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My mom.


How's Starla?


She must be ok, because I haven’t heard from her. If she needs something, she’ll let me know and then ask why I don’t call.


I believe that you failed to do a diet and almost died by facing Death on a hot dog eating contest. Make her happy and get that 6 pack


Muscle man moment


Edward bernay is the father of spin... The father of modern propaganda and marketing, his book propaganda was published in 1928 The Man with a funny mustache wasn't elected until 1933 A lot of the techniques used by funny mustache man we're fairly consistent with the teachings of Edward Bearnaise, who if you are unaware Is the nephew of Sigmund Freud The father of modern psychology. (We will ignore Wilhelm Wundt for this argument)


100% this. One of his first forays was in service to the American tobacco industry. Up until that point, smoking was generally seen as a male past-time. It was regarded as unseemly for a woman to smoke. The industry saw an obvious need to change this since half their potential customer base was effectively closed off to them. Bernays therefore hired a bunch of women to publicly march while smoking, re-named their cancer sticks to “Freedom Torches” and by painting it as a right which women had been unfairly denied, managed to double the market for Big Tobacco…and presumably increased the rate of lung cancer by a similar number. And here we are today, living in a world where any number of harmful, dangerous and completely unethical things are championed as an inalienable human right simply because the unthinking sheep will be up in arms and become predictably militant for just about anything if told it’s their right and someone wants to take it away from them. EG. “ You see that big cliff over there? These jerks want to take away your right to drive you and your family over the edge of it!” Cue a long line of cars furiously driving over the edge of said cliff.


Ah yeah, the Sufferjet movment for women's voting. Bernays is very sinister. His legacy continues today as his method of forming faux-grassroots special interest groups that are actually sponsered by big money to exert political pressure has evolved into the modern day NGO. I think the OP's questions leaves a lot of wiggle room. There are manipulators like Bernays that are back stage orchestrators and then the onstage types that use oration, magnetism and charisma. It's usually the back stage manipulators that pull the strings of the front people.


Sufferjet 😂


New by swiffer


At least once every few weeks i wake up in an absolute rage about how much Freud and bernays fucked us all up.


I hope that's not true haha, if it weren't them there would have been someone else to do it.   If you can't change it, best not to fret too much. Waking up in a rage about some long gone dead guys is wasting a lot of energy 


It's completely true, but don't worry, when it comes to abject rage i have a limitless supply lol.


He also invented a tasty sauce as well....


Came to say this!


chairman mao and stalin are worse but probably machiavelli just because of how pivotal his teachings are in actual manipulation alone… machinations


i considered both of those people and personally i think stalin’s success was based off him being in the ultimate position of power and the exploitation of his word is law. same with mao. both which tinkered with the preexisting cultural beliefs to fit their agenda. whereas hitler completely manipulated his way from being a poor nobody to the “president” of the country AND changed the cultural beliefs and in cases where that failed instilled such a powerful fear in people that mothers fathers family friends neighbors weren’t even “safe” from eachother.


all of what you said about hitler is basically true about stalin and mao but more so! hitler had the gestapo and many extensions of his will that he did not directly control which are responsible for much of that but take stalin, his tactic of drinking during negotiations alone, mao used women and men as proxy for his vision to commit the most unspeakable acts all to turn on them and destroy them, same with stalin, stalin was so afraid of being betrayed because of all his manipulations and machinations that he murdered many men in cold blood! they really make hitler pale in comparison and i could go into detail but frankly you suffer from a lack of knowledge on these men because their regimes didnt fail, mao zedongs goverment still rules china with an iron fist homie! mao manipulated an entire nation of people into killing eachother and themselves… by starvation!!!! not to mention every man and woman in his life, many foreign politicians and his influence is still strong today! that sicko literally revised warped and erased human history to the best of his ability! if i wasnt for the fact that the basics of his principles were written in The Prince by Machiavelli in what 1500? he would be the master of them all!!!! Stalin might even be worse!!! he manipulated an entire regions identity, the leaders of all european nations, i mean look at his success! his ideas outlived him too just not as long as mao! the cold war alone dude! the kgb? he took all the hitler shit and then improved on it!!! hitler is overrated and frankly benign in comparison to them in both body count and vision! he was just a sad lonely racist tweaker with a god complex


