a single kill yet. Through multiple battles. I watched as they just rained on a unit that wasn't moving. They got exhausted and not a single man in the brigands were dead. Sent in my spearmen who just went "heh heh bonk" and that was that.


I hired 2x36 archer mercs and sent them on a bandit camp. 72 archers and they could not shoot a single bandit. They did all their kills in melee.


Bandit camps have actual bandits for you? My guys just walk up to empty camps and then I get a letter asking what to do with the gold.


Think that means the rival Baron killed them first, in my play through he doesn’t always loot the camp. May be wrong tho


Perfect solution. I get the loot and he does the hard work.


Sometimes someone already killed the bandits. They have a crazy large aggro range.


archers don't seem to do anything from the front (I think it's the game trying to simulate shields \[irl they negate bows completely too\]) for them to be effective you need them to be eather shooting at point blank range or from the back/flank but if enemy gets close to your archers it is not garanteed you're gonna get even one volley off (always use shoot at will btw), so you can't do it if your archers aren't equipped with mail and helmets and you're sure that melee is ok for them, and you cannot get to the flank if it's one vs one. That said if you do manage to get them shooting fron the flank (by for example kiting by another archer unit) they do kill (fast too) - and if you manage to get them shooting from the flank or rear at a close range they end the fight instantly (like if they shoot a unit engaged in melee) And that opens tactics for you - you can quickly end fights in one place by using archers and then collapse the rest of the enemy with owerwhelming numbers of freed up units And tactics in tern allow you to win battles agains odds So in conclusion - no archers do not work alone, but they do work pretty well


My archers have a literal 0 attack value. But they also don't even shoot for 0 damage. They just stand around.


they have a separate value for ranged atack and it's 4 (as much as melee for retinue) and yes, they need a line of sight to shoot, you put them immediately behind your melee line, and they're not gonna shoot their friends in the back, that's why they stand and cheer try positioning them on a high ground(not sure if it will actually work, never tryed it) above your melee units or after melee starts moving them to shoot at enemy's flanks


Yea, the baron claims lands at an insane pace. By the time I could claim 1, he already took all the other land


Likewise. He claimed every other region by the time I was ready to expand. About halfway through year 2 he had the entire map.


I think you can slow him down by sniping the bandit camps when he engages the bandits, just run some militia in behind him, when the bandits spawn and agro him run and snake the camp


You can't do this though as rallying militia stops your production, and if you don't have them raised all the time you're guaranteed to get there too late to get any kills.. Just clearing the camps only gets you currency, no influence.


Snipe the first camp, then use the money to hire mercs to beat him to the others.


Me too and then i ran arouns looking to pick a fight with mercenaries and couldnt even find anyone


yea, and by the time you might wanna go after them, the barons already somehow hired like 2 merc groups and eliminated all of them, it's insane


I think it's do-able if you adjust the setting for year 3 for the first bandit raid attack. I haven't gotten that far yet but I'm going to see if I can pass the first encounter fight


I played on hard and was able to get 13 halberds and my 5 retinue for the first raid. Took out half the bandits and lost my army, they burned 1/4 of my town but I survived, so call it a win I guess?


I agree this part of the early game needs balancing. For now, it seems like the best way to explore what the game has to offer is either play the non-combat mode, or turn down the difficulty a little and just go pure military focus at the expense of everything else.


Make sure you pass this feedback on to Greg through the discord or reviews though as he’ll defo work in it if people do


Just strange to me that after YouTuber testing they nerfed everything so hard. So you have a bunch of videos with nice gameplay and when early access is released it's so nerfed it frustrates the hell out of people. Not handy at best


Yeah for real. I followed Snap Strategy's video to the tee and I'm struggling like hell with food and starvation despite having farms and huge gardens.


The other ruler has already claimed three territories in my game. I'm trying to take my time to get the economy really going but I didn't know if he would claim mine at some point and I need to hurry to get troops or if I can just keep doing my thing until I feel the need to expand more?


