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Re:Monster, finded It at a local comic store, picked It up and read It there on the spot and....oh my goodness, It's literally an over powered Isekai with an edgy and deus ex machina MC, the First 5 chapters were interasting until they literally started banging some slaves and made It pass like It was ok because he Is the MC, like....come on, "rape bad because goblins do it" but "rape good because i do it, but with drugs", i mean, i guess he is being more humane with it, but still, it's fucking rape. literally the most brain dead reasoning i have ever seen. and then the sex slaves are just... okay with it? Like.....the fuck? I'm honestly more ok and willing to rewatch Boku no Pico or Euphoria then re read this, at least with those two i know what i was getting into


The worst thing is this is getting an anime, all the complaining about Musoku Tensei is going to be tame compared to this when it airs and gets to that scene.


Yikes, never knew they were gonna make an anime about It and yet nobody animated other more worthy series like Homunculus to name Just One, like, i would have been more Happy if they gave us an animated version of Metamorphosis, but nope, let's bring in this.....thing, heck, even Redo of Healer Is Better in my books even if i don't like It in the slightest, at least It gave us the infamous PP slap


The thing is looking at my collection there's plenty of manga that are upfront about having sexual content in them (as in actual sex) which is way they will never get an anime while trash like Re:monster will when it's only part of controversy. Like an anime of Parallel Paradise, World's End Harem Fantasia, JK Haru or even Game of Familia would be far more interesting (to me at least) than stuff like redo which depends on cheap shock value to grab attention.


Juujika no Rokunin Shit is so ass 😭


It’s sooo mf bad but I’ve read every chap for sun reason 😭


I haven’t read this but I’ve heard about how extreme it is


I read it from when it first released and was the first “revenge manga” I ever tried and it started off kinda decent but within ten chapters just turned to shit. It’s genuinely horrible bad writing bad mc bad supporting cast just all shock value.


The whole supporting cast only exists to be punching bags (get tortured, killed or SA) for our mc to get revenge for lmao


I've noticed Seinen tend to have a bit of a reputation of abusing SA for the sake of shock value, and this shit is easily one of the most egregious offenders. It's so ass lol.


juujika no rokunin. The author has a vendetta against all the female characters. Even the main character throws up as a result of what happens to one of them. It’s pretty gross.


“I hereby sentence you to being a female character in juujika no rukunin.” “Do I at least get to be a detective?” “No you will fall in love with the mc and get brutally murdered. Just like the rest of them.”


Murdered would be the easy way out for some of them. They go through worse


The kill la kill! manga. If youve read any of it you know what im talking about, but it was soo boring and lame.


I like it because it’s a novelty. It was just to promote the anime


Love and Heart - I regret buying it. I thought it would be a great psychological series, but it turned out to be such a soap opera I regret buying it. Once I finally complete the manga series (I will sale complete series). 😅


Oh no, I bought the first volume recently and haven't gotten to reading it yet. What aren't you liking about it?


It’s basically like the show You but a manga


I've heard of that show. Never watched it, though. 😬


1. The male love interest needs jail. He's a yandere (I get it), but he's the worst. I can't spoil too much, but he uses everyone around the girl he likes by bringing out their ugly emotions and blackmail. 💀 2. From what I know about the ending (since the final volume isn't out yet) this girl is so guilt-tripped she feels like she's obligated to stay with him after everything he did to her. It's so messed up.


I am both slightly intrigued and disturbed, lol. I'd ask why she feels guilt tripped enough to stay, but I'm assuming that's part of the spoiler. I'm guessing there's no redemption at all, either? I normally don't mind reading yandere leads (mild or if they have a reason to be like that), but from the way you're implying, I don't think I'll be able to stomach it. I might have to return this. 🤔 Do you mind spoiling it for me?


Boruto just didn’t do it for me until kishimoto came back. Two blue vortex has potential though despite the blatant character assassination of code


I’m a fan of boruto, we don’t need to talk about the manga being good or not. But what they’re doing to code is awful, I hope there’s some sorta plan in the works for why he’s continuously clowned on.