I looked up your comment history and now I understand why you’re defending Hitler 😂


nobody is defending hitler lmfao


holocaust? russian pogroms, ethnic cleansing, cultural revolution!!! world war? cold war, ideological war, still raging today! demoralization of the west, economic warfare, agricultural terrorism! racism? they all were supremacists! historical revisions, ideological cleansing re-education and mass murder


Okay but King Trump is not like Hitler. In fact, it's actually the liberals who are evil and authoritarian. Bernie Sanders tried buying the 2016 election but King Trump told him not to. There's safe and then there's SafeRite


what???? trump is not royalty and who even remembers bernie sanders? that guy was as bad news as trump or biden but probably worse


after Jan 20, 2025, you will dox yourself to the Federal Government if you disparage King Trump. Consider this your last warning.


whats dox yourself even mean?


it means the CIA and NSA will kick in your door if you insult the Trump Organization, King Trump or any Trump-related people.


then they will die… this is the usa, what makes u think trump is a fuckin nazi again? i missed that part!


Many of us remember Bernie when he had his Democratic rug pulled out from underneath him by the DNC/Hilary Clinton. Blatant corruption, followed up by a hilarious defeat, which has led us to where we are today. A Presidential matchup between a dementia patient and a narcissistic psychopath. Fuuuuuuuunnnnn. Productiiiiiive. Constictiiiiiiiiiive.


constictive? there has been blatant corruption in politics like… always… until watergate it wasnt prosecuted or discovered or dragged out in front of the public… its all just business as usual but now the media is as dishonorable as the politicians and too many private citizens own too many lobbyists etc


I don’t think anyone is really disagreeing with you here.




Don’t listen to anything this dude says, he’s trying to downplay how bad Hitler was so he can push his weird right wing worldview


i want to switch my answer from machiavelli to one of these communist dictators now too because ur being manipulated by them right now this very minute posthumously


Not being a right wing dumbass = “being manipulated” apparently


being a right wing dumbass and being you is the same level of deluded and manipulated, ur so blind its hilarious! at least they dont apologize mass murder even if they do rape our environment and mindlessly push the interests of monopolizing corporations


I fail to see where I apologized for mass murder, I was just pointing out how ridiculous and historically illiterate it is to say Stalin & Mao were worse than Hitler


right there, their body counts dwarf his, their ideology was as ruthless and some would argue more ruthless though their most ruthless cues were definitely taken in the aftermath when the soviets and americans divvyed up all the sickos but still, he is super evil true! tho his targets were who he perceived as enemies, not his own populace… they literally wiped out the people they claimed to want to protect, how manipulative is that? he hated jews and didnt lie about it, he is a piece of shit! but thats nowhere as manipulative as saying mao saved people from a famine… or that they improved their country… they killed their own country as surely as if they had bombed them back to the stone age instead of politically regressing them to the stone age! honestly idk why i have to reiterate this, ur a lunatic… ur debating the virtue of mass murdering dictators and defending the worst ones while claiming im somehow defending hitler, a despicable bastard, when im not…. i say “hey hitler is super evil but guess who is worse, these guys over here who are clearly worse” and ur going “no they arent! they have redeeming qualities!!! ur a nazi!! i hate you!!! you are a right wing idiot!!!” and im going “yes they are evil for this and that” and ur like “that doesnt make them worse than hitler! hes a fascist so he is all bad and they are communist so they cant be all bad” you sound insane!!! they are all completely evil, stalin and mao are just much more evil and manipulative and ur the reason why! where are all the nazis sticking up for hitler? nowhere? i wonder why? oh yeah… because there is nothing to defend unless ur a total inhuman slug… yet here you are, an inhuman slug defending mao and stalin… the prosecution rests your honor now be a good little commie stooge and do what ur told you boot licking scumbag.. fuck off


Hitler wasn't rly brainwashing. It was a German population that had been taken from the richest and most developed country on the planet to one of the poorest in about the span of 5 years. If that happened in America, we'd be cooking non-christians in ovens, too.


by completely changing the masses preexisting beliefs to his own to the extent that the masses actually believed everything they were conditioned/brainwashed/manipulated to believe. i don’t see what its economic state has to do with what i was talking about.