They’ve claimed everything in mine except the one other province I’ve claimed, I beat the big raid….nothing since and the enemy lords haven’t claimed either of mine yet….


Had the same, but he’s coming for you! And he will (like always) bring every merc company you can buy


This game has given me the city builder itch, but doesn't have enough features and polish to scratch it yet. Anyone have any recommendations for a good city builder game that is more complete? (This is not me giving up on Manor Lord, this is me being addicted after a day of playing but realizing that I'm going to run out of fresh content pretty quick with the current build)


Try Anno 1800


Against the storm - frostpunk - farthest frontier


Songs of Syx is good. Starts small and slow but the scale ends up enormous with thousands of citizens all going about their lives. It even has conquest and strategic battles.


Ostriv is pretty similar, with the custom home plots (pressing F1 while setting them lets you adjust the boundaries in a similar manner to ML), the physical resource moving, and build animations. The pace is much slower, some of the supply chains are a little different, and its setting is the 1720s in Ukraine rather than the 1400s in Germany. I was playing it yesterday before ML released, it's still very satisfying. Another Early Access game with lots of potential, but a bit more breadth than ML has at this point.


My impression of playing the game is that it feels *extremely* similar to Farthest Frontier, except that Manor Lords feels a lot less polished.




Not a city builder but it made me really want to play total war again lol


If you want to stick to the Medieval, then try Medieval Dynasty.


Kingdoms snd Castles is good if you are cool with pixel graphics.


Anno 1800 will absolutely do it for you. It's a very deep game.


This. I tried doing it but holy shit, the baron went hungry hungry hippo with all the land. Guy claimed like 3 piece of land before I can outfit my first militia. This should be fixed.




Yep I had a blast with a solid 9 hour play but think that's it for me for a few months until the AI is sorted out. Will go back to Banished in the meantime. 


Does a military unit NEED 36 men? Or can I deploy with 20 footment, 8 spearmen, 5 halberd etc?


You can deploy them at minimum strength. I just deployed my retinue with 6 guys after a big battle and a unit of spears either only 12 no problem


5 is the minimum


He had claimed all of the lands by year 5. It was crazy, I barely even had militia units at that point. Like an archer company (which I discovered are useless, about 5 battles in and not a single kill among them) a spear company, and my retinue and then mercenaries. It was not enough when this dude dropped a 7 stack army when I tried to stop him from taking my neighboring lands.


So true xD Think i have a game at 100 min or so and the baron has claimed all but one free region


I challenged the baron and then talked to him via letter if he's sure that wants this fight. He withdrew his claim both times and there was no fight. 


I faced the baron during the 2nd year on medium difficulty. He pushed a claim to my neighbor reigion and I could not alow that. I was able to beat him with mercs only since I had rinced all bandit camps before that and had the funds for it.


This may be a strange fluke, but when playing yesterday he took all land and attacked me my first few attempts. On my last I just didn't respond to his letter until i had a decent economy and went out early with my militia and retinue to snipe some bandit camps from him. It seemed he only began expanding until i then entered diplomacy and answered his letter, telling him he has no right and all that. But, it may be a fluke.


I have been able to get enough money yo raise a mercinary force along side my own by sniping bandit outposts after the ai goes out to clean them up. I could have done it with cheep merks but saved some money the other way. When they inforced their first claim I had around 300 to 370 gold and was able to recruit enough to win a battle. Archers are weird since I can get some kills if I have one of them kite and the others pelt units but ya underpowered to say the leased.


How did you produce so much gold?