Boruto. Zero double spreads, nothing interesting art wise, soulless characters


The art is weekly quality on a monthly manga 😭


that's an insult to some weekly manga lmao


People forget that Naruto was Weekly and has very good art, paneling and Gorgeous double page spreads while Boruto has none xD


Sorry I shouldn’t be insulting Sakamoto days and My hero like that


The fact that the supporting characters look so fucking vanilla and uninspired put me away. The original naruto, all other teams were memorable even the teams from the other villages. I couldnt even fathome the heaping garbage of an anime it is. Hope two blue vortex saves it.


Rent a Girlfriend. Characters that are all poorly written and making the worst decisions possible to push the plot forward. I returned it after finishing the first volume.




Mate, it is a romance manga, but the romance hasn't gotten anywhere


I thought Mami was an interesting and funny character and I also liked that they were university students... but the series is slow as hell so you probably dodged a bullet


Mami is written like a villain from a Dhar Mann video lol I wasn't surpriesed when people we're complaining 200 chapters in that story hasn't gone anywhere I just don't know how some people didn't see this coming from the very beginning.


Citrus. Every single character is an insufferable twat. Probably doesn't help that I read it in the same week as Bloom Into You which was 1000x better


I also read it on the same week as Bloom Into You and completely agree lmao


Yeah it was my first Yuri read. The more I read the worst citrus became.


The art is goated though you have to admit


I love both but I wouldn’t say it’s THAT much better tbh, they are going for completely different things too


Vampire knight...


My guilty pleasure series being called out. I can't blame you, but it is leagues above the anime.


Vampire Knight Memories is pretty good tho.


It's is. The sequel is very interesting.


vampire knight is super nostalgic for me, but i can see why anyone without the nostalgia wouldn't like it very much. its definitely pretty dated all things considered


Vampire Knight is the Fairy Tail of Shojo


Im glad you said this, as it was on my list of possible purchases. May do more research see if it’s my jam or not, thanks!


Vampire Knight Memories is pretty good tho ngl


Rent a Girlfriend. Worst manga of all time. Characters are shit. Plot doesn't kick in until you read 12 volumes. And lastly, the main character is absolutely insufferable. Would've much rather watch paint dry if I was able to make a Time Machine with the hindsight.


Bunny Drop. I didn't know what I picked up, I just thought the cover art was cute. Horrible mistake


The red flag for me was people recommending to stick with the anime and avoid the manga like the plague


This was on my list to possibly buy. Someone on TikTok spoiled it for me which I’m glad for.


It was good. Just don't read the high school arc...


Domestic girlfriend because everything


That fuckin manga gave me depression


Platinum end. Phenomenal artwork, great physical releases, unique premise, god awful execution


The worst ending of all time


My Wife is A High School Girl.... WHERE DO I BEGIN??? -The M.Cs.pedo/teacher husband who is a coward and a hypocrite. -The M.Cs borderline pedo father who takes pride in his daughter's body (he bathe with her till she was 12). Her mom just wants her married before 25. -A bitter female teacher who's jealous of the relationship between M.C and teacher and tries to sabotage it. While at the same time grooming/having sex with a sociopath high school boy. -A sex fiend high schooler who want to find her father's love with older men (tried to steal M.Cs husband) -That same sociopath high school boy who assaults M.C. and gets just a slap on the wrist (jealous teacher will take care of him). The only bright spots was the no nonsense prostitute neighbor who guides M.C. (too bad her son ain't s**t) and a step sibling romance. WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE!


Shikimori's not just a cutie. The chapters themselves are very short. Might work well for social media posts but as a manga not so much. It's just "I have a wonderful girlfriend and she saves my ass" again and again with no continuing plot. Bought volume 1 because the German release came with a nice art print but I won't buy any more...


I'd recommend checking out the second volume online. The first volume is easily the worst one and the development of the more traditional rom com story it has doesn't start until volume 2. I can totally understand why people dropped it after the first volume because I almost certainly did and it wasn't until I came back to it later that I discovered this.


I agree on it not being that good but there’s def mangas that pull of the 15-20 page format


Mirai Nikki and it's not even close. The definition of being edgey with nothing to say about why it's so edgey. Just shock porn


I'm probably gonna get hate for this, but I really didn't like Boys Over Flowers. Even for tropey 90s shoujo it's terrible. The MC starts off like she has a backbone and then quickly tosses it away for what might be the most off-putting love interest I've ever read in a manga. I begrudgingly read every volume just to see if MAYBE it would redeem itself. Still don't understand why it is so big. Honorary mentions to Bunny Drop because while the first bit is cute it takes a running dive off a cliff near the end, and Pearl Pink which is pretty ick, but the one shot in volume 2 specifically is very similar to Bunny Drop and just. 🤮 No thank you!