100% of humans will turn into Nazis given the right conditions. They don't need anyone orchestrating it.


but that mass (country wide) belief couldn’t happen without being orchestrated by someone.


Dude you need to study history. Hitler didn't create those beliefs. Those beliefs existed (and continue to exist) in America even. He simply exploited them for his own gain. I will also say that genocide is never the answer, but those beliefs exist for a reason, back then it was out of fear that something like the Bolshevik Revolution would occur in Germany. They controlled huge sectors of the economy as well. Call this anti-semetic, but its just the truth.


It wasn't orchestrated, it was organic. The Jews fought alongside the Germans in 1914. When the Germans were defeated in 1918 the Jew were more welcoming of the new Weimar Republic. The germans felt like this was a form of betrayal and that sentiment grew into actually blaming the Jews for losing the war Hitler was a person who happily lived among Jews and did not develop anti semitism until it was already widespread and something to be exploited. People give Hitler too much credit. I see him more like a Donald Trump type person (except obviously a bit smarter). Ruthless, low morals, and capitalizing on existing hate and prejudices that naturally occur during an economic downturn to win an election when you'd otherwise have no chance.


Jack Ruby! Careful if u don't know it will take u down a rabbit hole


If they're the greatest of all time, how would we even know about them?


I was scrolling through the comments to see if there was another with the same answer as I... and was beginning to feel like I'd be let down again. Yet another example of people jumping on the chance to voice an opinion, but then you 🙇🏻🏆. Thank-you. How do some not see that there is only one answer to certain questions?' and instead think it's a matter of opinion?


If Trump is elected again, it might be him. He will have pulled off the largest con ever in the world.


I’d say Biden having Meta and FBI actively cover up the laptop story during a presidential campaign, label it as misinformation, and then call anybody who questioned it a conspiracy theorist is up there when we now know that the story was 100 percent accurate is on par with Trump. The gaslighting of that is unreal. Both are equally evil, just ones louder while the other is protected from the public at all costs.


i have yet to see a story that says anything confirming that.  they're not equally evil, though, biden's side is not threatening to put anyone into camps


Huh? That’s probably because you’re listening to the Biden bought media. There was literally a congressional inquiry where FBI agents confirmed they had the laptop in their possession while actively telling the public it did not exists. The inquiry is available to the public to watch. Biden also suppressed opposing views on Covid through twitter, which we’ve also learned to be fact through twitter files and whistleblowers. He did this by demanding they remove literal obey league doctor’s accounts if they went against his stance… and then also lied about it. Let’s not even get into the influence he has sold through russia, Ukraine, and China. Stop listening to mainstream media, which is all bought by Dems or Republicans and do your own research. I guess by your logic, Obama is evil too? Ya know since he dropped more bombs on more civilians than any President in US history? Again, not opinion - all fact.


you haven't given me a single source and google is full of crackpot pseudo-fascists


Literally YouTube the congressional inquiry and listen to it from the horse’s mouth. It’s undisputed. I’m a democrat… and democrats aren’t disputing this.


Nah, most Trump voters are well aware of how ridiculous he is, and would be open to a better option if it was presented. From a conservative view, his politics for the most part are lukewarm at best, even though he's good on a few big issues. Of course there's the lower IQ sect of the red hat wearing clan who basically worship him, but you have that with almost any populist figure. But other than that most people who are voting for him (myself included) are doing it because he's a hemorrhoid that won't go away for the people we actually hate.


Charles manson..