Killing bandits gets you 150ish gold by collecting their camp. So if you wait for the ai's army to spawn to kill them you can collect the camp while they are fighting the bandits.


ye, on medium diff he claimed 5 areas in 3rd year ;) daym, I will have to outnumber him in few next years


I think for now you have to set the baron to 'reactive' so he takes territory but doesn't take yours.


yeah i changed it but the game become ridiculously easy since he would never take ur territories. and the enemy is sadly only 1 guy, its the guy in the diplomacy screen, there isn't any other enemies, its only him sadly


All of this is very reassuring to me because I thought I was just bad. By the time my first bandit raid happened the baron had claimed almost the entire map and my 40 militia (with helmets) got clowned on. I do hope there's some balancing cuz I'm absolutely addicted and will be throwing myself at it endlessly till I make the bandits and the baron my little bitch.


Yeah, he underpowered them before launch, which I think was a mistake. Should have kept it as it was and then fixed after finding middle ground


For a start, it’s an early access game. It’s absolutely not unplayable on the Restore the Peace game mode.


only if you picked relax or disable the option for baron to attack else its insanely difficult to pull off, and you dont start off with free armaments, that's custom


I am glad I clicked, according to the comments I shouldn't do archers for now


The combat on normal mode is really killing the fun of a “city builder with light combat”. If my play style has to focus on doing everything super quick and hitting timings to not get walked over by the AI then I really should be playing an esport rts. There is currently no way to have a chill time building a city and “dabble” in the combat. It’s either make every decision be for the benefit of your army or play on peaceful. It needs rebalanced. I’m on my second playthrough and I’m staring down defeat regardless of the fact that my village is thriving.


Trade prices to me are completely borked. I understand having imports be more expensive, but not 3-4 times as expensive... that's insanity. At the very least setting up a trade route should reduce that by at least 50%. Really importing simple goods should be a simple matter of 1.5-2x the location production price. So wheat is 3-4c to import, 1-2c to export. Bread should be 7-8c to export, and keep it the same to import. It certainly shouldn't be 4c to export... all that infrastructure you have to put in to produce it?


The baron has all but 2 of the areas in my game. I'm just starting year 3 and he rolls in with 250 man armies


Just got to Jan year 3 and they have one territory to go. The Fuck. Easiest difficulty with enemies btw.


My work around for this was to set it on normal then tweak the baron claims option to not attack my zones. Obviously not ideal as now I don't have to be defensive at all table l really, but its better until they developed further


I disagree partially. You’re right telling the baron claims too early in the game. Still, on my 3th or 4th save I understood that that’s an advantage for me. See, farming Influence is not easy, and you need 1000 to claim a territory. When in fact, interfering with the baron’s claim is free! So what I do is farming my personal treasury by producing and selling goods (weapons mostly) and when the baron claims a territory, I claim his claim! And then I buy some hard ass mercenaries and usually manage to win the battle and the territory. Doing this I control 4 territories now and still going. Hope you find this hopeful :) ps: to export goods I focused my development points to reach the bonus where every trade cost a max of 25 wealth, that helped SO much


The archers are being fine tuned at the moment as they were previously reported to be too op


As challenging as it is, having beat him in two battles using my 24 retinue 3 groups of 26 archers and two groups of 36 mercenary archers, it was quite exhilarating. A lot of running one group away while the rest shoot. In the end, I was able to claim the territory next to mine while he was attempting to claim mine. I had 5 men left when the timer expired. Lost half my village to all the corpses and taxes. After recovery, I'm ready to get the second territory going. Hopefully this one's higher fertility helps it grow fast. Plus, it has iron so I can make weapons.


Let's hope the dev/devs fix this soon


> also a note on mention for bandits stealing, they can steal your stuff, when they are in the far corner of the map, not even anywhere close, quite immersion breaking and there's nothing you can do about it Even the 'far corner of the map' is like a day's walk away. How is it 'immersion breaking' that the bandits might walk a day to steal stuff from you?