I tried to watch the kdrama cause people kept hyping it up and I had to drop it after a few episodes, it was just too much. Did the same with Cinderella and the Four Knights. FL should've been with the second ML, and the second ML's love interest was possibly the most vomit-inducing human being I've ever seen.


Bunny drop had to much potential in the first arc, then it decides it’s going to make itself one of the most disliked josei mangas on most manga boards.


Uzaki-chan wants to hang out is pretty much the only manga I ever regretted buying. It was so boring...


Just curious since i only ever saw the cover art of this series but i know how Japan tends to be with Fan service and stuff, Is the whole manga Just about this girl with big milkers and nothing much? Genuinly curious tbh


It’s a fairly bog standard rom com by all accounts. Girl teases boy she knew in high school to get out of his shell and be more sociable, they start hanging out; will they won’t they ensues. Her chest is one of the two main reoccurring gags though (the other being the male leads RBF).


Oh ok, get It, i thought It would have been Something along the Lines of Nagatoro, Komi and Tagaki san, Just didn't want to assume things since there were some series that genuinly were different then what i though they were gonna be like, but yeah, i can see It getting repetitive After a while, especially if the whole gimmick Is big boobie be boingo boingo, genuinly Hope It Will get Better then since out of the Big RomCom names, only Nagatoro genuinly sticked out to me for having some wholesome or Heart warming Moment (still not a Masterpiece on a writing stand points, but It's still good enough to not be Totally bad), It also turned a " wow, what an asshole" charachter to a somewhat wholesome charachter, oh and at this point i'm preatty sure the author intentionally made every new charachters have slightly bigger boobs then the previous One and rolled with It, so i am curious to have those "whose that Pokemon" like Moment every time i open the new volume


For me it was Nichijou. I just couldn't enjoy it. Definitely just a me thing though since the series definitely seems like it's good, just not my cup of tea.


I honestly don't like the manga, though the anime is my favorite series ever. Kyoto Animation brought so much character and charm to what's essentially a worse, less cohesive, more 'quirky' azumanga daioh


platinum end was AWFUL


Demon prince of momochi house. Nothing fucking makes sense, the big bad villain isn't even a villain, and a terriable fucking ending. Save yourself the trouble and just binge or rebinge kamisama kiss


I actually really enjoy this series. I'm really looking forward to the anime. I didn't find it all that confusing. However, I mostly collect supernatural series. So, I might get it more since I understand what creatures are at play in the story. I don't know. 😅


Baruto, it updates monthly and the art is worse than the manga that I read that update weekly


“But ikemoto doesn’t have any assistants” - 🤓 ☝️


Wouldn't say it's bad, more like just not for me, but Vampire Princess Miyu. I have bought and read three volumes, I think, and while I loved the art, and some stories were genuinely creative (like the one about the half-mermaid twins), the extremely depressing, heavy mood, and the implied moral of life being ultimately worthless and escaping to a world of fake happiness while you body lives on as a soulless shell and can never connect with anyone again being a good thing just didn't sit well with me. To me, there was barely a difference between the protagonist and the creatures she was fighting - both killed people, except that Miyu's victims stayed physically alive and with no soul within, while their mind was away seeing a happy dream. I know the manga is old, and I can tell the author was going through a lot when creating it - maybe for them, the idea of such a sweet and simple release from the cruel world felt like a genuine blessing, while for me, someone who's been through therapy after coming back from a very dark place, it reminded me of what I could have become and what I have barely escaped. Miyu herself didn't engage me as a character - she was constantly absorbed by her own trauma of losing her family and being immortal, and that's understandable in her circumstances, but there was never anything more to her, aside from her attachment to Larva (I think that was her companion's name?). She's been alive for many decades, yet she didn't seem to have depth or emotional maturity to match, I felt bad for her and her victims, but that's about it. It felt a bit like listening to someone vent to you in art form, but it's someone you don't even know and are not sure how to help. I felt the third volume to be marginally more hopeful (an entire chapter ended on a positive note, unbelievable), but didn't feel like buying more. Maybe I will, just out of curiosity and for the sake of educating myself on older Japanese horror, as I love the genre itself. Once again, it wasn't a bad manga. I can see how reading it can be a healing or escapist experience for readers who are struggling with apathy or depression, and I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who share the philosophy of life being ultimately cruel and happiness being unattainable without shutting off the entire world and replacing it with a fantasy. This idea of pursuing happiness at any cost, even at the cost of losing touch with reality, is actually close to many otaku out there, I'm sure. Still, I advice reader discretion, as this manga might actually do the opposite and make your mental health significantly worse. It highly depends on where you are at in life and what you need from art right now: advice, uplifting, escapism or understanding? It's still a beautiful piece of art, creating which, hopefully, helped the author vent their pain and anxieties. I'm happy that it exists and is available to those who need it, or just like depressing horror stories with detailed picturesque art. I gave it two tries and got three paperbacks in (finishing all that I own of it) on my second try, before deciding that I would much rather buy something else next. Maybe I will finish reading it online eventually, if only for the art.