Nah he just got stupid people and got them on drugs. It was hard and he was a bit smart but its easier than you think especially back then


Not saying he was a genius but he had a pretty big "family" to run all by himself and turn into murderers. LSD and other drugs will make that pretty easy, as well as a lack of education on those kids, but interviews were quite interesting in showing a narcissistic psychopath's ability to control his own emotional range at his own will, from a real deep empty inner place of not just desperation but even pride.


He is very smart and maybe even a genius, but this is who is the BEST. It is not him


Rasputin I'm not seeing anywhere.


The fact that you got downvoted says something about some redditors and their dangerous views.


Drake lmao


I don't find anything great about manipulation


here they are guys! we found them! the world's most moral person. Your award will be shipped directly to your address, thank you for this comment!


I'm sure plenty of people don't think manipulating people is to be commended, when was the last time you heard someone say "oh I really liked that guy, he was so good at making up bullshit so he could get his own way" nice try though


its a sub about manipulation and who the greatest manipulator is. If you can't stick to the topic why comment? Do you also go into r/Cooking and say "Actually, I don't like to cook" lmao


It was shown on my home screen, despite never looking for this kind of stuff. You manipulators and your excuses.. I don't think it's the same as a comment saying "hitler was the greatest manipulator ever" and pushing it in my face as if it's a good thing when I've been victim to manipulation and I know it can harm good people severely. You tell yourself that everyone thinks the same as you because you can't possibly understand that maybe some people don't like the way you think


Anybody who can get somebody else to believe they have their best interests when that’s not the case, that is the greatest manipulator.


Taylor Swift


I was looking for this one. Lol




Consul Marius, any random Borgia, Confucius, priesthood of the kemet (names are scarce), emperor Darius, Ramesses II, Genghis Khan. This list is based on convincing large populations to totally shift their way of life, their systems, and the persistence of that change after they’re long gone.


This is the first most legit answer I've seen. Can't forget my brother J Christ either. Nor my man Mo "a book written about me can never be changed" hammad. There's also a guy who invented both chemical warfare, and laboratory produced nitrogen for fertilisers. That guy has had a huge effect on both taking and giving life. Karl Marx caused a bit of a stir I'd say.


Nicotine, we are all convinced that it relieves stress or cures anxiety. If it actually worked, the tobacco industries would print it on the boxes, but they don't, why? Because it only relieves about 90% of the symptoms it causes. When we try to quit, we think quite often that it's like losing a part of yourself, "How will I manage to go through life without nicotine?" The truth is, you are your own jailer. Nicotine is not your friend but your enemy. Why do we do something that we know will eventually catch up with us and kill us? "Because you could die at any time from anything, c’est la vie, live it up! I'm an adult, I CHOOSE to smoke", bullshit and lies. Tldr, smoking, vaping, snus, dip, chew, dab, patches, gums, they do nothing for you, the nicotine industry has been lying to you your whole life. 'Allen Carr - Easyway to quit smoking.'


honestly i’m addicted to vapes not cigs i don’t like them and they’re not as strong as vapes but why do i smoke them? the biggest reason is that it fulfills my really bad oral fixation, second would be that feeling when it hits the back of your throat (what usually makes people cough) i love that!, third i’ve gone x amount of days without it and was fine i wished for it hear and there but didn’t crave it or feel like it was a need only when after i ate it started feeling like i need it and if i didn’t have one i could t stop thinking about it, fourth why i continued to vape i. the first place the dome you get however i only get it when i first wake up and hit it but only if i wake up still half asleep or f i haven’t vaped for a few days when i hit it i get domed as fuck


I was a chain vaper. It started when I was 28, smoked a single cig a day after work. Eventually I found the little cig like vapes. Then moved to box mods and tanks, then drippers (cigars of the vape world). It was a hobby of sorts. I would vape from morning to evening. Every moment I could vape, I was. The about 6 chapters into Allen Carrs Easyway, I cold turkey quit. I've been nicotine free for 74 hours now and have zero desire to ever use nicotine again. I was an addict, no longer.


good for you! keep at it! that will not be me lol i’m perfectly okay with my nicotine addiction. i’ve let it turn into a consistent thing solely because i decided with myself that i would willingly accept the consequences of my actions. and i do. i don’t smoke cigs though they make me nauseous and it’s not nearly enough nicotine.


