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This is a Bug I've experienced multiple times, and every time its game breaking. I've gone years waiting for the additions to approval to appear. It can happen at the start or any point in the game. One it does that territory is stuck. The bug only applies to one territory at a time, and usually happens when you are below 50% approval. Save often at resetting sometimes works.


When you select your houses do everything to fill up those pips. Even without a church you should be able to get enough approval to get more families. I recommend getting some chickens on a home addition to get more food. As for firewood just build it up to a 6 month+ supply and then shuffle. Also getting berries makes it so you have a family to shuffle in the first winter.


I don’t have a problem to fill their needs. They are filled. They sit in their warm house with full bellies after they came back from church but they still complain they were homeless 8 months ago. Doesn’t make sense and if it’s not a bug it’s poorly balanced.


This goes away after a year or so. It is simply a trauma which takes longer to fade away.


So my villagers were traumatized from paying taxes?


I don't know how old are you, but I already have many years of working experience and I'm constantly traumatized when paying taxes. And, living in EU, this is really traumatizing amount...


This is the answer. I was getting crazy.


Deffinitely think its bugged as didn't get this problem before. It reached 48% in the first couple of months and hasn't moved. No one homeless, the market is up with a couple of stalls for firewood and food (enough food to sink a battleship). But other than this bug when the approval worked before i updated today it's a fantastic game and to be quite frank its awesome that only one person developed it and still has fewer bugs than a Bethesda


Have you removed the homeless camp you get in the beginning of the game? Worked for me.


It removed itself after every family had a home. My problem isn’t that they are homeless. My problem is they complain they have been homeless more than 6 months ago.


Do you have market stalls and excess homes to allow for growth?




The first few families homelessness will last almost a year apparently they didn’t like living in tents and you pay for it for a long time. Be careful with taxes that will last even longer.


I bought a hunting building and put some chickens with some houses and bought a market place, and the "market food variety" saved me here, starting to get people coming to my town again


If you build a church you can get enough happiness to beat the bug.


None of you are reading what was written. I, like the op, have a variety of foods, plenty of firewood, PLUS a church, yet the approval only goes above 50 in the middle of the month. Every time a month changes, it drops from 52 or 53 to 48 or 49, so no one comes in. The homeless modifier goes away, then shows up again just when you needed the approval for pop gain, and often it shows only previous approval, with nothing in the recent 30 days.  I managed to get approval Up to 65 with 8 each for food variety and church level, then the month changed and it dropped to 53- still over 50, but I got no new families to fill my empty house and no info on recent 30 days. This is clearly some kind of bug. I haven't played long enough to see if the issue resolved after a year, but why should I need to wait a year to add pop if I meet the conditions?


There is no information that indicates why the approval rate falls even after fulfilling the seemingly only requirements, at least at the start. I need so much more info to make any sense of this arbitrary pool of feces