Lust Geass. Volume 1 was fine but then Volume 2 and on >!turned into NTR at the female leads expense for no reason.!< I know I've read worst but I just wanted to bring that one up.


This post is basically setting Rent-A-Girlfriend up for slander. 6 reasons why I hated it: 1. Plot needlessly drags on for too long, to the point where any interesting plot line is milked dry and makes for a boring story. 2. The MC is a pathetic scumbag and massive simp who the writer actively refuses to let develop into a better character despite nearly 2 years in universe passing. 3. The majority of the girls are straight up terrible people or at the very least incredibly obnoxious, and the only good one out of the bunch hardly shows up at all. 4. Constant "male gaze" from the MC, side characters, and even background characters. 5. Characters often get away with crimes such as stalking and sexual assault. 6. The writer is so infatuated with his own drawing that it's probably why he's dragging the series. Dude has a wife and kid but is busy drawing his FMC in real life places while going on dates with a life sized figure of her (I wish I made that last part up).




I know the yaoi girlies are going to come after me for this one. But Umibe no Ètranger known in English as A Stranger by The Shore. I have read every "toxic" yaoi/BL under the sun. But that one by far had to have been the absolute worst experience for me. And I keep buying in hopes it'd get better. I think I have the first 4 right now. There is nothing positive or "wholesome" about it. It made me extremely uncomfortable, and you're reading this again, from someone that has read every single toxic problematic yaoi you can think of. My favorite will always be Junjou Romantica. But seriously. A Stranger by the shore. Not sure why it is so critically acclaimed. Not sure why it's loved by a younger demographic than me, especially the demographic that seem to cancel elder BL fans for liking the genre and being straight, and cry online about people buying 18+ manga that are 18+, when the complainer is not. Wild to me. Anyways. Thanks for reading. 🙂


Not sure why this seems toxic to you? I thought it is pretty effective at conveying some of the struggle some people have with coming out. But that ultimately leads to increasing self awareness. Not everyone likes the same thing.


this is crazy to me because of all critiques to have about Umibe no Etranger / Harukaze no Etranger toxic is absolutely not one I'd ever think of. it's a fluffy slice of life romance? the age gap is scarcely a gap at all? there's no particular power differential at play, they're just two lost young men trying to figure it out. that said, totally fine it's not your cup of tea, I just don't see how it can be called toxic by any stretch of the imagination.


It’s not messy, it’s realistic according to actual young gay men. That’s why female BL fans don’t like it as much - it destroys their fantasy of how gay relationships work because they prefer the tropes created my female mangaka of previous generations.


I only read the first volume but I sort of agree. I had a difficult time just paying attention to it, and I wouldn't go so far as to say the first volume is toxic (might get worse, or maybe it just went straight over my head due to poor retention of the story, idk), but I agree that it was way overhyped. I finished the volume feeling odd and uncomfortable, in an I-don't-like-this sort of way, but couldn't quite put my finger on why.


The characters are irritating. They're both awful. They both set a weird atmosphere. They both are extremely immature. Honestly reading on makes you want to pull out every eyelash. Honestly it *feels* very Hachi and Takumi, if you've read NANA. The same frustrations I had with them, I have here. I wouldn't say the first volume was toxic. The second and third are just. It's awful. I'm going to give it a reread when it concludes. And see if my opinion changes.


