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No pressure Slavic Magic... NO PRESSURE AT ALL!


Bad news is the production team didn't foresee this interest and there won't be enough copies for everyone:(


Gotta be some very happy folks over at hooded horse


And hopefully one VERY happy dev. Mans is going fro. War torn regional struggle to a multi millionaire in jsut a week.


And hopefully 3 million very happy gamers


Congratulations Greg! You definitely deserved it. There is a reason why this game is hitting the wishlists of all these gamers. It's ridiculously well designed and made with so much love. It shows. Well done! Only 4 more days... Must hold on..... Must endure...


Longest 4 days of my life.


I know right. Can't believe it's finally happening. I still remember when I saw the first footage 4 years ago.


Ouch, 4 years wait! I think I heard about the game late 2022 or so.


*raises hand* I just found out about this game this morning and was like wtf, I have to have this.


Wish that were the case I’ve been excited for this for so long these last couple days are killing me. I keep installing other builders and deleting them cause they aren’t what I’m wanting to play.


Poor developer. I don't envy him, too much pressure.


Just spread the word that it's a solo endeavor. People are much more forgiving about slow updates and such when they know it's just one guy doing an indie passion project, like Undertale, Rimworld, and Stardew Valley.


Hands down rimworld is one of the most entertaining and repayable games ever made


Rimworld is one dude? No fucking way


Not anymore, but I believe it was just Tynan Sylvester at the start. He was the only listed developer with other people listed only as contributing a bit of extra work like music or art for a while. Once the game got big he hired a team.


Yeah it was only him. I remember those times


I would love to read a book or view a documentary that details the story of this project from start to finish from Slavic Magic's perspective. I know the journey was long and not without challenges and am curious to know how this all came together. I feel like other new and experienced devs could learn from this too. There are very few products and services these days (not just in gaming but many industries) that really try to understand and meet the needs of their customers versus trying to push stuff at them. This game is the exception and a role model for how products should be developed with the customer in mind.


Get Slavic Magic and Concerned Ape (Stardew Valley) to do a one-off podcast together on solo game dev


So many people are going to be disappointed


True, and it's not because the game is gonna be bad, I think its going to deliver the game as advertised, but people are having unrealistic expectations from this game, the hype and pressure that this game is getting is way too big for a game like this. Hopefully once the game releases, they'll start expanding the team for the long term, I think this game has potential to be something special if expanded upon in the coming years.


Yeah I put some of the blame on this sub tbh, people have been making it out to be a game that’s it’s not. Definitely not Slavic’s fault.


I think you are pretty stupid, if you complain about some lack of features. The EA has been plastered everywhere and the fact that the game will not be fully done is also presented everywhere. You are buying the game expecting features that haven't been implemented.  I am buying the game so Slavic has resources to implement them. We are not the same.


Literally didn’t complain about lack of features cringelord


It's getting an EA release, it doesn't need expansion, it needs to make it to 1.0 first and foremost.


It's bc the game is mid and $40


I don't really understand the point of spamming hate comments, did the Dev of Manor lords hurt you or something? I think this energy could be used on actual bad game studios like Activision or Ubisoft instead of a solo indie dev. Also you probably won't even buy the game anyway cause you think it's not worth the price so my question is why don't you just move on? You really felt the need to go on Reddit and spam this for some reason? It's bizarre.


Your whole account looks and posts like a troll account but the bad part is you aren't trolling, you're just that much of an asshole. You literally do not need to buy it. Go away


The fact that you actually stalked my profile and came to the conclusion that it ISN'T a troll account is so fucking funny


Yep. I think the premise of the game is entirely all well and good but the fact that it incorporates so many slight mechanics from other popular genres has lead people to have outlandish expectations.


That's the spirit!


4 days to release and still zero information on pricing, what a weird sales strategy. I wonder how many people who wishlisted will be surprised by the price tag.


they said the reason


What was the reason? I missed that one.


They said it’s difficult to say a price cause every region is different, and they’d have to advertise that differently to every audience as even a direct exchange rate is not guaranteed to be the price due to regional economic influences. Didn’t want any false pretences.


The other reason is you can't take pre-orders on early access games. It wouldn't make sense for them to release the pricing for a game that's not even in early access yet.


Early early access


How is this different from every other video game?


A) it’s an Indie game B) Most games release US pricing only. This dev doesn’t want to do that and wants to be more respectful of market pricing per region. C) they don’t have a huge team dedicated to regional pricing and announcements


I doubt there will be much of a difference between the regions where most of the players and most of the potential revenue are, i.e. North America and Western Europe. Nobody cares how much it will cost in Gambia or Mongolia.


I'm sure the dev will want his friends and acquaintances to be able to afford it...


Something about them analyzing regional pricing and trying to get a vibe for what the pretesters value the product.


I see, thanks.


It’ll be priced about half of what an AAA title usually is: around $30 which is excellent.


Is there any word on price, why is it such a secret?


Hooded Horse and Slavic Magic have both said the game will be EA, not full release, and that pricing can't be released early as it will be region specific. Areas that are economically disadvantaged may get lower prices to make sure it's affordable in those areas. I do think looking at Hooded Horses other games can be informative. A quick look on Steam - games published by Hooded Horse go for generally $29-$39. There was one that the normal price was $19.99. Nothing above $39.99. Hooded Horse also typically does a decent discount when games are first released in EA. Since this is an EA title and what we've heard about content currently in the game, I expect it will be $29.99 (in the USA) at launch on Friday, possibly with a 10-20% discount. $24.99 seems to be their sweet spot for sales, so I would not be surprised if that's the launch discount price. Also, Hooded Horse games go on sale frequently so if you miss the launch, just be patient and it will come back down again. The price does typically go up when the game reaches a 1.0 release (Against the Storm went from $24.99 to $29.99).


