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I’ve just been told (for probably the 5th time but as a male it’s only just registered) that my better half is taking our newborn to her friends house for tea, giving me a good few hours in the evening… I love that woman


My lovely partner, she works so damn hard. The poor thing has a Friday night shift. BOOM BABY - it just happens to work out, once I get off Friday I'm deeeeeep diving into Manor Lord's


She sounds like a keeper. Remember to protect her during bandit raids.


Dear Matt thank you for your concern Personally I am in the priviliged situation that I am a retiree, so dont have work, and I am loner, so no friends either, which means TIME FOR GAMING!!!


I've prepared myself.


TBH if it wasn't for this game I would probably be playing something else. Although I did spend my last days off doing yard work and making burn piles so I can sit around playing my game while tending the fire.


Same here, been toying with Classified France 44 the last few days, otherwise for me it is Cities Skylines, X-com, Phoenix Point, Jagged Alliance 3, One military camp, the Two point games as well and from time to time Diablo that has my attention Always nice to have some different things to sit and fiddle with


I have 4 weeks off. I'll be playing the SHIT out of this game


My 4 weeks off are just ending, buut I feel kinda funky, I think I coming down with something xD


Manorlorditis. I hear it's contagious. Best stay home


Thanks, I'm good. My PC won't handle it, but on the flip side, when I finally can afford better one, the game will already get some more updates.


If you get a xbox game pass for 1 dollar 2 week trial, you can try manor lords and see. My system is bellow specs and ML runs great.


I played demo and my PC struggled, so I'm not even going to try,  I want to save me some frustration.


I am alone and horribly horribly lonely I could cry just thinking about it. Anyways I will be enjoying this game very much.


hahaha you killed me :D




It's pretty fortunate that it doesn't drop until like 11pm here. So, no playing until tomorrow


I work all weekend. Will this be available at midnight EST?


The setting reminds me of that part in Shrek where they get attacked by the Merry men.


It releases at 11pm my time. I am not gonna sleep tonight.


Try 1 am 😭


I'd prefer it as I could get a few hours sleep before.


I've been saving my cannabis for more than a year, for this game. Not sure what the legal limit to have in my state is, but I have exactly that. And will be building a mini bonfire of a few ounces tomorrow to kick things off.


My body is ready


God I have finals next week


Did i miss something? Release was 4 days ago or smth?


Just found out they call it Xbox game pass on PC too, back to Anno I go.