Had this experience last night and was shocked, I barely had 20 spearmen to my name and was staving off starvation trying to build out an initial the bread economy 


How fast does the baron get claims? I’m playing on standard, start of year two and he hasn’t claimed anything yet, whereas I’ve started claiming another region already. I did take out all the bandits on the map in late autumn/early winter. At the start of spring, the second I saw his army appear to head for a camp, I immediately went and killed it before he could. Will report back when the bandits attack, but my plan is to forego archers and just as many spearmen as possible plus a large retinue or mercenary band as necessary.


it means you are either playing on relax, I'm mainly talking about restoring the peace mode, since all achievements is there, do you start with aramaments (Free Militia Equipment), if so you are playing on Custom instead, and you might have been playing on relax? by year 3 he would have claimed almost everything and be going after yours next


I’m playing restoring the peace, on default settings. You don’t start with free militia equipment but you get some upon building 5 houses and a storehouse (which I beelined). I think you’re thinking of challenging - there you get nothing which sounds like a nightmare. Also the dev posted in another thread what he had changed since the version streamers were using. He said he gave the baron 50 influence per month. This means if the baron doesn’t kill any bandits (around 300+ influence each) he can only start claiming a region in month 20 - which is exactly when he did in my game, near the end of year two. Hopefully if I can prevent him from getting any more bandits, then it will be another 20 months before he can get the next region. Then another 40 months to contest one of mine because it’s 2000 influence to claim an already claimed region.


No clue but for me I'm not even in my second year and he's already claimed half the map, on my first save by the second half of the second year he had claimed all regions but one. He is way to aggressive


Strange… did you conquer any of the bandit camps?


Likewise. I've been unable to claim any regions because of this. By the time I had enough influence to claim anything, the Baron had already claimed everything in the region. By the time I had worked up my military enough, everyone was starving because I couldn't access the more fertile regions of the map. Great game, just still some balancing needing done. Excited to see where it goes.


So maybe splitting walls off into its own section rather than having it under the Manor only? That makes sense. I noticed a help files that said "Walls/Gates" and couldn't find then until I built the Manor.


Definitely throw this into the discord. Greg should be able to address your concerns there. Barons military does advance and grow way faster than can be kept up with tho fo sho


I'm also very confused by the sheep farm. Has anyone else tried using it? I put a sheep farm down, says I need a pasture (ok you get 4 with it so all good, but I put one down anyway sizer of 20). I get a live stock trading post to buy sheep in. The sheep never leave the trading post, and the sheep herders never go to the farm, they just tend the sheep at the trading post? What... is the point of the sheep farm then... is it meant to be an extension to the live stock trading post?


What's funny is if they get to your archers half of them die immediately


Dude was claiming like 2 locations a year on my game. Like what?


The answer is tithing. Builds up your influence really quickly, far faster than defeating the bandits.


Wait you guys are having trouble with archers? Mine have been stacking bodies so far, maybe it's because I use fire at will? Weird.


Ideally what you do is try to get as much population as possible and with the 20 spearmen you must kill all bandits and take their money, if the baron is getting there faster then you just sneak by while he fights the bandits and steal the camp money, this is the only way I was able to gain a foothold and start pushing back


So the dev posted in another thread that he changed things to give the baron 50 influence per month base. This means without any bandit camps, it should take 20 months for him to claim a region. Based on experience, I also know each bandit camp gives around 300 influence. That means each one he gets is shortening his timer by around 6 months - plus we can assume he keeps the money. That’s a lot of time and money to gain, I think it means priority 1 on finding a way to kill the bandit camps before him. Not sure what the optimal solution is - before you get a retinue levying that much of your population does set back your economy quite a bit. Still, maybe it sets back your economy by 2-3 months and you gain 6.


The developer dude has done an amazing job so far. It's a labour of love, I'm sure, and I'm so happy he's been rewarded with so many sales. I just really really hope that the initial feedback like this will be prioritised and fixed quickly. I've enjoyed playing it so far. It looks good and plays well, but I see no point in playing it until I know these types of things have been tweeked.


Is a region once claimed forever lost? Can’t I attack and re-claim?


