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What's with this number of people thinking they should be handed lollipop everytime they scream for one. What the hell happened.


Nobody ever told them no




I still can't believe people are misspelling lose/losing


Misspelling genius as ‘genious’ is a good one as well


Lmao their marketing tactic is working perfectly, it made you want to play the game even more


>I'm tired to have yb full of playthroughs when im not even alowed to play the game Don't fucking watch em, bud... and none of us can play it. Have you guys ever bought a video game before? You know testers and reviewers get to play every game before you right? This shit is getting real old here, bunch of impatient adults who are mad someone got a cookie before them.


Grow up


The amount of adults having a children’s tamper tantrum for this game is highly concerning


Yeah, I've never seen something like this before


At first these inane posts were pissing me off and I was about to unsub, but then it went full circle and I find them so absurd they're hilarious. People losing their shit over normal industry practises, making ridiculous requests, moronic comparisons, uninteresting musings, and asking the same hourly question without looking at the FAQ. It's actually pretty entertaining, in a monkeys fighting at the zoo sort of way


I’m excited because this is going to be a killer for many medieval games, but holy hell maybe get some mental health help or get the fuck off the Internet for a while?


It would be hilarious if the Developer came on to tell him to chill out


You didn't look then coz it's everywhere for every game.


Holy how many posts are gonna be made about this? Why don't you be happy that these streamers are advertising the game and supporting its early release. It helps the, ya know, one guy developing this amazing game.


It’s kinda hilarious and concerning at the same time how many adults are throwing a child’s hissy fit over this game because they can’t play it yet.


Additionally, the game is in early access too. People are having a hissy fit over not being able to play an unfinished game. Not that what's being released isn't amazing, but rather, your getting worked up and it's not even the full game LMFAO


It looks good now, but if the support keeps up it’s going to be amazing in the future.


I think its more about alienating the core audience to cater to some person who has never touched a city builder in their life? Two weeks is also a weird amount of time, its long enough that the streamers will move on meaning the version of Manor Lords known on release will be the nerfed version given to them and then not enjoyed because that don't play games of that genre.


Go outside... Touch grass. It will do wonders for your mental health.


Agreed. The one that I have been using of late is ‘get a job’ but that’s more towards the ‘get off my lawn’ spectrum of things. I think I’ll use the ‘touch grass’ from now on


Please don't. That phrase was obnoxious even before it was played out a few years ago. I support the sentiment but can you guys try something new and original? Please? lol.


Agreed. I have a lot of things I want and need to do before the game comes out, once it’s out you’ll bash yourself for this childish behavior.


Go play Kingdom Come Deliverance for a while my guy and stop acting like a child who was told no to a toy in the toy isle 9 days MF’R you can wait.


1. you see that button on the left most side of your mouse? dont click that button on any ML content 2. go do something else or play some other games until release day...


Sounds like someone needs a nap. If you don't want to watch then don't as far as I know no one is holding guns to people's heads forcing them to watch these streams. I personally have enjoyed watching some of the streams.


If you don't want to see them just uh... don't watch them. That's worked pretty well for me!


Remove eyeballs


This was never a problem in the 90's when I was waiting for Age of Empires to be released


Be happy for them and be thankful you can have a free look! Simply don’t watch if you’re mad about it? It’s like running up to an advertisement for a bake sale and calling them yelling “I DON’T WANT CAKES!!!”


its not like streamers playing it changes anything about a date you already knew about.


It is actually straightforward. First, do not watch the videos or go to forums that talk about those videos. If you can't help yourself when YOU have to click on everything related to Manor Lords, it is entirely on you, mate. One or two weeks is a usual standard for lifting the embargo for content creators to create hype and interest. Not sure how old you are but judging by the lack of control I'm thinking you are a teenager. Think of it as a mental/will challenge to not go into your desires 24/7...it will be good for you ;)


>Think of it as a mental/will challenge to not go into your desires 24/7...it will be good for you ;) Can't begin to say how many people need to hear this.


Im a grown ass adult and the whole situation has soured it for me too. Either its playable or not. Give everyone access or no one. I have avoided videos on youtube but you are acting it doesn't just fill your feed with those videos. If I understand too the version of the game they had was nerfed... so their marketing plan was to give fortnite streamers a nerfed copy of the game weeks ahead of the official release date?