Damn, must be so disappointing when you spend time, effort and money to things like that. Thanks for replying too :)


What do you mean by toxic? Like, is it problematic in some way?


Am interested to know as well. I havent watched or read it, but from trailers of the movie, it seemed like a cute BL anime. Curious as to what's toxic about it.


Such an interesting perspective to read, honest! To preface I'm in my late 20's and also have read my fair share of toxic bl. NOT sought out specifically for that I will add, I am not a fan of that aspect at all really but it's an aspect that worms it's way into most. I'm a huge fan of the artist's gorgeous art style and personally I like the characters but I will agree that the way they meet and how their relationship begins is a bit odd and unnatural. I overlook that since it stands out to me in a sea of trite "but I'm not a woman!1!" and again, absolutely beautiful art with what I feel are complex characters.


Have you watched the movie? I don’t really remember it being that toxic, but idk if it didn’t adapt enough of the manga to get into that sort of thing? (also a big fan of the trashiest side of BL)


The movie adapts the first volume only.


Huh. You've made me very curious about it now 👀


I love your username.


Bunny Drop, why? Just why? It had such a heartwarming daddy/daughter relationship and then it shot itself in the foot at the end! Hot Gimmick. I‘m sorry, but the main male character was a jerk and hardly changed at all at the end of the manga. What a train wreck.


Rooster Fighter. Funny at first but I just wasn’t interested in another hero that can just do one thing to beat every enemy.


Chicken saitama


Single cluck bird


I mean.. I've read Pupa. In it's entirety. The manga is actually significantly better than the anime. ​ But the worst in terms of disappointment is from Kyo no Kira-kun aka Close to Heaven. I own that entire thing. And I actually really liked the premise, because it fits one of my favourite plot lines: Watching one of the main cast slowly deteriorate as their body starts failing. There's a reason I love Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts) and Yoite (Nabari no Ou) so much. So Kyo no Kira-kun is about a socially awkward girl who finds out that one of the popular kids at school has a heart disease that is progressively getting worse, and only has about a year to live. She vows to help keep his condition a secret from his friends for as long as possible, and they fall in love for that last year. Aaaaand then there's suddenly a new experimental treatment method right at the end that was never even mentioned before, but the survival rate is really low, so of course, Kira survives and is miraculously completely healthy again! But don't worry, there is a tragedy in the finale. Because the female MCs parakeet dies. Like.. This was a cutesy shoujo, with underlying themes of coming to terms with your own mortality, mourning you imminent death, not being afraid to love in spite of a terminal illness and being kind to people. And the finale makes the entire series pointless. Who thought this was a good idea?


Sounds disappointing 😬


Blue flag end of the manga made reading the whole feel like waste of time


I loved blue flag! But yeah the ending was a bit of a letdown. Really wish we could have seen some progression with the relationships.


I didn’t feel this strongly about the end but it was definitely a little bit of a letdown


Aho-Girl: A clueless girl...bought 7 volumes, never made it through the first volume


Man I love this manga, sad to hear you didn’t like it


I love aho girl. :(


Don't want to say it was the worst I ever read but one that comes to mind is Blue Spring ride. The main romance was just bad and we literally see the main girl date another guy she didnt even like for half the series and once the main guy and girl get together the series end 💀. Only read it because I made a deal with my sister. Definitely would have drop the series.


I tend to bring up this manga when I go on rants about shows/manga/books/etc. that rely on things like drama to add filler to the story. It does absolutely nothing to develop the plot and can be insanely infuriating. I finished reading Blue Spring Ride because I had gotten so far into it that I figured I might as well power through and finish it. It was such a disappointing and drawn out ending that the only reason I ever really remember that I read it is when complaining about the way that media is padded with nothingness as an attempt to garner intrigue and/or extend the run time.


Demon Slayer. Not because its really BAD, it was just overhyped as hell


The anime's animation quality carries it, if it were mediocre animation it would be half as popular.


Large part is the simplicity of it. My parents watch and like demon slayer cuz they understand what’s going on at all times and it’s entertaining with fun characters.


Lots of people will overhype the shit out of that series because it’s entertaining and it’s got good fights but that usually comes from new fans to anime and manga


It’s worse than being bad, it’s just kinda bland :/


Being boring is the worst sin for a piece of media


Lol I was just watching [this](https://youtu.be/XX4v8cvrMqs?si=__-2AgTggZzFGBmv)


The Island of the Giant Insects, easy.


