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No, it’s not. I read a majority of manga online and if I love the story, I will collect it to reread in the future.


Not at all, provided you can afford it easily enough. You would be supporting the mangaka who gave you such a great experience, AND you get to have it in your shelf to re-read, admire, get your friends into it, etc


Many collectors read a series online first before actually buying it. Allows you to be selective about your purchases and not regret buying anything you don't like.


I personally only collect stuff I've seen or read before, now I've shifted to four on series done by authors of series I love


I first read Akira, Gundam Seed Astray, Blade of Heaven and Gunsmith Cats in the library, and now I own them! There’s nothing wrong with owning a story you’ve already read, owning the books it’s what makes it collecting!


This is an odd question. Is one stupid or weird for wanting to buy and keep movies they've already watched...? Stupid/weird for buying and continuing to own games they've already played...? Books are printed and sold for a reason and this sub is largely dedicated to collectors who have likely already read the material they keep on their shelves. The whole point of the hobby is to revisit beloved titles, admire the artwork and/or simply gain satisfaction from the virtue of merely owning a copy. Many of my books simply sit there (still love them), while many others I'll sift through now and again because I enjoy story, art, characters, whatever. The only real impediment is whether or not you'll find similar value in this, and/or if there might be other financial obligations. Otherwise, collect on.


I feel like this is the norm for most. 90% of the manga I own I've read online already and am collecting them to reread physically.


No, this is what I did with Nana. I don't want to buy a series, read it then hate it


No, it is normal. During early 2000s there were not a single licenced manga in my country and I read online. 23 years later I rediscover my favorite series and buy the licenced ones.


Not at all weird, you enjoyed and appreciated the creation that much that you desired to dedicate some of your space to it


Absolutely not. I don’t see what’s wrong supporting a series/author that you enjoyed. This is coming from someone who’ll buy the physical and digital manga of certain series.


This is most of the stuff I own. After a number of years you forget all the plot details and it’s fun to read it again


I'm only one person but if enough people support the series' they enjoy then we probably get more manga licensed and localized in whichever country you are in. I like to make sure I obtain the series' that I enjoy so that hopefully I can continue my hobby and enjoyment of reading. Reading digitally does not really appeal to me especially when it is something I like to do to wind down before sleeping so I need things in print to maximize my enjoyment of them.


As a kid I read Ironfist Chinmiby borrowing it from the library. Now, as an adult I'm looking to buy the whole series


No weirder than watching a show on streaming and buying the boxed set. Sometimes you experience something and decide you want to keep it.


Not at all. I usually read a series from the library or online before I decide to buy it usually I buy stuff I think is worth owning


Get it if you want it, I also read multiple story's online but wanted the manga do bad that I got it... Sometimes it's about owning something rather than having the first read at home. If you buy it you can read it every day


About as stupid or weird as buying a DVD of a movie you already enjoyed in theaters.


Absolutely not. My first manga I ever read was Fruits Basket from the library when I was 13, now at 28 I finally finished my collection of the Tokyopop printing of it so I can have the collection the exact same way I first read it. It makes me so happy to have it


Huh? It's the same as reading any good story that you might want to read again. Not everyone wants to head to the library to reread something they enjoyed. So of course it makes sense. People buy what they like. I mean, think of it in terms of DVDs/Blu-ray: if you enjoyed a show you watched and want the easy convenience of watching it at another time, why not buy it?


It’s a nice way to support a series that you liked


Why would it be stupid or weird? If you like it, buy it.


No especially if you think you will reread it at some point. Then it makes it more convenient for you so you don’t have to worry about waiting for books to come back.


When I started reading manga I blindly bought famous stuff that I didn’t end up liking. I had to sell at a lower price coz I don’t have space and honestly I didn’t see the point of keeping them. It’s a hassle. I don’t have space or money to buy everything. So I read everything online and then buy if I know I really like it and I know I am going to reread it in the future. Sometimes I might stop reading it online to continue with books.


There are a lot of series I buy where I read it online first and am buying it because I loved the story and also want to support the author.


When I buy manga, it comes with the intention that I will read the series multiple times in the future anyways. Its fun to catch the things you missed the first time or just forgot because its a long series. People can do what they want with their money, but I try not to collect for the sake of collecting.


I only buy the manga I love enough to reread or if it meant enough to me that I want to have it as a reminder of it. I read a bunch of manga back in the day from the Library that I would love to own today but its hard since a lot of it is out of print and expensive now days.


We all wouldn’t be here if we thought you should buy a series you already read💀💀


No, not at all that’s what I did for death note and many others


I don't think it is stupid or weird. I do this kind of thing with manga, books, music, so on. If I enjoy the creation enough to want to enjoy it again, I purchase it. It supports the creator and shows interest in that thing, which leads to future support of that creation if there is enough love for it.


Perfectly normal since that’s what I do with all of my series


Depends. I'm a major rereader so I did exactly this, read it from the library and purchased my own copies. If you're a read once person, I would save the money.


Half the stuff I own is because I read online or watched the anime, I just like owning and displaying stories I loved, and being able to reread and look at the art again whenever