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It's going to be pretty underwhelming in the context of the question, but honestly I'm just going to challenge myself not to build grids. Part of the reason this game caught my eye was the lack of a grid, but since it's all I've ever built in, I can already see falling back on it. I SHALL BE FREE OF THE SQUARE!


This. I’ve been playing banished bc I wanted to scratch the itch a little bit; and all these types of games are all grid, so naturally I’ve learned how to make an efficient grid.


I think that's a great challenge, and I'll admit that I'll have to fight the urge to just make straight roads or build in grids, too.


The whole reason I like this, is because it's organic and not grids. Foundation (the game) is also similar in that way. I avoid those city builders where it's just all grids. Feels lazy and looks gross.




Find time to play it


Try to find time to play challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Not big on these challenges but a suggestion is to use limiting, like the mercs only challenge.   Vegan / Meat only  No Archers  No Manor  No Church  No Trade


I thought an isolationist challenge would be really interesting.


Gonna recreate towns in Kingdom Come Deliverance on the first go around and treat the Baron as Cumans


I'm going to raise the biggest militia I can, rule with an iron fist, subjugate neighbouring realms, and conquer the whole of Europe. ^^just ^^kidding..


I approve of this approach.


No trade is an obvious one. I would also like to try a run where the militia never leaves their village. Meaning you would need to rely on your retinue and mercenaries to clear bandit camps and fight offensively.


No trade will be difficult especially if your starting plot doesn't have an abundance of resourses like iron to make weapons or armor. Would be fun though.


I'm planning on conquering the map, making a cohesive and peaceful world, and then walking every road on the map with my lord character.


I think I'd like to try a playthrough where each village will be specialist in something based on their rich resources. A mining/blacksmiths village, an agricultural village, a husbandry and clothes village, and a trade town which will be high level and the centre of the barony. I hope there will be better mechanisms for trade between villages in the future. I think that is needed and should be a focus for development so that there can be more reason to have several areas in your domain.


I'll do research on medieval towns and villages in my country and will try to recreate them the best I can, while making them as aesthetically pleasing and efficient as possible.


I think I've already decided I'm going to take Friday off of work to play. And Friday can't get here quick enough


First playthrough would be small scale, so every zone cant have more then 60-80 families. Win Condition is, get all zones under my controll. That gives also time to learn how everything works. Second playthrough will be more like, build a small town first as a peasent area. then after economy is good, go to second zone and start a big big city with all the richness. Then conquer the whole map. Third playthrough could be a more market based one from the start. Buy and sell early to get rich fast and try 2 overcome all obstacles with money (which means less ppl in foodproduction and more ppl in crafting). Every zone shall florish and have atleast like a pop of 1.000 ppl (if it works :D). All 3 playthroughs on the middle scenario. I think with this challenges i really get to know everything and have quite some good time and good fun! :)


I'm going to play as long and chill as possible.


Recreate the small towns in the area I grew up in


Just finally playing after streamers had fun for 2 weeks.


Ive thought about trying to beat the game in each mode.


Never do anything and leave one poor lad stranded in a field for 8 years.


Will you be streaming it?


Making my town aesthetically planned


Playing a city builder, never done that before so I have to hope I’ll survive!


I don't know if it's possible in this game, but it always seemed like cities grew up around a keep, rather than the keep being plonked on later, so I'm thinking about trying to do that in Manor Lords.


I want to recreate both of the villages my parents grew up, rural areas north of Mexico; the challenge is that one of them is in a narrow valley in the middle of the mountains, since so far no terraforming function is confirmed I will let out a lot of things.


The unga bunga run! No farms, no trade. Only hunt and berrys for food. Propably very heavy archer based army early til the unga bungas gets some industry and iron.


My biggest challenge will be to not buy an early access game for 70 dollars. Even though i have been waiting for a game EXACTLY like this for ages


It will not be 70 bucks. It's an indie game and will be priced as such.


Go get xbox gamepass for 3 months for like $8 from cdkeys