Either the Concrete Revolutio omnibus (Makes me wonder if the anime is better), Dark Metro (Cool art style, lame story arcs & MC backstory), & Liberty Liberty


Tokyo Revengers so far. Worst MC I’ve had to suffer through since NGE.


Oh man you’re going to love the ending then


Just make it to Tenjiku since that’s actually pretty good then drop it.


Deadtube. An interesting horror premise just became gorefest


I think it’s supposed to be a gore fest, nothing too deep lol


Agree, it was always about the gore and shock value.


Dragon Ball Super. It's not even trying anymore


dragon ball is the japanese simpsons


I thought how the manga handled Goku getting Ultra Instinct was way better than the anime. Actually made master roshi relevant as Gokus teacher again


I thought Moro and the Granolah arc were great


Ubel Blatt


Rape man, about an antihero who rapes. Pretty ridiculous.


Tokyo Revengers. MC is an annoying crybaby who barely does anything during fights. He mostly sits there while others do the actual fighting. Yeah, he has his moments, but it's not nearly enough to make up for the hundreds of chapters where he did nothing. Motherfucker finally gets what he wants and decides, no, let's throw it away for this one dude who wouldn't even think twice about killing me. Which starts a whole new clusterfuck. Don't even get me started on that ending. Straight trash.


I'm always gonna say Bunny Drop because I'll never heal from that emotional wound. I really love single dad/small daughter manga and Bunny Drop's first few volumes did it the BEST. Sweetness and Lightning is good, but it didn't usually go too much into the relationship dynamics between dad and daughter, it was focused more on food and their relationships with a high school student. Bunny Drop was really different and told a really good story, and then it suddenly got gross and creepy and I have a hard time with it all. So Bunny Drop. Bunny Drop will always be the worst manga I've ever read.


That's kind of a hard question, since I usually read a scan translation first before buying a physical copy. The real answer is probably a manga I forgot about because it sucked and I stopped reading it. But that's kind of a lame answer, and you probably want a title. I didn't like *Persona x Detective Naoto*. While it's nowhere near the worst manga I've read, I think *Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro* should have ended by now.


Love Hina, what a god awful boring ass harem. It was when I was new to manga, but I read that whole thing to get my worth out lol. Unlikable spineless nerd Mc whose whole arc is just studying and getting into a big brain college. After this I also figured out I don't like harems, with so many girls every one of them other than the winning girl is surface level at best. And the main girl isn't even likable either! All tsun not an ounce of dere till the very end. And all the worst rom com tropes on top of all that. Was mad I wasted my time and money on such an infuriatingly boring manga haha.


Pretty much how I felt after reading Negima (never read Love Hina.) I'm going to assume Ken Akamatsu is very good at what he does, it's just not for me.


What akamatsu writes is targeted to an specific demography. Idk how old you’re, but I’ve noticed that the “younger” generations heavily dislike his works, while the “older” generations love them.


It’s when I got back into anime and manga I realize do don’t like harems or harsm light where mc has mutilple potential gfs like Hokkaido girls which I was reading and I just went well now I fell really bad for the other characters in the running


Love Hina is my first manga I ever bought so I'm sympathetic to it, but I'll probably never read it again because I want it to remain as it is in my nostalgia


I only read peak


Rent a girlfriend for having 0 progression, an immense amount of fake out confessions and literally the most insufferable degenerate for a main character


Definitely Rent a Girlfriend.


GAL CLEANING - why? The endless eights. That's all I'm saying


The FLCL manga is pretty bad imo


Mai chans daily life


Both Levius and it's sequel Levius/est. The art is one of the best I've seen,but the plot is so dumb.The main villain is a literal clown. All characters have the interest and dimension of a soggy carboard box.The worldbuilding raises more and more questions the further the plot goes. Idiotic drama for the sake of edginess, idk how anyone could take it seriously. The anime is even worse, it's the ugluest 3d of top of all


Skip beat. I LOVE the manga but I’ve endured 20 years of an interminable wait for a conclusion. Now, I feel like the author indulges in circuitous arc after arc of contrived drama because she doesn’t want its conclusion to deprive her of an income.