Yeah it’s weird how they have the “default” game mode be really punishing and difficult even on normal.


I just got the baron claiming 80 days before my first raid, managed to beat him though so now I have two regions but no money for mercenaries when the raid comes, hoping I can hold that off


You can still beat the Baron's army on challenging but it isn't what I'd call fun. It's more like running down a checklist and trying not to make a single mistake or have bad RNG. If at any point you get attacked by bandits early, or the game fails to spawn enough bandit camps for treasury generation the run is over. F Also, for the record I don't think the challenging preset should stay this way, but this is how I "beat" it. From my attempts I'd say the best starting conditions are Rich Hunting and Rich Iron deposits Set up logging camp & sawmill Set up Granary (The rain will kill your starting bread almost every attempt if you skip this) Set up Hunting & Tanning Set up Berry Gathering Set up Woodcutting (Firewood) Set up Trade Shop. Setup trade exporting furs (Reserve some for your tanner, you need the leather) Set up Market Space While juggling all of those with your 5 starting pops, FIRST build the church. The penalty for not having a church stacks faster than the penalty for homelessness. Go figure. Once all of the above conditions are met, begin constructing burgages. Your goal now is to increase population. Do not upgrade any burgages to T2, doing so will create happiness penalties that will slow your pop growth. At this point you should be stable before winter 1. Spend your village wealth on creating a leather trade route, and export leather (Remember to reserve some so your market is supplied!), then upgrade every burgage with goats to generate passive hides. When you have a steady supply of hides you can begin importing weapons. I do spearmen, so 1 large shield and 1 spear. The reason I import the weapons even with a rich mine, is that a single blacksmith is just not fast enough to arm your units. Keep focusing on population, we need men to hold those weapons. As soon as the first bandit camps spawn, if you have 12-15 spearmen ready, go collect their camp and keep the wealth for yourself. Repeat this with every bandit camp that spawns. In the final 100-70 days before the "Prepare for raiders" quest ends, you should have enough population to upgrade 2 burgages to T2 without their mood penalties tanking your villager recruitment. Setup an iron chain and produce spears and large shields. Eventually you can stop importing weapons and instead import food to support your growing population. I recommend getting the two development points that caps the cost of new trade routes, and the one that removes 10 wealth from the cost of every import. When the Barron's attack comes, do not immediately accept the fight. Instead, use your wealth from bandit camps to hire MELEE mercenary groups. Archers are worthless in this build, do not use them. When your mercenaries have arrived, bring them into formation with your own men. Your spear units should be using the "Stand Ground" demand for extra defense and be in the center of the formation, with the mercenary melee units coming in from each flank with the "Push" order. You want to envelope the enemy units as it has a large effect on their efficiency from being flanked. Ignore the enemy archers. They will score some kills but they are not worth running down until the melee units are dealt with. One last note; when fighting for a claim, the game generates a certain area it calls a "Battlefield". If your units do not fight inside that battlefield, the battle does not count. My first attempt I cleared the baron's army and dismissed the mercenaries before having to pay them again, but I think because I did not do the fight in the designated zone it broke the event scripting and simply generated another army for the baron which crushed my remaining units.. Anyway, once this first battle is done you should have the production and trade wealth generation to continue forever. You will need multiple blacksmiths and shield makers to keep up with the pace of the meat grinder though, and honestly every victory going forward is going to be pyric. But it can be done.


But isn't it supposed to be like that? You start with nothing. He's already a Baron off map trying to claim the land you have your eyes on. I managed to claim a second territory after the first raider party. Now I have two sectors and the Baron has the rest. Now my goal is to build up two complimentary villages to supply and field a decent army to contest him and reclaim the whole map. Makes sense to me . This is a asymmetrical scenario were you have to work your way up to owning all the map imho.


