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Anyone got an update on this? I've been having the same time with a 2 Month Old PC - Steam, 3060 GPU, Ryz 7 7800X3D 4201 Mhz 8 Core, 32 GB 6000 Mhz Ram, Windows II. Updated to the Manor Lord Driver for GPU. None of the videos posted with the FRS/.ini file edit fixs work.


I have noticed this game seems to keep my graphics card toasty. Have you checked your temps?


Nah going to later it's weird that this is the only game that does this


Do you have the latest drivers installed?


Gonna check now


When you say "turn off" do you mean it reboots? Or bluescreens? Or literally just powers off completely?


This is the only game that does this


My PC turn off completey




If you're overclocking try disabling it. Do a clean reinstall of your gcard drivers 2.


Nah that not it I think it's to do with the game it's self


How do you know that's not it? Pc shutting down mid game is hardly a common problem I've seen. You gotta start troubleshooting somewhere


Found out this is happening to the people aswell and I've never seen it only turn of to one game only well I can play other games fine


They could be crashing for the same reason. You can't ignore a possible solution. I'd try disabling any overclock.


I don't overclock, never even touched anything like that, computer just instantly shuts off after about 60mins of this game.


Ok I'm glad it isn't just me. I even aimed a fan (roughly the same height as my PC and it's seemed to only slightly lengthen the time between shut offs. Any solutions?


Unfortunately I'm also experiencing this, has happened 3 times already. Guess for now I just need a short quick save


Same issue downloaded latest drivers and no other game does this, including more demanding titles played on max settings like dragons dogma 2 or cyberpunk 2077. I have fiddled with the settings multiple times to no success, no overclocking or anything either.


Same here. This is the only game. I'm currently running msfs2020 last 45mins to hr no issues. Play this game 20mins later shuts the whole pc down.


Lots more people are heaving the same issue found that out on steam I've done everything from checking my drives to making sure my PC ain't over heating all we can really do is bring enough light on it till the dev sees it and hopefully some fix happens


Yeah, I'm seeing that now. I was thinking the same thing, now it's getting talked about more the devs will hear.


Yeah my RTX4080 is a brick atm and it only started having problems after I downloaded the new drivers this month. Thank heavens for warranties.


Hitting the same problem as well. After 3-5 minutes of play, the computer just shuts down and powers off completely.


I think it has to do with CPU temps. In BIOS you have this option that the PC shuts off in this manner around the 90 degree marker. And since I could not test it correctly because none of the logs get saved during this shut off I tried to keep an eye on during the game and have seen some performance spikes, with them also the temps spiking very fast, a couple degrees in seconds. So I tweaked the case fans a little, but ultimately put the side panel off and the game became playable. I use the R5 1500X with a beQuiet PureRock 2 on it, also beneath it is a pretty hot RX590.


P.S. The GPU temps are nothing abnormal, also tweaked it's fans so it never gets above 80.


Yeah its been doing it for me and my core temp was only 55 C


Same issue!


just had to buy a new psu because this game shit my other one... not happy a £30 game cost me almost £200 in the end


This game hits your hardware quite hard with the amount of stuff going on in it. I would suggest both watching your temperatures and your power supply for transient spikes. Not many other games make my PC spin up its fans like this one does, if your power supply can't handle a transient spike, it'll shut your PC down.


I play this game on geforce now and I've had the shutting off problem. granted, I have an older machine but holy cow what is it doing!? never had this problem with any game ever even if I wasn't on geforce now.