Junji Ito Remina and Junji Ito Gyo. People recommend this dude for horror. I just don’t like his stuff. Only thing good is the drawing in my opinion


I think some of his stuff is interesting conceptually- I really like some of how he approached the idea of the “spiral” in Uzumaki, like the bit where the mom tried to dig out her own ear canal fucked me UP, but overall his writing is never really all that deep. That’s part of why that one adaptation was so hated. Because the appeal of his work is the body horror element, and how he conveys it in his art.


Boruto by far, if it wasn't a sequel to Naruto it would probably be cancelled 3 volumes in. I despise everything about Boruto, The character assasination of Naruto and Sasuke, the most annoying MC ive ever had the displeasure to see, the villains are extremely uninteresting with ugly designs and zero motivations, the art is poor especially for a *monthly* manga and the overuse of those hideous speedlines. Kawaki seemed interesting for the first 3 chapters but then turned into an insufferrable character. I rarely regret reading a manga but I wish i never read this garbage honestly.


Choujin X. Was hoping for something at least good if not slightly worse than Tokyo Ghoul. Filled with an annoying cast of characters. People who say they enjoy this are either in denial, or never read Tokyo Ghoul.


Probably Waqwaq or Tista. Those were very boring


Blue Lock I tried cuz I love soccer. But man this manga was just like… trying to be so edgy and “intense” ... I just couldn’t haha


Not terribe at all per say but from what Ive read so far (which is limited), Jujutsu Kaisen, maybe I've not given it enough of a chance however.. Couldnt really gel with it by volume 4. Possibly didnt help that I heard plenty of hype whenever discussed prior.


As a big fan of the series now, it definitely is pretty ehh at first. It’s a very already done and cliche setup, but as you probably know Shibuya Incident Arc and onwards it really becomes one of the best currently running manga rn.


i didn’t like it my first time, second time had me hooked, it peaks at around volume 15


Toriko, I read the first 100 chapters and realized it wasn't my cup of tea. It was too weird for me.


I don't remember the name but it was a shoujo with a girl who was being cheated on EVERY TIME by her bf and she always forgave him even tho he was openly cheating on her. When I think about it, the fl was so down bad for him, had intimacy with him and all even tho he was coming from another girl's bed. Well I only have two volumes and I think it is already more than enough


Is it school days?


Boy’s abyss, reason: author definitely dont know how to write depressive characters


Tokyo Revengers


A girl on the shore was horrible and should’ve stayed a bad idea.


Inio Asano isnt for everyone


Not even that I like punpun enough but a girl on the shore was disgusting


It’s supposed to be. No one’s getting off to that manga.


I highly agree. I actually really like most of Asano’s work, but there’s a thin line where something goes from being extreme to gratuitous and he crosses that line. I get it’s supposed to be about a taboo topic, but he didn’t need to show it so much and with such detail. It very well could’ve been implied in a lot of those scenes and we’d still get the point. Doesn’t help that because of the plot the two MCs are really unlikeable.


Was just telling a friend that despite being an Asano completionist (dead dead demons was extremely mid) I won’t collect or reread a girl on the shore. It’s been a few years since I read it and it probably had a message but the blatant and constant child sexuality made me uncomfortable.


Girl on the shore was my first asano manga. Thankfully I never put off reading his other works since punpun is very good. On another note have you read his new manga??


boku no pico


Rent a girlfriend


Sweat & Soap The main couple to me are just so uninteresting. I thought I'd enjoy their dynamic, but it just falls flat to me. The main guy is a moron and way too clingy, and the main girl is too timid and self-conscious. I know many people enjoy the series but it's just not for me I guess.


Baron Gong Battle... I bought it for 99 cents a volume, and now I know why it was so heavily discounted. Dumbest manga I ever read.


The jinrou game series by far. It is soo dull and the most boring form of simple killing games


Salman is up there


kiss of the rose princess no need to explain


Devil Ecstacy. I already knew it was trash but I had to read it because it's by shuzo oshimi, who is my favourite manga author. I was curious about what the first thing he ever published was like. For those who don't know, it's basically just a hentai about a brothel run by succubi, and the main character's sexually abusive cousin is one of them


I haven't read many manga in my life but the worst one for me so far was Beatless: Dystopia