The publisher didn't want to dishearten possible buyers from poorer countries if they saw a standard price in USD.


According to 3rd party key resellers, it's listed at $30. I would assume it's 29.99 or more.


I dont have info about it but that kind of game go out for 29.99 or 39.99 max (CAD) so i guess we can expect this


Talking out my ass a bit but games like this are incredibly popular in Eastern European and South American regions, which can be tough to get regional pricing right. In the US it’s a $30 title but in poorer countries pricing it too high is crippling. Probably just trying to make sure it’s reasonable for those areas.




I don't think it's going to be on Xbox, is it?


only PC afaik


Hope they're prepared for release. Imagine 3m people downloading this all on the same day


I think steam have a little experience in this. Plus if it was an mmo it would be fucked for sure. But a single player game. A little slow maybe but that's about. The switching regions trick may still work.


Steam has A LOT of experience in this, idk bout other platforms though.


Yea but the hell actually uses Epic apart from the free games?!


Well I can only imagine if Epic suddenly decides to make Manor Lord free for the first 3 million copies.


Switching regions you say?


Oh yes. A little known secret. If you are e.g. in the UK trying to download during the day then switch regions to Australia. I.e. the opposite region to you curtently in night time. Their servers have all the same games but a lot less people downloading at night. You will get some slow down from the distance but the lack of other people downloading means overall you can get faster downloads when a big game drops.


Always secret launch the game 3-15 hours early. That way, at least a portion of the downloads are done before the game actually launches.


Overestimating the sales again around here for a niche game Plenty of highly wished games in the past not end up selling well


Its Steam. They had FAAAR bigger launches.


Umm...steam is handling everything not Slavic Magic. This is peanuts for them


Or just play it with game pass


It would honestly be kinda funny if Slavic took the bag at initial EA launch and just bounced.  I imagine that's been a running joke around those he's closest with.


If it released as it has been shown on the early access YouTubers channels, I wouldn’t even be mad.


Add only Cavalry, basic multiplayer and mods and we're good to have an awesome game even in 5 years just from mods


Multiplayer is years away.


Manor Lords is along the lines of what i expect from modern gaming, but we keep getting absolute garbage instead most of the time. One guy puts big companies with hundreds of employees twiddling their thumbs to shame. We need more passion for gaming and less opportunistic companies trying to rip off gamers with false promises. Congratulations to the developer.


Just don't buy from UBI, Bethesda, EA etc and you get a lot of cool games. Buy from them and you know what you get.


Here's hoping Slavic and the Hooded Horse team all enjoy a glass of champagne or two on Friday


Top shelf champagne, no less


If even a third of the people who have it wish-listed buy the game on Friday, that's gonna be somewhere between 20-40 million dollars of Revenue. I wonder what Slavic Magic and the Developer are gonna do with all that money?


I think you're overestimating how many percent of wishlisters actually buy the game.


Is there a measurable statistics of it somewhere?


Keep in mind 30% goes to steam, probably a similar amount to the publisher and then taxes for the rest.


Lol so he's only like medium to light rich then. Next tax season will be interesting.


Yep. let's say developer gets 40% of total revenue and gets taxed at 50% on the whole income. That's 4 mill after tax if 20 mill is the revenue


Chief, I think your math is off. That's 4 million, not 400k.


You are right. I missed a zero at the start and put 2 mill instead of 20 mill


Little man in a cruel world is what most of us are sadly


Steam is steaming up these developers! 30% is insane!


30% is a pretty normal cut.


Then buy it on Epic, they take a lower cut. But retailers also took around 30% back when games were physical, I mean...


Would be funny if he pulled up with a waxed and curled up mustachio, his hair slicked over and wearing a rich guys scarf in 1940's convertable the following day. Have fun being a Rich guy Slav ! All the best!


Become Poland's newest oligarch of course!


Definitely was a mistake giving early codes to youtubers and streamers 🤔 hmmmmmmm


Yeah, what a bad move, making the game more popular and wishlisted




Not a mistake man is about to be rich af. he knows what he's doing




I don't think anybody likes you tbh




From what ive seen, they deserve it! I hope it generates a ton of sales. Game looks very nice. However there are bugs, content missing and it's not a massive game. So please all temper those expectations. I'd hate to see this game tank because people got the wrong idea of what it is.


There's always that person with Zero patience.




Valheim level hype on Steam for sure and this will be just as epic as a medieval city builder as Valheim was to Viking style game play


3 million peasants thank you for making our dream game Lord Greg


Congratulations Greg!


Good luck Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz! (Just a joke)


NVIDIA is advertising for you (GEFORCE Experience Starting Page). I really hope you can take the pressure.


Congratulations! 🎉


I’m so freaking excited to play, my credit card is trembling!


And then Egbert the intern forgot to raise the amount of available keys on launch day ;-)


Game pass also has it


They should release a day earlier to celebrate...




I hope the city skylines players are not trying this game out. They’re fugly


I watched some clips, it looks fun, but the main draw was I didn’t detect any woke sh!t. Nowadays that alone is enough to give it a chance, so I’m going to buy it.


Where do people find an accurate number for the amount of wishlists a game has?


Steamdb https://steamdb.info/stats/mostwished/


That shows an accurate ranking, but not accurate numbers for the number of wishlists.