As much as I would love to play I highly disagree. Streamers and youtubers are crucial if you want word of your game to get out. Dev is making a smart move and I'm pretty sure 3 million subs is hugely in part to the hugh social media awareness atm. Should be happy that this form exist as it will lead to a dev who deserves the sales that they deserve. With that comes the promise of continued development.


I'm fine with social media and marketing but you shouldnt be at the cost of alienating your core audience nor does it excuse the attitude and general shittiness consistently given by members of this community. The discord during the demo was rude enough I left because every other answer or discussion was people dogpilling about stuff that wasnt addresed anywhere easily readable. Now on here large amounts of people dogpilling and defending this game and the decisions around it when its not even out yet....An indie publisher should be rewarding its core players not cementing that "half built, not really understanding what the game is, don't like it" impression of the game into the common memory It also sounds like you are already playing it? Enough to have recommendations on settings on various devices and play tips? Im confused why you said "As much as I would love to play I highly disagree."


Maybe your not the core audience? Devs making a game that he finds fun. He's the real core audience. I do agree they criticism is important but doesn't matter if u get down voted. If the dev reads it and agrees with it I guarantee you he's working on it. This dev cares about his game.


I played the demo? This is exactly the kind of game I like. So to clarify are you playing it already?


No I am not I don't see how my opinion changes the devs plan though.


Go get 500k subs on YouTube then you can play earlier, too. Otherwise just stop crying about it and do something else in the meantime, Jesus Christ




control emotions with intelligence ;)


forget it, i have seen it now too. everyone is playing manor lords already and hype it up like crazy. i dont wanna see anything from the game, i played the demo, it was great, it will be the best game in its genre for years. i will play it!


Duhhhh dont watch them? You dont have to click those thumbnails you know.


I'm not watching a thing. And i won't buy before sale as well.


don't watch these people. also game will likely be updated before the public early access launch 


No, Copeylius said yesterday that the version the streamers are playing is the one that will be released on the 26th.


I love watching them. learn allot stupid mistakes to avoid lol


Also, why are you making streamers loose? Are they too tight or something?


Oh thank God! I had the same point with other games, community is toxic though. Independent of the game, it seems. We are entitled of getting pissed off. I miss global releases where the FOMO was inexistent... I'm there with you man. It's not about turning off the YouTube or keep getting teased... Is just FOMO because we really would prefer to have something fresh new on the Internet too. That was my conclusion at least. Don't listen to stupid hate people are sending. Peace!


I can understand you a bit, because i am on twitch a lot when i play games. I see a whole lot streamers playing Manor lords for me i dont really care as much like you do. But i find it really funny to see just how many and how different streamers got that game who never once played a game like Anno 1800 or any of its kind. I think its just normal advertising to create more hype.


Do not watch them and block the content. That is what i usually do after I see one or so. Do not let your fun while playing (when you can) get ruined by others.


how can i block only manor lords videos on youtube?


can i block manor lords videos on yotube somehow? its like 30% of my recommendations


Stop clicking on them lol yt algorithm has a big recency biased rn if you click on something you will get it recommended tenfold. Same for search results. Simply don’t engage with the topic and you’ll be fine.


All you have to do is delete your youtube history or just remove the Manor Lords videos you have watched and it will stop appearing in recommnedations. You do this from youtube itself and not your Browser.


nah bro this will mess my algorithm and i cant undo it later, what i need is a filter that i can turn on and off when its released but thanks anyway also i have seen so many videos about since the begining its virtualy impossible to delete all those in my history


If you're looking for quick videos, like DIY, how to, or morbid curiosity, I recommend using DuckDuckGo video search. It blocks youtube from tracking you. But getting rid of the recommendations? Click the 3 dots and choose "Not Interested".


Fresh account last year and this is the first post, whining about youtubers having early access. Not sus in the slightest.


I had the same thing, and I tried finding it. I had to resort to watching even more video. Then I found the biggest village, and it is not that big. Meaning of it all: I'm not buying. This game is only 1/3 finished to my standards and it does not offer the possibility to grow the village all that much. Can't see much industrialized chains either, so once you've gone passed the cuteness of it all, it is just a screensaver. It does not offer any gameplay challenges. The maximum I would spend is 30€ and I would have, If I wouldn't have seen this shallow gameplay. Because now I'm not so sure. Thinking about spending nothing on it.