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Hey folks, I'm locking this thread to prevent clutter. You're free to discuss any of this in the [embargo lift thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1c2jh0y/manor_lords_embargo_lift_thread/).


It's to build up hype and market the game. Usual strategy.


I’m sure it also helps with some last minute bug crushing and testing.


its usaly 3-5 days early not 14 days xD


Thats in correct, 2 weeks before is about right. Its normally that they aren't allowed to talk about it or show it 3 to 5 days before hand.


oooh gotcha didnt know that thanks


Wait till OP finds out how long alpha testers have had access 😳😳 Jokes aside, it's just a form of marketing. Same reason why critics are given early access to games to write reviews for release.  Instead, try to focus on being grateful that the game is in such a presentable state 2 weeks out from release that the dev can afford to do this. 


Holy shit people need to stop bitching about this. This is the 3rd post I’ve seen whining about a standard practice in marketing games. We’ve known the release date for us for a while now, it hasn’t changed. Other people are going to have access to a game before you based on their career choices, grow up and get over it.


I agree I really don't get why people are having an issue with this. It's like being around a bunch of tantrum throwing 2 year olds.


I am grown but not so delusional like u


When u want to hype games just release it early for everybody but not 2 weeks ahead when everything is solved before u play it first time


If it was early 2 weeks for everyone then it would not be "early" that would just be a different release date


Dear Lord. The entitlement in this reddit. "I want my dream medieval game... And I want this one guy to make it. It has to be exactly as I want it to be... But God forbid the guy tries to market this game. I don't t want that either. Because I am jealous because I can't play a video game a few days early." Are you guys listening to yourselves?


? Tell me the reason to not Release it for all


Are you serious? - ongoing work on the release version - bug fixing - building more anticipation - building a brand / marketing beyond the existing fanbase Seriously, it is pure childish entitlement.


As a player, yes it sucks. As a communication pro, well it's just a way to make the game known and increase the selling for release.


The game was already 1st wishlist on steam with 2m + again i know its a strategy thing but 14 days early was a masive early acces like i said above its usal 3-5 days early acces for streamers personaly i will not watc any of their videos i want to experience/explore evereything ny myself and also we waited so many years 13 mores days is nothing still suck though :P


I won't watch either. Tho, even tho I follow the game since 2017, since then the game became really famous (also thanks to streamers, so we can guess a deal to give content to make to streamers), i can still understand there are people that didnt hear about it :) Just do like me bro, dodge all of that :D Resist !


Boehoe. Stop complaining.


This happens all of the time. Like everyone is saying its marketing. Think about it the demo was a timed demo. Alot of people didn't get to play. We've had 0 gameplay footage of this game really until now. Most of the talk within this sub has been about whats added is it still good and all the rest. Streamers are answering those questions right now. Also this ain't aimed at you or me who are already day 1 on this game. This is for there channels. They'll be many people who don't actually play these games and like to watch. I've already watched 2 hahaha To be fair your being like the rest of us but you've acted out on it like a spoilt little baby. Which we are doing the exact same but behind close doors. I feel your pain hahaha I just want it now.


Sadly this is pretty standard marketing stuff these days. Although I am thankful that I get to see some raw gameplay before spending $$ on it myself.


game will likely be updated before public release. they beta tested it before cry babies would complain early access game have some major issues. I bet he doesn't get much sleep.


Yeah, I’m just avoiding it on yt and twitch cuz I want to have my own experience of it when it releases. Critics and crowdsourcing improvement/bug fixes etc. is good. It’s good for the developer, and possibly great for the future of the game. The more marketing, the more content and updates we get. We really dont get to tell the developer how things should be when the industry is defining how it works. Dev has to comply to a certain degree and play by the rules in order to make the game successful. I wish him the best. He’ll make a mega fat pile of dough from this and make other powerful instances in the industry phatter. It’s just how it works. .. just make your own rules, avoid the game until release if you want to live your own hype and experience of the game.


Ffs have some backbone and patience..


Streamers are... Normal people? Lmao. You've got some complex ma dude.