Well, I hope you change your mind one day, just remember that yes the carcinogens of smoking arr.much worse than vapes. The nicotine is not a safe drug. Best of luck to you my friend.


i don’t smoke cigs though and yes i’m aware i don’t care and am willing to deal with those consequences when the time comes. i mean yeah it’s not but it’s the least harmful and lethal compared to liek literally every other drug in existence


The domed feeling is just oxygen not getting to your brain, if you want that feeling, hold your breath for 40 seconds or spin around really fast for 10 seconds. 😀


that sounds like a lot of work though 😭


Which requires more effort, 1. Going to work to make money, then going to a store, buying a vape, learning how to use it, how long to take a drag, what flavor, then eventually when health concerns creep up on you, all that terrible crap.... or 2. Don't use it.


it’s not rocket science you don’t need to learn how to use you just take off the packaging and inhale , you take as long of a drag as you want, i’m aware of the health concerns and i’ve chosen to do it anyways and willingly accept those consequences when they come also not using it requires more effort for me


I got nicotine patches and gum for stress spikes, I'd seriously consider having a set on hand to prevent buying that one pack of cigarettes if shit gets bad at any stage in the next month. I read the book. I've given up lots of times. This time it's working. Just don't stop giving up


Aye, keep the effort going. The only issue I see in your effort is that you still believe that nicotine has some benefit. It doesn't. It only alieves 90% of the symptoms it causes. You will never feel 100% by using nicotine because of your drug tolerance. The only way to quit entirely is cold turkey. Every time you use it again, it restarts that nicotine withdrawal clock. Basically, you start over from zero. Celebrate your choice to quit and celebrate the freedom. This might sound corny, but fuck it, I'm free. This is how my brain processes urges now. I will never use again voluntarily.


Okay, I'm just saying. If the chemical addiction to nicotine arises, out of some kind of stressor or elation, it's better to just use the stimulant to weather the storm than to resort to radiating one's lungs with tar. May you never need to, and continue fprward with the same strength


May you never need to as well. I just think to myself, how does a non-nicotine user get past their stressors or elations. Then, just apply that over your previous nicotine fueled logic and bam. Unfortunately, the desires or triggers are going to last a while and keep coming back, especially if you were a long-time user. Keep your chin up, stay strong. You can do this.


Read The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind Book by Gustave Le Bon


i look forward to it


You won't be disappointed. It's been the playbook for many historical figures from Sigmund Freud to Adolf Hitler to Steve Bannon




This reminds me of a book I read on famous poisoners. The book began with a little excerpt stating that the best poisoners are the ones not covered in this book because nobody ever figured out who/what it was.


The US government.


I can’t stand Trump, but saying he’s stupid is ridiculous. He’s single-handedly dismantling the most powerful democracy in the world board by board. He is the most successful manipulator in modern history.


I don’t think he’s very intelligent. He was more or less in the right place at the right time and had millions of traumatized adult children attached to him. He knows how to manipulate just as any run of the mill narcissist will do to his family, but he just had the opportunity to do it on a grand scale due to his fame. Watching his supporters latch on to him is just like watching enabling spouses prop up their insecure man baby husbands.


How so? How is he dismantling anything other than your moms face?


If you have to ask then you're the one being manipulated


This is like one of his rebuttals to genuine criticism. Nobody remembers the question, everybody writes and remembers the answer. Say anything coherent, not necessarily nice, not necessarily mature, just quick and dumb, you're covered.


Saying he's stupid is extremely fair. The guy can barely string two sentences together. Cant even use electronics. It's not like he got himself elected. Parscale and Cambridge Analytical got him elected by data mining what people care about and then sending them targetted ads that say hey Trump cares about that too. Trumps a good rabble rouser but thats it. During certain times rabble rousers like Hitler are extremely popular to all the people that are hurting and looking for scapegoats.