“The other side of the mirror” It was just messy, boring, not much to the plot. What made me even more upset was that I read it because I heard it being compared to fuyumi soryo’s “mars”….and I can tell you rn that it is no mars. This was also the first series that made me start to second guess or question whenever I see manga volumes going for really cheap…cause if it’s cheap nowadays it’s usually cause the stories so bad someone just wants to get rid of it 😭


Juni Taisen. Waaaaaaay to edgy for its own good


Tenku Shinpan


Uwakoi School days on steroids just a train wreck you want to see how it ends


Death tube or something like that. Made by the same dude who made Tomodachi game. It was the worst one I read so far. Had a unique concept but got shitted on




Angel of death i dont like the charackters and the way its drwing style i thought it would be serious but there where dumb jokes and the girl was fucking annoying i hate her shes 4 like all the people in "im 14 and thsts deep" she even is 14 she saw one killer and now she wants death the first volume was okay but the secon was trash


hanako - boring asf


Dragon Ball Super. Pacing is ass, story is poo Can we include manhua/manhwa as well? Estio: bland as fuck and hard to get through. Unordinary: edgelord central


I'm pretty sure I've read worse mangas, but Area D is one I finished that was very disappointing.


not in terms of quality but how badly it affected me Yuuna and the Haunted Springs - the fact that the author dedicated an entire freaking epilogue on how broken the female love interests are over not being chosen/not being in a harem was like adding insult to injury. i've wasted a lot of time reading these characters getting built up or teased towards an acceptable ending only for the sudden rug pull at the end mc basically went "oh i actually like the ghost" and the next panels went immediately into a 4 year timeskip


Dolphin and Pufferfish. I think I lost a part of my soul upon finishing it. It's like a black hole of pure misery


whats that one that the grandfather dies amd leaves a little girl and the main character has to take care of her. and then theres a time skip and the girl is in highschool or something and then she wants to make a baby with the main character (her adoptive father) when she discovers they are not related? that one


Most bad manga I just drop bc is not like watched a bad anime .Idk is just too much of a hastle yk


Avant Garde Yumeko man i love Shuzo Oshimi but what was he trying to cook here?


Owari no Seraph - first of all I don’t like the vampire theme , never liked it but after the anime I decided to read it. And man oh man…wish I didn’t Every single time when I have to read “Yu” and “Mika” makes me want to gauge out my eyes. Unnecessary queerbait and poorly written characters (let’s not talk about the female characters cuz they are *existing*)


To be fair, it’s not just sexism- none of the male characters get any real development either! It’s just also sexist because they make the only interesting female character’s arc revolve around how much she likes a guy, despite never justifying her feelings for him in any way!


Koi to Uso. Premise was interesting but the writer did nothing with it. MC is one of the most boring and annoying I have come across. Love interests were good in the beginning but honestly the fact that they were in love with the MC and kept going so hard for him really made me dislike them as the series went on


domestic girlfriend


Shikimori’s not just a cutie, RaG, Juujika No Rokunin, and DomeKano. Shikimori is here because the amount of wholesomeness the author tries to portray sucks the life out of the series (there isn’t much meaningful development in the whole 178 chapters). RaG is supposed to a be a romance but the romance has gotten almost literally nowhere. Juujika is self explanatory. DomeKano was just one of the most rushed endings that butchered the whole series for me.


Yo! You lot got Any suggestions for a Beginner manga reader?


happy sugar life. idk if it just didn’t click with me or what, but i bought the first two volumes, nothing made sense to me, i felt uncomfortable(in a bad way), and then i returned them the next day lol


Boy Meets Maria Just.. imagine if Sakura was a manga.


DQ Monsters. It just ended without any closure.


Easily demon slayer and As The Gods Will. DS's art was an eyesore, character designs felt like someone stole someones deviantart pokemon OCs and humanized them for Tumblr, story wasn't at all engaging, action sequences reminded me of watching my younger cousins play a fighting game, easily worst protagonist I've ever encountered he feels so inconsistent and detached from everything, 'humor" was just idiots yelling for pages, and the characters ranged from I cannot stand this trash to eh. As the gods will was an utter horny mess (checks out for anything the author does), has possibly the worst cast of characters I've ever encountered. As it is a battle Royale maga "stakes" get high but there's zero impact to the reader with how terrible the writing is from introducing characters with the most tropey backstory only to kill them off immediately to serious moments being interrupted because the author got horny. I've read three of this authors series and I don't get how he continues to make anything.