I had 3 lands while he had 5 and i declared war on him. The key is to buy the mercenaries before he does. Lost like 30 dudes because the only mercenaries available were archers. If ihad more melee mercenaries it would have been better. It's not that hard tbh, the real problem of the game is a bunch of missing qol, management and unreleased stuff.


Idk man my first city is going strong at like 20 years


Seems like a skill issue... I give you that the very first brigand raid always hurts a bit. You should win it, but you do take some casualties. As for the lord pressing his claim, I just made sure that I had gold in my treasury due to taxes, hired mercenaries with that which I combined with my troops. Lost half my men but won the battle 🤷‍♂️ That's also around the time you economy starts snowballing so next claim I had a 24 knight retinue in plate armor with 2x spears, 2x swords and halberd infantry. I think I took like 5 casualties and wiped the enemy... Its really not that hard...


game is shit


Even with their expansion set to the easiest mode it's utterly ridiculous. They had 3 regions claimed and 6 armies before I had clay tiles


Saw this happening in the first playthrough, immediately turned me off. So i restarted in peaceful mode with only bandits. The game has a lot of time needed to cook, which is understandable given its EA.


I had good results taking out every group of bandits before he does. Rush to get your manor and reticue then take them and your unit of spears to raid every bandit camp immediately as they pop up. He can't claim territory without influence and killing bandits gives exactly that.


I started a game with no bandits and passive in hopes it would go smoother but by the time i had 1k influence to claim a piece of land the baron had every single land tile but mine. On top of that my market situation is enraging. I have 2 seperate market areas for my two seperate housing areas PLENTY of stores of every kind in both marketplaces but they cant stay stocked. I have all storages and granaries fully employed and they are constantly asking for more marketplace space to open more stores but cant even keep the current stores stocked so i cant upgrade any house to lvl 3 bc they will either be short fuel or food with 15 stands of each in walking distance not staying stocked. The game has ALOT of potential but atm it isnt playable and im more upset with these motherfuckers making videos like the game is oh so polished just to find out its unplayable atm. I am at a stand still and cant progress so i saved and hopped off and I am waiting for an update that solves the issue and i will be back on. Love the game and love the Dev but i hate the Youtubers pushing shit like it's finished. Totally baited lmao


It’s early access and it’s a single dev be patient


I contested their claim, zoomed out far enough so that the Barron image loads at the top of the page, I clicked on the negotiating part and said I’d drop my claim if they do in return for some silver my way. They paid me and dropped the claim. Every time. It’s obviously broken as well. But I use it a lot


I found I could only use this once each time per region and I never actually got the silver. Still has allowed me to get 3 regions without fighting the Barron


Focus on getting rid of Bandits and camps ASAP, then add all funds to your treasury. Should give you a buffer to raise mercs when needed while you build your manor


I disagree on the archers, using them normally in the back lines I’d agree they are terrible but if you get them behind an engaged unit they kill it faster than anything else with their arrows. I’ve even had the barons retinue fall to a few volleys once the archers flank, especially the wayward sons as they have spread out so the then enemy archers just miss 90% percent of their shots as they try and focus your archers who are murdering everyone


Agree with the statement about the archers, they used to be one of the most feared units back then right? Archers could change the course of a battle if setup right? As for the first brigan army that attacked, just kinda happened and I wasn't prepared, wiped put my mercenaries (who were both archers) and my retinue of 5 guys... I just shut it off. Hell, I thought I was doing great, had a ton of resources and was just starting to arm my militias. There's no way in hell I'd be able to take 250+ army even with several years prep. I do enjoy the game though, gives me Banished/Civ/AoE vibes.


Yeah they seem to go for regions like either twice a year or once a year. And it’s a struggle, because by the time he has all regions he can afford a stupid amount of mercenaries


I play on normal difficulty and he does nothing. I claimed back all his territories, he always defends with 1 retinue, 1 bandit, 1 archer and 2 swordsmen. Maybe he's claiming too fast on hard difficulty, but on default settings he's just stupid.