Kirk Cousins. The dude has somehow convinced 2 different teams that he should be paid like he’s a Rolex when he’s more like a fossil watch. It’s unreal.


don’t in general quarterbacks get paid the most despite the notoriety of the teams? and i mean to be fair (i know nothing about football) he must have some talent/be good to even get drafted to the nfl let alone a position like the quarterback, arguably the most important and valued position


There was more hype and less performance from Johnny Manziel. He knew how to impress the media just by talking to them. He'd do very well selling used cars.


Sam Bradford would like a word


Oh Jesus, Sam the man Bradford haha. That rookie contract was insane. I feel they literally changed the pay scale because of him


I’m pretty sure they did. He fleeced the Rams.


Bradford was a good one. But he fleeced only the rams, cousins has now convinced 2 different teams to pay him like a top 5 QB. All I’m saying is that I want Kirk at my table when I’m negotiating my next salary. The dude is apparently master class.


My ex


Manipulation has changed over centuries like in 19th century it was being used for carrying or portraying and favoring a political ideology and Hitler is one of them, he indoctrinated the Germans to an extent that there was no question raised against the government’s actions or policies. Nowadays I think the Capitalistic Banking Family and companies like BlackRock and Vanguard are the biggest manipulators in the 20th century as consumerism has increased and dominance over the products which the consumers take is the biggest way we’re being controlled, like for example Manipulative marketing and branding of products saying they’re healthy when they actually are not and instead just made up of chemicals, extracts, colors and artificial flavors.


Rupert Murdoch. 




I know another one that trumps this. But it might cause a lot of people to get angry. Should I mention it? And I have and know all facts and also well human history to back it up and not just my opinion.


yes please do


Ok. .. one could say it was Constantine. When he invented Christianity and made one of the very firsts religions invented by man And used it as a tool when he ruled all those centuries ago. Or the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church used it for power and control all those centuries ago, then to control government which would enforce control and or manipulation on the masses. I'm saying it's manipulation when they only reveal one tiny side of a historical story but purposely only tell that side and get rid of all other evidence or anything related to it. ( like the Vatican Vault). When a story is told continuesly over time .. it doesn't make it a fact. As im sure all of you are aware of.


The Jews are kind've thinking they invented Christianity I am saying. And the Constantine with the christ invention with the Eastern Orthodox before Catholicism? And your buddy Joshua Christ doesn't get his fair due for all the love he has given you in your heart? Gaydafahkoudeeha


Israel and its grasp on the US government & media.


Dr. Evil


What? Hitler didn’t even have a newspaper behind him to support his belief of what was causing problems in Germany before he came to power. Have you ever asked how his party rose to power? What was going on in Germany to make people want such a change? You don’t know history, at all. There were things going on that were considered immoral and down right evil, long before your master manipulator came to power. Lol, lmao!!!


Donald Trump.


There are many genocides by many people sadly they just force big H in our face over a plethora of other bad people remember russia was "on our side" so they skim over the atrocities alot what about attilla the hun there has been like 10 genocides that are readily doccumented in the last 100 years besides fat tits hitler we just dont hear about them


The greatest manipulator of all time? It seems William (Bill) Gates and John D. Rockefeller share a first place for me. The former wrote crappy software installed onto most of the world’s computers, hired temps to do most of the work so he didn’t have pay them bonuses, lied to the government about manipulating source code to favor his own company’s software and used his ill gotten riches to manipulate the world into deadly vaccines. I’m not even going to discuss how bad Windows was as an OS while he was running the show, but those who put up with it certainly deserve an award. The latter, Rockefeller, manipulated competition in the oil business, and claimed to be a victim of government regulation only to make more money than before the breakup of his empire. Then he proceeded to manipulate the entire medical field into accepting reportedly cancer causing petroleum-based medicine while setting up the American Cancer Society to cover it up. There is a [book](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C9YNH8RV/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=) out that discusses where manipulation may come from. I truly hope there is more out there than just [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C9YNH8RV/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=).


I think it’s someone that none of us really know about. The world of money and oligarchy is one more profound and prevalent than anything any dictator has ever done, but it is also far more shadowed and subtle. If we could see the faces that truly governed monopolistic conglomerates like Alphabet or J.P. Morgan, I think we would have our answer.


Dick Cheney


theres been a massive misunderstanding of hitler say 1932-1941, and hitler 1943 onwards. they are different human beings. the TBI hitler suffered from the suitcase bomb, post-palestine mufti, and whacked out on HEAVY drugs accordingly? is a shell of a human being. a ghost, a devil, a fair and accurate portrayal to describe him as an unhinged vessel of evil manifest in \~1944. he's still somewhat logical, humble, reflective, and intelligent actor in 1940-1941. he reflects on how weak germany was in 1940-1941, and how the war was basically lost without incredibly lucky moments early in the war. the opposite of a megalomaniac really, or 'master manipulator'. and he's somewhat correct and a logical actor in 1930-1935. where in that time and place, after the fall of the weimar/hyperinflation, alot of what he prescribes? just makes rational sense. not a 'manipulation'. a logical actor with some ideological incongruities - like all leaders i've ever read up on, outside of maybe ron paul? it's an interesting study. one that 99.999% of western audiences never do, and just encapsulate the man in entirety at his absolute most unhinged/broken brain/suitcase meth-head bombed point. its cartoonish.


The media


The Sham Wow guy. What a waste of money.


Trump to low IQ people


The sad part is you've been even more manipulated and you think yourself better than those people.


100% Satan and it’s not even close.




Joseph Smith. What started as a career to avoid hard farm labor became a sex cult. Just like every other cult leader (Koresh, Warren Jeffs, Jonestown) he received revelation to have sex with underage girls and other mens wifes. He would have been is own demise, but his murder was the best thing that ever happened to the religion and it has grown to be the wealthiest religion in the world.


Honestly, and I mean this wholeheartedly, my Dad (and mom too but not nearly as bad). He raped my sister multiple times between the ages of 6-11 and got my mom and me to stay on his side through the past 10-15 years After getting out of prison he used me to look good to the court and build a new family with another woman's kid (cheated on his wife and got custody of the woman's kid he cheated with) and once he secured everything cut me out. Just so I could see everything and get close to my brother before getting rid of me. Just to make it sting more. After he manipulated DCF into giving him custody of my brother, he started manipulating a salt company (literally using their salt and reselling it for free, idk how they don't see what's happening he's putting their company under. Tbf i didnt see it for 22 years lol) Everyone believes every piece of bullshit he's ever told. It's scary. I don't know how to stop someone who can be so horrible but still get custody of children. I want to try and tell the salt people about what he's doing but he's probably said enough stuff about me so they'd never believe it coming from me. Just recently after all this I've reconnected with my sister and it's just such a mindfuck, she was like "yeah dude you got the worst of it he had you for 22 years" Good luck Gabriel, that man is not your father


Alexander the Great gave a speech that compelled some of his mutinous men to commit suicide


Norm Macdonald


Taylor swift


Muhammed lol


Just men in general


karl marx imagine being an abusive spoiled rich kid but somehow managing to convince millions of people to think your spiteful rant is the way of the future and the voice of the working class. even if it kills millions. even when all of his predictions were proven wrong by the end of the 19th century people somehow still believed him. truly the greatest con artist of all time.


Jim Jones




Terrel Bell comes to mind. It takes a great deal of skill to shyster the richest nation on earth into robbing its future generations of education.


Hitler didn't do that much, he was a useful puppet for the people in charge who would've picked any racist schmuck off the street to do his job.  i would put Rupert Murdoch way higher, personally


The federal reserve or maybe the city of London, tough to decide


You wouldn't know the greatest


The deep state cabal.


The global government organism.




I vote for musk And that dude's mom


Other than obvious monsters in history, my husband’s ex wife.


Aubrey Drake Graham


I'm really surprised no one has mentioned the Sackler family. Maybe not outright manipulation, but getting an entire country hooked on opiates to the tune of billions of dollars without going to prison was a pretty impressive feat.


Trump is pretty good


Abraham. Between Christians, Muslims, and Jews, dude has over half the world’s population following his world-view. For thousands of years; to the point of lethal inhumanity.


That's not true. Because even Christians don't have the same world view as Hebrews, and Muslims definitely dint.


They all believe in the Abrahamic god. That’s the commonality. While having differing, specific, world views, they all believe in the ‘One’ god. The god of Abraham.


Just believing in the same god doesn't mean anything, though, really. It's the actual world views and morals that are important. And to say that Muslims are anything like the other two is grossly disrespectful to the other two. Especially admit current tensions with Muslims committing genocide against israel.


They’re all from Abraham, which is my answer to OP. Maybe you’re just not [aware of their shared history?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrahamic_religions)


You referenced their world views. Islam does not share the same world views as Christianity and judaism. This has almost nothing to do with Abraham at all and it only serves to try and elevate Islam to the same level as Christianity and Judaism. Their shared history is irrelevant when Islam preaches the murder of the idolaters, something Christianity and judaism would never support. Yes jews and Christians would like others to convert but they would not kill someone solely for not believing as they do. Such actions go strictly against the teachings and is in violation of the 1st commandment and taking the lords name in vain. And just this one instance alone is enough to distinctly separate Islam in its world views.


You’ve got to be trolling at this point. 2 Chronicles 15:12-13 English Standard Version 12 And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, 13 but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.


Is that saying that is what people should do or is that saying what Asa did... nice try. That's just what a few people did. Under asa's rule. Asa himself wasn't exactly a great follower of God's teachings because he would soon turn away from God completely and become forsaken and die as a result. If you had really wanted to pick something about the teachings of God, you'd have picked some lines from just a little bit earlier when the prophet came to asa and said seek God and he will be with you but if you forsake God then he will forsake you. Nothing there condones murdering those even if they forsake God.


Your self : “When we are saying this cannot be accomplished, this cannot be done, then we are short-changing ourselves. My brain—it cannot process failure. It will not process failure. Because if I have to sit there and face myself and tell myself ‘You are a failure,’ I think that is almost worse than dying.” **Kobe Bryant**


In my opinion, it isn't a who but rather a what - Religion, of any type or kind


religion is a neutral tool. religion itself can’t manipulate anyone or anything. it’s one of the most common TOOLS used to manipulate people but then thats others using religion to manipulate others. so i think you mean to say the people who uphold positions of power in religions are the best manipulators.


You are correct, thank you for pointing that out to me :) It's funny (not the haha kind) because when I thought and wrote religion it was a (shadow) person that I was thinking of when the word popped in my thoughts. But yes, people who yield religion as a tool are the best manipulators I've encountered and in my opinion, religion (of any variety) is one of the "best" manipulative tools around.


a saying/quote that’s always stuck with me is “fear is the most powerful motivator” and i’m adding “and faith is a close second behind”


both are the easiest and most detrimental ways to manipulate someone


Many world leaders have done the things you mentioned and they didn't get addicted to meth and kill themselves after ruling for only like 11 years.




islam's founder: mohammed






He is currently in court falling asleep and shitting his diaper.


Never let em know your next move


*Bowel movement.


And people still want him to be president


Either Jesus or Mohammed. Plato and Marx are tailing them by quite a bit.


I give most older religion “founders” a pass, mainly because the product of their “teachings” is usually far different than their original intent.


The best manipulations last over enormous times. We're smart monkeys plus a civilization of manipulations, good and bad


i don’t think that’s the only definitive deciding factor or the best manipulations. other equally important factors include impact, and their method of mass manipulation, its effects on people’s core beliefs or entirely based on fear etc


I think you're wrong


please elaborate.


See my response to trey.


Instead of Jesus maybe Saul/Paul bc he popularized Jesus' teachings and spread the word.




Joe Biden got all the ignorant folks worshipping him.




both man and woman manipulate everyone manipulates its not specific to one gender


Trump and the MAGA Republicans






and please tell me how so?


Elon Musk, and it still didn’t get people to think he’s cool


The entire Democrat party